1,161 research outputs found

    Effect of heat exposure on viability and contractility of cultured prostatic stromal cells

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    Objectives: Different thermotherapeutic modalities such as transurethral microwave therapy or transurethral needle ablation have been developed to provide effective alternatives to surgical management of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). The mechanisms of thermotherapy, however, are not completely understood. We developed a model to investigate the effects of heat application on stromal cell viability and contractility. Methods: Cells isolated from prostatectomy and cystoprostatectomy specimens were cultured in a selective medium. Temperatures ranging from 37 to 50 degrees C were applied for 1 h. Cell contraction was visualized by means of a cell culture microscope equipped with a time-lapse video system. For quantitative analysis, the percentage of contracting cells was evaluated; 10 mu M of phenylepherine were applied for adrenergic stimulation of the eel Is. Results: On immunohistochemistry and phase-contrast microscopy, these cells were identified as prostatic myofibroblasts. Incubation at 50 degrees C for 1 h in vitro induced immediate death of all cells, whereas at 45 degrees C a II cells survived. At 37 degrees C 55% of the cells were seen to contract after addition of phenylephrine. Immediately after incubation at 45 degrees C contraction rate decreased to 29%, but returned to 46% 1 day later. Conclusions: With this model, it is possible to study the mechanisms of thermotherapy in vitro. The results suggest that the effects of thermotherapy are due to the induction of cell death rather than to reduced stromal cell contractility. Furthermore, the data show that treatment is probably only successful if temperatures in excess of 50 degrees C are maintained. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Von sprachlichen Formen zu mentalen RĂ€umen: Barbara Dancygier stellt ein kognitiv-linguistisches Beschreibungstool fĂŒr die Analyse der Bedeutungsgenerierung in ErzĂ€hltexten vor

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    Barbara Dancygier: The Language of Stories. A Cognitive Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. 228 S. EUR 79,70. ISBN 978-1-107-00582-

    Möglichkeiten einer Narratologie des Unmöglichen: ErzĂ€hltheoretische AnnĂ€herungen an das ‚UnnatĂŒrliche‘ in Literatur, Film und anderen Medien

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    Jan Alber / RĂŒdiger Heinze (Hg.): Unnatural Narratives – Unnatural Narratology. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter 2011 (= linguae & litterae Bd. 9). 273 S. EUR 99,95. ISBN 311022903 Seit einiger Zeit ist bei vielen Narratologen ein zunehmendes UngenĂŒgen an der gegenwĂ€rtigen Ausrichtung erzĂ€hltheoretischer Strömungen beobachtbar. Sie beklagen die Annahmen neuerer Trends der ErzĂ€hltheorie – die sie u.a. durch die kognitivistischen AnsĂ€tze Monika Fluderniks (1996) und David Hermans (2009) vertreten sehen – , dass sich universale Basiselemente des ErzĂ€hlens benennen lassen, die allen seinen Erscheinungsformen zugrunde liegen und im ‚natĂŒrlichen‘ (natural) ErzĂ€hlen, d.h. im mĂŒndlichen AlltagserzĂ€hlen, prototypisch reprĂ€sentiert sind. Doch die RĂŒckkopplung von NarrativitĂ€t an kognitive und konversationsbasierte Parameter, die PrĂ€ferenz realweltlicher Darstellungsinhalte und das Bestreben, einen NarrativitĂ€tsbegriff zu etablieren, der ‚alle‘ Formen des ErzĂ€hlens abdeckt, drohe die distinktive Eigenart vieler vor allem literarisch-fiktionaler ErzĂ€hlungen zu nivellieren. Stattdessen fĂŒhren – so der Vorbehalt der Kritiker – Versuche, eine allumfassende ErzĂ€hltheorie (universal narratology) zu etablieren, die seit Aristoteles bestehende mimetische Ausrichtung (mimetic bias) der theoretischen Auseinandersetzung mit ErzĂ€hlliteratur fort, da realistische Paradigmen wie etwa Wahrscheinlichkeit und KohĂ€renz als analytische MaßstĂ€be an fiktionale Texte herangetragen werden. Vertreter der sich in den vergangenen Jahren konstituierenden ‚unnatĂŒrlichen Narratologie‘ (unnatural narratology) begegnen diesen – wie sie sagen – reduktionistischen Tendenzen, indem sie die von ‚natĂŒrlichen‘ ErzĂ€hlungen signifikant abweichenden Spezifika anderer – ‚unnatĂŒrlicher‘ – ErzĂ€hlformen induktiv auszuloten und systematisch zu beschreiben versuchen. U.a. aus den VortrĂ€gen einer 2008 von Jan Alber und RĂŒdiger Heinze an der UniversitĂ€t Freiburg veranstalteten Tagung „UnnatĂŒrliches ErzĂ€hlen, Unnatural Narratives“ ist ein Sammelband hervorgegangen, der erstmals systematisch das Spektrum dieser jungen und vitalen „subdomain of postclassical narratology“ (S. 6) in seiner ganzen Breite prĂ€sentiert. Der analytische Fokus der in vier thematische Rubriken aufgeteilten AufsĂ€tze ist nicht nur auf Romane, ErzĂ€hlungen und Dramen gerichtet, sondern darĂŒber hinaus auch auf mĂŒndliches und autobiografisches ErzĂ€hlen, auf Filme, Comics und graphic novels. Untersucht werden diese ErzĂ€hlformen im Hinblick auf Paradigmen wie ‚Figur‘, ,(ErzĂ€hl)-Stimmen‘, ‚Zeit‘, ‚Ereignis‘ u.a. Da der Band die erste grĂ¶ĂŸere Publikation dieses narratologischen Forschungszweigs ist, kann er als gegenwĂ€rtige Bestandsaufnahme der bisher geleisteten Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet angesehen werden

