161 research outputs found

    Analysis of Cannabinoids in Biological Specimens: An Update

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    Cannabinoids are still the most consumed drugs of abuse worldwide. Despite being considered less harmful to human health, particularly if compared with opiates or cocaine, cannabis consumption has important medico-legal and public health consequences. For this reason, the development and optimization of sensitive analytical methods that allow the determination of these compounds in different biological specimens is important, involving relevant efforts from laboratories. This paper will discuss cannabis consumption; toxicokinetics, the most detected compounds in biological samples; and characteristics of the latter. In addition, a comprehensive review of extraction methods and analytical tools available for cannabinoid detection in selected biological specimens will be reviewed. Important issues such as pitfalls and cut-off values will be considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    As competências essenciais da criatividade publicitária actual

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    The wide range of possibilities and content offered by the new media to the user is a challenge for advertising creatives, who are forced to generate concepts that capture the diversified attention of the target audience. This reality needs for professional profiles capable of responding successfully to challenges with a high level of requirement and innovation. In order to be prepared, creatives must develop new and more complex skills which allow them to understand the characteristics of their current market and take advantage of the resources available to them to generate content that will seduce audiences. The objective of this proposal, therefore, is to know the trends and professional needs in the creative sector of the advertising so that they can be considered in university teaching-learning processes. To this end, a qualitative methodology is proposed, based on 16 semi-structured interviews with eight creative couples who work in the ten best creative agencies to work according to professionals (Scopen, 2020). The results show that the creative profile demanded is that of a person who is willing, updated, with skills that are reflected in a portfolio and which are acquired through practical training that the university does not offer effectively.El amplio abanico de posibilidades y contenidos que ofrece el nuevo panorama mediático al usuario supone un reto para los creativos publicitarios, obligados a generar conceptos que capten la diversificada atención de los públicos objetivos. Esta realidad fomenta la necesidad de perfiles profesionales capaces de responder con éxito a retos de un alto nivel de exigencia e innovación. Para estar preparados, los creativos deben desarrollar nuevas competencias, más complejas, que les permitan conocer las características de su mercado actual y aprovechar los recursos que tienen a su alcance para generar contenidos que seduzcan a las audiencias. El objetivo de esta propuesta, por tanto, es conocer las nuevas tendencias y las necesidades profesionales en el sector creativo del mercado publicitario con el fin de que puedan considerarse en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje universitarios. Para alcanzar este propósito, se plantea una metodología cualitativa apoyada en 16 entrevista semiestructuradas a ocho duplas creativas que trabajan en las diez mejores agencias creativas para trabajar según los profesionales (Scopen, 2020). Los resultados manifiestan que el perfil creativo que se demanda responde al de una persona con ganas, actualizada, con habilidades que se reflejan en una carpeta y que se adquieren mediante una formación práctica que la universidad no ofrece de forma eficaz.O vasto leque de possibilidades e conteúdos oferecidos pelo novo panorama mediático ao utilizador é um desafio para os criativos publicitários, que são forçados a gerar conceitos que captem a atenção diversificada dos públicos-alvo. Esta realidade fomenta a necessidade de perfis profissionais capazes de responder com sucesso a desafios altamente exigentes e inovadores. Para estarem preparados, os criativos devem desenvolver competências novas e mais complexas que lhes permitam compreender as características do seu mercado actual e tirar partido dos recursos que têm à sua disposição para gerar conteúdos que seduzam o público. O objectivo desta proposta, portanto, é compreender as novas tendências e necessidades profissionais no sector criativo do mercado publicitário para que possam ser consideradas nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem universitários, permitindo melhorar a taxa de licenciados em criatividade publicitária. Para tal, é proposta uma metodologia qualitativa, baseada em 16 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com oito duplicados criativos que trabalham nas dez melhores agências criativas para trabalhar de acordo com profissionais (Scopen, 2020). Os resultados mostram que o perfil criativo exigido é o de uma pessoa com desejo, actualizado, com competências que se reflectem numa carteira e que são adquiridas através de formação prática que a universidade não oferece eficazmente

