50 research outputs found

    Validity of Resting Energy Expenditure Predictive Equations before and after an Energy-Restricted Diet Intervention in Obese Women

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    Background We investigated the validity of REE predictive equations before and after 12-week energy-restricted diet intervention in Spanish obese (30 kg/m2>BMI<40 kg/m2) women. Methods We measured REE (indirect calorimetry), body weight, height, and fat mass (FM) and fat free mass (FFM, dual X-ray absorptiometry) in 86 obese Caucasian premenopausal women aged 36.7±7.2 y, before and after (n = 78 women) the intervention. We investigated the accuracy of ten REE predictive equations using weight, height, age, FFM and FM. Results At baseline, the most accurate equation was the Mifflin et al. (Am J Clin Nutr 1990; 51: 241–247) when using weight (bias:−0.2%, P = 0.982), 74% of accurate predictions. This level of accuracy was not reached after the diet intervention (24% accurate prediction). After the intervention, the lowest bias was found with the Owen et al. (Am J Clin Nutr 1986; 44: 1–19) equation when using weight (bias:−1.7%, P = 0.044), 81% accurate prediction, yet it provided 53% accurate predictions at baseline. Conclusions There is a wide variation in the accuracy of REE predictive equations before and after weight loss in non-morbid obese women. The results acquire especial relevance in the context of the challenging weight regain phenomenon for the overweight/obese population.The present study was supported by the University of the Basque Country (UPV 05/80), Social Foundation of the Caja Vital- Kutxa and by the Department of Health of the Government of the Basque Country (2008/111062), and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2010-05957)

    With flowers to La Atkins

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    Photobook, Flowers, Gardens, Vegetables, Plants, World Photobook Day, International Photobook Day, 2021Anna Atkins nos regaló un fotolibro de algas, maravillosamente azules, que son como flores del mundo subacuático. Este año, para celebrar el Día Internacional del Fotolibro 2021, os proponemos hacer un fotolibro colectivo que será como un ramo de flores para Anna. Se trata de hacer fotos a flores, hierbas, plantas, hierbajos, suculentas, cactus... Las fotos nos van a permitir poner en el ramo lo que más nos guste sin preocuparnos de los problemas que nos daría una pieza floral fresca. Podéis sacar la foto a una flor o planta viva, vuestra o de un jardín público o del campo Podéis fotografiar algo de un herbario o una flor prensada que guardabais dentro de un libro Podéis fotografiar una foto de una flor Podéis sacarle una foto a una flor de plástico Podéis fotografiar un dibujo o una pintura (con motivos florales o vegetales, claro) Podéis fotografiar una planta carnívora (en ayunas o haciendo la digestión) Podéis fotografiar flores del mal o del "buenri" Siempre que sea vegetal y/o floral entrará en este libro ramo para Anna. ¡Queremos tanto a Anna! Vamos a mandarle flores como para una boda, como para un fiestón, como para una diva de la ópera que no conoce las alergias y le cabe de todo en el camerino, como para la primavera que está comenzando en el Cono Sur. Organizan: Biblioteca de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la UCM Photobook Club MadridFac. de Bellas Artesunpu

    Inventory of lifestyle interventions and medical support for healthcare professionals in diabetes care

