28 research outputs found

    Nervus suralis?in unilateral varyasyonu: bir kadavra çalışması

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    Formalin ile fikse edilmiş beyaz, erişkin bir kadın kadavrada sağ bacak arka bölgesinin diseksiyonu sırasında sağ n. suralis’in fossa poplitea bölgesinin 10.55 mm alt kısmında yüksek konumlanmış n. suralis oluşumunu tespit ettik. Bacak bölgesi dikkatlice incelendiğinde n. fibularis communis’den gelen n. cutaneus surae lateralis’in uzunluğunun dijital kumpas ölçüm değeri 11.76 mm, n. tibialis’den ayrılan n. cutaneus surae medialis’in 13.88 mm olduğunu belirledik. Normalde m. gastrocnemius’un iki başı arasından ayrılış yapan n. cutaneus surae medialis’in bu ayrılmayı daha yukarı bir sahada, fossa poplitea bölgesi alt sınırında yaptığını belirledik. Bu nervus suralis’in normal oluşum yerinden daha yukarıda meydana geldiği tek taraflı bir varyasyonudur. Klinik açıdan bu tip varyasyonlar bu sahanın tanısal amaçlı invazif girişimleri, anjiografik uygulamaları ve tedavi edici cerrahi operasyonlarında hayati önem taşır

    Statistical shape analysis of differences in the shape of the corpus callosum between genders

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    Sexual dimorphic characteristics, which play an important role in human evolution studies and biological research, can be studied morphologically and metrically. Geometric morphometrics allows a better assessment of morphological characteristics. Statistical shape analysis has a long history in neuroanatomical and other research. The aim of this study was to identify shape differences of the corpus callosum between genders. Landmark coordinate data were collected from two-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging scans of 93 homogeneously aged patients, 45 men and 48 women. These data were analyzed using Euclidean distance matrix analysis and thin plate spline analysis. The general shape variability of the corpus callosum of men was greater than that of women (men, 0.134; women, 0.097). We found no significant difference between sexes in the general shape of the corpus callosum, but we did find significant differences in the distances between some landmarks. Deformation of the corpus callosum between men to women was mainly detected in the posterior of the corpus callosum. These results serve as a reference for future studies on shape alterations of the corpus callosum associated with certain conditions

    Examination of the Burnout Levels of Basketball Players in Terms of Gender, Age and Experience

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the burnout levels of basketball players in terms of gender, age and experience. A total of 270 (124 female and 146 male) basketball players (age mean x = 23.07 ± 1.28 years) participated in the study. Maslach’s Burnout Inventory was developed by Maslach and Jackson (1981) and adapted to Turkish by Ergin (1992) was used to measure the burnout levels of basketball players for collecting data. The data were analyzed with SPSS program. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated to test the internal consistency of the scale. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for paired group comparisons. The Kruskal Wallis H test was used for the multiple group comparisons. When Mann Whitney U test results were examined, Emotional Exhaustion (p = .063, p> .05), Depersonalization (p = .498, p> .05) and Personal Accomplishment (p = .599, p> .05), there was no significant difference between male and female basketball players according to gender. According to Kruskall Wallis H test results, the variables of emotional exhaustion (p = .162, p> .05), Depersonalization (p=.319, p>.05) and Personal Accomplishment (p = .284, p> .05) no significant difference was observed. According to Kruskall Wallis H test results, there was no significant difference in Personal Accomplishment (p = .674, p> .05) sub-dimensions according to experience variable. However, significant differences were found in the subscales of Emotional Exhaustion (p = .002, p <.05) and Depersonalization (p = .033, p <.05) compared to the experience variable. As a result, the level of burnout is important for the experience of basketball players