    Metilação e CCR

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas MonizO Cancro Cólon Retal (CCR) é um dos cancros mais comuns no mundo, sendo o terceiro mais frequente e mortal a nível mundial, com uma incidência de cerca de 9% e provocando a morte de aproximadamente 394000 pessoas/ano. O desenvolvimento desta neoplasia surge maioritariamente associado a uma sequência e acumulação de mutações genéticas, designada sequência adenoma-carcinoma. Esta doença pode também ser causada por outro mecanismo genético, a instabilidade de microssatélites (MSI). Esta associa-se à carcinogénese cólon retal pela presença de mutações em genes envolvidos nos mecanismos de reparação do DNA. Recentemente, uma nova via molecular, envolvendo principalmente mecanismos epigenéticos, foi descoberta como outra possível causa no desenvolvimento de CCR. Nesta via, alterações epigenéticas como a metilação do DNA, modificações das histonas, alterações da estrutura da cromatina, perda de imprinting genómico e microRNAs foram associadas à carcinogénese cólon retal. Este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo das alterações epigenéticas na carcinogénese do CCR, em particular, a influência da metilação do DNA no desenvolvimento desta patologia. Para este estudo, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica no motor de busca Pubmed utilizando os termos ―Cancer‖, ―Colorectal‖, ―Methylation‖ e ―Epigenetic‖. A metilação do DNA é fundamental na modulação da expressão genética, e nas células cancerígenas, a alteração do padrão de metilação do DNA inclui a hipermetilação das ilhas CpG e a hipometilação global do DNA. Esta deteção aberrante da metilação tem sido usada clinicamente para estratificar o risco de desenvolver cancro e na deteção precoce e prognóstico do cancro. Uma vez que a alteração da metilação do DNA é reversível, esta tem sido recentemente estudada como um possível alvo na terapêutica anticancerígena ou em terapêuticas de combinação, no tratamento do CCR. Para além disto, vários estudos apontam que a metilação do DNA pode ser utilizada como um biomarcador no diagnóstico, avaliação e prognóstico desta neoplasia

    Evolução, Implicações e Características

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    trabalho propõe dar um contributo para o conhecimento e compreensão do Jornalismo Literário enquanto género, desde as suas origens à atualidade. É baseado na consulta bibliográfica e na leitura, análise e reflexão de obras, de referência, da emergência e desenvolvimento do jornalismo literário, bem como obras da atualidade que se incluem no género em estudo. O jornalismo literário teve como percursor o new journalism — que proponha a possibilidade de se escrever um jornalismo que se “lesse como um romance”. Mas, ao contrário de um romance, o jornalismo literário não é ficcional; pode recorrer a um estilo de escrita semelhante ao que se observa na literatura, contudo não pode ter liberdade para inventar. Com raízes no jornalismo e na literatura, pretende-se demarcar o Jornalismo Literário em relação a estes dois géneros de escrita e comunicação, ao apresentar um conjunto de características que lhe conferem a sua identidade. O jornalismo literário, enquanto género, tem como “traves mestras”, a factualidade, a humanização e a imersão. A sequência cronológica correta, o rigor no relato e na recolha de informação, a verdade e a abrangência das informações e a elasticidade no tempo, entre outros, também são importantes para delimitar o jornalismo literário enquanto género.The paper proposes to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of Literary Journalism as a genre, from its origins to the present. It is based on the bibliographical consultation and the reading, analysis and reflection of works reference (of the emergence and development of literary journalism), as well as current works that are included in the genre under study. Literary journalism had as its precursor the new journalism — which proposes the possibility of writing a journalism that is "read like a novel". But, unlike a novel, literary journalism is not fictional; it can resort to a style of writing similar to what is observed in the literature, however cannot have freedom to invent. With roots in journalism and literature, we intend to demarcate literary journalism in relation to these two genres of writing and communication, presenting a set of characteristics that give it its identity. Literary journalism, as a genre, has as its "master", factuality, humanization and immersion. The correct chronological sequence, accuracy in reporting and information gathering, truth and comprehensiveness, and elasticity in time, among others, are also important in delimiting literary journalism as a genre

    The CBRB regulon: Promoter dissection reveals novel insights into the CbrAB expression network in Pseudomonas putida

