490 research outputs found

    Explicit classification of isogeny graphs of rational elliptic curves

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    Let n>1n>1 be an integer such that X0 ⁣(n)X_{0}\!\left( n\right) has genus 00, and let KK be a field of characteristic 00 or relatively prime to 6n6n. In this article, we explicitly classify the isogeny graphs of all rational elliptic curves that admit a non-trivial isogeny over Q\mathbb{Q}. We achieve this by introducing 5656 parameterized families of elliptic curves Cn,i(t,d)\mathcal{C}_{n,i}(t,d) defined over K(t,d)K(t,d), which have the following two properties for a fixed nn: the elliptic curves Cn,i(t,d)\mathcal{C}_{n,i}(t,d) are isogenous over K(t,d)K(t,d), and there are integers k1k_{1} and k2k_{2} such that the jj-invariants of Cn,k1(t,d)\mathcal{C}_{n,k_{1}}(t,d) and Cn,k2(t,d)\mathcal{C}_{n,k_{2}}(t,d) are given by the Fricke parameterizations. As a consequence, we show that if EE is an elliptic curve over a number field KK with isogeny class degree divisible by n{4,6,9}n\in\left\{4,6,9\right\} , then there is a quadratic twist of EE that is semistable at all primes p\mathfrak{p} of KK such that pn\mathfrak{p}\nmid n.Comment: 22 pages; incorporates referee's suggestions; final version to appear in International Journal of Number Theor

    Lower bounds for the modified Szpiro ratio

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    Let E/QE/\mathbb{Q} be an elliptic curve. The modified Szpiro ratio of EE is the quantity σm(E)=logmax{c43,c62}/logNE\sigma_{m}(E) =\log\max\left\{ \left\vert c_{4}^{3}\right\vert ,c_{6}^{2}\right\} /\log N_{E} where c4c_{4} and c6c_{6} are the invariants associated to a global minimal model of EE, and NEN_{E} denotes the conductor of EE. In this article, we show that for each of the fifteen torsion subgroups TT allowed by Mazur's Torsion Theorem, there is a rational number lTl_{T} such that if TE(Q)torsT\hookrightarrow E(\mathbb{Q}) _{\text{tors}}, then σm(E)>lT\sigma_{m}(E) >l_{T}. We also show that this bound is sharp.Comment: 15 pages; incorporates referee's suggestions; sharpness of lower bounds is no longer conditional on the abc conjecture; final version to appear in Acta Arithmetic

    Reduced minimal models and torsion

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    Let E/QE/\mathbb{Q} be an elliptic curve. The reduced minimal model of EE is a global minimal model y2+a1xy+a3y=x3+a2x2+a4x+a6y^{2}+a_{1}xy+a_{3}y=x^{3}+a_{2}x^{2}+a_{4}x+a_{6} which satisfies the additional conditions that a1,a3{0,1}a_{1},a_{3}\in \{0,1\} and a2{0,±1}a_{2}\in\{0,\pm1\}. The reduced minimal model of EE is unique, and in this article, we explicitly classify the reduced minimal model of an elliptic curve E/QE/\mathbb{Q} with a non-trivial torsion point. We obtain this classification by first showing that the reduced minimal model of EE is uniquely determined by a congruence on c6c_6 modulo 2424. We then apply this result to parameterized families of elliptic curves to deduce our main result. We also show that the reduction at 22 and 33 of EE affects the reduced minimal model of EE.Comment: 14 page

