1,046 research outputs found

    Bio-based building components: A newly sustainable solution for traditional walls made of Arundo donax and gypsum

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    To contribute to the use of bio-based materials in the building sector, a novel bio-based wall panel, with a high thermal performance level, is proposed in this work. The panel is based on an ancient rural technique, widely diffused in southern Italy, which makes use of Arundo donax L. canes combined with gypsum plaster to build walls and ceilings of rural buildings. The enhancement of the thermal capacity of these panels by means of the introduction in the canes of a natural wax oleogel (WO) is proposed in this paper. A specific experimental campaign aiming at the comparison of traditional and innovative panels was carried out to assess the enhanced thermal performance of the proposed solution. The maximum value of heat flow absorbed from the panel with WO was 61.08 W/m(2) around a mean panel temperature of 24 & DEG;C, corresponding to the melting temperature range of the WO. The panel without WO at the same temperature absorbed an incoming heat flow of 34.64 W/m(2) which is about 57% of the panel with WO. The panel with WO released at a temperature of about 27.5 & DEG;C, a heat flow of 43.42 W/m(2). At the same temperature of about 27.5 & DEG;C, the panel without WO released a heat flow of 34.38 W/m(2) which is about 80% that of the panel with WO. The results highlighted that the addition of natural WO has enhanced the thermal capacity of the panel facilitating heat dissipation through the borders. These characteristics make the panel a suitable component for internal partitions of controlled temperature zones such as residential rooms, storage food areas, livestock buildings, and where it is necessary to obtain a constant environmental temperature. In particular, the null or low toxicity of the panel's materials allows for partition use, also in hygienically safe environments

    Safety performance assessment of food industry facilities using a fuzzy approach

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    The latest EU policies focus on the issue of food safety with a view to assuring adequate and standard quality levels for the food produced and/or consumed within the EC. To that purpose, the environment where agricultural products are manufactured and processed plays a crucial role in achieving food hygiene. As a consequence, it is of the utmost importance to adopt proper building solutions which meet health and hygiene requirements and to use suitable tools to measure the levels achieved. Similarly, it is necessary to verify and evaluate the level of safety and welfare of the workers in their working environment. The safety of the workers has not only an ethical and social value but also an economic implication, since possible accidents or environmental stressors are the major causes of the lower efficiency and productivity of workers. However, the technical solutions adopted in the manufacturing facilities in order to achieve adequate levels of safety and welfare of the workers are not always consistent with the solutions aimed at achieving adequate levels of food hygiene, even if both of them comply with sectoral rules which are often unconnected with each other. Therefore, it is fundamental to design suitable models of analysis that allow assessing buildings as a whole, taking into account both health and hygiene safety as well as the safety and welfare of workers. Hence, this paper proposes an evaluation model that, based on an established study protocol and on the application of a fuzzy logic procedure, allows evaluating the global safety level of a building. The proposed model allows to obtain a synthetic and global value of the building performance in terms of food hygiene and safety and welfare of the workers as well as to highlight possible weaknesses. Though the model may be applied in either the design or the operational phase of a building, this paper focuses on its application to certain buildings already operational in a specific productive context

    Synthesis of Pyrazoles by 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition under Aqueous Micellar Catalysis

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    Ethyl diazoacetate (EDA), which is easily prepared from ethyl glycinate and NaNO2, reacts in situ with alkynes in a water micelle environment without organic solvent to form pyrazoles. The reaction is pH dependent, as in the presence of protic catalysis (H2SO4 4%, pH 3.5) a mixture of 3,5- and 4,5-disubstituted pyrazoles was obtained, while, at pH 5.5, only the 3,5-disubstituted isomer was obtained. The presence of the surfactant TPGS-750-M was crucial to secure clean crude reaction mixtures and high yields of the products. The same protocol was successfully applied to the synthesis of substituted pyrazolines. © 2022 The Author

