99 research outputs found


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    year_ = year, box = box identity, nest = nest identity, ID_male = male identity, ID_female = female identity, transp_male = male transponder identity, transp_female = female transponder identity, firstEgg = date of first egg, hatchDate = date of hatching, fledgeDate = data of fledging, hatched = number of hatchlings, fledged = number of fledglings, died = number of hatchlings that died before fledging, survival = proportion of hatchlings that fledged, success = fledglings produced (0=no, 1=yes), successCat = nest success categorised, date = date, chickAge = chick age in days (hatching day = 0), rate_male = number of nest visits by male, rate_female = number of nest visits by female, rate_male_rel = relative nest visit rate of male, rate_female_rel = relative nest visit rate of female, maleStart = chick age of fist recorded male visit (can be >0 if tagged after chicks hatched), femaleStart= chick age of fist recorded female visit (can be >0 if tagged after chicks hatched), maleEnd = chick age of last recorded male visit , femaleEnd = chick age of fist recorded female visit , parentleft = one parent stopped visiting before the other parent and before the chicks reached fledging age (0=no, 1=yes), firstleaver = parent who stopped visiting nest first and before chick reached fledging age (1=male stopped visiting first, 2=female stopped visiting first, 0=no parent stopped visiting or both parents stopped visiting on same day), male_seen = male recorded again by SNB system after breeding attempt, female_seen = female recorded again by SNB system after breeding attempt, breedAgainMale = male breeding again in our population after breeding attempt, breedAgainFemale = female breeding again in our population after breeding attempt, age_male = male age (0=yearling, 1=adult), age_female = female age (0=yearling, 1=adult

    Latitudinal variation in timing of dawn singing under natural and artificial light conditions

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    Region = country of recording (Spain, Germany, Finland) Location = name of the site (see Table S2) Longitude = longitude of each location in ºE Latitude = latitude of each location in ºN Treatment = type of location (lighted or control) Mean intensity at 0m = mean intensity at each location in lux, measured under the street lights, with the lux meter held 2m from the ground Mean intensity at 5m = mean intensity at each location in lux, measured 2 meters from the street lights, with the lux meter held 2m from the ground Mean intensity at 10m = mean intensity at each location in lux, measured 10 meters from the street lights, with the lux meter held 2m from the ground Date = date of recording (DDMM) Calendar date = date starting from 1 = 1 January Lay date = date standardized according to the great tit mean lay date of each region Sunrise = time of sunrise at each location on each day in HH:MM Extraction = name of the person who extracted the recording data (David =David Diez-Méndez / Satu = Satu Tolvanen) Temperature = temperature at sunrise at each location on each day in degrees Celsius Rain = presence of rain during the recording (yes/no) Robin onset = European robin start of dawn singing at each location on each day in minutes before sunrise Blackbird onset = Common blackbird start of dawn singing at each location on each day in minutes before sunrise Great tit onset = Great tit start of dawn singing at each location on each day in minutes before sunrise Blue tit onset = Blue tit start of dawn singing at each location on each day in minutes before sunrise Chaffinch onset = Common chaffinch robin start of dawn singing at each location on each day in minutes before sunris


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    This file includes fecundity variation of all the females from which 20 high-fecundity and low-fecundity duos were selected (Table S3). The linear mixed models describe variation in female fecundity (i.e. the number of eggs laid per 7-week breeding round; i.e. ‘eggs’; this is ‘estimated fecundity’ before genetic parentage assignment because females were chosen based on that) as a function of female identity (FID), breeding round (first vs. second 7-week period), the number of days females were socially paired (‘dayspaired’), and the exclusiveness of the pair bond (‘Fshare’, with high values reflecting exclusive pairing). The column labelled ‘F’ refers to the inbreeding coefficient of each female


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    This file gives data for the 227 out of 240 planned ‘Supertests’ of 20min (after excluding 13 tests cancelled because two females died). This is the data for Figure1, Table 2 and Table S4. Here ‘high’ and ‘low’ always refer to traits of the high- and low-fecundity females, respectively, and ‘difference’ always refers to ‘high’ minus ‘low’. Given are the individual IDs, age in days, beak colour (‘BC’), body mass, and responsiveness. ‘Maletest’ refers to a male’s first vs. second choice test, ‘male_choosing_motivation’ is the sum of seconds the male is actively paying attention (theoretical max = 1,200 sec), ‘PrefHighFec’ is then the relative time with the high-fecundity female and ‘correct’ is 1 when ‘PrefHighFec’>0.5. Cases of missing data are explained in ‘comment’

    Pearson r of 7 traits_within aviary_table3

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    Test for assortative mating for various quality traits of males and females calculated at the within-aviary level. At the aviary level, the sample size indicates the number of aviaries for which a Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated; shown are the mean correlation coefficients for each trait. ‘Fitness’ refers to the number of eggs laid (female fecundity) or fertilized (male siring success). PCA score refers to the estimate of overall quality (Table 2) based on the other breeding round, i.e. when not paired to the focal partner


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    This file gives raw data from two-way choice tests: 240 trials of 10min per replicate. After 10min of trial sides are switched, so each ‘Supertest’ of 20 min (see next file #4) consists of two consecutive 10min trials (‘Round’). ‘duoIDwithin’ is the ID of each female duo within replicates. ‘L’ and ‘R’ always refer to the left and right side of the choice chamber, respectively, hence ‘MID’, ‘FID_L’, and ‘FID_R’ are the IDs of the male, the female on the left side, and the female on the right side of the cage. ‘SingL’ is seconds of song to the female on the left. ‘Attention’ is seconds of paying attention without singing to the female and ‘Neutral’ is time not paying attention or in the center. ‘RespL-R’ is the responsiveness of the left minus the right female, ‘PropAtt&SingL’ is the proportion of time paying attention or singing to the left female, ‘FecundFemaleL’ identifies the female on the left as either high or low fecundity; hence, ‘PropAtt&SingHihFec’ is then the attention given to the high-fecundity female. Cases of missing data are explained in ‘Comments’

    pair status & quality_ FigS1

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    Data for figureS1: PC scores of monogamous, polygamous and unpaired individuals of both sexes. Pairing status during the first breeding round in relation to the PC score from the second breeding round (PC1_other_round); Pairing status from the second round in relation to the PC score from the first round (PC1_other_round)

    Pairing success ~ quality_figure1

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    Data for the Figure1: Pairing success of individuals as a function of their quality (scored as the first principal component reflecting the quality indicators given in Table 2)

    model testing the differential-allocation hypothesis_table5

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    Data for the linear mixed-effect model testing the differential-allocation hypothesis based on observations of the proportion of female incubation in 283 out of 292 lasting monogamous pairs that initiated breeding. The dependent variable is the relative count of female versus male nest visit (FIDInc and MIDinc) records (using the ‘cbind’ function in R) within each pair. The random effects male and female identity (ID) reflect the individual repeatability across different partners (variance component V), while the random effect pair ID controls for overdispersion in the binomial counts. The predictor of interest (quality difference) is the difference in estimated quality between the partners (female PCA score minus male PCA score:diff_FM)

    pair status and quality_ FigS2

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    Data for FigS2: Principal component scores of mated pairs of different pairing status (as in Fig. 2, but both breeding rounds combined)
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