11 research outputs found


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    The article presents the variability of precipitation based on the temporal oscillation model. Series of monthly precipitation totals from the years 1955–1980 were used for the analysis. The detailed research referred to the selected 10 measurement stations in central Poland and 17 in southern Poland. Data series from all the measurement stations were verified in terms of their statistical homogeneity. Furthermore, in accordance with the model guidelines, the tendency was assessed. This was followed by calculation of seasonal and accidental oscillations of precipitation. The results were used to present the variability of precipitation in the two areas studied. The measurement stations in southern Poland showed a much higher mean variation of seasonal oscillations of monthly precipitation. Accidental precipitation, however, is much more significant for the total variability of precipitation in southern Poland

    The Application of Box–Cox Transformation to Determine the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI), the Standardised Discharge Index (SDI) and to Identify Drought Events: Case Study in Eastern Kujawy (Central Poland)

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    The article presents the results of research into the transformation of series of hydro-meteorological data for determining dry periods with the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardised Discharge Index (SDI). Time series from eight precipitation stations and five series of river discharge data in Eastern Kujawy (central Poland) were analysed for 1951–2010. The frequency distribution of the series for their convergence with the normal distribution was tested with the Shapiro–Wilk test and homogeneity with the Bartlett's test. The transformation of the series was done with the Box–Cox technique, which made it possible to homogenise the series in terms of variance. In Poland, the technique has never been used to determine the SPI. After the transformation the distributions of virtually all series complied with the normal distribution and were homogeneous. Moreover, a statistically significant correlation between the δ transformation parameter and the skewness of the series of monthly precipitation was observed. It was similar for the series of mean monthly discharges in the winter half-year and the hydrological year. The analysis indicates an alternate occurrence of dry and wet periods both in case of precipitation and run-offs. Drought periods coincided with low flow periods. Thus, the fluctuations tend to affect the development of agriculture more than long-term ones

    Hydrological dry periods versus atmospheric circulations in the lower Vistula Basin (Poland) in 1954–2018

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    The paper discusses the impact of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of droughts. The research includes mean monthly discharges for 7 rivers in 1954-2018. Dry periods were determined with Standardised Streamflow Indices (SSI-12). Additionally, the circulation type calendar for Central Poland was used to determine the atmospheric circulation indices: western zonal (W), southern meridional (S) and cyclonicity (C). The analyses indicated a variation in the duration and intensity of droughts in the rivers. 2014-2017 was the driest period with the lowest SSI-12 for most rivers and the highest number of extremely dry months. The advection of air from the West and the South prevailed and anticyclonic synoptic situations dominated over the cyclonic types. Drought spells occurred at a dominance of anticyclonic circulation, with the inflow of air from the North and with increased western zonal circulation


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    Mortality crises are periods of unusually high mortality resulted from a combination of epidemic episodes, climatic phenomena, historical events and sociopolitical factors. The most pronounced setback in the methodology applied to analyse mortality rates of historical populations is the inability to establish their size.Reference publications do not provide unambiguous measures of the intensity and scale of mortality crisis periods. This problem was approached with the use of the Standardised Demographic Dynamics Rate (SDDR) whose value provides information about the condition of a population, disregarding the size of the group. Demographic crises were indicated and identified among the population living in the 19th century in central Poland in the rural parish. The analysis was based on data obtained from parish registers, made use of the measure expressing the ratio of the number of births to the number of deaths, without using the size of the group.Results obtained from the analysis of data were set against the information about events causing a sudden growth in mortality derived from the widely-accessible literature. Value of the Standardised Demographic Dynamics Rate (SDDR) provides information aboutthe condition of a population, disregarding the size of the group. Nevertheless, only by combining the statistically obtained data with the information derived from written records it is possible to attempt to answer the question of the possible root cause of a demographic crisis

    Measured and predicted freeze-thaw days frequencies in climate change conditions in central Poland

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    The rate of progression of geomorphological phenomena is greatly influenced by freeze-thaw processes. In the face of air temperature increasing over the past few decades, a question of the future impact of these processes arises, notably in the temperate and cold climate zones. Using the mean, maximum and minimum daily air temperature data in the period 1951–2018 obtained from three weather stations located in the vicinity of Jeziorsko reservoir (central Poland), we have determined the mathematical correlation, described with a polynomial function, between the mean monthly air temperature and the monthly number of freeze-thaw days (FTD). A freeze-thaw day is a day when the maximum air temperature is above 0 °C while the minimum air temperature equals or is below this threshold. The number of FTDs within the study area averaged 64–71 and demonstrated a downward trend of 2–4 FTDs/10 years. The study period (1951–2018), includes a clearly marked distinct sub-period (1991–2018), when the reservoir was in operation, which experienced 58–68 FTDs. Considering the assumed rise in temperature, one should expect a further, though slightly slower, decline in the future number of FTDs. Depending on the accepted model of the temperature increase, which for the area of Poland (Central Europe) in the perspective of 30 years oscillates between +1.1 to +1.3 °C, the number of FTDs within the study area is expected to decline by −4.5 to −5.3 FTD, i.e. 6–7% and 5.4–5.5 FTD i.e. 8–9% respectively

    Ecohydrological Changes and Resilience of a Shallow Lake Ecosystem under Intense Human Pressure and Recent Climate Change

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    In this work we present the complicated situation of a faunistically and floristically valuable ecosystem of the Rakutowskie Lake wetlands complex, which is part of the Special Protection Area for Birds of “Błota Rakutowskie” (PLB40001) and “Błota Kłócieńskie” Habitats Directive Sites (PLH040031) included in the Natura 2000 network. Numerous ornithological observations have drawn our attention to the problem of rapidly progressing overgrowth of the lake and significant fluctuations in its water surface area. These fluctuations, especially in the spring period, significantly limit safe reproduction possibilities of very rare species of water–marsh birds. A multidirectional and comprehensive spectrum of research works allowed us to determine the genesis of the ecosystem and show that the shallow lake is undergoing the final stage in its evolution. The economic aspect of human activity (changes in land use and land development works) has contributed to serious degradation of the ecosystem. Climate changes observed in recent years (increased air temperature and, consequently, higher evaporation) additionally deepen and accelerate this process. The research made it possible to determine how the ecosystem functions today, but it is also an attempt to determine our predictions about its future