    AKT, p-AKT, ERK1/2 and p-ERK1/2 in Mural Granulosa Cells Are Not Correlated to Different Ovarian Stimulation Protocols in Patients Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Treatment

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    (1) Background: In this paper we aim to study the relationship between the expression levels of molecules involved in apoptotic/survival pathways, considered as molecular markers of oocyte competence (i.e., AKT, p-AKT, ERK1/2, and p-ERK1/2) in mural granulosa cells (MGCs) and the administration of r-FSH alone or combined with exogenous r-LH, in ovarian stimulation protocol. Moreover, we aim to evaluate oocyte competence by comparing normally cleaved embryos that were transferred in the uterus, with embryos that were arrested during in vitro culture. (2) Methods: The study included 34 normo-responder women undergoing ICSI procedures. All subjects were divided into two groups. Group A consisted of 18 women stimulated with r-FSH and used as a control group; Group B consisted of 14 women stimulated with r-FSH combined with r-LH. The MGCs were obtained from individual follicles. Immunoblot analyses were carried out to analyze the AKT, p-AKT, ERK1/2, and p-ERK1/2 levels in MGCs and to correlate them with the ovarian stimulation protocol. Furthermore, the oocyte competence was evaluated, for each follicle, according to the development of the embryo during in vitro culture and the pregnancy outcome. (3) Results: We found no significant difference in the levels of molecules in isolated MGCs between groups A and B. These results, in light of our previous research, suggest for the first time, to our knowledge, that cumulus cells and mural granulosa cells in the same follicle show different expression levels of molecules involved in the apoptotic mechanism. (4) Conclusions: Our results could clarify some controversial data in the literature where cumulative cell pools of cumulus and granulosa were analyzed, described as ovarian follicle cells, and used as markers of oocyte competence. In this paper, we found evidence that cumulus and granulosa cells need to be analyzed separately

    "Hot" Surface Activation of Molecular Complexes: Insight from Modeling Studies

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    Rock-and-roll over hot floors: Theoretical modeling of the first activation stages of a Cu complex on top of a heated surface (750 K) revealed two mobility regimes, a slow bump-and-rock diffusion over the surface and a fast roll-and-go motion accompanied by significant temperature-induced bond oscillations. This study enables a deeper insight into "hot" surface molecular activation processes.Tanz auf dem Vulkan: Das Modellieren der ersten Aktivierungsstufen eines Cu-Komplexes auf einer beheizten Oberfl\ue4che (750\u2005K) enth\ufcllte zwei Bewegungsarten: eine langsame Diffusion durch \u201eAnsto fen und Taumeln\u201c und eine schnelle Rollbewegung, die mit deutlichen temperaturinduzierten Bindungsoszillationen einhergeht. Diese Befunde geben einen Einblick in die Prozesse bei der Aktivierung durch \u201ehei fe\u201c Oberfl\ue4chen

    Faulting, sediment loading, and flow of underlying ductile units : A case study from the Western Ionian Basin Offshore Eastern Sicily

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    Acknowledgements Bathymetric data are from a compilation provided by Gutscher et al. (2017) and from EMODnet open dataset (http://www.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/). Digital topography was achieved from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (https://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/ALOS/en/aw3d30/index.htm). The authors also acknowledge the use of MOVE Software Suite granted by Petroleum Experts Limited (www.petex.com). Bernard Mercier de Lepinay (GeoAzur, Université de Nice/CNRS), is also acknowledged for the CIRCEE-HR seismic data processing. Juan I. Soto (The University of Texas at Austin) is warmly acknowledged for the critical and constructive discussions provided. The research was partly funded by the University of Catania in the framework of the project ‘SeismoFront’ (resp. G. Barreca), Grant n. 22722132176.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Modificazioni morfo-strutturali placentari nel ritardo di crescita asimmetrico idiopatico