    A rare unilateral origin variation of obturator artery: A cadaver study

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    Arteria obturatoria, arteria iliaca interna’nın ön veya iç yüzünden ayrılır. Pelvis’in yan duvarında öne ve aşağı doğru uzanarak canalis obtura-torius’a girer. Formalin ile fikse edilmiş beyaz, erişkin bir kadın kadavrada pelvis bölgesi iç yüzünün diseksiyonu sırasında sol taraf arteria iliaca interna’nın dalları arasında arteria obturatoria’nın bulunmadığını tespit ettik. Canalis obturatorius bölgesi dikkatlice incelendiğinde yukarı kısımdan aşağı, kanala doğru giden ve digital kumpas ölçüm değeri 3.79 mm çaplı bir arter gözlemledik. Bu tespit ettiğimiz damarın ligamentum inguinale hizasının hemen üst kısmında arteria iliaca externa’ya ait olan 14.24 mm uzunluğunda, 4.17 mm çapında bir kütükten ayrılan arteria obturatoria olduğunu belirledik. Bu arteria obturatoria’nın nadir görülen bir varyasyonudur. Klinik açıdan bu tip varyasyonlar bu sahanın tanısal amaçlı anjiografik uygulamaları ve tedavi edici cerrahi operasyonlarında hayati önem taşır. Ayrıca bu tip varyasyonların bilinmesi ilgili sahanın operasyonlarında beklenmedik cerrahi komplikasyonları da en aza indirmesi açısından da önemlidir.Obturator artery which originates from internal iliac artery lies on the lateral wall of pelvis anteriorly and inferiorly before entering obturator canal. During dissection of pelvic cavity of a female adult Caucasian cadaver it was determined that internal iliac artery did not give branch to obturator artery on the left. During the evaluation of obturator canal an artery with a diameter of 3.79 mm was observed superior to the entrance of the canal. This artery originated from a trunk. The length of the trunk was 14.24 mm and its diameter was 4.17 mm. This trunk originated from the external iliac artery just above the inguinal ligament. This artery is encountered to be the obturator artery. Such a varia-tion is suggested to be a rare variation regarding with obturator artery. To be aware of such variations is of vital importance during diagnostic angiographic interventions and surgeries related with inguinal region

    Unilateral variation of sural nerve: a cadaver study

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    Bu çalışmada formalin ile fikse edilmiş beyaz, erişkin bir kadın kadavrada sağ bacak arka bölgesinin diseksiyonu sırasında n. suralis yapısının fossa poplitea'nın alt sınırının 10.55 mm aşağısında oluştuğunu tespit ettik (Şekil 1, 'E' transvers hattı). Çalışmamızda bacak topografisi ile ilgili mesafeler ve sinir uzunlukları 0,01 mm hassasiyeti olan dijital bir kumpas kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. Konunun daha kolay anlaşılır olmasını sağlamak amacıyla diseksiyon sahası fotoğraf üzerinde şematize edilerek anatomik lokalizasyonlar işaretlenmiştir (Şekil 1)We identified a superiorly located sural nerve formation 10.55 mm under the popliteal fossa of right sural nerve during the dissection of right volar surface in a white adult female cadaver. Examining the leg, the digital caliper length of lateral sural cutaneous nerve originating from common fibular nerve was 11.76 mm and medial sural cutaneous nerve branching from tibial nerve was 13.88 mm. We identified that medial sural cutaneous nerve, normally branching from between the two heads of gastrocnemius muscle, branches at a superior region, in the lower margin of popliteal fossa. This is a single-sided variation in which sural nerve forms superiorly. Clinically, these types of variations are vital in diagnostic invasive interventions, angiographic applications and treatment surgeries of the region

