25 research outputs found

    Time-zero limits of Kaden's spirals and 2D Euler

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    The present note is devoted to the studies of the relation of the time-zero limits of Kaden's spirals and the 2D Euler equation. It is shown that the time-zero limits of Kaden's spirals satisfy inhomogeneous 2D Euler in a weak sense. As a corollary, the necessity of both, the decay of spherical averages around the origin of the spiral as well as the velocity matching condition, for the 2D Euler equation to hold in a weak sense, is shown. Finally, some preliminary results concerning the Kaden spirals are obtained

    The role of MR cholangiography in the detection of biliary complications after orthotopic liver transplantation

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    Background: To assess the usefulness of magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) in the diagnostics of biliary complications after liver transplantation. Material/Methods: In 40 patients (17 men, 23 women) 51 MRC examinations were performed, from 1 to 58 months (mean-12) after liver transplantation. Studies were performed with 1.5 T unit. The imaging protocol consisted of tree hydrographic TSE sequences: 2D, 3D and single-slice technique. The results were compared with ERCP (n=10), percutaneous cholangiography (n=4), T-tube cholangiography (n=1), T-tube cholangiography and percutaneous cholangiography (n=1), T-tube cholangiography and ERCP (n=1), fistulography (n=2) and histopathology (n=3). In remaining patients other imaging studies (US, CT), laboratory liver functions tests and clinical status were evaluated. Results: In 46 cases (90%) abnormalities of biliary tract were depicted. Following biliary complications were diagnosed: dilatation of biliary tree (n=29), biliary strictures located beside anastomosis site (n=19), anastomotic biliary strictures (n=17), intrahepatic strictures (n=7), biliary obstruction (n=2), biliary stones/sludge (n=14), bile leak (n=12). In 5 cases (10%) MRC was normal. In 50 cases (98%) there was concordance between MRC results and the standard of reference, 1 remaining case (2%) of bile duct ischemia was not confirmed by other studies. Conclusions: MRC is a noninvasive modality, providing accurate assessment of biliary complications in patients after liver transplantation

    The role of MR cholangiography in the detection of biliary complications after orthotopic liver transplantation

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    Background: To assess the usefulness of magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) in the diagnostics of biliary complications after liver transplantation. Material/Methods: In 40 patients (17 men, 23 women) 51 MRC examinations were performed, from 1 to 58 months (mean-12) after liver transplantation. Studies were performed with 1.5 T unit. The imaging protocol consisted of tree hydrographic TSE sequences: 2D, 3D and single-slice technique. The results were compared with ERCP (n=10), percutaneous cholangiography (n=4), T-tube cholangiography (n=1), T-tube cholangiography and percutaneous cholangiography (n=1), T-tube cholangiography and ERCP (n=1), fistulography (n=2) and histopathology (n=3). In remaining patients other imaging studies (US, CT), laboratory liver functions tests and clinical status were evaluated. Results: In 46 cases (90%) abnormalities of biliary tract were depicted. Following biliary complications were diagnosed: dilatation of biliary tree (n=29), biliary strictures located beside anastomosis site (n=19), anastomotic biliary strictures (n=17), intrahepatic strictures (n=7), biliary obstruction (n=2), biliary stones/sludge (n=14), bile leak (n=12). In 5 cases (10%) MRC was normal. In 50 cases (98%) there was concordance between MRC results and the standard of reference, 1 remaining case (2%) of bile duct ischemia was not confirmed by other studies. Conclusions: MRC is a noninvasive modality, providing accurate assessment of biliary complications in patients after liver transplantation

    Wielomiesięczny czas wolny od progresji u chorej z uogólnionym nowotworem neuroendokrynnym jelita cienkiego po leczeniu skojarzonym oktreotydem LAR i terapią izotopową

