17 research outputs found

    Miről mesélnek a kora újkori középiskolai adatsorok? : a kassai jezsuita gimnázium anyakönyvének elektronikus feldolgozása - egy kutatási projekt első eredményei = The electronical processing of the school register of the Jesuit Grammar School in Košice - the first results of a research project

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    In spite of the fact that the Society of Jesus had a quasi-monopoly position in Catholic ecclesiastical secondary education in the Kingdom of Hungary and Transylvania in the 17th and 18th centuries, until recently, registers of Jesuit grammar schools have not been utilised sufficiently. As referred to in the title, the study examines the possibilities of the electronical processing of the school register of the early modern Jesuit Grammar School in Kassa (Košice, present-day: Slovakia), introducing the first results. The project has started within the confines of the subproject of the “MTA–ELTE History of Universities Research Group” as a continuation of the project called “Catholic Schooling in Hungary in the Early Modern Period: the Students of the Győr, Nagyszombat and Pozsony Jesuit Colleges”. As results of the latter project, the school registers of the Jesuit grammar schools in Győr, Pozsony (Bratislava, present-day: Slovakia) and Nagyszombat (Trnava, present-day: Slovakia) had been already processed electronically and student databases had been created, which are currently available at the Hungaricana – Hungarian Cultural Heritage Portal. The importance of these student databases, including the Kassa one, lies primarily in the potential of complex queries. Statistical data series can be produced by using of them from an essentially pre-statistical period, which could provide a sharper insight into a well-defined broad segment of society of the early modern Kingdom of Hungary. Moreover, cohort analyses based on them could contribute to revealing school studies and educational paths, providing opportunities to make inductive reasonings. Nevertheless, especially combined with other databases, hopefully those will be also useful for researchers dealing with information history, because they aid to draw higher-order conclusions through the various logical queries

    A 17. század közepi hatalmi és felekezeti küzdelmek Felső-Magyarországon egy rendhagyó ingatlanügylet tükrében : A kassai királyi ház jezsuitáknak adományozása és a felső- magyarországi főkapitányi székhely áthelyezése

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    A tanulmány a kassai királyi ház jezsuita rend számára történő eladományozásának ügyét tárgyalja, bemutatva az alternatív elképzeléseket, az épület kibővítéséig és átadásáig vezető utat, valamint az azt övező politikai-felekezeti alapú konfliktusokat. Az épület birtokba vétele mérföldkövet jelentett az 1650-es évek elején még rezidencia formában működő jezsuiták számára a nagyobb intézményi önállóságot jelentő kollégiummá alakulás útján. A királyi adomány egyúttal a felső-magyarországi főkapitányi székhelynek a szakirodalomban rendre feledésbe merülő áthelyezését és a Bornemissza-ház e célból való megvásárlását is jelentette. | he study discusses the donation of the Royal House of Kassa to the Jesuit Order, presenting the alternative ideas preceding it, the road to the extension and hand- over of the building, and the political-denominational conflicts surrounding the transaction. Taking possession of the building marked a milestone on the road to becoming a college with greater institutional autonomy for the Jesuits, who were still operating in residence format in the early 1650s. The royal donation also meant the relocation of the seat of the Royal Captain-general in Upper Hungary, which is often forgotten in the literature, as well as the purchase of the Bornemissza House for this purpose

    Screening for Mutations of 21-Hydroxylase Gene in Hungarian Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of autosomal recessive disorders, causing impaired secretion of cortisol and aldosterone from the adrenal cortex, with subsequent overproduction of adrenal androgens. The most common enzyme defect causing CAH is steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency. To determine the mutational spectrum in the Hungarian CAH population, the CYP21 active gene was analyzed using PCR. A total of 297 Hungarian patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency are registered in the 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Budapest, Hungary, and their clinical status was evaluated. Blood samples for CYP21 genotype determination could be obtained from 167 patients (representing 306 unrelated chromosomes and 56.2% of the total group of patients). Eight of the most common mutations were screened [In2 (intron 2 splice mutation), I172N, Del (Del: apparents large gene conversion), Q318X, R356W, 1761Tins, ClusterE6, V281L] using allele-specific amplification. The most frequent mutation in the Hungarian CAH population was found to be In2. Our results have shown a good genotype/phenotype correlation in case of most mutations; the In2 mutation is associated mostly with the severe form of the disease, whereas I172N was expressed in a wide spectrum of phenotypes. 1999