8 research outputs found
Cerebellar ataxia associated to anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody (anti-GAD): partial improvement with intravenous immunoglobulin therapy
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Division of General Neurology and Ataxias Department of Neurology and NeurosurgeryUNIFESP, Division of General Neurology and Ataxias Department of Neurology and NeurosurgerySciEL
Subacute cognitive impairment, hyponatremia and mesial temporal lobe lesions: a typical presentation of voltage-gated potassium channel (VGKC) antibody-associated limbic encephalitis
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Neurology and NeurosurgeryUNIFESP, Department of Neurology and NeurosurgerySciEL
Clinical features of dystonia in atypical parkinsonism Características clínicas da distonia no parkinsonismo atípico
BACKGROUND: The association between Dystonia and Parkinson's disease (PD) has been well described especially for foot and hand dystonia. There is however few data on dystonic postures in patients with atypical parkinsonism. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency and pattern of dystonia in a group of patients with atypical parkinsonism (multiple system atrophy - MSA, progressive supranuclear palsy - PSP, and corticobasal degeneration - CBD) and to investigate whether dystonia could be the first presenting symptom at disease onset in those patients. METHOD: A total of 38 medical charts were reviewed (n=23/MSA group; n=7/CBD group; n=8/PSP group) and data values were described as means/standard deviations. The variables evaluated were sex, age at onset, disease duration, first symptom, clinical features of dystonia and other neurological signs, response to levodopatherapy, Hoehn&Yahr scale >3 after three years of disease, and magnetic resonance imaging findings. RESULTS: The overall frequency of dystonia in our sample was 50% with 30.4% (n=7) in the MSA group, 62.5% (n=5) in the PSP group, and 100% (n=8) in the CBD group. In none of these patients, dystonia was the first complaint. Several types of dystonia were found: camptocormia, retrocollis, anterocollis, blepharoespasm, oromandibular, and foot/hand dystonia. CONCLUSION: In our series, dystonia was a common feature in atypical parkinsonism (overall frequency of 50%) and it was part of the natural history although not the first symptom at disease onset. Neuroimaging abnormalities are not necessarily related to focal dystonia, and levodopa therapy did not influence the pattern of dystonia in our group of patients.<br>INTRODUÇÃO: A associação de distonia e doença de Parkinson (DP) já foi bem estabelecida, principalmente para distonia focal em pé ou mão. Entretanto, há poucos dados quanto a distonia em pacientes com parkinsonismo atípico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência e o padrão da distonia em um grupo de pacientes com parkisnonismo atípico (atrofia de múltiplos sistemas - AMS; paralisia supranuclear progressiva - PSP; degeneração corticobasal - DCB) e investigar se a distonia pode ser a manifestação inicial neste grupo. MÉTODO: Um total de 38 prontuários médicos foi revisado (n=23/grupo AMS; n=8/grupo PSP; n=7/grupo PSP) e os dados foram apresentados em médias/desvios padrões. As variaveis avaliadas foram: sexo, idade de início, duração da doença, primeiro sintoma, características clínicas da distonia e outros sinais neurológicos, resposta ao tratamento com levodopa, escala de Hoehn & Yahr >3 em 3 anos de doença, e achados de ressonância magnética. RESULTADOS: A frequência total de distonia em nosso grupo foi 50%, sendo 30,4% (n=7) no grupo AMS, 62.5% (n=5) no grupo PSP e 100% (n=8) no grupo DCB. Em nenhum dos pacientes, distonia foi o primeiro sintoma. Várias apresentações de distonia foram observadas: camptocormia, anterocólis, retrocólis, distonia oromandibular, em pé e mão. CONCLUSÃO: Em nossa série, distonia foi uma característica comum em pacientes com parkinsonismo atípico (freqüência de 50%) e fez parte da história natural em todos os grupos, embora não tenha sido o sintoma inicial em nenhum deles. Anormalidades no exame de neuroimagem não necessariamente estão relacionadas a distonia focal, e o tratamento com levodopa não influenciou o padrão da distonia em nosso grupo de pacientes
Sleep disorders in cerebellar ataxias
Cerebellar ataxias comprise a wide range of etiologies leading to central nervous system-related motor and non-motor symptoms. Recently, a large body of evidence has demonstrated a high frequency of non-motor manifestations in cerebellar ataxias, specially in autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA). Among these non-motor dysfunctions, sleep disorders have been recognized, although still under or even misdiagnosed. In this review, we highlight the main sleep disorders related to cerebellar ataxias focusing on REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), restless legs syndrome (RLS), periodic limb movement in sleep (PLMS), excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), insomnia and sleep apnea