48 research outputs found

    Studies on Bacterial Predominance Patterns in Mixed Cultures

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    Seismic and gravity constraints on the nature of the basement in the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary: New insights for the geodynamic evolution of the SW Iberian margin

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    We present a new classification of geological domains at the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary off SW Iberia, together with a regional geodynamic reconstruction spanning from the Mesozoic extension to the Neogene-to-present-day convergence. It is based on seismic velocity and density models along a new transect running from the Horseshoe to the Seine abyssal plains, which is combined with previously available geophysical models from the region. The basement velocity structure at the Seine Abyssal Plain indicates the presence of a highly heterogeneous, thin oceanic crust with local high-velocity anomalies possibly representing zones related to the presence of ultramafic rocks. The integration of this model with previous ones reveals the presence of three oceanic domains offshore SW Iberia: (1) the Seine Abyssal Plain domain, generated during the first stages of slow seafloor spreading in the NE Central Atlantic (Early Jurassic); (2) the Gulf of Cadiz domain, made of oceanic crust generated in the Alpine-Tethys spreading system between Iberia and Africa, which was coeval with the formation of the Seine Abyssal Plain domain and lasted up to the North Atlantic continental breakup (Late Jurassic); and (3) the Gorringe Bank domain, made of exhumed mantle rocks, which formed during the first stages of North Atlantic opening. Our models suggest that the Seine Abyssal Plain and Gulf of Cadiz domains are separated by the Lineament South strike-slip fault, whereas the Gulf of Cadiz and Gorringe Bank domains appear to be limited by a deep thrust fault located at the center of the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain

    Active deformation in old oceanic lithosphere and significance for earthquake hazard: Seismic imaging of the Coral Patch Ridge area and neighboring abyssal plains (SW Iberian Margin)

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    Martínez-Loriente, S. ... et al.-- 26 pages, 13 figures, 1 tableRecently acquired high-resolution multichannel seismic profiles together with bathymetric and sub-bottom profiler data from the external part of the Gulf of Cadiz (Iberia-Africa plate boundary) reveal active deformation involving old (Mesozoic) oceanic lithosphere. This area is located 180 km offshore the SW Iberian Peninsula and embraces the prominent NE-SW trending Coral Patch Ridge, and part of the surrounding deep Horseshoe and Seine abyssal plains. E-W trending dextral strike-slip faults showing surface deformation of flower-like structures predominate in the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain, whereas NE-SW trending compressive structures prevail in the Coral Patch Ridge and Seine Hills. Although the Coral Patch Ridge region is characterized by subdued seismic activity, the area is not free from seismic hazard. Most of the newly mapped faults correspond to active blind thrusts and strike-slip faults that are able to generate large magnitude earthquakes (Mw 7.2-8.4). This may represent a significant earthquake and tsunami hazard that has been overlooked so far. Key Points New active structures have been mapped in the Coral Patch Ridge area The newly mapped faults are able to generate large magnitude earthquakes (Mw>7) These new structures may represent a significant earthquake and tsunami hazard ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights ReservedThe authors acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) through National Projects EVENT (CGL2006–12861-C02-02) and SHAKE (CGL2011–30005-C02-02); the European Transnational Access SALVADORE program of the EU (RITA-CT-2004–505322), the ESF EuroMargins SWIM project (01- LEG-EMA09F and REN2002–11234E-MAR), the EU program ‘‘Global Change and Ecosystems’’ contract n. 037110 (NEAREST), the ESF TopoEurope TOPOMED project (CGL2008–03474-E/BTE), and the SWIMGLO project (PTDC/MAR/100522/2008). We also acknowledge funding from the MICINN through the ‘‘Ramon y Cajal’’ program (R. Bartolome) and from the CSIC through a JAE Pre-Doc fellowship (S. Martínez-Loriente)Peer Reviewe

    A tribute to Marie Tharp: Mapping the seafloor of back-arc basins, mid-ocean ridges, continental margins and plate boundaries

