15 research outputs found

    Profiling Microglia From Alzheimer's Disease Donors and Non-demented Elderly in Acute Human Postmortem Cortical Tissue

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    Microglia are the tissue-resident macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS). Recent studies based on bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing in mice indicate high relevance of microglia with respect to risk genes and neuro-inflammation in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we investigated microglia transcriptomes at bulk and single-cell levels in non-demented elderly and AD donors using acute human postmortem cortical brain samples. We identified seven human microglial subpopulations with heterogeneity in gene expression. Notably, gene expression profiles and subcluster composition of microglia did not differ between AD donors and non-demented elderly in bulk RNA sequencing nor in single-cell sequencing

    Proof of principle for the synthesis of hydroxy-aryl esters of glycosidic polyols and non-reducing oligosaccharides with subsequent enzymatic coupling to a tyrosine-containing tripeptide

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    To enable enzymatic coupling of saccharides to proteins, several di- and trisaccharides were hydroxy-arylated using anhydrous transesterification with methyl 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate, catalyzed by potassium carbonate. This transesterification resulted in the attachment of up to 3 hydroxy-aryl units per oligosaccharide molecule, with the monosubstituted product being by far the most abundant. The alkaline reaction conditions, however, resulted in a partial breakdown of reducing sugars. This breakdown could easily be bypassed by a preceding sugar reduction step converting them to polyols. Hydroxy-arylated products were purified by using solid phase extraction, based on the number of hydroxy-aryl moieties attached. Monohydroxy-arylated saccharose was subsequently linked to a tyrosine-containing tripeptide using horseradish peroxidase, as monitored by LC-MSn. This proof of principle for peptide and protein glycation with a range of possible saccharides and glycosidic polyols can lead to products with unique new properties.

    Induction of a common microglia gene expression signature by aging and neurodegenerative conditions : a co-expression meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Microglia are tissue macrophages of the central nervous system that monitor brain homeostasis and react upon neuronal damage and stress. Aging and neurodegeneration induce a hypersensitive, pro-inflammatory phenotype, referred to as primed microglia. To determine the gene expression signature of priming, the transcriptomes of microglia in aging, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) mouse models were compared using Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA). RESULTS: A highly consistent consensus transcriptional profile of up-regulated genes was identified, which prominently differed from the acute inflammatory gene network induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Where the acute inflammatory network was significantly enriched for NF-ÎşB signaling, the primed microglia profile contained key features related to phagosome, lysosome, antigen presentation, and AD signaling. In addition, specific signatures for aging, AD, and ALS were identified. CONCLUSION: Microglia priming induces a highly conserved transcriptional signature with aging- and disease-specific aspects

    Linked local navigation for visual route guidance

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    Insects are able to navigate reliably between food and nest using only visual information. This behavior has inspired many models of visual landmark guidance, some of which have been tested on autonomous robots. The majority of these models work by comparing the agent's current view with a view of the world stored when the agent was at the goal. The region from which agents can successfully reach home is therefore limited to the goal's visual locale, that is, the area around the goal where the visual scene is not radically different to the goal position. Ants are known to navigate over large distances using visually guided routes consisting of a series of visual memories. Taking inspiration from such route navigation, we propose a framework for linking together local navigation methods. We implement this framework on a robotic platform and test it in a series of environments in which local navigation methods fail. Finally, we show that the framework is robust to environments of varying complexity

    Atrophy patterns in early clinical stages across distinct phenotypes of Alzheimer's disease.

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) can present with distinct clinical variants. Identifying the earliest neurodegenerative changes associated with each variant has implications for early diagnosis, and for understanding the mechanisms that underlie regional vulnerability and disease progression in AD. We performed voxel-based morphometry to detect atrophy patterns in early clinical stages of four AD phenotypes: Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA, "visual variant," n=93), logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia (lvPPA, "language variant," n=74), and memory-predominant AD categorized as early age-of-onset (EOAD, <65 years, n=114) and late age-of-onset (LOAD, >65 years, n=114). Patients with each syndrome were stratified based on: (1) degree of functional impairment, as measured by the clinical dementia rating (CDR) scale, and (2) overall extent of brain atrophy, as measured by a neuroimaging approach that sums the number of brain voxels showing significantly lower gray matter volume than cognitively normal controls (n=80). Even at the earliest clinical stage (CDR=0.5 or bottom quartile of overall atrophy), patients with each syndrome showed both common and variant-specific atrophy. Common atrophy across variants was found in temporoparietal regions that comprise the posterior default mode network (DMN). Early syndrome-specific atrophy mirrored functional brain networks underlying functions that are uniquely affected in each variant: Language network in lvPPA, posterior cingulate cortex-hippocampal circuit in amnestic EOAD and LOAD, and visual networks in PCA. At more advanced stages, atrophy patterns largely converged across AD variants. These findings support a model in which neurodegeneration selectively targets both the DMN and syndrome-specific vulnerable networks at the earliest clinical stages of AD

    Transcriptomic analysis of purified human cortical microglia reveals age-associated changes

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    Microglia are essential for CNS homeostasis and innate neuroimmune function, and play important roles in neurodegeneration and brain aging. Here we present gene expression profiles of purified microglia isolated at autopsy from the parietal cortex of 39 human subjects with intact cognition. Overall, genes expressed by human microglia were similar to those in mouse, including established microglial genes CX3CR1, P2RY12 and ITGAM (CD11B). However, a number of immune genes, not identified as part of the mouse microglial signature, were abundantly expressed in human microglia, including TLR, F-c gamma and SIGLEC receptors, as well as TAL1 and IFI16, regulators of proliferation and cell cycle. Age-associated changes in human microglia were enriched for genes involved in cell adhesion, axonal guidance, cell surface receptor expression and actin (dis)assembly. Limited overlap was observed in microglial genes regulated during aging between mice and humans, indicating that human and mouse microglia age differently