60 research outputs found

    Translation planes of order q3 which admits SL(2, q)

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    Unitary groups acting on Grassmannians associated with a quadratic extension of fields.

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    Let (V,H) be an anisotropic Hermitian space of finite dimension over the algebraic closure of a real closed field K. We determine the orbits of the group of isometries of (V,H) in the set of the K-subspaces of V

    Imprimitive groups highly transitive on blocks

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    We classify imprimitive groups acting highly transitively on blocks and satisfying conditions common in geometry. They can be realized as suitable subgroups of twisted wreath products

    A class of imprimitive groups

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    We classify imprimitive groups inducing the alternating group A4 on the set of blocks, with the inertia subgroup satisfying some very natural geometrical conditions which force the group to operate linearly

    Derivations of the (n, 2, 1)-nilpotent Lie Algebra

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    Solvable Extensions of Nilpotent Complex Lie Algebras of Type 2n,1,1

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    We investigate derivations of nilpotent complex Lie algebras of type {2n, 1, 1} with the aim to classify nilpotent complex Lie algebras the commutator ideals of which have codimension one and are nilpotent Lie algebras of type {2n, 1, 1

    Nilpotent Lie algebras with 2-dimensional commutator ideals

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    AbstractWe classify all (finitely dimensional) nilpotent Lie k-algebras h with 2-dimensional commutator ideals h′, extending a known result to the case where h′ is non-central and k is an arbitrary field. It turns out that, while the structure of h depends on the field k if h′ is central, it is independent of k if h′ is non-central and is uniquely determined by the dimension of h. In the case where k is algebraically or real closed, we also list all nilpotent Lie k-algebras h with 2-dimensional central commutator ideals h′ and dimkh⩽11