    Veins of the heart: an evaluation of the terminology

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    Amaç: Günümüzde hem temel hem de klinik branşlarda kalbin damarlarının adlandırılmasında farklı terminolojiler kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, kalbin venlerinin tanımlanması için kullanılan “coronaria” teriminin kullanımındaki ve kalbin sol ana veninin oluşumunun tarif edilmesindeki farklılıklarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışma planı: Çalışmamızda 1951-2007 yılları arasında yayınlanan 32 kaynak kitap ve beş anatomi atlası incelendi. Ek olarak, 1895-1985 tarihlerini kapsayan “Nomina Anatomica” ve 1998 yılında yayınlanan Terminologia Anatomica’da yer alan terimler değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Kalbin venleri için kullanılan “coronaria” teriminin kaynak kitaplarda farklı şekillerde adlandırıldıkları saptandı. Bazı kaynaklarda “v. cardiaca (cordis) magna ve parva” terminolojisinin eskiden kullanıldığı belirtilirken, farklı bazı kaynak kitaplarda ise her iki terminolojiye de yer verilmiştir. Bunun yanında kimi kaynaklarda ise “vena coronaria” ifadesi hiç yer almamaktadır. Anatomi atlasları da bu damarları “vena coronaria” olarak göstermemektedir. Ayrıca kalbin sol ana veninin oluşumunun tarif edilmesinde farklılıklarla da karşılaştık. Sonuç: Kalbin venleri için kullanılan bu terminoloji (coronaria) ve venlerin oluşumunun tarif edilmesindeki farklılıklar hem eğitmenlerin hem de öğrencilerin ikilemde kalmasına yol açmaktadır. Aynı terminoloji kullanmak eğitim açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir.Background: Currently, different terminology is used for the vessels of the heart in both clinical and basic branches of medicine. This study aims to evaluate the differences in the usage of the term &amp;#8220;coronaria&amp;#8221; which is used for describing the veins of heart and in the description of the formation of the left main vein of the heart. Methods: In our study, 32 textbooks and five anatomy atlases which were published between 1951-2007 were examined. Furthermore, the terms which were used in &amp;#8220;Nomina Anatomica&amp;#8221; published between 1895-1985 and in Terminologia Anatomica published in 1998 were evaluated. Results: We discovered that the term &amp;#8220;coronaria&amp;#8221; which was used for the veins of heart was named in different ways in different textbooks. Some books state that the terms &amp;#8220;vena cardiaca (cordis) magna and parva&amp;#8221; were used in the past, but some different textbooks used both terminologies. However some books do not use the term &amp;#8220;vena coronaria&amp;#8221;. Anatomy atlases also do not show these vessels as vena coronaria. We also encountered differences in the description of the formation of the left main vein of the heart. Conclusion: The differences in the terminology (coronaria) which is used for the veins of the heart and the differences in describing the formation of veins cause a dilemma both for the instructors and for the students. Using the same terminology is very important for education

    Relationship between Traube's space and body mass index

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    Objectives:Traube's space is located in the precordial area of the anterior chest wall and is used in the evaluation of spleen size;therefore, proper evaluation during physical examination is extremely important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between Traube's space, detected by Castell's method, and body mass index (BMI). Methods: Twenty-one male and 14 female subjects were evaluated by the same physician with percussion method, in 2007and 2010. Traube's space was determined on the thoracic wall and its shape was drawn on transparent paper. The drawings were scanned and the images were transferred to a personal computer (PC). The area of Traube's space on each imagewas calculated using Digimizer software. BMI was calculated by the body weight/(height)2formula. The data were evaluated with SPSS 13.0 software. To compare the data obtained in 2007 and 2010, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used. Results: The BMI of males increased by 9.24% in three years, and the surface area of Traube's space in males decreased by36.02% in this period. The differences in BMI and Traube's space were statistically significant (p0.05). The surface area of Traube'sspace of females decreased by 28.23% in this period, the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion:The data obtained in this study are suggested to be useful for evaluation of Traube's space and spleen size duringphysical examination in terms of gender and BMI

    A Comparison of the Relationship between the Golden Ratio and Anatomical Characteristics of the Supraorbital Foramen in Bare Skulls Belonging to the Byzantine Era and Modern Era

