5 research outputs found
Introducing B Corporations to the Higher Education Community
The higher education industry faces many challenges. Despite the recognition that a college degree is essential to developing skilled employees, informed citizens, and flourishing people, there is a shortage of skilled workers, college costs (and student debt) are rising, and the attainment gap for minorities and underrepresented populations remains stark
Berle VIII: Benefit Corporations and the Firm Commitment Universe
Benefit corporation law is a critical tool to allow private capital to be invested in a manner that creates shared and durable value for everyone. But a tool is only as good as the person who uses it. As highlighted in Rick Alexander’s essay, shareholders must understand the value of firm commitment, and, more importantly, the ultimate source of wealth for universal investors, which is thriving financial markets and a healthy, peaceful, and prosperous planet. These goals can only be attained and maintained for the long term if private capital is allocated and invested in a manner that creates value for everyone. So investors must learn to use benefit corporation law as a tool to require the companies they own to create value in a responsible and sustainable manner
A Conversation with B Lab
This is the panel of people who have been associated with B Lab for various lengths of time, but who really can put practical vision and facts before us in a way that the papers we’ve heard so far, while all really interesting, can’t quite do. All of these papers converge on this subject: what actually happens and what’s happened so far. So what I’m going to do is try to lead us through what could be an oral history, if it’s appropriately recorded, of B Lab. And thanks in large part to Rick Alexander, who knows the inside story pretty well, I’ve got a series of questions here that in honor of the program, I’m calling the Berle q’s
Introducing B corporations to the higher education community
The higher education industry faces many challenges. Despite the recognition that a college degree is essential to developing skilled employees, informed citizens, and flourishing people, there is a shortage of skilled workers, college costs (and student debt) are rising, and the attainment gap for minorities and underrepresented populations remains stark.SIN FINANCIACIÓNNo data 201