17 research outputs found

    Assessment of Relation Between Subjectıve Memory Complaınts and Objective Cognitive Performance of Elderly Over 55 Years Old Age

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: This study investigated the frequency of forgetfulness in elderly individuals over 55 years of age and examined the association of subjective memory complaints (SMCs) with objective cognitive functions,, depression and other risk factors

    Choreiform Movement Disorder Secondary to Intracerebral Cavernoma: Case Report

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    Although vascular factors are considered primarily in the etiology of hemichorea among the elderly, chorea related to congenital vascular malformations including cavernous angioma are reported very rarely. We found cavernous angioma to be the cause of persistant, unilateral chorea localized to the right lower extremity in a 83 year-old woman. In this article we would like to highlight the etiology of chorea in patients with late onset movement disorder

    Evaluation of the Seizure Frequency and Severity in Patients with Epilepsy Who Had COVID-19

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    Objectives:Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) causes various neurological manifestations such as seizure and alteration of consciousness. The effect of COVID-19 on epilepsy is limited. For this reason, it was aimed to investigate the effect of COVID-19 on seizure frequency and severity of patients with epilepsy and the effect of COVID-19 treatment on seizures.Methods:Patients followed by the epilepsy outpatient unit were evaluated for COVID-19 between April 2020 and April 2021 and the patients who had COVID-19 were undertaken to the study. The age, gender, epilepsy type, duration of epilepsy, seizures in the past year, comorbidity disease, the date of COVID-19, COVID-19 treatment, inpatient care, need of intensive care, seizures in the meantime, treatment of antiepileptic drugs (AED), and seizure frequency and severity after COVID-19 were evaluated retrospectively.Results:A total of 141 patients who were diagnosed with COVID-19 were recruited for the study. When evaluating the factors which affect seizure occurrence risk during COVID-19, it was found that COVID-19 treatment protocol did not affect, but the existence of seizure in the past year increased 4.002 times, need for inpatient care increased 12.481 times, and number of AED increased 1.974 times seizure risk. It was found that having seizure during COVID-19 increased after COVID-19 seizure frequency and severity.Conclusion:As a result, the data of the study showed that the factors which affect having seizure during COVID-19 were inpatient care, the number of AED, and existence of seizure in the past year. The studies which included larger patients and longer follow-up time data are needed to evaluate the longer effect of COVID-19 on epilepsy

    Nörolojik hastaliklarda antinükleer antikor (ana) incelemesinin önemi]

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    Objective: In neurological clinical practice screening test for ANA (Anti-nuclear antibody) is helpful in the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases which have neurological involvement. ANA investigation tests might be positive both in connective tissue disorders with neurological symptoms, such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Sjogren's disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and also in neurological diseases in the which autoimmune system is responsible such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Myastenia Gravis. In addition drug usage and older age are the factors which might cause positive results in ANA screening tests. In this study we aimed to investigate the neurological diseases which are associated with postive ANA tests and to understand the efficiency of this screening test in neurological practice. Material and Method: The patients who were followed up in neurology outpatient clinic with positive ANA test were investigated. The medical records of 309 patients with positive ANA results were evaluated. The most common neurological diseases with positive ANA and ANA patterns were determined. Results: The patients who were thought to be demyelinating disease had the highest number of positive ANA results. However, positive ANA results were also found with different and non specific neurological symptoms. Conclusion: As a result of the diagnosis of neurological diseases, positive ANA results might be beneficial in patients with supportive medical history and laboratory findings

    Clinical and cognitive profiles of patients with both Parkinson's disease and essential tremor

