191 research outputs found

    Effect of breakfast omission on energy intake and evening exercise performance

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    Introduction: Breakfast omission may reduce daily energy intake. Exercising fasted impairs performance compared with exercising after breakfast, but the effect breakfast omission has on evening exercise performance is unknown. This study assessed the effect of omitting breakfast on evening exercise performance and within-day energy intake. Methods: Ten male, habitual breakfast eaters completed two trials in a randomized, counterbalanced order. Subjects arrived at the laboratory in an overnight-fasted state and either consumed or omitted a 733 ± 46 kcal (3095 ± 195 kJ) breakfast. Ad libitum energy intake was assessed at 4.5 h (lunch) and 11 h (dinner). At 9 h, subjects completed a 30-min cycling exercise at approximately 60% V˙O2peak, followed by a 30-min maximal cycling performance test. Food was not permitted for subjects once they left the laboratory after dinner until 0800 h the following morning. Acylated ghrelin, GLP-1(7–36), glucose, and insulin were assessed at 0, 4.5, and 9 h. Subjective appetite sensations were recorded throughout. Results: Energy intake was 199 ± 151 kcal greater at lunch (P < 0.01) after breakfast omission compared with that after breakfast consumption and tended to be greater at dinner after consuming breakfast (P = 0.052). Consequently, total ad libitum energy intake was similar between trials (P = 0.196), with 24-h energy intake 19% ± 5% greater after consuming breakfast (P < 0.001). Total work completed during the exercise performance test was 4.5% greater after breakfast (314 ± 53 vs 300 ± 56 kJ; P < 0.05). Insulin was greater during breakfast consumption at 4.5 h (P < 0.05), with no other interaction effect for hormone concentrations. Conclusions: Breakfast omission might be an effective means of reducing daily energy intake but may impair performance later that day, even after consuming lunch

    The PPARgamma locus makes long-range chromatin interactions with selected tissue-specific gene loci during adipocyte differentiation in a protein kinase A dependent manner

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    Differentiation signaling results in reprogramming of cellular gene expression that leads to morphological changes and functional specialization of a precursor cell. This global change in gene expression involves temporal regulation of differentiation-specific genes that are located throughout the genome, raising the idea that genome structure may also be re-organized during cell differentiation to facilitate regulated gene expression. Using in vitro adipocyte differentiation as a model, we explored whether gene organization within the nucleus is altered upon exposure of precursor cells to signaling molecules that induce adipogenesis. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) nuclear hormone receptor is a master determinant of adipogenesis and is required for adipose differentiation. We utilized the chromosome conformation capture (3C) assay to determine whether the position of the PPARgamma locus relative to other adipogenic genes is changed during differentiation. We report that the PPARgamma2 promoter is transiently positioned in proximity to the promoters of genes encoding adipokines and lipid droplet associated proteins at 6 hours post-differentiation, a time that precedes expression of any of these genes. In contrast, the PPARgamma2 promoter was not in proximity to the EF1alpha promoter, which drives expression of a constitutively active, housekeeping gene that encodes a translation elongation factor, nor was the PPARgamma2 promoter in proximity to the promoter driving the expression of the C/EBPalpha regulatory protein. The formation of the long-range, intergenic interactions involving the PPARgamma2 promoter required the regulatory factor C/EBPbeta, elevated cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels, and protein kinase A (PKA) signaling. We conclude that genome organization is dynamically remodeled in response to adipogenic signaling, and we speculate that these transient inter-genic interactions may be formed for the purposes of selecting some of the transcriptionally silent tissue-specific loci for subsequent transcriptional activation

    SeeBridge Next Generation Bridge Inspection: Overview, Information Delivery Manual and Model View Definition

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    Innovative solutions for rapid and intelligent survey and assessment methods are required in maintenance, repair, retrofit and rebuild of enormous numbers of bridges in service throughout the world. Motivated by this need, a next-generation integrated bridge inspection system, called SeeBridge, has been proposed. An Information Delivery Manual (IDM) was compiled to specify the technical components, activities and information exchanges in the SeeBridge process, and a Model View Definition (MVD) was prepared to specify the data exchange schema to serve the IDM. The MVD was bound to the IFC4 Add2 data schema standard. The IDM and MVD support research and development of the system by rigorously defining the information and data that structure bridge engineers' knowledge. The SeeBridge process is mapped, parts of the data repositories are presented, and the future use of the IDM is discussed. The development underlines the real potential for automated inspection of infrastructure at large, because it demonstrates that the hurdles in the way of automated acquisition of detailed and semantically rich models of existing infrastructure are computational in nature, not instrumental, and are surmountable with existing technologies

