6 research outputs found

    Socio Economic Suitability of Land Preservation Program in Kuningan Regency

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    Economic development in Indonesia since 1980s is dealing with conversion of agricultural land to industry, housing, and other sector in city and its periphery. Land conversion have a great impact to food production rather than the impact from technical problem (drought and pest problem). Government need to preserve agricultural land in order to maintain food production. Thus government made a mandatory approach byissued Law No. 41 year 2009. The aim of this research are to identify an actual socioeconomic characteristics in the area of land preservation program (LP2B) in Kuningan Regency, to identify farmers perception on LP2B and to analyze socioeconomic suitability in the areaof LP2B program. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and likert scale. Based on the result, there are nine socioeconomic indicator on land preservation program (LP2B) in Kuningan Regency, namely; land conversion rate, food balance, disparity between farm and non-farm income, agriculture households, agriculture labor, farmers' groups, spatial planning policies and farmers perceptions. Farmers have a positive perception on LP2B program. Land preservation program (LP2B) priority should be donein Cilimus sub district due to low support of socio economic characteristic. Meanwhile Ciawigebang and Cibingbin sub district become a next priority of preservation

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Kawasan Permukiman dengan Metode Multi Criteria Evaluation di Kota Padang

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    Population growthis linear tothe requrement of settlement area, while the area of the earth is limited. It was caused inappropriate use of the land. This study aims to identify, analyze, and describe dynamics and suitability of land for settlements in Padang. Determination of land suitablity for settlementis using Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE) method. The indicators used in determining the suitability of land for settlement is the slope, the frequency of flooding, drainage, distrubusi gravel, rock distribution and effective depth. Weighting in the analysis of land suitability based on the opinions of experts from various fields related to as many as 15 experts. Analysis result for land suitability of settlements in the area show that: there were 12.543 ha (18%) very suitable for settlement; 52.390 ha (75,4%) were suitable for settletment; 4.279 ha (6,2%).were compatible with marginal for settlement; and 285 ha (0,8%) were unsuitable for settlement. The area is very suitable for residential areas is very limited, so expect optimal utilization

    Analisis Faktor Penyebab Alih Fungsi Lahan Sawah Menjadi Sawit Di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    EnglishOne-Million Hectaresof Oil Palm Plantation Programin 2000 was deemed as the starting point of lowland conversion in East Tanjung JabungRegency. This study aims to review the impact of development policy in the past on lowland conversion, to compare costsand incomesbetween those of paddy farming and oil palm plantation business, and to analyze constraints to implement the target of Sustainable Land for Food Agriculture Protection(PLP2B) Program. Primary data were collected from observation, focus group discussion, and in-depth interviewwith resource persons, survey and Landsat Imaginary data.Secondary data were gathered from the institutionsat provincial and regency levels. This study explored both qualitative and quantitative methods as well as by overlay of maps in2006, 2010 and 2014. Development policy inconsistency is influenced by change in regency government leadershipwith the new mission not well integrated with the previous programs.On the other hand, land rent of paddy farm was much less than that of oil palm plantation. There are someconstraints to implement the PLP2B Program, namely weak Regional Regulations, lack of coordination among the Regional Government institutions, and limited development budget. It is suggested that the Regency Government to evaluatePLP2B Program target by considering some limiting factors, issuingthe Regent\u27s Regulation dealing with incentives to farmers and program coordinators, and controlling the regional planning.IndonesiaProgram Satu Juta Hektare Lahan Sawit tahun 2000 merupakan titik awal terjadinya alih fungsi lahan sawah di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebijakan pembangunan pada masa lalu terhadap kejadian alih fungsi lahan sawah, perbandingan biaya dan pendapatan USAha tani padi dengan kelapa sawit, dan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam mewujudkan target PLP2B. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui observasi, diskusi kelompok, wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber terpilih, survei, serta data Citra Landsat; sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari instansi pemerintah di Provinsi Jambi dan Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah kombinasi kualitatif deskriptif dan kuantitatif serta overlay peta penggunaan lahan tahun 2006, 2010, dan 2014. Inkonsistensi kebijakan pembangunan dilatari terjadinya pergantian pimpinan daerah yang misinya kurang terintegrasi dengan program pembangunan pertanian sebelumnya serta terdapat kesenjangan land rent di mana pendapatan dari lahan sawah jauh lebih rendah dibanding kelapa sawit dengan luasan yang sama. Tantangan menerapkan Perda PLP2B sangat berat: kurang memadainya regulasi, lemahnya koordinasi antarinstansi pemerintah terkait, hingga keterbatasan dana pembangunan. Pemerintah daerah disarankan mengkaji kembali target PLP2B dengan memperhatikan faktorfaktor pembatas, menerbitkan Peraturan Bupati sehingga dapat diatur jenis dan besaran nilai insentif yang diterima petani serta koordinator program serta pengetatan pengawasan implementasi RTRW

    Simulasi Pemanfaatan Data Losat Untuk Pemetaan Padi

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    Simulation onthe Use of LOSAT Data for Rice Field Mapping. Since the launch of LAPAN-TUBSAT satellite in 2007, Indonesia has been developing mission on earth observation missions for various applications. The next generation mission, called LAPAN-ORARI Satellite (LOSAT), is currently under development and expected to be launched in 2011. In order to facilitate the applications, a thorough assessment of the sensor should be made. This paper presents an examination of simulated LOSAT data for rice monitoring and mapping purposes coupled with QUEST statistical tree. We found that three-band simulated LOSAT data were suitable for the task with reasonably high accuracy

    Geographical Classification of Java Tea (Orthosiphon Stamineus) From Java Island by FTIR Spectroscopy Combined with Canonical Variate Analysis

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    FTIR spectroscopy combined with canonical variate analysis was used for differentiation of java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus) according to their geographical origin. FTIR spectra of all java tea samples were acquired in the mid infrared region (wavenumber range 4000-400 cm-1). Preprocessing signal of FTIR spectra has been carried out prior to canonical variate analysis by standard normal variate. Combination of FTIR spectra in the region 1800-900 cm-1with canonical variate analysis has the power to differentiate java tea samples in terms of geographical origin. The developed method could be used for identification of geographical origin of java tea based on the samples used in this study