

year_ = year, box = box identity, nest = nest identity, ID_male = male identity, ID_female = female identity, transp_male = male transponder identity, transp_female = female transponder identity, firstEgg = date of first egg, hatchDate = date of hatching, fledgeDate = data of fledging, hatched = number of hatchlings, fledged = number of fledglings, died = number of hatchlings that died before fledging, survival = proportion of hatchlings that fledged, success = fledglings produced (0=no, 1=yes), successCat = nest success categorised, date = date, chickAge = chick age in days (hatching day = 0), rate_male = number of nest visits by male, rate_female = number of nest visits by female, rate_male_rel = relative nest visit rate of male, rate_female_rel = relative nest visit rate of female, maleStart = chick age of fist recorded male visit (can be >0 if tagged after chicks hatched), femaleStart= chick age of fist recorded female visit (can be >0 if tagged after chicks hatched), maleEnd = chick age of last recorded male visit , femaleEnd = chick age of fist recorded female visit , parentleft = one parent stopped visiting before the other parent and before the chicks reached fledging age (0=no, 1=yes), firstleaver = parent who stopped visiting nest first and before chick reached fledging age (1=male stopped visiting first, 2=female stopped visiting first, 0=no parent stopped visiting or both parents stopped visiting on same day), male_seen = male recorded again by SNB system after breeding attempt, female_seen = female recorded again by SNB system after breeding attempt, breedAgainMale = male breeding again in our population after breeding attempt, breedAgainFemale = female breeding again in our population after breeding attempt, age_male = male age (0=yearling, 1=adult), age_female = female age (0=yearling, 1=adult

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