    Novel wet micro-contact deprinting method for patterning gold nanoparticles on PEG-hydrogels and thereby controlling cell adhesion

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    In the present work we introduce a novel method to create linear and rectangular micro-patterns of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) on poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogels. The strategy consists of removing Au NPs from defined regions of the silicon wafer by virtue of the swelling effect of the hydrogel. Using this method, which we denote as “Wet Micro-Contact Deprinting”, well-defined micro-patterns of Au NPs on silicon can be created. This resulting pattern is then transferred from the hard substrate to the soft surface of PEG-hydrogels. These unique micro- and nano-patterned hydrogels were cultured with mouse fibroblasts L929 cells. The cells selectively adhered on the Au NPs coated area and avoided the pure PEG material. These patterned, nanocomposite biointerfaces are not only useful for biological and biomedical applications, such as tissue engineering and diagnostics, but also, for biosensor applications taking advantage of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) or surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effects, due to the optical properties of the Au NPs.DFG, 325093850, Open Access Publizieren 2017 - 2018 / Technische UniversitĂ€t Berli

    The digital transformation of knowledge order: a model for theanalysis of the epistemic crisis

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    In a proclaimed age of ‘post-truth,’ scholars have raised concerns about the spread of false information and the questioning of epistemic authorities. In this paper, we develop an analytical model to capture the digital transformation of knowledge order. Drawing on insights from social epistemology, sociology and history of knowledge, and media history, we identify epistemic practices as basic elements of knowledge order. We then analyze how epistemic practices are organized into an overarching structure of knowledge phases, contexts, roles, and hierarchies. Digital media tend to destabilize the traditional knowledge order. This destabilization is characterized by a more flexible order of phases, a dissolution of boundaries between contexts, an opening of professional roles to new actors, and a flattening of hierarchies

    Comparative Multi-Epitope-Ligand-Cartography reveals essential immunological alterations in Barrett's metaplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Barrett's esophagus (BE) is caused by gastroesophageal reflux with consecutive mucosal inflammation, predisposing patients to the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). We investigated changes in T cell-related mucosal combinatorial molecular protein patterns in both diseases using the novel Multi-Epitope-Ligand-Cartography, a unique robotic whole-cell imaging technology that simultaneously visualizes dozens of proteins in structurally intact tissues and correlates cellular localization of proteins with function.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Biopsies were taken during endoscopy from BE, EAC, and normal control tissue, and proteomic microscopy was performed on 32 different epitopes. When the significance level was set to p < 0.0005 and the search depth to five antibody combinations, controls and BE can be differentiated by 63, controls and EAC by 3222, and BE from EAC by 1521 distinct protein combinations.</p> <p>For example, the number of activated apoptotic naĂŻve and memory T cells was significantly increased only in BE, whereas the number of activated apoptotic helper and regulatory T cells was significantly elevated in BE and EAC. In contrast, the number of activated apoptotic cytotoxic T cells was significantly elevated only in EAC. Confirming different pathways in BE and EAC, the number of T lymphocytes with p53 expression and downregulation of bcl2 expression (CD3<sup>+</sup>p53<sup>+</sup>Bcl2<sup>-</sup>NfkB<sup>-</sup>) was significantly increased in EAC compared to BE and controls. Interestingly, the number of precursor T cells (CD7<sup>+</sup>) was significantly elevated only in EAC. These cells lack Bax and caspase-8, suggesting impaired apoptosis in the early stages of T cell differentiation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Proteomic analysis showed for the first time that proteins, which are critically involved in the mucosal immune system of the esophagus, are distinctly expressed in BE and EAC, whereas others are comparably altered in both diseases, suggesting that many pathogenic events might be shared by both diseases. Topological proteomic analysis, therefore, helps us to understand the different pathogenic events in the underlying disease pathways.</p

