198 research outputs found

    Introduction::Action Research, Policy and Politics

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    The underpinning rationale of this special issue is that the societal challenges we are facing require fundamental, long-term societal transformations that need to be co-produced by all relevant stakeholders


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    Soil erosion is a serious agricultural problem. Most of the available literature on the subject concerns nonirrigated cropland where natural precipitation and snowmelt water produce the forces needed to erode soil and transport sediment. Most of the water providing those forces for erosion on irrigated land is that applied by humans to supply water to growing crops. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a review of irrigation-induced soil erosion and to supply some insight into its hazards and control

    Marktforschung in der Praxis: Kundenpräferenzen beim Kauf eines neuen Fernsehgerätes

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    In der heutigen Zeit sind Medien aller Art im alltäglichen Leben anzutreffen. Ob früh am Morgen die frisch gedruckte Zeitung, das Radio in der Küche, der Lieblingsfilm im Fernsehen oder das Internet via Mobiltelefon. Viele Menschen können sich heutzutage ein Leben ohne Mobiltelefon oder Fernsehgerät nicht mehr vorstellen. Die Industrie hat dies erkannt und bringt fast täglich neue Weiterentwicklungen auf den Markt. Smartphones, die beinahe so viel können wie ein Laptop oder Fernseher, die den Zuschauer via 3D-Technologie in das Geschehen eintauchen lassen, entwickeln sich zu Standardprodukten. Bei der heutigen Geschwindigkeit der Neuentwicklungen und den immer kürzer werdenden Produktlebenszyklen ist es besonders wichtig, den Endverbraucher vom Mehrwert zu überzeugen. In diesem Zusammenhang ist es notwendig herauszukristallisieren, worauf der Endkunde Wert legt und welche Informationsschwächen er hat. Hierzu haben acht Studierende der TH Wildau aus dem Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaft/Wirtschaftsinformatik eine empirische Studie entwickelt.In your everyday life, media of all kinds are found. Whether early in the morning, freshly printed newspaper, the radio in the kitchen, favorite movies on TV or the Internet via mobile phone. Many people can not imagine a life without mobile phone or TV. The industry has recognized that and almost every day they have new developments for the market. Smartphones have nearly as much as functions as a laptop or a television and are able to bring the viewers into actions via 3D technology as a standard. Because of the speed of new developments and the shortening product life cycle it is especially important to convince the consumer«s added value. In this case it is important to have a look what is significant for the end consumer and what lack of information does the consumer have. Concerning these problems, eight students of the University of Applied Science Wildau from the Department of Business Administration and Business Informatics designed an empirical study

    Focal adhesion kinase regulates the activity of the osmosensitive transcription factor TonEBP/NFAT5 under hypertonic conditions

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    Ton EBP/NFAT5 is a major regulator of the urinary concentrating process and is essential for the osmoadaptation of renal medullary cells. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a mechanosensitive non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase expressed abundantly in the renal medulla. Since osmotic stress causes cell shrinkage, the present study investigated the contribution of FAK on TonEBP/NFAT5 activation. Osmotic stress induced time-dependent activation of FAK as evidenced by phosphorylation at Tyr-397, and furosemide reduces FAK Tyr-397 phosphorylation in the rat renal medulla. Both pharmacological inhibition of FAK and siRNA-mediated knockdown of FAK drastically reduced TonEBP/NFAT5 transcriptional activity and target gene expression in HEK293 cells. This effect was not mediated by impaired nuclear translocation or by reduced transactivating activity of TonEBP/NFAT5. However, TonEBP/NFAT5 abundance under hypertonic conditions was diminished by 50% by FAK inhibition or siRNA knockdown of FAK. FAK inhibition only marginally reduced transcription of the TonEBP/NFAT5 gene. Rather, TonEBP/NFAT5 mRNA stability was diminished significantly by FAK inhibition, which correlated with reduced reporter activity of the TonEBP/NFAT5 mRNA 3' untranslated region (3'-UTR). In conclusion, FAK is a major regulator of TonEBP/NFAT5 activity by increasing its abundance via stabilization of the mRNA. This in turn, depends on the presence of the TonEBP/NFAT5 3'-UTR

    A Canadian paediatric brain tumour consortium (CPBTC) phase II molecularly targeted study of imatinib in recurrent and refractory paediatric central nervous system tumours

