37 research outputs found

    Marketing Mix of Company DOG production s.r.o.

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce „Marketingový mix společnosti DOG production“ je rozbor jednotlivých nástrojů marketingového mixu a návrh vhodného řešení této problematiky. Práce se skládá ze tří hlavních částí. První teoretická část rozebírá základní termíny marketingu. Druhá praktická se zaměřuje na společnost DOG production s.r.o., její poslání, rozbor jednotlivých prvků marketingového mixu, specifikaci trhu, na kterém společnost operuje a definuje zahraniční trh, kam se plánuje uchýlit. Východiskem bakalářské práce je definování správných marketingových rozhodnutí na základě výsledků analýzy společnosti.Subject of the bachelor thesis „Marketing mix of the company DOG production“ deals with the analysis of individual instruments of marketing mix and suggestion of suitable recommendations and improvements based on the analysis. The thesis consists of three major parts. The theoretical part analyses basic terms of marketing. The practical part focuses on analysis of the company DOG production s.r.o., its mission, undertakes the analysis of individual instruments of marketing mix, specification of relevant market where the company is operating and defines an international market where it is going to operate. My bachelor thesis is aimed at defining the right marketing decision-making on ground of results of the company analysis.

    Business Plan for the Project Vrakotechna.cz

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    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje návrh podnikatelského plánu pro společnost Esponex s.r.o., která chce vstoupit na trh se značkovými použitými náhradními díly do osobních aut jako zprostředkovatel. Smyslem práce je návrh podnikatelské plánu pro realizaci projektu Vraktechna.cz a úspěšné uvedení nové zprostředkovatelské služby na trh. Diplomová práce obsahuje teoretickou část, analýzu současného stavu a návrh podnikatelského plánu. Teoretická část rozebírá základní termíny související s podnikatelskými plány. Analytická část se zaměřuje na představení společnosti, jejího poslání, analýzu trhu, na kterém společnost operuje, dále pak obsahuje analýzu cílového zákazníka, okolí společnosti, konkurence a SWOT analýzu. Cílem práce je návrh podnikatelského plánu, především marketingového a finančního plánu.The thesis focuses proposal business plan for company Esponex s.r.o., which wants to enter the market with used spare parts for cars as a mediator. The purpose is proposal business plan for project Vrakotechna.cz and successful launch of new intermediary services on the market. The thesis contains a theoretical part, an analysis of the current state and proposal business plan. The theoretical part discusses the basic terms related to business plans. The analytical part focuses on introduction of the company, its mission, analysis of the market, where the company operates and also includes an analysis of target customer, the company surroundings, competition and SWOT analysis. The aim is to proposal a business plan, particularly marketing and financial plan.

    Parasite communities and genetic structure of non-native pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus, in different Black Sea drainages of Ukraine

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    In recent years, pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (Actinopterygii: Centrarchidae) have spread intensively to many parts of Europe, including Ukraine. In this study, we (1) assess intra-population genetic variability in five widely-spaced Ukrainian pumpkinseed populations and compare their population genetic structure with other European populations and (2) provide a comprehensive survey of pumpkinseed parasites across the region. Discriminant analysis of principal components and FST analyses based on microsatellites indicated that all five populations formed discrete clusters. Within Europe, Ukrainian populations were most closely associated with populations from the River Danube, suggesting that the Danube is the main source of all Ukrainian pumpkinseed populations. The parasite fauna comprised 15 taxa, most of which (92%) were native to North America (monogenea Onchocleidus similis and O. dispar; myxozoan Myxobolus dechtiari). Parasites acquired in the species' new range occurred accidentally, with only Trichodina ciliates found relatively frequently and the eye flukes Diplostomum pseudospathaceum and Tylodelphys clavata occurring at higher prevalence. Absence of specific monogeneans in pumpkinseed from estuaries (Khadzhibey and Sukhyi Lymans) indicates low tolerance of Onchocleidus species to salinity