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    WOS: 000379751100040The aim of the present study is to determine the frequency of the occurrence of supraorbital foramen/notch (SOF/N) in the skulls of the people who lived in the modern era and the late Byzantine era, to determine the symmetry and the asymmetry between the two halves of the skulls by measuring the linear distance to various landmarks, to check the consistency between the location of the SOF/N and the golden ratio by calculating the ratio between linear distances and to evaluate the differences between the skulls from both historical periods. In the study, the frequency of the occurrence of the supraorbital notch in the skulls from the Byzantine era was found to be 26.60 % on the right and 13.30 % on the left while it was 14.30 % on the right and 9.52 % on the left in the skulls belonging to modern humans. In the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era, the average distance between SOF/N and the sagittal axis passing along the lateral orbital wall was found to be 34.81 +/- 2.51 mm and 32.99 +/- 2.81 mm respectively on the right and the left while it was 33.14 +/- 2.19 mm and 33.39 +/- 2.06 mm in the skulls belonging to modern era. The average distance between the SOF/N and the sagittal plane passing along the midline of the skull was found to be 24.55 +/- 2.79 mm and 21.57 +/- 2.44 mm on the right and the left respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era while it was 0.04 +/- 3.30 mm and 20.96 +/- 2.37 mm in the skulls belonging to the modern era. The average distance between the SOF/N and sagittal plane passing along the medial orbital wall was found to be 23.78 +/- 3.60 mm and 23.81 +/- 3.20 mm on the right and the left respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era while it was found to be 22.23 +/- 3.29 mm and 23.97 +/- 1.93 mm in the skulls belonging to the modern era. The average value of the distance between the sagittal planes passing along the lateral and medial sides of the orbit and the ratios between the distance from SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the lateral side of the orbit was found to be 1.47 +/- 0.21 mm and 1.60 +/- 0.08 mm respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era and the modern era. No significant difference was found between this ratio and the golden ratio; the average value of the ratios between the distance from the SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the midline of the skull and the distance from the SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the lateral side of the orbit was found to be 0.98 +/- 0.26 mm and 1.04 +/- 0.36 mm respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era and the modern era. A significant difference was found between this ratio and the golden ratio for both historical periods (modern society and late Byzantine period) (p < 0.005). The comparison of the relevant anatomic characteristics of the SOF/N is very important for anthropologists while a broad knowledge on proportional calculations regarding morphometric values and the location are important for reconstructive surgeons and the experts in forensics and pain control

    A Comparison of Anatomical Measurements of the Infraorbital Foramen of Skulls of the Modern and Late Byzantine Periods and the Golden Ratio

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    WOS: 000379751100057The aim of this study was to examine the morphometric characteristics of the infraorbital foramen of skulls of people living in modern society and in the late Byzantine period, to ascertain the symmetry or asymmetry of the two halves of the skulls by measuring the linear distance between various landmarks, to evaluate at the conformity between the infraorbital foramen and the golden ratio by calculating the ratios between these linear distances, and to set out the differences or similarities between the skulls of these different periods. It was found in the study that the morphometric characteristics of the infraorbital foramen in skulls of the modern period were 47.05 % circular, 41.17 % oval and 11.76 % atypical (semilunar and triangular) on the right, and 70.58 % circular and 29.41 % oval on the left, while those of the Byzantine period were 46.06 % circular and 53.3% oval on the right, and 50% circular and 50 % oval on the left. It was found that the measurements across the infraorbital foramen of the Byzantine skulls averaged 2.93 +/- 1.05 mm and 3.15 +/- 1.03 mm on the right side and 2.62 +/- 0.97 mm and 3.16 +/- 0.68 mm on the left vertically and horizontally respectively, and those of the modern period measured 2.32 +/- 0.50 mm and 3.00 +/- 0.92 mm on the right and 2.48 +/- 0.45 mm and 2.76 +/- 0.65 mm on the left vertically and horizontally respectively. The ratio between the distances from the outer orbital wall of the IOF to the sagittal plane and the piriform aperture were 1.46 +/- 0.25 mm and 1.40 +/- 0.21 mm for left and right respectively for the Byzantine skulls, and 1.24 +/- 0.24 mm and 1.29 +/- 0.42 mm for the modern skulls. A significant difference was found between the ratio obtained and the golden ratio for each of the periods (modern and Byzantine) (p < 0.005). A comparison of anatomical characteristics of the infraorbital foramen of people living at different historical periods is important for anthropologists and knowing morphological types and amassing knowledge on the proportional calculation of location is important for dentistry, maxillofacial surgery and algology

