145 research outputs found

    The development of biomolecular Raman optical activity spectroscopy

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    Following its first observation over 40 years ago, Raman optical activity (ROA), which may be measured as a small difference in the intensity of vibrational Raman scattering from chiral molecules in right- and left-circularly polarized incident light or, equivalently, the intensity of a small circularly polarized component in the scattered light using incident light of fixed polarization, has evolved into a powerful chiroptical spectroscopy for studying a large range of biomolecules in aqueous solution. The long and tortuous path leading to the first observations of ROA in biomolecules in 1989, in which the author was closely involved from the very beginning, is documented, followed by a survey of subsequent developments and applications up to the present day. Among other things, ROA provides information about motif and fold, as well as secondary structure, of proteins; solution structure of carbohydrates; polypeptide and carbohydrate structure of intact glycoproteins; new insight into structural elements present in unfolded protein sequences; and protein and nucleic acid structure of intact viruses. Quantum chemical simulations of observed Raman optical activity spectra provide the complete three-dimensional structure, together with information about conformational dynamics, of smaller biomolecules. Biomolecular ROA measurements are now routine thanks to a commercial instrument based on a novel design becoming available in 2004

    Ramachandran mapping of peptide conformation using a large database of computed Raman and Raman optical activity spectra

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    In the past few decades, Raman optical activity (ROA) spectroscopy has been shown to be very sensitive to the solution structure of peptides and proteins. A major and urgent challenge remains the need to make detailed assignments of experimental ROA patterns and relate those to the solution structure adopted by the protein. In the past few years, theoretical developments and implementations of ROA theory have made it possible to use quantum chemical methods to compute the ROA spectra of peptides. In this work, a large database of ROA spectra of peptide model structures describing the allowed backbone conformations of proteins was systematically calculated and used to make unprecedented detailed assignments of experimental ROA patterns to the conformational elements of the peptide in solution. By using a similarity index to compare an experimental spectrum to the database spectra (2902 theoretical spectra), the conformational preference of the peptide in solution can be assigned to a very specific region in the Ramachandran space. For six (poly)peptides this approach was validated and gives excellent agreement between experiment and theory. Additionally, hydrogen/deuterium exchanged structures and the conformational dependence of the amide modes in Raman spectra can be analysed using the new database. The excellent agreement between experiment and theory demonstrates the power of the newly developed database as a tool to study Raman and ROA patterns of peptides and proteins. The interpretation of experimental ROA patterns of different proteins published in the scientific literature is discussed based on the spectral trends observed in the database

    Chirality, magnetism and light

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    'A careful disorderliness' in biomolecular structure revealed by Raman optical activity

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    Following its first observation 50 years ago Raman optical activity (ROA), which refers to a circular polarization dependence of Raman scattering from chiral molecules, has evolved into a powerful chiroptical spectroscopy for studying a large range of biomolecules in aqueous solution. Among other things ROA provides information about motif and fold as well as secondary structure of proteins; structure of carbohydrates and nucleic acids; polypeptide and carbohydrate structure of intact glycoproteins; and protein and nucleic acid structure of intact viruses. Quantum chemical simulations of observed Raman optical activity spectra can provide complete three-dimensional structures of biomolecules, together with information about conformational dynamics. This article reviews how ROA has provided new insight into the structure of unfolded/disordered states and sequences, ranging from the complete disorder of the random coil to the more controlled type of disorder exemplified by poly L-proline II helix in proteins, high mannose glycan chains in glycoproteins and constrained dynamic states of nucleic acids. Possible roles for this 'careful disorderliness' in biomolecular function, misfunction and disease are discussed, especially amyloid fibril formation

    Biomacromolecular stereostructure mediates mode hybridization in chiral plasmonic nanostructures

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    The refractive index sensitivity of plasmonic fields has been exploited for over 20 years in analytical technologies. While this sensitivity can be used to achieve attomole detection levels, they are in essence binary measurements that sense the presence/absence of a predetermined analyte. Using plasmonic fields, not to sense effective refractive indices but to provide more “granular” information about the structural characteristics of a medium, provides a more information rich output, which affords opportunities to create new powerful and flexible sensing technologies not limited by the need to synthesize chemical recognition elements. Here we report a new plasmonic phenomenon that is sensitive to the biomacromolecular structure without relying on measuring effective refractive indices. Chiral biomaterials mediate the hybridization of electric and magnetic modes of a chiral solid-inverse plasmonic structure, resulting in a measurable change in both reflectivity and chiroptical properties. The phenomenon originates from the electric-dipole–magnetic-dipole response of the biomaterial and is hence sensitive to biomacromolecular secondary structure providing unique fingerprints of α-helical, β-sheet, and disordered motifs. The phenomenon can be observed for subchiral plasmonic fields (i.e., fields with a lower chiral asymmetry than circularly polarized light) hence lifting constraints to engineer structures that produce fields with enhanced chirality, thus providing greater flexibility in nanostructure design. To demonstrate the efficacy of the phenomenon, we have detected and characterized picogram quantities of simple model helical biopolymers and more complex real proteins

