17 research outputs found

    Safety of ground masses under loading conditions. Some new developments for its evaluation

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    O presente trabalho descreve e discute os métodos de cálculo à rotura de maciços terrosos por métodos rígido-plásticos, métodos elasto-plásticos e métodos elásticos, apresentando-se novos programas de computador para o cálculo do coeficiente de segurança. Apresentam-se exemplos e fazem-se comparações entre resultados obtidos através de vários métodos.This work describes and discusses the calculation methods for evaluation of the safety factor in relation to rupture of ground masses: rigid-plastic methods; elastic-plastic methods; and elastic methods. New computer programs are presented for the safety factor. Also, examples are presented and comparisons of results are done between the methods.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE

    E para ti… o que é ser diferente?” : Representações de crianças e adolescentes

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioA diferença é algo intimamente ligada à educação inclusiva, e sendo um conceito multidimensional, os estudos realizados em torno dessa problemática pretendem maioritariamente investigar as representações sobre um determinado tipo de diferença. Assim, ao respeitarmos a diversidade vamos na direcção de garantir uma sociedade mais justa no futuro. A presente investigação insere-se no âmbito da educação inclusiva e da diversidade, e tem como objectivo aprofundar conhecimentos sobre as representações de crianças (10 a 12 anos) e adolescentes (17 a 19 anos) face à diferença, ou seja, pretende caracterizar e descrever as representações destas sobre a diferença e que tipo de relação podem estabelecer com a mesma, tentando perceber se o modo como as crianças e os adolescentes percepcionam a diferença difere consoante o género e a idade. Os participantes da presente investigação foram 55 crianças e 53 adolescentes, que frequentam instituições do ensino português, das quais 62 eram do sexo feminino e 46 do sexo masculino. Foi pedido aos participantes uma descrição de um Outro muito diferente deles e uma história onde esse Outro e o próprio seriam as personagens. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar que as crianças descrevem um Outro através de características externas e superficiais, como os Aspectos Físicos, e os adolescentes através de características internas e psicológicas, como as Competências. Estes resultados seguem, na sua maioria, a tendência de resultados obtidos em investigações anteriores.ABSTRACT: Difference is something that is deeply connected to inclusive education, and by being a multidimensional concept, the studies related to it mostly pretend to investigate the representations about a certain kind of difference. So, if we respect the diversity we’re going in the direction of guarantee a more fair society in the future. The present investigation is related to inclusive education and diversity, and has the objective to increase knowledge about the children’s (10 – 12 years) and adolescent’s (17 – 19 years) representations against the difference, in other words, pretends to characterize and describe these representations about the difference and what kind of relationship can be established with the same, trying to understand if the way children and adolescents perceive the difference differs by gender and age. The participants of this study were 55 children’ and 53 adolescents’ attending on Portuguese education institutions, of which 62 were female and 46 were male. It was asked to the participants a description of an Other much different from them and one history where these Other and themselves would be the main characters. The results aloud to identify that children describe an Other through extern and superficial characteristics, like the Physic Aspects, and the adolescents seems to describe through intern and psychological characteristics, such as Skils. These results are follow the direction of the results from previous investigations

    Chorographia de alguns lugares que stam em hum caminho quefez Gaspar Barreiros ó anno MDxxxxvj começado na cidade deBadajoz em Castella, te á de Milam em Italia co[n] algu[n]as outras obras cujo catalogo vai scripto com os nomes dos dictos lugares, na folha seguinte

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    Chorographia de alguns lugares que stam em hum caminho que fez Gaspar Barreiros ó anno MDxxxxvj começado na cidade de Badajoz em Castella, te á de Milam em Italia --Censuras de Gaspar Barreiros sobre quatro liuros intitulados em M. Portio Catam de Originibus, em Beroso Chaldaeo, em Manethon gyptio, & em Q. Fabio Pictor Romano -- Commentarius de Ophyra regione apud divinam scripturam co[m]memorata, unde Salomoni Iudaeorum regi indyto, ingens, auri, argenti, gemmarum, eboris, aliarumq,rerum copia apportabatur / Gaspare Varreiro Lusitano auctore -- Garsias Menesius Eborensis praesul, quum Lusitaniae regis inclyti legatus, & regiae classis aduersus Turcas Hydrunte in Apulia pr[a]esidio tenentis, praefectus ad Urbem accederet, in te[m]plo diui Pauli publicè exceptus, apùd Xistu .iiij. Ponti Max. & apud sacrum Cardinalium senatum, huiuscemodi orationem habuitColofones en r. de h. [248] y h. [55]Sign.: [cald.]4, [cristus]8, a-z8, &8, A-G8 B4, C-H8, I4H-L8, M10.Cada parte con port. propia: 1 port. con grab. xil. con esc. cardenalicio, 2 con grab. xil. con esfera armilar, 3con grab. xil. con esc. de Portugal, 4 con grab. xil. con esc. de arma