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    European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2020, 4-8 May 2020Marie Tharp (1920-2006) was a pioneer of modern oceanography. She was an American geologist and oceanographic cartographer who, together with his husband Bruce Heezen, generated the first bathymetric map of the Atlantic Ocean floor. Tharp's work revealed the detailed topography and geological landscape of the seafloor. Her work revealed the presence of a continuous rift valley along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis, causing a paradigm in earth sciences that led to the acceptance of plate tectonics and continental drift theories. Piecing maps together in the late 1940s and early 1950s, Marie and his partner Bruce Heezen discovered the 75.000 km underwater ridge bounding around the globe. By this finding, they laid the conclusion from geophysical data that the seafloor spreads from mid-ocean ridges and that continents are in motion with respect to one another¿a revolutionary geological theory at that time. Many years later, satellite images demonstrate that Tharp¿s maps were accurate. In this contribution, we focus on detailed bathymetric maps collected from year 1992 to today, which include bathymetric maps from diverse parts of the world. For instance, we will show a) Back-arc basins (i.e. the Bransfield Basin, Antarctica; and the North Fiji Basin, SW Pacific); b) Mid-ocean ridges and fracture zones (i.e. the MAR at the South of Azores, the MAR at the Oceanographer-Hayes, and the St. Paul Fracture Zone at the Equator), and c) Active tectonic structures from the Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea, located at the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary (Gibraltar Arc). Regarding this last area, we will characterize the seafloor expression of the fault systems, as well as the subsurface structure of the faults in the Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea. This zone is characterized by a moderate seismicity, mainly reverse and strike-slip focal mechanisms; although large historical (AD1755, AD1829) and instrumental earthquakes or large/great magnitude also occurred, such as the earthquakes of 1969, 1994, 2004 and 2016. In addition, the Gulf of Cadiz-Alboran Sea area is compartmentalized in different crustal domains, bounded by active strike-slip fault systems. We adopted a multi-scale approach, including morphological analysis of shipboard multibeam bathymetry, near-bottom bathymetry obtained with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) at a resolution of 1-2 m, and medium to deep penetration multi-channel seismic (MCS) data. Finally, we will also show a couple of videos from recent marine cruises in the Gibraltar Arc (SHAKE-2015 and INSIGHT-2018), both using state-of-the-art high-resolution marine technologie

    Compressional tectonic inversion of the Algero-Balearic basin: Latemost Miocene to present oblique convergence at the Palomares margin (Western Mediterranean)

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    Interpretation of new multichannel seismic reflection profiles indicates that the Palomares margin was formed by crustal-scale extension and coeval magmatic accretion during middle to late Miocene opening of the Algero-Balearic basin. The margin formed at the transition between thinned continental crust intruded by arc volcanism and back-arc oceanic crust. Deformation produced during the later positive inversion of the margin offshore and onshore is partitioned between ~N50°E striking reverse faults and associated folds like the Sierra Cabrera and Abubacer anticlines and N10–20°E sinistral strike-slip faults like Palomares and Terreros faults. Parametric subbottom profiles and multibeam bathymetry offshore, structural analysis, available GPS geodetic displacement data, and earthquake focal mechanisms jointly indicate that tectonic inversion of the Palomares margin is currently active. The Palomares margin shows a structural pattern comparable to the north Maghrebian margins where Africa-Eurasia plate convergence is accommodated by NE-SW reverse faults, NNW-SSE sinistral faults, and WNW-ESE dextral ones. Contractive structures at this margin contribute to the general inversion of the Western Mediterranean since ~7 Ma, coeval to inversion at the Algerian margin. Shortening at the Alboran ridge and Al-Idrisi faults occurred later, since 5 Ma, indicating a westward propagation of the compressional inversion of the Western Mediterranean

    In island containment: a qualitative exploration of social support systems among asylum seekers in a mental health care programme on Lesvos Island, Greece

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    Abstract Background Social support is a core determinant of health and plays a key role in the healing process of people with mental health problems and those who have been exposed to torture or other traumatic events. At the same time, social support is particularly challenging to build in such populations, as self-isolation and social withdrawal are common consequences of traumatic incidents. Defining social support is also challenging as there is no globally adequate definition. Our aim was to explore how social support was understood by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) beneficiaries, and how they perceived their needs on Lesvos Island, Greece to be met. Methods This was a qualitative study, based on exploratory free-listing interviews that explored how MSF beneficiaries on Lesvos understood and defined social support, followed by a series of in-depth interviews through which participants explained how they perceived their needs to be met. The study was conducted over a period of two weeks in August 2018, with 32 migrants and asylum seekers (22 male, 10 female) enrolled in the mental health services of MSF on Lesvos Island. The majority of interviewees were single men of African origin who had resided in Moria camp between 2 months and 2.5 years. Countries of origin include Syria, Afghanistan, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Senegal and other West African countries. Results Participants defined social support as the practical, informational and emotional support that people receive from organisations, friends and family members. Results revealed a lack of community links, isolation, tensions and conflict, insufficient amenities and limited orientation to services that lead to and amplify isolation, discrimination and tension. Most of the participants received little or no support both formally from organisations and informally from other migrants and asylum seekers in the camp. Conclusions Functional support networks are urgently required to overcome the consequences of restrictive policies which force people into containment and remove their support systems. Actors who are involved in providing social support, including MSF, are strongly encouraged to engage in activities that work towards building and strengthening peer support networks and creating a sense of community