    Chiral plasmonic fields probe structural order of biointerfaces

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    The structural order of biopolymers, such as proteins, at interfaces defines the physical and chemical interactions of biological systems with their surroundings and is hence a critical parameter in a range of biological problems. Known spectroscopic methods for routine rapid monitoring of structural order in biolayers are generally only applied to model single-component systems that possess a spectral fingerprint which is highly sensitive to orientation. This spectroscopic behavior is not a generic property and may require the addition of a label. Importantly, such techniques cannot readily be applied to real multicomponent biolayers, have ill-defined or unknown compositions, and have complex spectroscopic signatures with many overlapping bands. Here, we demonstrate the sensitivity of plasmonic fields with enhanced chirality, a property referred to as superchirality, to global orientational order within both simple model and “real” complex protein layers. The sensitivity to structural order is derived from the capability of superchiral fields to detect the anisotropic nature of electric dipole–magnetic dipole response of the layer; this is validated by numerical simulations. As a model study, the evolution of orientational order with increasing surface density in layers of the antibody immunoglobulin G was monitored. As an exemplar of greater complexity, superchiral fields are demonstrated, without knowledge of exact composition, to be able to monitor how qualitative changes in composition alter the structural order of protein layers formed from blood serum, thereby establishing the efficacy of the phenomenon as a tool for studying complex biological interfaces

    Detecting antibody–antigen interactions with chiral plasmons: factors influencing chiral plasmonic sensing

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    Chiral near fields possessing enhanced asymmetry (superchirality), created by the interaction of light with (chiral) nanostructures, potentially provide a route to novel sensing and metrology technologies for biophysical applications. However, the mechanisms by which these near fields lead to the detection of chiral media is still poorly understood. Using a combination of numerical modeling and experimental measurements on an antibody–antigen exemplar system, important factors that influence the efficacy of chiral sensing are illustrated. It is demonstrated that localized and lattice chiral resonances display enantiomeric sensitivity. However, only the localized resonances show a strong dependency on the structure of the chiral media detected. This can be attributed to the ability of birefringent chiral layers to strongly modify the properties of near fields by acting as a sink/source of optical chirality, and hence alter inductive coupling between nanostructure elements. In addition, it is highlighted that surface morphology/defects may amplify sensing capabilities of localized chiral plasmonic modes by mediating inductive coupling

    Controlling the symmetry of inorganic ionic nanofilms with optical chirality

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    Manipulating symmetry environments of metal ions to control functional properties is a fundamental concept of chemistry. For example, lattice strain enables control of symmetry in solids through a change in the nuclear positions surrounding a metal centre. Light–matter interactions can also induce strain but providing dynamic symmetry control is restricted to specific materials under intense laser illumination. Here, we show how effective chemical symmetry can be tuned by creating a symmetry-breaking rotational bulk polarisation in the electronic charge distribution surrounding a metal centre, which we term a meta-crystal field. The effect arises from an interface-mediated transfer of optical spin from a chiral light beam to produce an electronic torque that replicates the effect of strain created by high pressures. Since the phenomenon does not rely on a physical rearrangement of nuclear positions, material constraints are lifted, thus providing a generic and fully reversible method of manipulating effective symmetry in solids

    Superchiral near fields detect virus structure

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    Optical spectroscopy can be used to quickly characterise the structural properties of individual molecules. However, it cannot be applied to biological assemblies because light is generally blind to the spatial distribution of the component molecules. This insensitivity arises from the mismatch in length scales between the assemblies (a few tens of nm) and the wavelength of light required to excite chromophores (≥150 nm). Consequently, with conventional spectroscopy, ordered assemblies, such as the icosahedral capsids of viruses, appear to be indistinguishable isotropic spherical objects. This limits potential routes to rapid high-throughput portable detection appropriate for point-of-care diagnostics. Here, we demonstrate that chiral electromagnetic (EM) near fields, which have both enhanced chiral asymmetry (referred to as superchirality) and subwavelength spatial localisation (∼10 nm), can detect the icosahedral structure of virus capsids. Thus, they can detect both the presence and relative orientation of a bound virus capsid. To illustrate the potential uses of the exquisite structural sensitivity of subwavelength superchiral fields, we have used them to successfully detect virus particles in the complex milieu of blood serum

    Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells Capture and Cross-Present Viral Antigens from Influenza-Virus Exposed Cells

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    Among the different subsets of dendritic cells (DC), plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDC) play a unique role in secreting large amounts of type I interferons upon viral stimulation, but their efficiency as antigen-presenting cells has not been completely characterized. We show here, by flow cytometry, with human primary blood PDC and with a PDC cell line, that PDC display poor endocytic capacity for soluble or cellular antigens when compared to monocyte-derived myeloid DC. However, immature PDC efficiently take up cellular material from live influenza-exposed cells, subsequently mature and cross-present viral antigens very efficiently to specific CD8+ T cells. Therefore, during viral infection PDC not only secrete immunomodulatory cytokines, but also recognize infected cells and function as antigen cross-presenting cells to trigger the anti-viral immune response