    Fully Automated Myocardial Strain Estimation from Cardiovascular MRI–tagged Images Using a Deep Learning Framework in the UK Biobank

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    Purpose: To demonstrate the feasibility and performance of a fully automated deep learning framework to estimate myocardial strain from short-axis cardiac magnetic resonance tagged images. Methods and Materials: In this retrospective cross-sectional study, 4508 cases from the UK Biobank were split randomly into 3244 training and 812 validation cases, and 452 test cases. Ground truth myocardial landmarks were defined and tracked by manual initialization and correction of deformable image registration using previously validated software with five readers. The fully automatic framework consisted of 1) a convolutional neural network (CNN) for localization, and 2) a combination of a recurrent neural network (RNN) and a CNN to detect and track the myocardial landmarks through the image sequence for each slice. Radial and circumferential strain were then calculated from the motion of the landmarks and averaged on a slice basis. Results: Within the test set, myocardial end-systolic circumferential Green strain errors were -0.001 +/- 0.025, -0.001 +/- 0.021, and 0.004 +/- 0.035 in basal, mid, and apical slices respectively (mean +/- std. dev. of differences between predicted and manual strain). The framework reproduced significant reductions in circumferential strain in diabetics, hypertensives, and participants with previous heart attack. Typical processing time was ~260 frames (~13 slices) per second on an NVIDIA Tesla K40 with 12GB RAM, compared with 6-8 minutes per slice for the manual analysis. Conclusions: The fully automated RNNCNN framework for analysis of myocardial strain enabled unbiased strain evaluation in a high-throughput workflow, with similar ability to distinguish impairment due to diabetes, hypertension, and previous heart attack.Comment: accepted in Radiology Cardiothoracic Imagin

    Epigenetic control of cell cycle-dependent histone gene expression is a principal component of the abbreviated pluripotent cell cycle

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    Self-renewal of human pluripotent embryonic stem cells proceeds via an abbreviated cell cycle with a shortened G(1) phase. We examined which genes are modulated in this abbreviated period and the epigenetic mechanisms that control their expression. Accelerated upregulation of genes encoding histone proteins that support DNA replication is the most prominent gene regulatory program at the G(1)/S-phase transition in pluripotent cells. Expedited expression of histone genes is mediated by a unique chromatin architecture reflected by major nuclease hypersensitive sites, atypical distribution of epigenetic histone marks, and a region devoid of histone octamers. We observed remarkable differences in chromatin structure--hypersensitivity and histone protein modifications--between human embryonic stem (hES) and normal diploid cells. Cell cycle-dependent transcription factor binding permits dynamic three-dimensional interactions between transcript initiating and processing factors at 5\u27 and 3\u27 regions of the gene. Thus, progression through the abbreviated G(1) phase involves cell cycle stage-specific chromatin-remodeling events and rapid assembly of subnuclear microenvironments that activate histone gene transcription to promote nucleosomal packaging of newly replicated DNA during stem cell renewal

    SMARCA4 regulates gene expression and higher-order chromatin structure in proliferating mammary epithelial cells

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    The packaging of DNA into chromatin plays an important role in transcriptional regulation and nuclear processes. Brahma-related gene-1 SMARCA4 (also known as BRG1), the essential ATPase subunit of the mammalian SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex, uses the energy from ATP hydrolysis to disrupt nucleosomes at target regions. Although the transcriptional role of SMARCA4 at gene promoters is well-studied, less is known about its role in higher-order genome organization. SMARCA4 knockdown in human mammary epithelial MCF-10A cells resulted in 176 up-regulated genes, including many related to lipid and calcium metabolism, and 1292 down-regulated genes, some of which encode extracellular matrix (ECM) components that can exert mechanical forces and affect nuclear structure. ChIP-seq analysis of SMARCA4 localization and SMARCA4-bound super-enhancers demonstrated extensive binding at intergenic regions. Furthermore, Hi-C analysis showed extensive SMARCA4-mediated alterations in higher-order genome organization at multiple resolutions. First, SMARCA4 knockdown resulted in clustering of intra- and inter-subtelomeric regions, demonstrating a novel role for SMARCA4 in telomere organization. SMARCA4 binding was enriched at topologically associating domain (TAD) boundaries, and SMARCA4 knockdown resulted in weakening of TAD boundary strength. Taken together, these findings provide a dynamic view of SMARCA4-dependent changes in higher-order chromatin organization and gene expression, identifying SMARCA4 as a novel component of chromatin organization