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    Ankarali, Handan Camdeviren/0000-0002-3613-0523WOS: 000319357200002PubMed: 22926528Although Parkinson's disease (PD) and essential tremor (ET) are distinct clinical disorders, their coexistence can sometimes cause diagnostic problems. In this study, we conducted detailed investigations of patients with both ET and PD (ET-PD) and compared their clinical and cognitive profiles with those of patients with only ET or only PD. This study examined three groups of patients: the first group had ET-PD concomitantly (n = 9); the second group had only ET (n = 9); the third group had only PD (n = 10). The groups were compared in terms of demographic characteristics, clinical features, and cognitive functions. With the exception of positive family histories, which were more common in ET-PD than in PD patients, we found no differences among the groups with respect to demographic characteristics (p = 0.044). PD-only patients had more akinetic-rigid type Parkinsonism (p = 0.016), and their levodopa response was better than that of ET-PD patients (p = 0.017). Patients with ET-PD obtained significantly lower scores than those with pure ET on several cognitive tests, suggesting a prominent frontal-type cognitive dysfunction. In conclusion ET-PD patients differed from PD patients, showing more frequent familial tremor histories and lower levodopa responsiveness. This patient population also demonstrated more severe cognitive impairments than pure-ET patients. This result suggests that ET-PD patients are a subset of ET patients with more widespread neurodegeneration, which may indicate the presence of a syndrome that includes overlap between ET and PD

    Assessment of relation between subjectıve memory complaınts and objective cognitive performance of elderly over 55 years old age

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    Giriş: Bu çalışmanın amacı 55 yaş üstü popülasyonda unutkanlık yakınmasının sıklığını ve bu yakınmayla objektif kognitif performans, depresyon ve diğer risk faktörleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Yön­tem­: Çalışmaya Nöroloji, Kardiyoloji ve Fizik Tedavi Rehabilitasyon Polikliniklerine başvuran 55 yaş üstü 405 kişi dahil edilmiştir. Tüm katılımcılar unutkanlık açısından sorgulanmış ve hepsine Subjektif Bellek Yakınması Ölçeği (SBYÖ), objektif kognitif performans ve depresyonu değerlendiren Standardize Mini Mental Test (SMMT), Sözel Akıcılık Testi (SAT), Saat Çizme Testi (SÇT) ve Geriatrik Depresyon Ölçeği (GDÖ) uygulanmıştır. Subjektif Bellek Yakınması (SBY) olan ve olmayan bireyler kognitif fonksiyonlar, depresyon ve laboratuar parametreleri açısından karşılaştırılmıştır. Bul­gu­lar: Katılımcıların %42,5’i unutkanlık yakınmaları olduğunu belirtmiştir. Bu kişilerin hiçbiri bu yakınmalar nedeniyle doktora başvurmamıştır. Kadınlar ve düşük eğitim düzeyi olan bireylerin daha fazla unutkanlık yakınması olduğu belirlenmiştir. Unutkanlık yakınması olanlar SBY Ölçeği, SMMT, SAT’dan daha düşük sonuçlar elde etmiş. Bu kişiler GDÖ’den de daha yüksek puanlar elde etmiştir. SBY tarifleyen kişilerde hemoglobin, ferritin ve serbest T4 düzeyleri anlamlı düzeyde düşük bulunmuştur. Kadın cinsiyetin ve depresyonun SBY için risk faktörü olduğu belirlenmiştir. So­nuç: Subjektif bellek yakınmaları 55 yaş üstü populasyonda sık görülen bir bulgudur ve depresyon bu kişilerde daha yüksek oranda gözlenmiştir. Bu kişiler özelikle tedavi edilebilir bir hastalık olmasından dolayı depresyon açısından dikkatle sorgulanmalıdır. Ayrıca kolaylıkla tespit edilip düzeltilebilen hemoglobin, ferritin ve tiroid fonksiyon testleri ile ilişkili bozukluklar bu kişilerde mutlaka araştırılmalıdır. SÇT performansının diğer kogntitif testlerden farklı olarak subjektif bellek yakınmalarından bağımsız olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Hekimler yaşlılarda unutkanlık yakınmasını sorgulamalı ve bu yakınma ile ilişkili olarak daha dikkatli ve uyanık olmalıdır.Introduction: This study investigated the frequency of forgetfulness in elderly individuals over 55 years of age and examined the association of subjective memory complaints (SMCs) with objective cognitive functions,, depression and other risk factors. Met­hods: We recruited 405 patients over 55 years of age who were referred to Neurology, Cardiology, or Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation outpatient clinics. All subjects were questioned regarding forgetfulness and then were administered the Subjective Memory Complaint (SMC) Scale, Mini Mental Test (MMT), Verbal Fluency Test (VFT), Clock Drawing Test (CDT) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Subjects with SMC were compared with those without SMC in terms of cognition, depression and some laboratory parameters. Re­sults: Of the patients, 42.5% complained of forgetfulness. None of these patients had been admitted to hospital for this complaint. Women and patients with low education had more forgetfulness as well as poorer results on the SMC Scale, MMT, VFT, and GDS. Patients with SMC had lower hemoglobin, ferritin and free T4 levels. Female gender and depression was found to be a risk factor for SMCs. Conc­lu­si­on: SMCs are common in people over 55 years of age. Being a woman as well as depression was found to be a risk factor for SMC. Since depression is a treatable condition, these people should be assessed carefully in terms of depressive symptoms. Laboratory parameters, such as hemoglobin, ferritin and free T4 levels should be investigated in patients with SMC. Unlike the other cognitive tests, CDT performance is independent of subjective memory complaints. Elderly patients rarely visit hospital with complaint of SMC, therefore, clinicians should be watchful for this problem