    Título: Discussionum historicarum libri duo

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    Sign.: ()\p8\s, A-Z\p8\s, 2A-2D\p8\sPort. con viñeta xi

    Computation of the safety factors of geotechnical structures

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    The paper discusses the methods for the calculation of the factor of safety, Fs, of a nonhomogenious loaded soil (and/or rock) mass in relation to Limit Equilibrium (EQU) and refers to the senior author’s own computer programs to solve these problems involved in Engineering Design Practice. To complement general programs for the traditional slices methods, new methods are presented and programmed: The “Rigid Blocks Methods” (RBM) for 2D and 3D situations. RBM are based on the creation of self-equilibrating structural systems inside the sliding ground mass. This generalization allows the treatment of problems such as the stability of excavations for tunnels in addition to the stability of slopes. A number of examples are presented using the authors PC MATLAB programs based on the generalized method of slices and on the new RBM Methods. Comparisons of results with published Fs obtained by other authors and those obtained by FEM are provided. The Rigid Blocks Method gave values for Fs close to published values. However, many more tests and comparisons are needed. Also, the 3D Rigid Blocks Method is promising, mainly for 3D situations such as the stability of the front face in tunnels excavations.Este trabalho foi financiado pelo FEDER através do Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade — COMPETE e por fundos Portugueses através da FCT — Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia pelo Projeto PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011

    Numerical methods for the calculation of the factor of safety for loaded non homogeneous earth masses 2D and 3D

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    The evaluation of the safety at rupture of loaded earth masses foreseen in Eurocode7, is already at work in all European countries. It is done taking into account the Ultimate Limit State of (EQU). Therefore, in any Geotechnical Design, a safety factor of reduction γM=FS must be applied to the strength characteristics (cohesion and tangent of the friction angle of the soils), and an increase factor γF to the loads, for grant of the stability of a loaded earth masse (soils and/or rocks). A large number of discussions is going on in relation to the best method for the calculation of FS. Most of the existing methods for the calculation of FS refer to the stability of slopes and earth retaining structures. Very few or none refer to tunnels excavation which may have buildings on the surface and to wells and caverns. The work to be presented discusses these subjects and refers PC programs put forward by the senior author, which are being most improved in order to solve the involved problems in the Civil Engineering Practice. Nowadays the calculation of FS for heterogeneous loaded earth masses is fundamental. However, it is not easy to obtain suitable FS. This can be calculated by Elastic-Plastic numerical methods (FEM, FDM, BEM, and other methods). In general, these methods do not give a mechanism of collapse. Also, convergence is not assured. In the presented Rigid Blocks Method, the collapse mechanism is, a priori, explicit. Comparisons between the FS’s calculated with the new author’s methods and those of technical international literature, are done.Este trabalho foi financiado pelo FEDER através do Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade — COMPETE e por fundos Portugueses através da FCT — Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia pelo Projeto PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011

    The social media theatre: New guidelines to foster parasocial interactions with followers and improve influencer marketing communication effectiveness

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    The work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [UIDB/04928/2020].Regarding the popularity of social media platforms among consu- mers, influencer marketing is increasingly present in brands’ com- munication strategies. This study adds to the knowledge about the drivers of parasocial interactions with influencers by investigating not yet explored follower-influencer connections and their effects on consumers’ responses to the recommended brands. An online consumer survey was conducted among followers of social media influencers and the data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The results show that follower-influencer moral admiration, perceived similarity, emo- tional closeness, and expression of positive feelings positively affect their parasocial interaction. In turn, the effects of these variables on consumer responses are fully or partially mediated by follower- influencer parasocial interaction on social media networks. Interestingly, followers’ skill admiration towards the influencer has no significant impact on parasocial interaction but has a positive significant direct impact on positive WOM and purchase intention of influencer recommend brands. Our findings demonstrate that influencer marketing communication is an effective strategy for improving consumer brand responses. Furthermore, to augment their marketing value, social media influencers need to promote parasocial interactions with followers. Our findings suggest novel recommendations to select influencers and manage influencer marketing value.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    De locis S. Scripturae hebraicis Angeli Caninii commentarius, et Antonii Nebrissensis quinquagena

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    CCBE S. XVI, C, 329Marca tip. en port.Sign.: A-R8, S4A Res. 78/4/1

    De Ophira regione in sacris litteris disputatio

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    Marca tip. en port.Enc. Perg.Sign.: A-R8, R