    Integrating gene expression and splicing dynamics across dose-response oxidative modulators

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    Toxicological risk assessment increasingly utilizes transcriptomics to derive point of departure (POD) and modes of action (MOA) for chemicals. One essential biological process that allows a single gene to generate several different RNA isoforms is called alternative splicing. To comprehensively assess the role of splicing dysregulation in toxicological evaluation and elucidate its potential as a complementary endpoint, we performed RNA-seq on A549 cells treated with five oxidative stress modulators across a wide dose range. Differential gene expression (DGE) showed limited pathway enrichment except at high concentrations. However, alternative splicing analysis revealed variable intron retention events affecting diverse pathways for all chemicals in the absence of significant expression changes. For instance, diazinon elicited negligible gene expression changes but progressive increase in the number of intron retention events, suggesting splicing alterations precede expression responses. Benchmark dose modeling of intron retention data highlighted relevant pathways overlooked by expression analysis. Systematic integration of splicing datasets should be a useful addition to the toxicogenomic toolkit. Combining both modalities paint a more complete picture of transcriptomic dose-responses. Overall, evaluating intron retention dynamics afforded by toxicogenomics may provide biomarkers that can enhance chemical risk assessment and regulatory decision making. This work highlights splicing-aware toxicogenomics as a possible additional tool for examining cellular responses

    JIP1-Mediated JNK Activation Negatively Regulates Synaptic Plasticity and Spatial Memory

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    The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signal transduction pathway is implicated in learning and memory. Here, we examined the role of JNK activation mediated by the JIP1 scaffold protein. We compared male wild-type mice with a mouse model harboring a point mutation in the Jip1 gene that selectively blocks JIP1-mediated JNK activation. These male mutant mice exhibited increased NMDA receptor currents, increased NMDA receptor-mediated gene expression, and a lower threshold for induction of hippocampal long-term potentiation. The JIP1 mutant mice also displayed improved hippocampus-dependent spatial memory and enhanced associative fear conditioning. These results were confirmed using a second JIP1 mutant mouse model that suppresses JNK activity. Together, these observations establish that JIP1-mediated JNK activation contributes to the regulation of hippocampus-dependent, NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic plasticity and learning. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The results of this study demonstrate that JNK activation induced by the JIP1 scaffold protein negatively regulates the threshold for induction of long-term synaptic plasticity through the NMDA-type glutamate receptor. This change in plasticity threshold influences learning. Indeed, mice with defects in JIP1-mediated JNK activation display enhanced memory in hippocampus-dependent tasks, such as contextual fear conditioning and Morris water maze, indicating that JIP1-JNK constrains spatial memory. This study reports the identification of JIP1-mediated JNK activation as a novel molecular pathway that negatively regulates NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity and memory

    The bone-specific Runx2-P1 promoter displays conserved three-dimensional chromatin structure with the syntenic Supt3h promoter

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    Three-dimensional organization of chromatin is fundamental for transcriptional regulation. Tissue-specific transcriptional programs are orchestrated by transcription factors and epigenetic regulators. The RUNX2 transcription factor is required for differentiation of precursor cells into mature osteoblasts. Although organization and control of the bone-specific Runx2-P1 promoter have been studied extensively, long-range regulation has not been explored. In this study, we investigated higher-order organization of the Runx2-P1 promoter during osteoblast differentiation. Mining the ENCODE database revealed interactions between Runx2-P1 and Supt3h promoters in several non-mesenchymal human cell lines. Supt3h is a ubiquitously expressed gene located within the first intron of Runx2. These two genes show shared synteny across species from humans to sponges. Chromosome conformation capture analysis in the murine pre-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cell line revealed increased contact frequency between Runx2-P1 and Supt3h promoters during differentiation. This increase was accompanied by enhanced DNaseI hypersensitivity along with RUNX2 and CTCF binding at the Supt3h promoter. Furthermore, interplasmid-3C and luciferase reporter assays showed that the Supt3h promoter can modulate Runx2-P1 activity via direct association. Taken together, our data demonstrate physical proximity between Runx2-P1 and Supt3h promoters, consistent with their syntenic nature. Importantly, we identify the Supt3h promoter as a potential regulator of the bone-specific Runx2-P1 promoter. Acids Research
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