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    Zorgprofessionals die zich zowel met de preventie als de zorg voor diabetes bezighouden, ervaren een groot aanbod aan leefstijlinterventies, maar missen het overzicht hierin. Vooral het inzicht in preventieve activiteiten die lokaal worden aangeboden en het aanbod vanuit de huisartsen en specialisten (eerste en tweede lijn) ontbreekt. Dit blijkt uit een inventarisatie door het RIVM van leefstijlinterventies en ondersteuningsbehoeften van zorgprofessionals in de diabeteszorg.Zorgprofessionals in de preventie en zorg voor diabetes ervaren een groot aanbod aan leefstijlinterventies, maar missen het overzicht hierin. Vooral het inzicht op lokaal niveau en het aanbod vanuit de eerste en tweede lijn wordt gemist. Het aanbod aan kansrijke beweeg- en voedingsinterventies bestaat vooral uit gecombineerde leefstijlinterventies. Het onderzoek is in opdracht van de Nederlandse Diabetes Federatie uitgevoerd (NDF) in het kader van het Nationaal Actieprogramma Diabetes. De overheid heeft dit programma voor vier jaar (2009-2013) ingesteld om de groei van diabetes in te perken en betere zorg voor deze aandoening te bieden. Voor deze inventarisatie is gezocht naar leefstijlinterventies in de zogeheten Interventie-database van het Centrum Gezond Leven van het RIVM. Daarnaast is hierover navraag gedaan bij verschillende organisaties. Bovendien zijn zorgprofessionals geïnterviewd om achter hun ondersteuningsbehoeften te komen. In totaal zijn meer dan 100 interventies bekeken, waarvan 12 als 'kansrijk' zijn opgenomen in het rapport. Deze interventies zijn beoordeeld aan de hand van een aantal kwaliteitscriteria waaronder effectiviteit en overdraagbaarheid. De meeste van deze 12 interventies zijn gericht op voeding en bewegen en zijn zowel geschikt voor hoogrisicogroepen voor diabetes als voor diabetespatiënten. Er zijn geen interventies gevonden gericht op vrouwen met zwangerschapsdiabetes of op jongeren met diabetes. Idealiter werken professionals uit verschillende disciplines, zoals huisartsen, diëtisten, fysiotherapeuten en de GGD, samen om het lokale aanbod aan leefstijlinterventies aan te bieden en elkaar daarover te informeren.Healthcare professionals active in the care and prevention of diabetes are aware of the numerous lifestyle interventions that can be used, but they lack an overview of these interventions. This overview is particularly missing for preventative interventions that can be implemented locally (first-line care) and for those initiated by general practitioners and specialists (second-line care). These are the conclusions drawn from a survey carried out by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) on lifestyle interventions and medical support for healthcare professionals in diabetes care. The study was performed by order of the Dutch Diabetes Federation (NDF) as part of the National Action Programme on Diabetes (NAD). This programme is being supported by the government for a period of four years (2009-2013), with the dual aim of contributing to a decrease in the number of diabetes cases and providing better care for diabetes patients. The survey comprised a search for lifestyle interventions in the "Interventiondatabase of the Centre for Healthy Living (RIVM-CGL)" and subsequent inquiries involving various healthcare organisations on the identified interventions. Healthcare professionals were also interviewed to identify those specific areas requiring medical support. More than 100 interventions have been identified of which 12 are described in this report. These interventions have being assessed on quality criteria such as effectiveness and transferability. Most of these 12 interventions identified focus on improving diet and physical activity and are suitable both for individuals with a high risk of diabetes and diabetes patients. No intervention was identified that specifically targets gestational diabetes and diabetes in young people. The ideal approach is one in which healthcare professionals from different disciplines, such as general practitioners, dietitians, physical therapists and those working in municipal public health services (GGD), work together in introducing the relevant lifestyle interventions and keeping each other informed of these interventions.Nederlandse Diabetes Federati

    Maintenance of weight loss after lifestyle interventions for overweight and obesity, a systematic review

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    Lifestyle interventions can reduce body weight, but weight regain is common and may particularly occur with higher initial weight loss. If so, one may argue whether the 10% weight loss in clinical guidelines is preferable above a lower weight loss. This systematic review explores the relation between weight loss during an intervention and weight maintenance after at least 1 year of unsupervised follow-up. Twenty-two interventions (during at least 1 month) in healthy overweight Caucasians were selected and the mean percentages of weight loss and maintenance were calculated in a standardized way. In addition, within four intervention groups (n \u3e 80) maintenance was calculated stratified by initial weight loss (0-5%, 5-10%, \u3e10%). Overall, mean percentage maintenance was 54%. Weight loss during the intervention was not significantly associated with percentage maintenance (r = -0.26; P = 0.13). Percentage maintenance also not differed significantly between interventions with a weight loss of 5-10% vs. \u3e10%. Consequently, net weight loss after follow-up differed between these categories (3.7 vs. 7.0%, respectively; P \u3c 0.01). The analyses within the four interventions confirmed these findings. In conclusion, percentage maintenance does not clearly depend on initial weight loss. From this perspective, 10% or more weight loss can indeed be encouraged and favoured above lower weight loss goals. © 2010 The Authors. obesity reviews © 2010 International Association for the Study of Obesity