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    Long-acting somatostatin analogs are considered as a first line of treatment in well-differentiated metastatic gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms with symptoms of carcinoid syndrome, because of relief symptoms and antiproliferative effect. According to the results of PROMID study (Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Prospective, Randomized Study on the Effect of Octreotide LAR in the control of Tumor Growth in Patients With Metastatic Neuroendocrine Midgut Tumors), median time to progression is 14.3 months during treatment with octreotide. In this case report we presented 46-year-old woman with primary diagnosis of hepatocellular carci­noma, treated with palliative chemiotherapy (doxorubicin, dexamethasone, cyclophosphamide) with hematologic side effects and after that in follow-up. Because of uncommon course of HCC, histopathology examination was reviewed. The new diagnosis was metastases of well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor (G1 in WHO 2010 clas­sification). During diagnostic imaging (computed tomography of chest and abdomen, Gallium-68-DOTA-TATE PET/CT) primary tumor in small intestine was found. The final diagnosis was well-differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasm of small intestine with distant metastasis and carcinoid syndrome. Improvement of general condition and 26 months stabilization of the disease was observed after concomitant treatment with long-acting octreotide and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy.Leczeniem farmakologicznym z wyboru w nowotworach neuroendokrynnych przewodu pokarmowego przebiega­jących z objawami zespołu rakowiaka są długodziałające analogi somatostatyny, redukujące objawy aktywności hormonalnej guzów oraz mające działanie antyproliferacyjne. Według danych badania PROMID średni czas wolny od progresji podczas leczenia długodziałającym oktreotydem wynosi 14,3 miesiąca. Prezentowany przy­padek dotyczy 46-letniej kobiety z rozpoznanym początkowo rakiem wątrobowokomórkowym (HCC), leczonym chemioterapią paliatywną (doksorubicyna, deksametazon, cyklofosfamid), a następnie z powodu powikłań hematologicznych pozostawionym w obserwacji. Ze względu na nietypowy przebieg HCC poddano weryfikacji badanie histopatologiczne, rozpoznając przerzut wysokozróżnicowanego nowotworu neuroendokrynnego (G1 wg WHO 2010). W wykonanych badaniach obrazowych (tomografia komputerowa klatki piersiowej i jamy brzusznej, 68Ga-DOTA-TATE-PET/CT) uwidoczniono zmianę w jelicie cienkim, mogącą odpowiadać ognisku pierwotnemu. Rozpoznano wysokozróżnicowany nowotwór neuroendokrynny jelita cienkiego w fazie uogólnienia przebiegający z objawami zespołu rakowiaka. Po zastosowanym leczeniu skojarzonym długodziałającym analogiem somato­styny — oktreotydem LAR oraz terapią znakowanymi izotopowo analogami somatostatyny 90Y/177Lu-DOTA-TATE uzyskano poprawę sprawności chorej o 2 stopnie w skali ECOG/WHO oraz 26-miesięczną stabilizację choroby

    Magnetostatic levitation and two related linear PDEs in unbounded domains

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    We consider a problem occurring in a magnetostatic levitation. The problem leads to a linear PDE in a strip. In engineering literature a particular solution is obtained. Such a solution enables one to compute lift and drag forces of the levitating object. It is in agreement with the experiment. We show that such a solution is unique in a class of bounded regular functions. Moreover, as a byproduct, we obtain nonstandard uniqueness results in two linear PDEs in unbounded domains. One of them is an Eigenvalue problem for the Laplacian in the strip in the nonstandard class of functions

    Review of Methods for Testing the Compatibility of High Energy Mixed Components

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    A review of methods for testing the compatibility of high energy mixed components is presented. The advantages, deficiencies as well as the limitations of particular research methods are described based on selected applications reported in the literature. The most frequently used techniques for testing compatibility are thermal methods, such as DSC, TG, VST, and HFC, in which the processes of decomposition of samples conditioned at elevated temperatures are analyzed. Examples of non-thermal methods for testing compatibility, such as DFT, FTIR or XRD are reported in the literature as well. Incompatibility may lead to thermal detonation, which can occur even at low degrees of conversion. For this reason, the authors focused specifically on the limitations of methods for determining compatibility at high degrees of conversion. The methods allowing testing of compatibility based on an analysis for the initial decomposition stage are recommended

    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in a patient with situs inversus totalis – a case report

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    We report a case of a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) in a morbidly obese patient with situs inversus totalis. Currentexperience with bariatric surgery in patients with situs inversus totalis shows that they can be operated on safely. Theopen approach in this case of a difficult anatomy may be beneficial and safer for the patient. The technique itselfrequires only minor modifications. The results of bariatric surgery in terms of weight loss are comparable to thegeneral population of morbidly obese patients after RYGB

    A comparison of the microstructure-dependent corrosion of dual-structured Mg-Li alloys fabricated by powder consolidation methods: Laser powder bed fusion vs pulse plasma sintering

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    In this study, powder metallurgy methods were used to fabricate Mg-7.5Li-3Al-Zn alloys from repowdered extruded alloys. Extruded alloys were powdered using ultrasonic atomization, and then laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) and pulse plasma sintering (PPS) were used to consolidate the bulk materials. A comparison of the properties of the fabricated alloys with those of a conventionally extruded one was carried out using methods that characterized the microstructure and corrosion resistance. When compared to their conventionally extruded counterpart, LPBF and PPS materials exhibited refined microstructures with low enrichment in AlLi and coarse Al, Zn, Mn precipitates. The main drawback of the LPBF alloy, printed for the needs of this study, was its porosity, which had a negative effect on its corrosion. The presence of unrecrystallized particle boundaries in the PPS alloy was also unbeneficial with regard to corrosion. The advantage of the LPBF and PPS processes was the ability to change the proportion of α(Mg) to β(Li), which when the complete consolidation of the material is achievable, may increase the corrosion resistance of dual-structured Mg-Li alloys. The results show that powder metallurgy routes have a wide potential to be used for the manufacture of Mg-Li based alloys

    <i>Lupinus angustifolius</i> seed sculpture in the mutant lines PL-41H (A, A′), PL-44H (B, B′), PL-53H (C, C′), PL-‘Emir’ (D, D′), PL-‘Sonet’ (E, E′).

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    <p>SEM images of seed surface (A′, B′, C′, D′, E′ – general view of seeds in inserts) and cross-section of the seed coat (A, B, C, D, E). C – cuticle; MS – macrosclereids layer; OS – osteosclereids layer; PA – parenchymal cells.</p