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    Obiettivo: valutare le alterazioni dello sviluppo e della struttura dei villi coriali di placente di gravidanze con ritardo di crescita fetale asimmetrico idiopatico (IUGR) tardivo. Pazienti e metodi: sono state esaminate 45 placente di pazienti con IUGR idiopatico con parto, per via vaginale o addominale, espletato dal gennaio 2001 al dicembre 2007 . L'esame istologico è stato condotto secondo le linee guida del Gruppo Italiano di Anatomia Patologica. La diagnosi di IUGR è stata posta sulla base dell'evidenza clinica ed ultrasonica di ridotta crescita fetale e basso peso neonatale in associazione a riduzione del liquido amniotico e a placenta “matura” all'esame USG. Risultati: l'esame istologico ha evidenziato lesioni dello sviluppo e della struttura dei villi tipici della ipoperfusione cronica placentare così definite: maturazione accelerata dei villi (ipermaturità villare), villite ischemica (equivalente a microinfarti) ed infarti. In 10 casi, insieme a tali lesioni, ne è stata identificata un'altra , definita “ipercapillarizzazione dei villi”, che si associa ad una condizione di ipossia relativa del sangue materno che circola tra i villi. Conclusioni: il ritardo di crescita intrauterino asimmetrico idiopatico può essere ricondotto ad alterazioni dell'angiogenesi e vasculogenesi che avvengono nelle fasi iniziali della gravidanza. Ciò determina una condizione di ipossia placentare con alterazioni dello sviluppo dei villi tipici della ipoperfusione cronica placentare

    Rapamycin-loaded polymeric nanoparticles as an advanced formulation for macrophage targeting in atherosclerosis

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    Recently, rapamycin (Rapa) represents a potential drug treatment to induce regression of atherosclerotic plaques; however, its use requires site-specific accumulation in the vessels involved in the formation of the plaques to avoid the systemic effects resulting from its indiscriminate biodistribution. In this work, a stable pharmaceutical formulation for Rapa was realized as a dried powder to be dispersed extemporaneously before administration. The latter was constituted by man-nitol (Man) as an excipient and a Rapa-loaded polymeric nanoparticle carrier. These nanoparticles were obtained by nanoprecipitation and using as a starting polymeric material a polycaprolactone (PCL)/α,β-poly(N-2-hydroxyethyl)-DL-aspartamide (PHEA) graft copolymer. To obtain nanoparti-cles targeted to macrophages, an oxidized phospholipid with a high affinity for the CD36 receptor of macrophages, the 1-(palmitoyl)-2-(5-keto-6-octene-dioyl) phosphatidylcholine (KOdia-PC), was added to the starting organic phase. The chemical–physical and technological characterization of the obtained nanoparticles demonstrated that: both the drug loading (DL%) and the entrapment efficiency (EE%) entrapped drug are high; the entrapped drug is in the amorphous state, protected from degradation and slowly released from the polymeric matrix; and the KOdia-PC is on the nanoparticle surface (KP-Nano). The biological characterization demonstrated that both systems are quickly internalized by macrophages while maintaining the activity of the drug. In vitro studies demonstrated that the effect of KP-Nano Rapa-loaded, in reducing the amount of the Phospo-Ser757-ULK1 protein through the inhibition of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), is comparable to that of the free drug

    Fold-related deformation bands in a weakly buried sandstone reservoir analogue : a multi-disciplinary case study from the Numidian (Miocene) of Sicily (Italy)

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    We really appreciated the criticisms and valuable observations by two anonymous reviewers which improved significantly an early version of the manuscript. We are grateful to Prof. Kurt Mengel for availability to perform microanalysis with EPMA facility at TU Clausthal (Germany) and Totò Scalisi and the Major of Sperlinga village to permit access to the castle. SG acknowledges an Erasmus+ grant funded by the University of Catania. EF, RM and RP acknowledge a FIR 2014 CF093A grant from the University of Catania (Scientific Coordinator R. Maniscalco). EF, RP are thankful to Lucia Mancini for help and assistance during X-ray tomography acquisitions.Peer reviewedPostprin