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    CbrAB is a high ranked global regulatory system exclusive of the Pseudomonads that responds to carbon limiting conditions. It has become necessary to define the particular regulon of CbrB and discriminate it from the downstream cascades through other regulatory components. We have performed in vivo binding analysis of CbrB in P. putida and determined that it directly controls the expression of at least 61 genes; 20% involved in regulatory functions, including the previously identified CrcZ and CrcY small regulatory RNAs. The remaining are porines or transporters (20%), metabolic enzymes (16%), activities related to protein translation (5%) and orfs of uncharacterised function (38%). Amongst the later, we have selected the operon PP2810-13 to make an exhaustive analysis of the CbrB binding sequences, together with those of crcZ and crcY. We describe the implication of three independent non-palindromic subsites with a variable spacing in three different targets; CrcZ, CrcY and operon PP2810-13 in the CbrAB activation. CbrB is a quite peculiar σN—depen-dent activator since it is barely dependent on phosphorylation for transcriptional activation. With the depiction of the precise contacts of CbrB with the DNA, the analysis of the multi-merisation status and its dependence on other factors such as RpoN o IHF, we propose a model of transcriptional activation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2014-57545-

    Musculoskeletal disorders in nurses who provide home care

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    Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) have been described as the most important occupational health problem tormenting the nursing workers. This work demonstrated a preliminary analysis on the evaluation of responses to a questionnaire based on one developed by Kuorinka and colleagues. Main goal of this work is the characterisation and evaluation of the risk of WRMSDs on the home care nursing. The first results reveal that a great percentage of the respondents provide home care. The most frequent complaints are in spine and shoulders. There are no significant association between the related disorders and the home car

    Musculoskeletal complaints in nurses who provide home-based healthcare

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    Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) have been described as the major occupational health problem affecting nurses. Main goals of this work are the characterization and evaluation of musculoskeletal complaints in nurses who work at Health Centres at the Northern Portugal and that provide home-based care. This work demonstrates an analysis of the responses to a questionnaire based on one other developed by Kuorinka and colleagues. The body areas with more complaints are the back and shoulders. There is statistically significant association only between “musculoskeletal complaints in the lumbar region” and “provide home care” (OR=4.21 (p<0.05), 95% Confidence Interval [1.4; 13.2]). Based on these results we can say that nurses who provide home-based care have a fourfold chance of having musculoskeletal complaints in the lumbar region than the others

    Forecasting the risk of WRMSDs in home care nurses

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    Studies regarding work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) in nurses have been carried out mostly in hospitals or in other institutional contexts. Information about this theme in providing home-based care is scarce. The main goals of this work are the characterization of musculoskeletal complaints in nurses who work at the Health Centers of the northern Portugal and that provide home-based care, the identification of the main risk factors present in the homecare context and the development of statistical models to forecast the risk in the same context. The principal methodology used in this work was a questionnaire developed in electronic format which was based on the “Standardized Nordic Questionnaire” for the analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms. It were used univariate models of binary logistic regression to estimate the risk of WRMSDs present in the practice of home-based care and also to assess which risk factors that could contribute to the appearance of complaints in the lumbar region in the professionals who provide homecare. The body areas with more musculoskeletal complaints are the back and the shoulders. The nurses who provide home care have nearly triple chance of having musculoskeletal complaints in the lumbar region than their counterparts of Health Centers (OR=3.19 (p<0.05), 95% Confidence Interval [1.26; 8.08]). We obtained various statistical models for forecast the risk of having low back complaints in home care nurses. From all of them was selected the one that presented more stability and reliability. The model performance was evaluated by ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) analysis yielding a value for the area under the ROC curve of 0.889 (p<0.05). This value reveals a high discriminating power, that is, the model is able to correctly forecast the complaints in the lumbar region in 88.9% of cases

    Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in home care nurses: study of the main risk factors

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    BACKGROUND: Nurses are a risk group for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). Several studies reveal that nurses have high prevalence rates of injuries and symptoms related to WMSDs. However, many of these studies focus mostly on hospital nurses. Worldwide, few studies include home care nurses. Objective This work aimed to identify the body region most affected by musculoskeletal complaints in home care nursing, and subsequently develop a statistical model, that includes the main risk factors, to predict the risk of having musculoskeletal complaints in the identified region. Methods The research method was based on the Standardised Nordic Questionnaire applied to home care nurses working at Health Centres of northern Portugal. Univariate and multivariate models of logistic regression were used to meet the goals of this work. Results Home care nurses have a three times greater chance of having lumbar complaints than their counterparts working only at Health Centres (OR = 3.19 (p < 0.05), with a 95% confidence interval [1.256; 8.076]). A statistical model with seven variables (forearm posture; static postures; arm posture; arm supported; bed height; job satisfaction; assistive devices) was obtained to predict lumbar complaints. Conclusions The lumbar region was identified as the most affected by musculoskeletal complaints. These complaints were associated with seven factors.This work was financed by National Funds - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Musculoskeletal disorders in nurses: hospital versus home care

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