3 research outputs found

    El Trabajo en equipo para promover la participaci贸n de los actores sociales

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    Aim of the study was: generate actions of work as a team to promote the active participation of the social actors. Methodologically addressed from participatory action research, whereas the positions of Grundy (cited in Lopez; 2001), Astorga and Van Der Bijl (1994), as well as L贸pez (2001), through the stages: diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation; accompanied by moments of reflection. The diagnosis threw as study problem the lack of active participation and work team. Problems analyzed by the actors themselves of the school and community of Agua Clara, Edo Trujillo. Activities, which were developed from peer involvement, constituting the seal of action research were planned. As result was obtained: 75% of the participation of the actors of the school and community, as well as workshops which generated reflection, action, formation and transformation of the participants.Concluding that it was the active participation from teamwork, transformation with the community, for the community and by the community through the active participation and involvement of the socio-educational players, hoping to continue participating actively in favors of social transformation which requires the community and the country.El estudio tuvo como prop贸sito: Generar acciones de trabajo en equipo para promover la participaci贸n activa de los actores sociales. Metodol贸gicamente se abord贸 desde la Investigaci贸n Acci贸n Participativa, considerando las posturas de Grundy (citado en L贸pez; 2001), Astorga y Van Der Bijl (1994), as铆 como L贸pez (2001), a trav茅s de las fases: diagn贸stico, planificaci贸n, ejecuci贸n y evaluaci贸n; acompa帽ados de momentos de reflexi贸n. El diagn贸stico arroj贸 como problema de estudio la falta de participaci贸n activa y el trabajo en equipo. Problem谩tica analizada por los propios actores de la escuela y comunidad de Agua Clara, Edo Trujillo. Se planificaron diversas actividades, las cuales se fueron desarrollando desde una participaci贸n entre iguales, constituyendo el sello de la investigaci贸n-acci贸n. Como resultado se obtuvo: el 75% de la participaci贸n de los actores de la escuela y comunidad, as铆 como talleres que generaron reflexi贸n, acci贸n, formaci贸n y transformaci贸n de los participantes. Concluyendo que se logr贸 la participaci贸n activa desde el trabajo en equipo, transformaciones con la comunidad, para la comunidad y por la comunidad a trav茅s de la participaci贸n activa e involucramiento de los actores socio-educativos, esperando que sigan participando activamente en beneficio de la transformaci贸n social que requiere su comunidad y el pa铆s

    Expresi贸n Oral Emergente en los Estudiantes Durante la Interacci贸n Social

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    During the educational actions are interactive processes between the students, allowing to distinguish oral expressions, related to a form of interpersonal communication that occurs between students, which uses labels to identify and characterize his companions, which may benefit or affect you. From there that the purpose of the research was: unveil oral expressions that emerge among the students for an evaluative qualification in their social interaction. From the point of view of the methodology, it was approached from the qualitative vision based on the ethnographic method, using a population of 38 students; developed in four phases that are: (1) an approach to the reality, (2) collection of information, taking in account observation and interview; (3) analysis of the information and (4) preparation of the final report. From the information related to the analysis process, categories were constructed, such as: the mocker, the craniecito, the annoyance/annoying and the supportive. Such qualifiers, which according to students were characteristic by their way of acting. Among the values were expressed: the friendship, the respect, sincerity, fellowship. Similarly, counter values, such as; disrespect, disorder, ridicule, offense, indiscipline, among others. Therefore it is recommended to promote activities that allow the student to value and respect their classmates for a living in harmony.Durante el accionar educativo se dan procesos interactivos entre los estudiantes, permitiendo distinguir expresiones orales, relacionadas con la forma de comunicaci贸n interpersonal que se da entre los estudiantes, en la cual utilizan calificativos para identificar y caracterizar a sus compa帽eros, lo cual puede beneficiar y/o afectarle. De all铆 que el prop贸sito de la investigaci贸n fue: Develar las expresiones orales que emergen entre los estudiantes para una cualificaci贸n valorativa en su interacci贸n social. Metodol贸gicamente se abord贸 desde una visi贸n cualitativa fundamentada en el m茅todo etnogr谩fico, con una poblaci贸n de 38 alumnos; desarrollada en cuatro fases: (1) acercamiento a la realidad, (2) recolecci贸n de informaci贸n, a trav茅s de la observaci贸n y la entrevista; (3) an谩lisis de la informaci贸n y (4) elaboraci贸n del informe final. Del proceso de an谩lisis de la informaci贸n, se construyeron categor铆as, tales como: el burl贸n, el/la craniecito(a), el molest贸n/fastidioso, el/la solidario(a). Calificativos estos, que seg煤n los alumnos eran caracter铆sticos por su manera de actuar. Entre los valores manifestados se tienen la amistad, el respeto, la sinceridad, el compa帽erismo. De igual manera, contravalores, tales como; irrespeto, desorden, burla, ofensa, indisciplina, entre otros. Por lo que se recomienda propiciar actividades que le permita al estudiante valorar y respetar a sus compa帽eros de clase para un convivir en armon铆a

    Expresi贸n Oral Emergente en los Estudiantes Durante la Interacci贸n Social

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    During the educational actions are interactive processes between the students, allowing to distinguish oral expressions, related to a form of interpersonal communication that occurs between students, which uses labels to identify and characterize his companions, which may benefit or affect you. From there that the purpose of the research was: unveil oral expressions that emerge among the students for an evaluative qualification in their social interaction. From the point of view of the methodology, it was approached from the qualitative vision based on the ethnographic method, using a population of 38 students; developed in four phases that are: (1) an approach to the reality, (2) collection of information, taking in account observation and interview; (3) analysis of the information and (4) preparation of the final report. From the information related to the analysis process, categories were constructed, such as: the mocker, the craniecito, the annoyance/annoying and the supportive. Such qualifiers, which according to students were characteristic by their way of acting. Among the values were expressed: the friendship, the respect, sincerity, fellowship. Similarly, counter values, such as; disrespect, disorder, ridicule, offense, indiscipline, among others. Therefore it is recommended to promote activities that allow the student to value and respect their classmates for a living in harmony.Durante el accionar educativo se dan procesos interactivos entre los estudiantes, permitiendo distinguir expresiones orales, relacionadas con la forma de comunicaci贸n interpersonal que se da entre los estudiantes, en la cual utilizan calificativos para identificar y caracterizar a sus compa帽eros, lo cual puede beneficiar y/o afectarle. De all铆 que el prop贸sito de la investigaci贸n fue: Develar las expresiones orales que emergen entre los estudiantes para una cualificaci贸n valorativa en su interacci贸n social. Metodol贸gicamente se abord贸 desde una visi贸n cualitativa fundamentada en el m茅todo etnogr谩fico, con una poblaci贸n de 38 alumnos; desarrollada en cuatro fases: (1) acercamiento a la realidad, (2) recolecci贸n de informaci贸n, a trav茅s de la observaci贸n y la entrevista; (3) an谩lisis de la informaci贸n y (4) elaboraci贸n del informe final. Del proceso de an谩lisis de la informaci贸n, se construyeron categor铆as, tales como: el burl贸n, el/la craniecito(a), el molest贸n/fastidioso, el/la solidario(a). Calificativos estos, que seg煤n los alumnos eran caracter铆sticos por su manera de actuar. Entre los valores manifestados se tienen la amistad, el respeto, la sinceridad, el compa帽erismo. De igual manera, contravalores, tales como; irrespeto, desorden, burla, ofensa, indisciplina, entre otros. Por lo que se recomienda propiciar actividades que le permita al estudiante valorar y respetar a sus compa帽eros de clase para un convivir en armon铆a