17 research outputs found

    Viininmaistelun alkeet -tapahtuma Maria P:ssä

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    Tiivistelmä Tekijät: Paananen Riina ja Korkiakoski Merika Työn nimi: Viininmaistelun alkeet -tapahtuma Maria P:ssä Tutkintonimike: Restonomi (AMK), matkailun koulutus Asiasanat: tapahtuma, viini, viininmaistelu, Chile Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja järjestää Viininmaistelun alkeet -tapahtuma. Tapahtuman toimeksiantajana toimi kajaanilainen yritys Viinibaari Maria P. Tapahtuma haluttiin toteuttaa baarin imagoon sopivaksi. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli saada Viini-baarille lisää asiakkaita tutustuttamalla kokemattomia viininmaistajia viineihin. Työ oli toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö, jonka tuotoksena oli Viininmaistelun alkeet -tapahtuma. Opinnäytetyöhön kerättiin teoriapohjaa viininmaistelusta sekä viinin ja ruoan yhdistämisestä, Chilestä viinimaana ja tapahtuman järjestämisestä. Näitä kaikkia käytettiin lopullisen tuotoksen valmistumiseen. Toteutuksen arviointina toimi tapahtumaan osallistuneilta saatu kirjallinen palaute. Palautteen mukaan kehittämistehtävän toteutuksessa onnistuttiin hyvin, sillä opinnäytetyön ennalta määritellyt tavoitteet saavutettiin. Opinnäytetyötä voidaan käyttää apuna jatkossa vastaavien tapahtumien suunnittelussa.Abstract Authors: Paananen Riina & Korkiakoski Merika Title of the Publication: Basics of wine tasting- event Degree title: Bachelor of Hospitality Management Keywords: event, wine, tasting, Chile The purpose for this thesis was to plan and arrange Basics of wine tasting –event. The commissioner for this thsesis was a local bar in Kajaani called Viinibaari Maria P. The event was planned to suit the imago of the bar. The objective of the thesis was to gain more customers to Viinibaari Maria P by introducing various wines to novice wine tasters. This research was a functional thesis which produced the Basics wine tasting event. The theory of this thesis focused on wine tasting, combining wine and food, Chile as a wine producer, and on planning and arranging an event. The feedback for the execution consists of the feedback forms that the customers of the event were asked to fill in. In addition observation method was used for evaluation. According to the feedback the event was successful because the objective of the thesis was reached. Our conclusion is that this thesis can be used as a guide in planning similar events

    Mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease 2 (MASP-2) contributes to poor disease outcome in humans and mice with pneumococcal meningitis

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    Background: Pneumococcal meningitis is the most common and severe form of bacterial meningitis. Fatality rates are substantial, and long-term sequelae develop in about half of survivors. Disease outcome has been related to the severity of the pro-inflammatory response in the subarachnoid space. The complement system, which mediates key inflammatory processes, has been implicated as a modulator of pneumococcal meningitis disease severity in animal studies. Methods: We investigated mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease (MASP-2) levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples derived from the diagnostic lumbar puncture, which was available for 307 of 792 pneumococcal meningitis episodes included in our prospective nationwide cohort study (39%), and the association between these levels and clinical outcome. Subsequently, we studied the role of MASP-2 in our experimental pneumococcal meningitis mouse model using Masp2 −/− mice and evaluated the potential of adjuvant treatment with MASP-2-specific monoclonal antibodies in wild-type (WT) mice. Results: MASP-2 levels in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with bacterial meningitis were correlated with poor functional outcome. Consistent with these human data, Masp2-deficient mice with pneumococcal meningitis had lower cytokine levels and increased survival compared to WT mice. Adjuvant treatment with MASP-2-specific monoclonal antibodies led to reduced complement activation and decreased disease severity. Conclusions: MASP-2 contributes to poor disease outcome in human and mice with pneumococcal meningitis. MASP-2-specific monoclonal antibodies can be used to attenuate the inflammatory response in pneumococcal meningitis

    Temporal and geographical origin of the 24 prehistoric samples analyzed.

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    a<p>SJAPL: San Juan Ante Portam Latinam.</p>b<p>H2012: see Literature Ref. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0037022#pone.0037022-Hervella1" target="_blank">[26]</a>. IR1999: See Literature Ref. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0037022#pone.0037022-Izagirre1" target="_blank">[27]</a>.</p>c<p>based on the associated lithic industry.</p

    Admixture and population structure.