    Baş Ağrısı Hastalarında Tamamlayıcı ve Alternatif Tedavi Kullanımı

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    Objective: Complementary and alternative treatment methods (CAM) are used frequently for patient have primary headache patients and many studies investigate why it is used. Our aim is to determine reason of using CAM and application locations of CAM in our country. Methods: Two hundred patients who were diagnosed primary headache and accepted to participate in our study were enrolled. We investigate sociodemographic data, CAM usage frequency, preferred CAM, satisfaction rates, thought on CAM use, recommendation sources, whether medical treatment continues or not and reason of CAM usage. Results: The 26% of patients were using CAM and 55,7% of those using CAM were satisfied with the treatment. Patients using CAM were younger than those who did not use (p=0,033). Unemployed, students and all-day employees; single people and well-educated people were using CAM more often (p=0,042; p=0,026; p=0,009, respectively). The most frequent reason of CAM usage was 'effective treatment of headache of this treatment methods'. 85% of CAM users had also continued medical treatment. Conclusion: We found single and well-educated patients more likely candidate for CAM. High rates of CAM and medical treatment usage indicates that CAM only treatments are not generally accepted in our country.Giriş: Dünyada baş ağrısında tamamlayıcı ve alternatif tedavi (TAT) yöntemleri kullanımına yönelik çalışmalar artan sıklıkta yapılmakta ve hastaların bu tedaviye başvurma nedenleri araştırılmaktadır. Çalışmamızın amacı ülkemizdeki baş ağrısı hastalarında TAT yöntemlerinin yerini ve nedenlerini belirlemektir. Yöntem: Çalışmamıza nöroloji polikliniğinde primer baş ağrısı tanısı konulmuş çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 200 hasta dâhil edildi. Hastaların sosyodemografik verileri, TAT kullanım sıklığı, tercih edilen TAT yöntemi, memnuniyet oranları, TAT’a bakış açısı, tavsiye kaynakları, tıbbi tedaviye devam edip etmedikleri ve TAT’a başvuru sebepleri sorgulandı. Bulgular: Hastaların % 26’sı TAT kullanırken, TAT kullananlarda tedaviden memnuniyet oranı % 55,7 bulundu. TAT kullananlar kullanmayanlara göre daha gençti (p= 0,033). TAT kullanımı işsiz, öğrenci, tam gün çalışan gruplarında diğer meslek gruplarına göre (p= 0,042), bekârlarda evlilere oranla (p= 0,026) ve eğitim düzeyi yüksek olanlar da düşük olanlara göre (p= 0,009) daha fazlaydı. En sık TAT’a başvuru sebebinin ‘Bu tedavinin baş ağrısını etkili şekilde tedavi ettiğine inanma’ olduğu bulundu. TAT kullanan hastaların % 85’i önerilen tıbbi tedaviye de devam etmişti. Sonuç: Bekâr ve eğitim düzeyi yüksek bir hastanın TAT kullanımı için daha yüksek oranda aday olduğunu saptadık. Hastalarımızın önemli oranda TAT ile birlikte medikal tedaviye devam etmesi ülkemizde TAT’lerin tek başına kullanımının halen genel kabul görmediğini göstermektedir

