4,236 research outputs found

    The Conflict over Life Adjustment Education

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    During the 60’s decade a consensus would become solidified under the banner of life adjustment education. A movement of multiple strains of thinking depending on who was explicating its meaning, it has been associated certain brands of child-centered education, particularly so-called progressive education movement. Almost immediately, however, life adjustment education itself was challenged by a group of reformers who favored organizing the curriculum around the traditional disciplines of knowledge. The subject of this essay is the story of this conflict over the organization of the curriculum between life adjustment education and discipline-centered curriculum reform, and what it tells us about the American school curriculum that is

    What the schools teach: a social history of the American Curriculum since 1950

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    The purpose of this essay is to frame a social history of the American school curriculum since 1950 by exploring the interplay between proposals that have been advanced for what the schools should teach and what actually has occurred as schools have attempted to put those recommendations into practice. Our starting point is the life adjustment education movement and the conflict that emerged between its champions and another group of curriculum reformers enamored of discipline-centered curriculum reform. The resulting essay examines the conflict between these two groups of reformers from the 1950s onward and consideres its impact on what the schools have taught. We will then consider how that conflict has played itself out from the 1970s onward and what that tells us about the contemporary school curriculum

    Methane emission by alpaca and sheep fed on lucerne hay or grazed on pastures of perennial ryegrass/white clover or birdsfoot trefoil

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    Based on the knowledge that alpaca (Lama pacos) have a lower fractional outflow rate of feed particles (particulate FOR) from their forestomach than sheep (San Martin 1987), the current study measured methane (CH4) production and other digestion parameters in these species in three successive experiments (1, 2 and 3): Experiment 1, lucerne hay fed indoors; Experiment 2, grazed on perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture (PRG/WC); and Experiment 3, grazed on birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatits) pasture (Lotus). Six male alpaca and six castrated Romney sheep were simultaneously and successively fed on the forages either ad libitium or at generous herbage allowances (grazing). CH4 production (g/day) (using the sulphur hexafluoride tracer technique), voluntary feed intake (VFI), diet quality, and protozoa counts and volatile fatty acid concentrations in samples of forestomach contents were determined. In addition, feed digestibility, energy and nitrogen (N) balances and microbial N supply from the forestomach (using purine derivatives excretion) were measured in Experiment 1. Diets selected by alpaca were of lower quality than those selected by sheep, and the voluntary gross energy intakes (GEI, MJ) per kg of liveweight(0.75) were consistently lower (P0.05) in their CH4 yields (% GEI) when fed on lucerne hay (5.1 v. 4.7), but alpaca had a higher CH4 yield when fed on PRG/WC (9.4 v. 7.5, P0.05) in diet N partition or microbial N yield, but alpaca had higher (P<0.05) neutral detergent fibre digestibility (0.478 v. 0.461) and lower (P<0.01) urinary energy losses (5.2 v. 5.8 % GEI) than sheep. It is suggested that differences between these species in forestomach particulate FOR might have been the underlying physiological mechanism responsible for the differences in CH4 yield, although the between-species differences in VFI and diet quality also had a major effect on it

    Eliminating Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions: How Would Markets Be Affected?

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    Eighty-nine percent of American households were food secure throughout the entire year in 2005, meaning that they had access, at all times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. The remaining households were food insecure at least some time during that year. The prevalence of food insecurity declined from 11.9 percent of households in 2004 to 11.0 percent in 2005, while the prevalence of very low food security remained unchanged at 3.9 percent. This report, based on data from the December 2005 food security survey, provides the most recent statistics on the food security of U.S. households, as well as on how much they spent for food and the extent to which food-insecure households participated in Federal and community food assistance programs. Survey responses indicate that the typical food-secure household in the U.S. spent 34 percent more on food than the typical food-insecure household of the same size and household composition. Just over one-half of all food-insecure households participated in one or more of the three largest Federal food assistance programs during the month prior to the survey. About 22 percent of food-insecure households—3.5 percent of all U.S. households—obtained emergency food from a food pantry at some time during the year.Food security, food insecurity, food spending, food pantry, hunger, soup kitchen, emergency kitchen, material well-being, Food Stamp Program, National School, Crop Production/Industries,

    Reluctant glass formers and their applications in optical lens design

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    Over ten years ago, it was shown that glasses with high index of refraction and some with low dispersion could be produced from a number of pure refractory oxides, including the lanthanides, by containerless processing. By containerless processing it is possible to minimize surface heterogeneous nucleation and produce larger glass samples of the materials than by other methods. The use of proposed high temperature containerless processing facilities in space permits the fabrication of benchmark samples of new unique glass compositions for optical property determination as well as for glass formation. It was shown that glasses with high refractive indices and large Abbe numbers can be formulated using this technology. These glasses lie in the classical forbidden region of the glass map. Preliminary study of the impact of having such unusual glasses available for the lens designer was made. Results indicate that significant improvements can be realized over the use of only conventional glasses. A cursory survey of a number of nationally recognized lens designers indicated a general agreement that such glasses would be highly desired and could be expected to lead to completely new designs as well as simplifying existing designs

    Mermithid Nematodes: SEM Observations Comparing Hexamethyldisilazane and Critical Point Drying Methods