    Metabolic Profiling at COVID-19 Onset Shows Disease Severity and Sex-Specific Dysregulation

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    Background: metabolic changes through SARS-CoV-2 infection has been reported but not fully comprehended. This metabolic dysregulation affects multiple organs during COVID-19 and its early detection can be used as a prognosis marker of severity. Therefore, we aimed to characterize metabolic and cytokine profile at COVID-19 onset and its relationship with disease severity to identify metabolic profiles predicting disease progression. Material and methods: we performed a retrospective cross-sectional study in 123 COVID-19 patients which were stratified as asymptomatic/mild, moderate and severe according to the highest COVID-19 severity status, and a group of healthy controls. We performed an untargeted plasma metabolic profiling (gas chromatography and capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (GC and CE-MS)) and cytokine evaluation. Results: After data filtering and identification we observed 105 metabolites dysregulated (66 GC-MS and 40 CE-MS) which shown different expression patterns for each COVID-19 severity status. These metabolites belonged to different metabolic pathways including amino acid, energy, and nitrogen metabolism among others. Severity-specific metabolic dysregulation was observed, as an increased transformation of L-tryptophan into L-kynurenine. Thus, metabolic profiling at hospital admission differentiate between severe and moderate patients in the later phase of worse evolution. Several plasma pro-inflammatory biomarkers showed significant correlation with deregulated metabolites, specially with L-kynurenine and L-tryptophan. Finally, we describe a strong sex-related dysregulation of metabolites, cytokines and chemokines between severe and moderate patients. In conclusion, metabolic profiling of COVID-19 patients at disease onset is a powerful tool to unravel the SARS-CoV-2 molecular pathogenesis. Conclusions: This technique makes it possible to identify metabolic phenoconversion that predicts disease progression and explains the pronounced pathogenesis differences between sexes.This study was supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; grant number COV20/1144 (MPY224/20) to AF-R/MJ-S). The study was also funded by CIBER - Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red - (CB 2021; CB21/13/00044), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU. AF-R and MJ-S are Miguel Servet researchers supported and funded by ISCIII (grant numbers: CP14CIII/00010 to AFR and CP17CIII/00007 to MJ-S). Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, grant number 1.013.005S

    Tectonic evolution, geomorphology and influence of bottom currents along a large submarine canyon system: The São Vicente Canyon (SW Iberian margin)

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    A multi-scale dataset consisting of multi-beam echo-sounder, 2D multi-channel seismic and sidescan sonar (TOBI) data allows us to identify a large variety of morphologies originating from sedimentary and tectonic processes along the São Vicente Canyon (SVC), which is the largest submarine canyon developed in the external part of the Gulf of Cadiz. The SVC is located in one of the most seismogenic areas of Western Europe. The convergence between the Eurasian and African plates has controlled the formation and evolution of the canyon. The SVC is tectonically controlled by three main thrust faults: the Marquês de Pombal Fault, the São Vicente Fault and the Horseshoe Fault. No major rivers feed sediment to the canyon head, but the main sediment source is related to the dismantling of canyon flanks and the MOW (Mediterranean Overflow Water). This current contributes sediments by two different processes: a) conturites deposition at the head and flanks of the SVC that periodically fail into the canyon; and b) the coarser-grained and denser sediment of the MOW might be trapped at the head of the canyon and could develops into hyperpycnal flows. The SVC is characterized by retrogressive erosion being submarine landslide deposits and scars the main seafloor morphologies. The tectonic and stratigraphic interpretation of seismic profiles indicate that the SVC is a clear example of a diachronous and segmented canyon developed since the Late Miocene in an area of present-day active plate tectonics. This study investigates the interaction between active tectonics, the dynamics of submarine canyons and the resulting geomorphologies