    Baş ağrısı hastalarında tamamlayıcı ve alternatif tedavi kullanımı

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    Objective: Complementary and alternative treatment methods (CAM) are used frequently for patient have primary headache patients and many studies investigate why it is used. Our aim is to determine reason of using CAM and application locations of CAM in our country. Methods: Two hundred patients who were diagnosed primary headache and accepted to participate in our study were enrolled. We investigate sociodemographic data, CAM usage frequency, preferred CAM, satisfaction rates, thought on CAM use, recommendation sources, whether medical treatment continues or not and reason of CAM usage. Results: The 26% of patients were using CAM and 55,7% of those using CAM were satisfied with the treatment. Patients using CAM were younger than those who did not use (p=0,033). Unemployed, students and all-day employees; single people and well-educated people were using CAM more often (p=0,042; p=0,026; p=0,009, respectively). The most frequent reason of CAM usage was 'effective treatment of headache of this treatment methods'. 85% of CAM users had also continued medical treatment. Conclusion: We found single and well-educated patients more likely candidate for CAM. High rates of CAM and medical treatment usage indicates that CAM only treatments are not generally accepted in our country.Giriş: Dünyada baş ağrısında tamamlayıcı ve alternatif tedavi (TAT) yöntemleri kullanımına yönelik çalışmalar artan sıklıkta yapılmakta ve hastaların bu tedaviye başvurma nedenleri araştırılmaktadır. Çalışmamızın amacı ülkemizdeki baş ağrısı hastalarında TAT yöntemlerinin yerini ve nedenlerini belirlemektir. Yöntem: Çalışmamıza nöroloji polikliniğinde primer baş ağrısı tanısı konulmuş çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 200 hasta dâhil edildi. Hastaların sosyodemografik verileri, TAT kullanım sıklığı, tercih edilen TAT yöntemi, memnuniyet oranları, TAT’a bakış açısı, tavsiye kaynakları, tıbbi tedaviye devam edip etmedikleri ve TAT’a başvuru sebepleri sorgulandı. Bulgular: Hastaların % 26’sı TAT kullanırken, TAT kullananlarda tedaviden memnuniyet oranı % 55,7 bulundu. TAT kullananlar kullanmayanlara göre daha gençti (p= 0,033). TAT kullanımı işsiz, öğrenci, tam gün çalışan gruplarında diğer meslek gruplarına göre (p= 0,042), bekârlarda evlilere oranla (p= 0,026) ve eğitim düzeyi yüksek olanlar da düşük olanlara göre (p= 0,009) daha fazlaydı. En sık TAT’a başvuru sebebinin ‘Bu tedavinin baş ağrısını etkili şekilde tedavi ettiğine inanma’ olduğu bulundu. TAT kullanan hastaların % 85’i önerilen tıbbi tedaviye de devam etmişti. Sonuç: Bekâr ve eğitim düzeyi yüksek bir hastanın TAT kullanımı için daha yüksek oranda aday olduğunu saptadık. Hastalarımızın önemli oranda TAT ile birlikte medikal tedaviye devam etmesi ülkemizde TAT’lerin tek başına kullanımının halen genel kabul görmediğini göstermektedir