    Influence of network structure on the crystallization behavior in chemically crosslinked hydrogels

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    The network structure of hydrogels is a vital factor to determine their physical properties. Two network structures within hydrogels based on eight-arm star-shaped poly(ethylene glycol)(8PEG) have been obtained; the distinction between the two depends on the way in which the macromonomers were crosslinked: either by (i) commonly-used photo-initiated chain-growth polymerization (8PEG–UV), or (ii) Michael addition step-growth polymerization (8PEG–NH3). The crystallization of hydrogels is facilitated by a solvent drying process to obtain a thin hydrogel film. Polarized optical microscopy (POM) results reveal that, while in the 8PEG–UV hydrogels only nano-scaled crystallites are apparent, the 8PEG–NH3 hydrogels exhibit an assembly of giant crystalline domains with spherulite sizes ranging from 100 to 400 ”m. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) analyses further confirm these results. A model has been proposed to elucidate the correlations between the polymer network structures and the crystallization behavior of PEG-based hydrogels.DFG, 325093850, Open Access Publizieren 2017 - 2018 / Technische UniversitĂ€t Berli

    The technology improvement and development of the new design-engineering principles of pilot bore directional drilling

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    This paper addresses the effectiveness of impact energy use in pilot bore directional drilling at pipe driving. We establish and develop new design-engineering principles for this method. These principles are based on a drill string construction with a new nipple thread connection and a generator construction of strain waves transferred through the drill string. The experiment was conducted on a test bench. Strain measurement is used to estimate compression, tensile, shear and bending stresses in the drill string during the propagation of elastic waves. Finally, the main directions of pilot bore directional drilling improvement during pipe driving are determinated. The new engineering design, as components of the pilot bore directional drilling technology are presented

    Expert consensus on the contraindications and cautions of foam rolling: an international delphi study

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    Background: Foam rolling is a type of self-massage using tools such as foam or roller sticks. However, to date, there is no consensus on contraindications and cautions of foam rolling. A methodological approach to narrow that research gap is to obtain reliable opinions of expert groups. The aim of the study was to develop experts’ consensus on contraindications and cautions of foam rolling by means of a Delphi process. Methods: An international three-round Delphi study was conducted. Academic experts, defined as having (co-) authored at least one PubMed-listed paper on foam rolling, were invited to participate. Rounds 1 and 2 involved generation and rating of a list of possible contraindications and cautions of foam rolling. In round 3, participants indicated their agreement on contraindications and cautions for a final set of conditions. Consensus was evaluated using a priori defined criteria. Consensus on contraindications and cautions was considered as reached if more than 70% of participating experts labeled the respective item as contraindication and contraindication or caution, respectively, in round 3. Results: In the final Delphi process round, responses were received from 37 participants. Panel participants were predominantly sports scientists ( n = 21), physiotherapists ( n = 6), and medical professionals ( n = 5). Consensus on contraindications was reached for open wounds (73% agreement) and bone fractures (84%). Consensus on cautions was achieved for local tissue inflammation (97%), deep vein thrombosis (97%), osteomyelitis (94%), and myositis ossificans (92%). The highest impact/severity of an adverse event caused by contraindication/cautions was estimated for bone fractures, deep vein thrombosis, and osteomyelitis. Discussion: The mechanical forces applied through foam rolling can be considered as potential threats leading to adverse events in the context of the identified contraindications and cautions. Further evaluations by medical professionals as well as the collection of clinical data are needed to assess the risks of foam rolling and to generate guidance for different applications and professional backgrounds

    Phase transformation and characterization of 3D reactive microstructures in nanoscale Al/Ni multilayers

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    Reactive multilayer systems represent an innovative approach for potential usage in chip joining applications. As there are several factors governing the energy release rate and the stored chemical energy, the impact of the morphology and the microstructure on the reaction behavior is of great interest. In the current work, 3D reactive microstructures with nanoscale Al/Ni multilayers were produced by alternating deposition of pure Ni and Al films onto nanostructured Si substrates by magnetron sputtering. In order to elucidate the influence of this 3D morphology on the phase transformation process, the microstructure and the morphology of this system were characterized and compared with a flat reactive multilayer system on a flat Si wafer. The characterization of both systems was carried out before and after a rapid thermal annealing treatment by using scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the cross sections, selected area diffraction analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry. The bent shape of multilayers caused by the complex topography of silicon needles of the nanostructured substrate was found to favor the atomic diffusion at the early stage of phase transformation and the formation of two intermetallic phases Al0.42Ni0.58 and AlNi3, unlike the flat multilayers that formed a single phase AlNi after reaction
