23 research outputs found
Searching for effects caused by thunderstorms in midlatitude sporadic E layers
Possible thunderstorm - sporadic E (Es) layer coupling effects are
investigated during two measurement periods, one in 2013 and one in 2014. The
analysis was based on ionospheric observations obtained from a Digisonde at
Pruhonice, the Czech Republic, an ionosonde at Nagycenk, Hungary, and a 3.59
MHz five-point continuous HF Doppler system located in the western part of the
Czech Republic. The latter is capable of detecting ionospheric wave-like
variations caused by neutral atmospheric waves generated by thunderstorms. The
present study searches for possible impacts on Es layers caused by the presence
of two active thunderstorms: one passing across the Czech Republic on June 20,
2013 (19:00 - 01:00 LT), and one through Hungary on July 30, 2014 (11:00 -
01:00 LT). During these two time periods, presence and parameters of Es layer
were inferred from ionograms, recorded every minute at Pruhonice and every two
minutes at Nagycenk, whereas concurrent lightning activity was monitored by the
LINET detection network. In addition, transient luminous events (TLEs) were
also observed during both nights from Sopron, Hungary and from Nydek, the Czech
Republic. A noticeable fact was the reduction and disappearance of the ongoing
Es layer activity during part of the time in both of the traversing
thunderstorms. The analysis indicated that the critical frequency foEs dropped
below ionosonde detection levels in both cases, possibly because of
thunderstorm activity effects. This option, however, needs more case studies in
order to be further substantiated
A fokozott arrhythmiarizikó új markere: a mikrovolt T-hullám-alternáns patomechanizmusa és vizsgálati módszerei = Microvolt T-wave alternant: pathomechanism and evaluation of a new marker of arrhythmia risk
A mikrovolt T-hullám-alternáns, angolul microvolt T-wave alternant (µV-TWA), a T-hullám amplitúdójának ütésről ütésre történő mikrovoltszinten mérhető váltakozása. Mivel ez a változás igen kicsi, csak finom, érzékeny digitális jelfeldolgozó technikával mérhető. Jelenlegi álláspont szerint a µV-TWA megjelenése előre jelezheti a letális, malignus kamrai tachyarrythmiák kialakulásának valószínűségét, a hirtelen szívhalál bekövetkeztét. Az elmúlt tíz évben experimentális és klinikai vizsgálatok próbálták magyarázni a µV-TWA kialakulásának patomechanizmusát és a mögöttes sejtszintű folyamatokat. Azonban a mai napig nem sikerült a µV-TWA-t kialakító celluláris folyamatokat megfelelően tisztázni. Összefoglaló tanulmányunkban áttekintjük azokat a témával foglalkozó közleményeket, amelyek a folyamatban szerepet játszó akciós potenciál repolarizációjában fontosak voltak és áttörést jelentettek az elmúlt években. Részletezzük az akciós potenciál és ionáram-fluktuáció, a citoplazmatikus kalciumkoncentráció-szabályozás, a béta-adrenerg receptorok, valamint a connexinek szerepét a µV-TWA és a következményes kamrai tachyarrhythmiák kialakításában. Ismertetjük továbbá a µV-TWA detektálására jelenleg alkalmazott technikákat, azok felhasználási lehetőségeit a hirtelen szívhalál veszélyeztetettségének felmérésében.
Microvolt T-wave alternant (µV-TWA) is a beat-to-beat fluctuation in the amplitude of T-wave at a microvolt level. The amount of variation is small, on the order of microvolts, so sensitive digital signal processing techniques are required to detect µV-TWA. The appearance of µV-TWA has been suggested as a predictor of susceptibility to lethal ventricular tachyarrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death in different patients’ populations. During the last decade, theoretical, experimental and clinical research efforts have focused primarily on µV-TWA, examining its mechanisms and predictive value using time-invariant cutoff values. The cellular mechanisms involved are not well-defined and are the subject of this investigation. This review discusses the bench-to-bedside literature that, over decades, has linked alternans of repolarization in cellular, whole-heart, and human studies with spatial dispersion of repolarization, alternans of cellular action potential, and fluctuations in ionic currents, intracellular calcium regulation, role of the beta adrenergic receptors and connexins that may lead to ventricular arrhythmias. This review then provides a contemporary framework for the use of µV-TWA methods to enhance risk stratification for sudden cardiac death, identifying populations for whom µV-TWA is best established
Impact of ICME- and SIR/CIR-Driven Geomagnetic Storms on the Ionosphere over Hungary
We investigate the differences between the effects of geomagnetic storms due to Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICME) and due to Stream Interaction Regions or Corotating Interaction Regions (SIR/CIR) on the ionospheric F2-layer during the maximum of solar cycle 24. We have created a unique list of the ICME- and SIR/CIR-driven geomagnetic storm events for the time interval between November 2012 and October 2014. Finally, 42 clear ICME and 34 clear SIR/CIR events were selected for this analysis. The individual geomagnetic storm periods were grouped by seasons, time of day, and local time of Dstmin and were analyzed using three different methods: linear correlation analysis using 4-h averages of foF2 parameters and the geomagnetic indices (1st), daily variation of deltafoF2 (2nd), and 3D plotting: geomagnetic indices vs. time vs. deltafoF2 (3rd). The main phase day of the ICME- and SIR/CIR-induced geomagnetic storms was our main focus. We used manually evaluated ionospheric foF2 parameters measured at the Sopron ionosonde station and the geomagnetic indices (Kp, Dst, and AE) for this analysis. We have found that in most cases, the variation of the Dst index is the best indicator of the impact caused in the F2 layer. We conclude as well that the representation of the data by the third method gives a better description of the ICME and SIR/CIR-triggered storm behavior. In addition, our investigation shows that the SIR/CIR-related perturbations can be predicted with greater accuracy with the second method