    Detailed genetic structure of European bitterling populations in Central Europe

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    The European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus) is a small cyprinid fish whose populations declined markedly between 1950 and 1980. However, its range currently expands, partly due to human-assisted introductions. We determined the genetic variability and detailed spatial structure among bitterling populations in Central Europe and tested alternative hypotheses about colonization of this area. Twelve polymorphic microsatellite loci on a large sample of 688 individuals had been used to analyse genetic variability and population structure. Samples originated from 27 localities with emphasis on area of the Czech Republic where three major sea drainages (Black, Baltic, and Northern Sea) meet. Highly variable level of intrapopulation genetic variability had generally been detected and a recent decrease in numbers (“bottleneck”) had been indicated by genetic data among six populations. High level of interpopulation differentiation was identified even within the basins. There was a significant role of genetic drift and indications of low dispersal ability of R. amarus. Surprisingly, the Odra River was inhabited by two distinct populations without any genetic signatures of a secondary contact. Czech part of the Odra (Baltic basin) was colonized from the Danubian refugium (similarly to adjacent Danubian basin rivers including the Morava), while Polish part of the Odra was genetically similar to the populations in the Vistula River (Baltic basin), that has been colonized by a different (Eastern) phylogeographic lineage of R. amarus. Most Czech R. amarus populations were colonized from the Danubian refugium, suggesting potential for a human-mediated colonization of the Odra or Elbe Rivers by R. amarus. One Elbe basin population was genetically mixed from the two (Danubian and Eastern) phylogeographic lineages. In general the Czech populations of R. amarus were genetically stable except for a single population which has probably been recently introduced. This research was supported by Czech Science Foundation no. 13-05872S

    Financial analysis of CARLA, spol. s r. o.

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    The aim of this bachelor thesis is to perform a financial analysis of CARLA, spol. s r. o. for the years 2016 to 2020. Furthermore, to evaluate its financial situation, stability and comparison with its closest competitors using selected methods using publicly available sources. In the introductory part of the paper, the reader is briefly introduced to the theory of financial analysis, followed by an introduction of the company and its competitors. In the practical part of the thesis, financial ratios are first explained theoretically and then calculated and evaluated. The thesis concludes with an overall assessment and summary of the results of the financial analysis accompanied by recommendations, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of CARLA, spol. s r. o.Cílem této bakalářské práce je provedení finanční analýzy obchodního závodu CARLA, spol. s r. o. za období let 2016 až 2020. Dále zhodnocení jeho finanční situace, stability a porovnání s nejbližšími konkurenty za pomoci zvolených metod s použitím veřejně dostupných zdrojů. V úvodní části práce je čtenář stručně seznámen s teorií finanční analýzy, následuje představení společnosti a konkurentů. Finanční ukazatele jsou v praktické části práce nejprve teoreticky vysvětleny a následně vypočteny a zhodnoceny. V závěru práce se zabývám celkovým zhodnocením a shrnutím výsledků finanční analýzy doplněným o doporučení, příležitosti, silné a slabé stránky CARLY, spol. s r. o

    Business Plan for the Project Vrakotechna.cz

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    The thesis focuses proposal business plan for company Esponex s.r.o., which wants to enter the market with used spare parts for cars as a mediator. The purpose is proposal business plan for project Vrakotechna.cz and successful launch of new intermediary services on the market. The thesis contains a theoretical part, an analysis of the current state and proposal business plan. The theoretical part discusses the basic terms related to business plans. The analytical part focuses on introduction of the company, its mission, analysis of the market, where the company operates and also includes an analysis of target customer, the company surroundings, competition and SWOT analysis. The aim is to proposal a business plan, particularly marketing and financial plan

    Evaluation of quality of services in Dobrá Tea in Teplice

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    The evaluation of quality of services in Dobrá Tea in Teplice has two parts: the evaluation in customer's opinion and in employees' opinion. The evaluation go from filled-out working papers and it is evaluated with diagrams. Most of customers is satisfied with services in Dobrá Tea in Teplice