683 research outputs found

    Hubbard-U calculations for Cu from first-principles Wannier functions

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    We present first-principles calculations of optimally localized Wannier functions for Cu and use these for an ab-initio determination of Hubbard (Coulomb) matrix elements. We use a standard linearized muffin-tin orbital calculation in the atomic-sphere approximation (LMTO-ASA) to calculate Bloch functions, and from these determine maximally localized Wannier functions using a method proposed by Marzari and Vanderbilt. The resulting functions were highly localized, with greater than 89% of the norm of the function within the central site for the occupied Wannier states. Two methods for calculating Coulomb matrix elements from Wannier functions are presented and applied to fcc Cu. For the unscreened on-site Hubbard UU for the Cu 3d-bands we have obtained about 25eV. These results are also compared with results obtained from a constrained local-density approximation (LDA) calculation.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

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    Unscreened Hartree-Fock calculations for metallic Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu from ab-initio Hamiltonians

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    Unscreened Hartree-Fock approximation (HFA) calculations for metallic Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu are presented, by using a quantum-chemical approach. We believe that these are the first HFA results to have been done for crystalline 3d transition metals. Our approach uses a linearized muffin-tin orbital calculation to determine Bloch functions for the Hartree one-particle Hamiltonian, and from these obtains maximally localized Wannier functions, using a method proposed by Marzari and Vanderbilt. Within this Wannier basis all relevant one-particle and two-particle Coulomb matrix elements are calculated. The resulting second-quantized multi-band Hamiltonian with ab-initio parameters is studied within the simplest many-body approximation, namely the unscreened, self-consistent HFA, which takes into account exact exchange and is free of self-interactions. Although the d-bands sit considerably lower within HFA than within the local (spin) density approximation L(S)DA, the exchange splitting and magnetic moments for ferromagnetic Fe, Co, and Ni are only slightly larger in HFA than what is obtained either experimentally or within LSDA. The HFA total energies are lower than the corresponding LSDA calculations. We believe that this same approach can be easily extended to include more sophisticated ab-initio many-body treatments of the electronic structure of solids.Comment: 11 papes, 7 figures, 5 table

    Quantum Gravitational Corrections to the Real Klein-Gordon Field in the Presence of a Minimal Length

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    The (D+1)-dimensional (ÎČ,ÎČâ€Č)(\beta,\beta')-two-parameter Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra introduced by Quesne and Tkachuk [C. Quesne and V. M. Tkachuk, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. \textbf {39}, 10909 (2006).], leads to a nonzero minimal uncertainty in position (minimal length). The Klein-Gordon equation in a (3+1)-dimensional space-time described by Quesne-Tkachuk Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra is studied in the case where ÎČâ€Č=2ÎČ\beta'=2\beta up to first order over deformation parameter ÎČ\beta. It is shown that the modified Klein-Gordon equation which contains fourth-order derivative of the wave function describes two massive particles with different masses. We have shown that physically acceptable mass states can only exist for ÎČ<18m2c2\beta<\frac{1}{8m^{2}c^{2}} which leads to an isotropic minimal length in the interval 10−17m<(△Xi)0<10−15m10^{-17}m<(\bigtriangleup X^{i})_{0}<10^{-15}m. Finally, we have shown that the above estimation of minimal length is in good agreement with the results obtained in previous investigations.Comment: 10 pages, no figur

    Self-consistent calculation of total energies of the electron gas using many-body perturbation theory

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    The performance of many-body perturbation theory for calculating ground-state properties is investigated. We present fully numerical results for the electron gas in three and two dimensions in the framework of the GW approximation. The overall agreement with very accurate Monte Carlo data is excellent, even for those ranges of densities for which the GW approach is often supposed to be unsuitable. The latter seems to be due to the fulfillment of general conservation rules. These results open further prospects for accurate calculations of ground-state properties circumventing the limitations of standard density-functional theory

    Magnetic moments of antidecuplet pentaquarks

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    We analyze the magnetic moment of the exotic pentaquarks of the flavor antidecuplet in the constituent quark model for the case in which the ground state is in an orbital L(p)=0(+) or a L(p)=1(-) state. We derive sum rules for the magnetic moments. The magnetic moment of the Theta(1540) is found to be 0.38, 0.09 and 1.05 mu_N for J(p)=1/2(-), 1/2(+) and 3/2(+), respectively, which is compared with the results obtained in other approaches.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables. Revised version, extended introduction and discussion, accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Response function analysis of excited-state kinetic energy functional constructed by splitting k-space

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    Over the past decade, fundamentals of time independent density functional theory for excited state have been established. However, construction of the corresponding energy functionals for excited states remains a challenging problem. We have developed a method for constructing functionals for excited states by splitting k-space according to the occupation of orbitals. In this paper we first show the accuracy of kinetic energy functional thus obtained. We then perform a response function analysis of the kinetic energy functional proposed by us and show why method of splitting the k-space could be the method of choice for construction of energy functionals for excited states.Comment: 11 page

    Self-consistent Overhauser model for the pair distribution function of an electron gas in dimensionalities D=3 and D=2

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    We present self-consistent calculations of the spin-averaged pair distribution function g(r)g(r) for a homogeneous electron gas in the paramagnetic state in both three and two dimensions, based on an extension of a model that was originally proposed by A. W. Overhauser [Can. J. Phys. {\bf 73}, 683 (1995)] and further evaluated by P. Gori-Giorgi and J. P. Perdew [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 64}, 155102 (2001)]. The model involves the solution of a two-electron scattering problem via an effective Coulombic potential, that we determine within a self-consistent Hartree approximation. We find numerical results for g(r)g(r) that are in excellent agreement with Quantum Monte Carlo data at low and intermediate coupling strength rsr_s, extending up to rs≈10r_s\approx 10 in dimensionality D=3. However, the Hartree approximation does not properly account for the emergence of a first-neighbor peak at stronger coupling, such as at rs=5r_s=5 in D=2, and has limited accuracy in regard to the spin-resolved components g↑↑(r)g_{\uparrow\uparrow}(r) and g↑↓(r)g_{\uparrow\downarrow}(r). We also report calculations of the electron-electron s-wave scattering length, to test an analytical expression proposed by Overhauser in D=3 and to present new results in D=2 at moderate coupling strength. Finally, we indicate how this approach can be extended to evaluate the pair distribution functions in inhomogeneous electron systems and hence to obtain improved exchange-correlation energy functionals.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figuers, to apear in Physical Review