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of imatinib in children with recurrent or refractory central nervous system (CNS) tumours expressing KIT and/or PDGFRA. METHODS: Nineteen patients aged 2-18 years, with recurrent or refractory CNS tumours expressing either of the target receptors KIT and/or PDGFRA (by immunohistochemistry) were eligible. Participants received imatinib orally at a dose of 440 mg/m(2)/day and toxicities and tumour responses were monitored. Serial blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples for pharmacokinetics were obtained in a subset of consenting patients. Frozen tumour samples were analysed retrospectively for KIT and PDGFRA gene amplification in a subset of patients for whom samples were available. RESULTS: Common toxicities were lymphopaenia, neutropaenia, leucopaenia, elevated serum transaminases and vomiting. No intratumoural haemorrhages were observed. Although there were no objective responses to imatinib, four patients had long-term stable disease (SD) (38-104 weeks). Our results suggest a possible relationship between KIT expression and maintenance of SD with imatinib treatment; KIT immunopositivity was seen in only 58% (11/19) of study participants overall, but in 100% of patients with SD at 38 weeks. All patient tumours showed PDGFRA expression. Pharmacokinetic data showed a high interpatient variability, but corresponded with previously reported values. CONCLUSIONS: Imatinib at 440 mg/m(2)/day is relatively safe in children with recurrent CNS tumours, but induced no objective responses. Demonstration of SD in previously progressing patients (KIT-expressing) suggests cytostatic activity of imatinib.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Immunodeficiency and Cancer in 3.5 Million People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV):the South African HIV Cancer Match Study

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    BACKGROUND We analysed associations between immunodeficiency and cancer incidence in a nationwide cohort of people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in South Africa. METHODS We used data from the South African HIV Cancer Match study built on HIV-related laboratory measurements from the National Health Laboratory Services and cancer records from the National Cancer Registry. We evaluated associations between time-updated CD4 cell count and cancer incidence rates using Cox proportional hazards models. We reported adjusted hazard ratios (aHR) over a grid of CD4 values and estimated the aHR per 100 CD4 cells/µl decrease. RESULTS Of 3,532,266 people living with HIV (PLWH), 15,078 developed cancer. The most common cancers were cervical cancer (4,150 cases), Kaposi sarcoma (2,262 cases), and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (1,060 cases). The association between lower CD4 cell count and higher cancer incidence rates was strongest for conjunctival cancer (aHR per 100 CD4 cells/µl decrease: 1.46, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.38-1.54), Kaposi sarcoma (aHR 1.23, 95% CI 1.20-1.26), and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (aHR 1.18, 95% CI 1.14-1.22). Among infection-unrelated cancers, lower CD4 cell counts were associated with higher incidence rates of oesophageal cancer (aHR 1.06, 95 CI 1.00-1.11), but not breast, lung, or prostate cancer. CONCLUSIONS Lower CD4 cell counts were associated with an increased risk of developing various infection-related cancers among PLWH. Reducing HIV-induced immunodeficiency may be a potent cancer prevention strategy among PLWH in sub-Saharan Africa, a region heavily burdened by cancers attributable to infections

    Cohort profile: the South African HIV Cancer Match (SAM) Study, a national population-based cohort.

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    PURPOSE The South African HIV Cancer Match (SAM) Study is a national cohort of people living with HIV (PLWH). It was created using probabilistic record linkages of routine laboratory records of PLWH retrieved by National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) and cancer data from the National Cancer Registry. The SAM Study aims to assess the spectrum and risk of cancer in PLWH in the context of the evolving South African HIV epidemic. The SAM Study's overarching goal is to inform cancer prevention and control programmes in PLWH in the era of antiretroviral treatment in South Africa. PARTICIPANTS PLWH (both adults and children) who accessed HIV care in public sector facilities and had HIV diagnostic or monitoring laboratory tests from NHLS. FINDINGS TO DATE The SAM cohort currently includes 5 248 648 PLWH for the period 2004 to 2014; 69% of these are women. The median age at cohort entry was 33.0 years (IQR: 26.2-40.9). The overall cancer incidence in males and females was 235.9 (95% CI: 231.5 to 240.5) and 183.7 (181.2-186.2) per 100 000 person-years, respectively.Using data from the SAM Study, we examined national cancer incidence in PLWH and the association of different cancers with immunodeficiency. Cancers with the highest incidence rates were Kaposi sarcoma, cervix, breast, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and eye cancer. FUTURE PLANS The SAM Study is a unique, evolving resource for research and surveillance of malignancies in PLWH. The SAM Study will be regularly updated. We plan to enrich the SAM Study through record linkages with other laboratory data within the NHLS (eg, tuberculosis, diabetes and lipid profile data), mortality data and socioeconomic data to facilitate comprehensive epidemiological research of comorbidities among PLWH

