8 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of 4d spin foam models

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    We study the asymptotic properties of four-simplex amplitudes for various four-dimensional spin foam models. We investigate the semi-classical limit of the Ooguri, Euclidean and Lorentzian EPRL models using coherent states for the boundary data. For some classes of geometrical boundary data, the asymptotic formulae are given, in all three cases, by simple functions of the Regge action for the four-simplex geometry.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings for the 2nd Corfu summer school and workshop on quantum gravity and quantum geometry, talk given by Winston J. Fairbair

    Spin foams with timelike surfaces

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    Spin foams of 4d gravity were recently extended from complexes with purely spacelike surfaces to complexes that also contain timelike surfaces. In this article, we express the associated partition function in terms of vertex amplitudes and integrals over coherent states. The coherent states are characterized by unit 3--vectors which represent normals to surfaces and lie either in the 2--sphere or the 2d hyperboloids. In the case of timelike surfaces, a new type of coherent state is used and the associated completeness relation is derived. It is also shown that the quantum simplicity constraints can be deduced by three different methods: by weak imposition of the constraints, by restriction of coherent state bases and by the master constraint.Comment: 22 pages, no figures; v2: remarks on operator formalism added in discussion; correction: the spin 1/2 irrep of the discrete series does not appear in the Plancherel decompositio

    Euclidean three-point function in loop and perturbative gravity

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    We compute the leading order of the three-point function in loop quantum gravity, using the vertex expansion of the Euclidean version of the new spin foam dynamics, in the region of gamma<1. We find results consistent with Regge calculus in the limit gamma->0 and j->infinity. We also compute the tree-level three-point function of perturbative quantum general relativity in position space, and discuss the possibility of directly comparing the two results.Comment: 16 page

    A new look at loop quantum gravity

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    I describe a possible perspective on the current state of loop quantum gravity, at the light of the developments of the last years. I point out that a theory is now available, having a well-defined background-independent kinematics and a dynamics allowing transition amplitudes to be computed explicitly in different regimes. I underline the fact that the dynamics can be given in terms of a simple vertex function, largely determined by locality, diffeomorphism invariance and local Lorentz invariance. I emphasize the importance of approximations. I list open problems.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Canonical path integral measures for Holst and Plebanski gravity. I. Reduced Phase Space Derivation

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    An important aspect in defining a path integral quantum theory is the determination of the correct measure. For interacting theories and theories with constraints, this is non-trivial, and is normally not the heuristic "Lebesgue measure" usually used. There have been many determinations of a measure for gravity in the literature, but none for the Palatini or Holst formulations of gravity. Furthermore, the relations between different resulting measures for different formulations of gravity are usually not discussed. In this paper we use the reduced phase technique in order to derive the path-integral measure for the Palatini and Holst formulation of gravity, which is different from the Lebesgue measure up to local measure factors which depend on the spacetime volume element and spatial volume element. From this path integral for the Holst formulation of GR we can also give a new derivation of the Plebanski path integral and discover a discrepancy with the result due to Buffenoir, Henneaux, Noui and Roche (BHNR) whose origin we resolve. This paper is the first in a series that aims at better understanding the relation between canonical LQG and the spin foam approach.Comment: 27 pages, minor correction

    Generating Functions for Coherent Intertwiners

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    We study generating functions for the scalar products of SU(2) coherent intertwiners, which can be interpreted as coherent spin network evaluations on a 2-vertex graph. We show that these generating functions are exactly summable for different choices of combinatorial weights. Moreover, we identify one choice of weight distinguished thanks to its geometric interpretation. As an example of dynamics, we consider the simple case of SU(2) flatness and describe the corresponding Hamiltonian constraint whose quantization on coherent intertwiners leads to partial differential equations that we solve. Furthermore, we generalize explicitly these Wheeler-DeWitt equations for SU(2) flatness on coherent spin networks for arbitrary graphs.Comment: 31 page

    Second-order amplitudes in loop quantum gravity

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    We explore some second-order amplitudes in loop quantum gravity. In particular, we compute some second-order contributions to diagonal components of the graviton propagator in the large distance limit, using the old version of the Barrett-Crane vertex amplitude. We illustrate the geometry associated to these terms. We find some peculiar phenomena in the large distance behavior of these amplitudes, related with the geometry of the generalized triangulations dual to the Feynman graphs of the corresponding group field theory. In particular, we point out a possible further difficulty with the old Barrett-Crane vertex: it appears to lead to flatness instead of Ricci-flatness, at least in some situations. The observation raises the question whether this difficulty remains with the new version of the vertex.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure

    LQG propagator: III. The new vertex

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    In the first article of this series, we pointed out a difficulty in the attempt to derive the low-energy behavior of the graviton two-point function, from the loop-quantum-gravity dynamics defined by the Barrett-Crane vertex amplitude. Here we show that this difficulty disappears when using the corrected vertex amplitude recently introduced in the literature. In particular, we show that the asymptotic analysis of the new vertex amplitude recently performed by Barrett, Fairbairn and others, implies that the vertex has precisely the asymptotic structure that, in the second article of this series, was indicated as the key necessary condition for overcoming the difficulty.Comment: 9 page