13 research outputs found

    Sazonalidade da mosca-dos-chifres, Haematobia irritans, no semiárido brasileiro. [Seasonality of horn flies (Haematobia irritans) in the Brazilian semi-arid.]

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    ABSTRACT.The horn fly (Haematobia irritans) is a major livestock pest in Brazil. Despite of the regional needs, no studies assessing its importance and subsidizing its control are available for the Brazilian northeast. The present study aimed to know the population dynamics and determine the infestation levels of H. irritans on cattle in the semiarid region of the Paraíba state, in order to support control programs. The study was conducted at the Nucleus of Research for the Semiarid Tropics, Federal University of Campina Grande, municipality of Patos, Paraíba. During 42 months, from April 2011 to September 2014, horn fly counts were performed every 14 days in a Sindi herd (26 cows and a bull). The main climatic parameters were recorded daily. Horn fly infestations occurred throughout the study, with individual infestations above 100 flies at all counts, monthly mean infestations of up to 183 flies/cow and maximum individual infestations of 500 flies on cows and 1, 800 flies on the bull. Influenced by microclimatic influence of large reservoirs, the horn fly population showed a bimodal behavior, with population peaks in October/November and March. No significant correlation between climatic factors and fly counts was found. In order to avoid infestation peaks and to reduce subsequent economic losses, control measures are recommended. © 2018 Colegio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal. All rights reserved.RESUMO.A mosca-dos-chifres (Haematobia irritans) é uma dos principais pragas que afetam a pecuária no Brasil. A despeito das carências regionais, inexistem estudos que avaliem sua importância e subsidiem seu controle no nordeste brasileiro. O presente estudo objetivou conhecer a dinâmica populacional e determinar os níveis de infestação da H. irritans no semiárido paraibano, visando subsidiar programas de controle. O estudo foi conduzido no Núcleo de Pesquisa para o Trópico Semiárido, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, município de Patos, Paraíba. Durante 42 meses, de abril 2011 a setembro 2014, contagens de moscas-dos-chifres foram realizadas a cada 14 dias em um rebanho Sindi (26 vacas e um touro). Paralelamente, foram registrados diariamente os principais parâmetros climáticos. Infestações da mosca‑dos‑chifres ocorreram durante todo o período de estudo, com infestações individuais superiores a 100 moscas em todas as contagens, infestações médias mensais de até 183 moscas/vaca e infestações individuais máximas de 500 moscas nas vacas e 1.800 moscas no touro. Influenciados pela influência microclimática de grandes açudes, a mosca-dos-chifres apresentou comportamento bimodal, com picos populacionais anuais em outubro/novembro e março. Não foi encontrada correlação significativa entre fatores climáticos e resultados das contagens. De modo a evitar os picos de infestação e reduzir perdas econômicas subsequentes, medidas de controle são recomendadas

    Diversity and seasonality of horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) in Uruguay.

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    Horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) cause direct and indirect losses in livestock production and are important vectors of pathogens. The aim of this study was to determine the diversity and seasonality of horse fly species at an experimental farm in Tacuarembó and the diversity of species in differentdepartments of Uruguay. For 20 months, systematic collections were performed in two different environments at the experimental farm using Nzi and Malaise traps. In addition, nonsystematic collections were performed at farms located in the departments of Paysandú, Tacuarembó and Colonia.A total of 3,666 horse flies were collected, and 16 species were identified. These species included three species that had not been previously recorded in Uruguay, namely, Dasybasis ornatissima (Brèthes), Dasybasis missionum (Macquart), and Tabanus aff. platensis Brèthes, and a species that had not beenpreviously taxonomically described (Tabanus sp.1). Among the systematically captured samples, the most abundant species were Tabanus campestris Brèthes, T. aff. platensis and D. missionum, representing 77.6% of the collected specimens. The horse fly season in Tacuarembó started in September and ended in May. No horse flies were caught during winter. Variations in the prevalences of species in the different departments were observed, which indicates the need for new sampling efforts

    Pyrethroid and organophosphate pesticide resistance in field populations of horn fly in Brazil

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    © 2018 The Royal Entomological Society Pesticides are used worldwide to control arthropod parasites in cattle herds. The indiscriminate and/or inappropriate use of pesticides without veterinary guidance is a reality in several countries of South America. Improper pesticide use increases the chances of contamination of food and the environment with chemical pesticides and their metabolites. Reduction of these contamination events is an increasing challenge for those involved in livestock production. The horn fly, Haematobia irritans (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Muscidae), is one of the most economically important parasites affecting cattle herds around the world. As such, horn fly control efforts are often required to promote the best productive performance of herds. Pesticide susceptibility bioassays revealed that pyrethroid resistance was widespread and reached high levels in horn fly populations in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. The knockdown resistance (kdr) sodium channel gene mutation was detected in all horn fly populations studied (n = 48), and the super kdr sodium channel gene mutation was found in all homozygous resistant kdr individuals (n = 204). Organophosphate resistance was not identified in any of the fly populations evaluated

    Eficácia do óleo de citronela [Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle] no controle de ectoparasitas de bovinos Efficacy of citronella [Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle] oil in the control of bovine ectoparasites

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito in vivo do óleo de citronela, no controle do carrapato bovino [Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus], da mosca-dos-chifres (Haematobia irritans), da mosca-dos-estábulos (Stomoxys calcitrans) e da mosca doméstica (Musca domestica). Foram utilizadas 15 vacas da raça Holandês, distribuídas em três grupos de cinco animais cada um. Os tratamentos foram: controle negativo, amitraz a 0,025% e óleo de citronela a 4%. Para avaliação foram contadas fêmeas ingurgitadas de carrapato e moscas antes (média dos dias -3, -2, -1) e após a aplicação dos produtos nos dias 7, 14, 21 e 28; também foram coletadas amostras de sangue. Em 28 dias, houve necessidade de se reaplicar o amitraz e o fitoterápico para controlar a infestação com carrapato. A relação entre o número de aplicações foi de 1:2,5 para o amitraz e o óleo de citronela, respectivamente. A eficácia no controle do carrapato foi de 71,8 e 30,9% para o amitraz e óleo de citronela a 4%, respectivamente, na média pós-tratamento. Verificou-se baixo controle de moscas no tratamento constituído pelo fitoterápico. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos para os parâmetros sanguíneos.<br>This study aimed to evaluate the in vivo effect of citronella oil on the control of bovine ticks [Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus], horn flies (Haematobia irritans), stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) and houseflies (Musca domestica). Fifteen Holstein cows were allocated to three groups of five animals each. The treatments were: negative control, amitraz at 0.025% and citronella oil at 4%. Engorged female ticks and flies were counted before (mean of days -3, -2, -1) and at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after treatment; blood samples were also collected. Within 28 days, amitraz and the phytotherapic agent had to be reapplied to control tick infestation. The relationship among the number of applications was 1:2.5 for amitraz and citronella oil, respectively. The efficacy of tick control was, on average, 71.8 and 30.9% for amitraz and citronella oil at 4% respectively, post-treatment. Lower control of flies was observed for the phytotherapic group. There was no difference among treatments for blood parameters