    BACCardI - a tool for the validation of genomic assemblies, assisting genome finishing and intergenome comparison

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    Bartels D, Kespohl S, Albaum S, et al. BACCardI - a tool for the validation of genomic assemblies, assisting genome finishing and intergenome comparison. Bioinformatics. 2005;21(7):853-859.Summary: We provide the graphical tool BACCardI for the construction of virtual clone maps from standard assembler output files or BLAST based sequence comparisons. This new tool has been applied to numerous genome projects to solve various problems including (a) validation of whole genome shotgun assemblies, (b) support for contig ordering in the finishing phase of a genome project, and (c) intergenome comparison between related strains when only one of the strains has been sequenced and a large insert library is available for the other. The BACCardI software can seamlessly interact with various sequence assembly packages. Motivation: Genomic assemblies generated from sequence information need to be validated by independent methods such as physical maps. The time-consuming task of building physical maps can be circumvented by virtual clone maps derived from read pair information of large insert libraries

    Physical and psychological challenges faced by military, medical and public safety personnel relief workers supporting natural disaster operations: a systematic review

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    Natural disasters, including floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes, result in devastating consequences at the individual and community levels. To date, much of the research reflecting the consequences of natural disasters focuses heavily on victims, with little attention paid to the personnel responding to such disasters. We conducted a systematic review of the challenges faced by military, medical and public safety personnel supporting natural disaster relief operations. Specifically, we report on the current evidence reflecting challenges faced, as well as positive outcomes experienced by military, medical and public safety personnel following deployment to natural disasters. The review included 382 studies. A large proportion of the studies documented experiences of medical workers, followed by volunteers from humanitarian organizations and military personnel. The most frequently reported challenges across the studies were structural (i.e., interactions with the infrastructure or structural institutions), followed by resource limitations, psychological, physical, and social challenges. Over 60% of the articles reviewed documented positive or transformative outcomes following engagement in relief work (e.g., the provision of additional resources, support, and training), as well as self-growth and fulfillment. The current results emphasize the importance of pre-deployment training to better prepare relief workers to manage expected challenges, as well as post-deployment supportive services to mitigate adverse outcomes and support relief workers’ well-being

    The Impact of Hypomania on Aerobic Capacity and Cardiopulmonary Functioning—A Case Report

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    Background: Hypomanic episodes are characterized by increased goal-directed behavior and psychomotor agitation. While the affective, cognitive, and behavioral manifestations of such episodes are well-documented, their physiological influence on aerobic capacity and cardiopulmonary functioning are unknown.Methods: We describe a case report of an individual with schizophrenia who experienced a hypomanic episode while serving as a control participant (wait list) in a single-blind, randomized clinical trial examining the impact of aerobic exercise (AE) on neurocognition in people schizophrenia. As part of the trial, participants completed two scheduled clinical assessments and cardiopulmonary exercise tests (VO2max) at baseline and 12 weeks later at end of study. All participants received standard psychiatric care during the trial. Following a baseline assessment in which he displayed no evidence of mood lability, the subject returned on Week-12 for his scheduled follow-up assessment displaying symptoms of hypomania. He was able to complete the follow-up assessment, as well as third assessment 2 weeks later (Week-14) when his hypomanic symptoms ebbed.Results: While not engaging in AE, the subject's aerobic capacity, as indexed by VO2max, increased by 33% from baseline to Week-12. In comparison, participants engaged in the aerobic exercise training increased their aerobic capacity on average by 18%. In contrast, participants in the control group displayed a small decline (−0.5%) in their VO2max scores. Moreover, the subject's aerobic capacity increased even further by Week-14 (49% increase from baseline), despite the ebbing of his hypomania symptoms at that time. These changes were accompanied by increases in markers of aerobic fitness including peak heart rate, respiratory exchange rate, peak minute ventilation, watts, and peak systolic blood pressure. Resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and peak diastolic blood pressure remained unchanged.Conclusions: Our findings suggest that hypomania produce substantial increase in aerobic capacity and that such elevations may remain sustained following the ebbing of hypomanic symptoms. Such elevations may be attributed to increased mobility and goal-directed behavior associated with hypomania, as individuals in hypomanic states may ambulate more frequently, for longer duration, and/or at higher intensity. Our results provide a first and unique view into the impact of hypomania on aerobic capacity and cardiopulmonary functioning