    Minimal Models of Rational Elliptic Curves with non-Trivial Torsio

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    This dissertation concerns the formulation of an explicit modified Szpirobconjecture and the classification of minimal discriminants of rational elliptic curves with non-trivial torsion subgroup. The Frey curve y2=x( x+a) ( x-b) is a two-parameter family of elliptic curves which comes equipped with an easily computable minimal discriminant which helped pave the mathematical bridge that led to the proof of Fermat\u27s Last Theorem. In this dissertation, we extend the ideas of the Frey curve by considering two- and three- parameter families of elliptic curves which parameterize all rational elliptic curves with non-trivial torsion. First, we use these families to give a new proof of a classic result of Frey, Flexor, and Oesterlé which pertains to the primes at which an elliptic curve over a number field can have additive reduction. While our proof gives a weaker variant of the original statement, it is explicit and does not require the Néron model of an elliptic curve. As a consequence of this new proof, we attain our classification of minimal discriminants of rational elliptic curves with non-trivial torsion. In addition, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for when a rational elliptic curve with non-trivial torsion has additive reduction at a given prime. We also study the connection between torsion structure of a rational elliptic curve and the possible reduced minimal models The second theme of this dissertation concerns the modified Szpiro conjecture, which is equivalent to the ABC Conjecture. Roughly speaking, the modified Szpiro conjecture states that certain elliptic curves, known as good elliptic curves, are rare in nature. Masser gave a non-constructive proof which showed that there were infinitely many good Frey curves. In this dissertation, we give a constructive proof of Masser\u27s assertion. We then extend this result by proving that for each of the fifteen torsion subgroups T allowed by Mazur\u27s Torsion Theorem, there are infinitely many good elliptic curves E with torsion subgroup isomorphic to T. This proof is also constructive and allows for the construction of a database which consists of 13870964 good elliptic curves. We provide an analysis of these good elliptic curves to parallel the work done by the ABC@Home project concerning the ABC Conjecture and good ABC triples. The data obtained is then used to formulate an explicit version of the modified Szpiro conjecture. We then show that this explicit formulation allows for the construction of databases of elliptic curves which are exhaustive up to a given conductor. Lastly, we use the classification of minimal discriminants to study the local data of rational elliptic curves at a given prime via Tate\u27s Algorithm. These results and a study of the naive height of an elliptic curve allow us to prove that there is a lower bound on the modified Szpiro ratio which depends only on the torsion structure of an elliptic curve

    Representations attached to elliptic curves with a non-trivial odd torsion point

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    We give a classification of the cuspidal automorphic representations attached to rational elliptic curves with a non-trivial torsion point of odd order. Such elliptic curves are parameterizable, and in this paper, we find the necessary and sufficient conditions on the parameters to determine when split or non-split multiplicative reduction occurs. Using this and the known results on when additive reduction occurs for these parametrized curves, we classify the automorphic representations in terms of the parameters.Comment: 16 page

    Local data of rational elliptic curves with non-trivial torsion

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    By Mazur's Torsion Theorem, there are fourteen possibilities for the non-trivial torsion subgroup TT of a rational elliptic curve. For each TT, such that EE may have additive reduction at a prime pp, we consider a parameterized family ETE_T of elliptic curves with the property that they parameterize all elliptic curves E/QE/\mathbb{Q} which contain TT in their torsion subgroup. Using these parameterized families, we explicitly classify the Kodaira-N\'{e}ron type, the conductor exponent, and the local Tamagawa number at each prime pp where E/QE/\mathbb{Q} has additive reduction. As a consequence, we find all rational elliptic curves with a 22-torsion or a 33-torsion point that have global Tamagawa number 11.Comment: 36 pages; incorporates referee's suggestions; final version to appear in Pacific Journal of Mathematic

    Sistema para la gestión de riegos en sedes regionales de ONG Visión Mundial Guatemala, Guatemala.

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    Diseña un sistema web adaptativo a cualquier tipo de dispositivo (computadores, tabletas, móviles) que facilita la gestión de evaluaciones de riesgos en sedes regionales de Visión Mundial

    Probing structure and energetics of proton-bound complexes N2…HCO+ and N2H+…OC using computational chemistry methods

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    N2…HCO+ and N2H+…OC are predicted to exist in interstellar clouds. These complexes involve HCO+ and N2H+ fragments that are bound to N2 and CO, respectively using hydrogen-bonded interaction. The reason these molecules are important is that the existence of nitrogen can be measured indirectly through ion-molecular complexes studied in this work. The measured vibrational spectra of molecules is an excellent way to characterize and detect molecules. We used B3LYP, MP2, and CCSD(T) computational methods to predict the structure and vibrational frequencies of N2…HCO+ and N2H+…OC and their fragments. The aug-cc-pVDZ and aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets were used. The stability of the complexes was described in terms of dissociations energies De and their zero-point energy (ZPE) corrected values, Do. Both molecular complexes exhibit a linear geometry. Vibrational frequencies were obtained using normal mode analysis. The N2H+…OC proton transfer vibrations occur at around 1800 – 1900 cm-1. H+ bound within HCO+ exhibit C-H vibration at ~2500-2700 cm-1. The N2…HCO+. complex is more stable than N2H+…OC by ~7000 cm-1. The ZPE corrected values for dissociation energies, Do for N2…HCO+ --\u3e N2 + HCO+ and N2H+…OC --\u3e N2H+ + OC are ~3500 cm-1 and ~5000 cm-1, respectively