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    Morphological features of mermithid nematodes (Mermithidae) were studied with scanning electron microscopy, using hexamethyldisilazane-air drying in comparison with critical point drying via liquid carbon dioxide. Although general morphologic preservation of both HMDS-dried and CP-dried specimens was similar, structural features of the complex cuticle and internal organization were more easily resolved at higher magnifications in the HMDS-dried nematodes. These features include the superficial cuticular annulations, the fibrillar inner cuticle and peg-like microtrabeculae. The previously undescribed microtrabeculae are of special interest since they may facilitate an interaction of the mermithid (and perhaps nameatodes in general) musculature with its body wall that, at least in part, may account for the unique thrashing locomotion so characteristic of these organisms

    El conflicto sobre la educación adaptada a la vida

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    Durante la década de los sesenta un consenso se solidificó bajo la bandera de la educación adaptada a la vida. Un movimiento con varias corrientes de pensamiento, dependiendo de quién explicara su significado, ha sido asociado con algunas tendencias de educación centrada en los niños, particularmente llamado movimiento de la educación progresiva. Pero, casi inmediatamente después, la educación para la adaptación a la vida se vio desafiada por un grupo de reformadores que estaban en favor de organizar las asignaturas del currículum alrededor de las disciplinas tradicionales del conocimiento. El tema de este artículo es la historia de este conflicto acerca de la organización del currículum entre educación adaptada a la vida y currículum centrado en las disciplinas, y de lo que esto nos dice acerca de la historia del currículum en los Estados Unidos

    The Conflict over Life Adjustment Education

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    Durante la década de los sesenta un consenso se solidificó bajo la bandera de la educación adaptada a la vida. Un movimiento con varias corrientes de pensamiento, dependiendo de quién explicara su significado, ha sido asociado con algunas tendencias de educación centrada en los niños, particularmente llamado movimiento de la educación progresiva. Pero, casi inmediatamente después, la educación para la adaptación a la vida se vio desafiada por un grupo de reformadores que estaban en favor de organizar las asignaturas del currículum alrededor de las disciplinas tradicionales del conocimiento. El tema de este artículo es la historia de este conflicto acerca de la organización del currículum entre educación adaptada a la vida y currículum centrado en las disciplinas, y de lo que esto nos dice acerca de la historia del currículum en los Estados Unidos.During the 60’s decade a consensus would become solidified under the banner of life adjustment education. A movement of multiple strains of thinking depending on who was explicating its meaning, it has been associated certain brands of child-centered education, particularly so-called progressive education movement. Almost immediately, however, life adjustment education itself was challenged by a group of reformers who favored organizing the curriculum around the traditional disciplines of knowledge. The subject of this essay is the story of this conflict over the organization of the curriculum between life adjustment education and discipline-centered curriculum reform, and what it tells us about the American school curriculum that is.Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    What the schools teach: a social history of the American Curriculum since 1950

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    El propósito de este ensayo es enmarcar la historia social del currículum escolar estadounidense desde 1950, explorando la interconexión de las diferentes propuestas que se han planteado acerca de lo que se debía enseñar en las escuelas y sobre lo que realmente ocurría cuando estas escuelas intentaban poner en práctica dichas recomendaciones. Nuestro punto de partida es el movimiento de educación centrada o ajuntada a la vida y el conflicto que surgió entre sus defensores y otros grupos de reformadores curriculares que favorecían la reforma curricular centrada en las disciplinas. El ensayo resultante analiza el conflicto entre estos dos grupos de reformadores de los años cincuenta en adelante y considera su impacto en lo que se enseñaba en las escuelas. Por lo tanto consideraremos cómo se ha manifestado este conflicto a partir de los setenta y lo que nos puede decir acerca del currículum escolar contemporáneo.The purpose of this essay is to frame a social history of the American school curriculum since 1950 by exploring the interplay between proposals that have been advanced for what the schools should teach and what actually has occurred as schools have attempted to put those recommendations into practice. Our starting point is the life adjustment education movement and the conflict that emerged between its champions and another group of curriculum reformers enamored of discipline-centered curriculum reform. The resulting essay examines the conflict between these two groups of reformers from the 1950s onward and consideres its impact on what the schools have taught. We will then consider how that conflict has played itself out from the 1970s onward and what that tells us about the contemporary school curriculum.Grupo de Investigación FORCE Universidad de Granad

    Lo que enseñan las escuelas: una historia social del currículum en los Estados Unidos desde 1950

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    El propósito de este ensayo es enmarcar la historia social del currículum escolar estadounidense desde 1950, explorando la interconexión de las diferentes propuestas que se han planteado acerca de lo que se debía enseñar en las escuelas y sobre lo que realmente ocurría cuando estas escuelas intentaban poner en práctica dichas recomendaciones. Nuestro punto de partida es el movimiento de educación centrada o ajuntada a la vida y el conflicto que surgió entre sus defensores y otros grupos de reformadores curriculares que favorecían la reforma curricular centrada en las disciplinas. El ensayo resultante analiza el conflicto entre estos dos grupos de reformadores de los años cincuenta en adelante y considera su impacto en lo que se enseñaba en las escuelas. Por lo tanto consideraremos cómo se ha manifestado este conflicto a partir de los setenta y lo que nos puede decir acerca del currículum escolar contemporáneo