    Evaluation of morphologic face height in children aged between 7-12 years

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    AMAÇ: Geleneksel antropometrik ölçümlerden biri olan morfolojik yüz yüksekliği yüz şeklinin tanımlanmasında rol oynadığı gibi yüz gelişiminin değerlendirilmesinde önemli bir parametredir. Ortodontik tedavilerin, yüze uygulanan cerrahi tedavilerin değerlendirilmesinde ve konjenital anomalilerin tanısında önem taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle bu değerin normal sınırlarının bilinmesi yol gösterici olacaktır. Bu çalışmada her iki cinsiyette morfolojik yüz yüksekliğindeki değişikliklerin ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Yaşlan 7-12 arasında değişen 148 ilkokul öğrencisinde yüz yüksekliği (nasion - gnation), boy ve vücut ağırlığı ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen veriler cinsiyete göre karşılaştınlmiştır. Bütün grupta ve alt gruplarda yüz yüksekliğinin yaş, boy ve beden kitle indeksinin birbirleriyle ilişkisi Pearson korelasyon analizi ile incelenmiştir. BULGULAR:Yüz yüksekliği cinsiyete göre karşılaştırıldığında erkekler (114.37±6.76mm) ve kızlar (11.10±6.48mm) arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p<0.05). Bütün çalışma grubu ele alındığında yüz yüksekliği ile takvim yaşı arasında çok anlamlı, güçlü (r=0.508), boy arasında çok anlamlı, güçlü (r=0.65l), BKI arasında çok anlamlı, orta düzeyde (r=0.430) korelasyon saptandı. Erkeklerde yüz yüksekliği ile takvim yaşı arasın¬da çok anlamlı, güçlü (r=0.521), boy arasında çok anlamlı, güçlü (r=0.641,), BKI arasında çok anlamlı, orta düzeyde (r=0.385) korelasyon saptandı. Kızlarda yüz yüksekliği ile takvim yaşı arasında çok anlamlı, orta düzeyde (r=0.477), boy arasında çok anlamh, güçlü (r=0.663), BKI arasında çok anlamlı, orta düzeyde (r=0.454) korelasyon saptandı. SONUÇ: Elde edilen bulgular yaş ile yüz yüksekliğinin birlikte arttığını göstermektedir.OBJECTIVE:Morphologic face height which is one of the basic traditional anthropometrical measurements is important in defining face shape. Besides it is not only an important parameter in the evaluation of face development but also plays a critical role in the assessment of orthodontic treatment, surgery concerning the face and congenital anomalies. For these reasons it would be necessary to know normal values of this parameter. In this study it was aimed to evaluate the morphologic face height differences according to sex. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Face height (nasion-gnathion), height and body weight of 148 (84 male, 64 female) primary school students aged between 7-12 years were measured. Independent samples t test was used for comparison according to sex. The relationship of face height with age. height, BMI was evaluated with Pearson correlation analysis. RESULTS: Face height of males was 114.37±6.76mm whereas face height of females was 11.10±6.48mm and the difference between the groups was statistically significant (p<0.05). There was a very significant, strong correlation between face height and age (r=0.508), height (r=0.651) and very significant, moderate correlation between face height and BMI (r=0.430) when the whole study group was considered. There was a very significant, strong correlation between face height and age (r=0.521), height (r=0.641) and very significant and moderate correlation between face height and BMI (r=0.385) in males. There was a very significant, strong correlation between face height and age (r=0.477), height (r=0.663) and very significant and moderate correlation between face height and BMI (r=0.454) in females