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    <p>Plots of principal components A) 1 versus 2 and B) 2 versus 3 calculated using 1M SNP data from 67 Pygmy and 58 Bantu samples. The proportion of variance explained by PCs 1, 2, and 3 is 0.245, 0.0192, and 0.0109, respectively. The three Pygmy ethnic groups are clearly distinguished from their neighboring Bantu populations by the first two PCs, while the third differentiates the three Pygmy groups from one another. C) Regression of height on Pygmy ancestry inferred using STRUCTURE (K = 2). Higher levels of Pygmy ancestry are associated with shorter stature. The trend line intersects the intercept from the full model and has a slope equal to the regression coefficient for percent ancestry. D) Visualization of percent ancestry inferred using STRUCTURE at K = 2, 3, and 4.</p

    Results from local ancestry inference.

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    <p>A) Genome-wide blocks of Pygmy and Bantu ancestry in Pygmy individuals. B) Blocks of Pygmy and Bantu ancestry in Pygmy individuals for chromosome 3. Shades of blue represent Pygmy ancestry and shades of red admixed Bantu ancestry. Shades are determined by the posterior probability of the estimates; darker colors indicate greater confidence. Each individual is represented by two horizontal rows (one for each haploid genome) and columns represent each window in the genome. Inferred percent Pygmy ancestry for each window is given below. Using SupportMix analysis, we determined the average ancestry block sizes in Pygmies to be 1.7+/−2.4 Mb for Pygmy ancestry, and 3.1+/−4.6 Mb for Bantu ancestry.</p

    Genome-wide clusters of signals of natural selection in Pygmies.

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    <p>Blocks of high genome-wide density based on SNPs/Mb for F<sub>ST</sub> (top half of each chromosome) and Pygmy LSBL SNPs (bottom half of each chromosome) are shown. Also shown are XP-EHH signals >5.0 in the Pygmy (Black) and Bantu (Red). The only genomic location showing all three signals occurs on chromosome 3 roughly between 45 and 60 Mb. iHS results for this region are given in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002641#pgen-1002641-g004" target="_blank">Figure 4C and 4D</a>.</p

    Signals of positive selection and association with height on chromosome 3 between 45 and 60 Mb.

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    <p>A) Results from F<sub>ST</sub> (Black) and Pygmy LSBL (Red) analysis. The region between ∼50 and 52 Mb contains the largest concentration in the genome of SNPs with scores in the 0.1% tail of the empirical distribution and contains the positional candidate genes <i>CISH</i>, <i>MAPKAP3</i>, and <i>DOCK3</i>. B) Results from XP-EHH analysis. Scores depicted in red show negative values indicating a signal in the Bantu samples, and scores in green show positive values indicating a signal in the Pygmy samples. C) Results from iHS analysis in the Bantu samples. D) Results from iHS analysis in the Pygmy samples. E) Results of association analysis for height (cm) using EMMAX with sex as a covariate. Two suggestive associations are evident. The first, at ∼46.5 Mb, occurs within the coding region of <i>LRRC2</i>. The second is a strong enrichment of association signals between ∼49.5 and 51 Mb directly corresponding to Pygmy-specific signals of positive selection in A–D, centered on the three positional candidates <i>CISH</i>, <i>MAPKAP3</i> and <i>DOCK3</i>.</p

    In-vitro cytokine measurements after PBMC stimulation with <i>Yersinia enterocolitica</i>, <i>Yersinia pseudotuberculosis</i> and <i>Yersinia pestis</i>.

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    <p>Caucasian individuals bearing a normal (NOD2 wt, N = 10) or homozygous for the 3020insC NOD2 mutation (NOD2 del, N = 5) were stimulated with the various <i>Yersinia spp</i>. TNF (A) and IL-1β (B) were measured by ELISA after 24-hour stimulation. Values represent mean + SD for each group of volunteers. P-values for differences between caspase-12 genotype were calculated with the Mann-Whitney test. *P<0.05, **P≤0.01.</p

    In-vitro cytokine measurements after whole blood LPS and Pam3Cys stimulation between the caspase-12 genotypes from the volunteers enrolled in 2006.

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    <p>Stimulation was performed with 1, 10 and 100 ng/ml LPS (<i>E. coli</i>) and 10 µg/ml Pam3Cys. TNF (A), IL-1β (B) and IL-10 (C) were measured by ELISA in the supernatant after 24 hour stimulation. Volunteers were grouped as homozygous bearing the nonfunctional caspase-12 genotype (S/S), heterozygous bearing the nonfunctional and functional caspase-12 (S/L), and homozygous bearing the functional caspase-12 (L/L). Numbers of volunteers included for each cytokine are S/S = 33, S/L = 16 and L/L = 1. Values represent mean + SD for each group of volunteers. P-values for differences between caspase-12 genotype were calculated with the Mann-Whitney test. *P<0.05.</p