2,536 research outputs found

    Liquid-gas phase transition in nuclei in the relativistic Thomas-Fermi theory

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    The equation of state (EOS) of finite nuclei is constructed in the relativistic Thomas-Fermi theory using the non-linear σωρ\sigma-\omega -\rho model. The caloric curves are calculated by confining the nuclei in the freeze-out volume taken to be a sphere of size about 4 to 8 times the normal nuclear volume. The results obtained from the relativistic theory are not significantly different from those obtained earlier in a non-relativistic framework. The nature of the EOS and the peaked structure of the specific heat CvC_v obtained from the caloric curves show clear signals of a liquid-gas phase transition in finite nuclei. The temperature evolution of the Gibbs potential and the entropy at constant pressure indicate that the characteristics of the transition are not too different from the first-order one.Comment: RevTex file(19 pages) and 12 psfiles for fugures. Physical Review C (in Press

    A bio-inspired image coder with temporal scalability

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    We present a novel bio-inspired and dynamic coding scheme for static images. Our coder aims at reproducing the main steps of the visual stimulus processing in the mammalian retina taking into account its time behavior. The main novelty of this work is to show how to exploit the time behavior of the retina cells to ensure, in a simple way, scalability and bit allocation. To do so, our main source of inspiration will be the biologically plausible retina model called Virtual Retina. Following a similar structure, our model has two stages. The first stage is an image transform which is performed by the outer layers in the retina. Here it is modelled by filtering the image with a bank of difference of Gaussians with time-delays. The second stage is a time-dependent analog-to-digital conversion which is performed by the inner layers in the retina. Thanks to its conception, our coder enables scalability and bit allocation across time. Also, our decoded images do not show annoying artefacts such as ringing and block effects. As a whole, this article shows how to capture the main properties of a biological system, here the retina, in order to design a new efficient coder.Comment: 12 pages; Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2011

    Interaction of the single-particle and collective degrees of freedom in non-magic nuclei: the role of phonon tadpole terms

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    A method of a consistent consideration of the phonon contributions to mass and gap operators in non-magic nuclei is developed in the so-called g^2 approximation, where g is the low-lying phonon creation amplitude. It includes simultaneous accounting for both the usual non-local terms and the phonon tadpole ones. The relations which allow the tadpoles to be calculated without any new parameters are derived. As an application of the results, the role of the phonon tadpoles in the single-particle strength distribution and in the single-particle energies and gap values has been considered. Relation to the problem of the surface nature of pairing is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Thermal fission rate around super-normal phase transition

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    Using Langer's ImFIm F method, we discuss the temperature dependence of nuclear fission width in the presence of dissipative environments. We introduce a low cut-off frequency to the spectral density of the environmental oscillators in order to mimic the pairing gap. It is shown that the decay width rapidly decreases at the critical temperature, where the phase transition from super to normal fluids takes place. Relation to the recently observed threshold for the dissipative fission is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, Submitted to Physical Review C for publication, 3 Postscript figures are available by request from [email protected]

    Bound states of 3He at the edge of a 4He drop on a cesium surface

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    We show that small amounts of 3He atoms, added to a 4He drop deposited on a flat cesium surface at zero temperature, populate bound states localized at the contact line. These edge states show up for drops large enough to develop well defined surface and bulk regions together with a contact line, and they are structurally different from the well-known Andreev states that appear at the free surface and at the liquid-solid interface of films. We illustrate the one-body density of 3He in a drop with 1000 4He atoms, and show that for sufficiently large number of impurities, the density profiles spread beyond the edge, coating both the curved drop surface and its flat base and eventually isolating it from the substrate.Comment: 10 pages and 7 figures. Submitted to PR

    Quantum cavitation in liquid 3^3He: dissipation effects

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    We have investigated the effect that dissipation may have on the cavitation process in normal liquid 3^3He. Our results indicate that a rather small dissipation decreases sizeably the quantum-to-thermal crossover temperature TT^* for cavitation in normal liquid 3^3He. This is a possible explanation why recent experiments have not yet found clear evidence of quantum cavitation at temperatures below the TT^* predicted by calculations which neglect dissipation.Comment: To be published in Physical Review B6

    Far-infrared edge modes in quantum dots

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    We have investigated edge modes of different multipolarity sustained by quantum dots submitted to external magnetic fields. We present a microscopic description based on a variational solution of the equation of motion for any axially symmetric confining potential and multipole mode. Numerical results for dots with different number of electrons whose ground-state is described within a local Current Density Functional Theory are discussed. Two sum rules, which are exact within this theory, are derived. In the limit of a large neutral dot at B=0, we have shown that the classical hydrodynamic dispersion law for edge waves \omega(q) \sim \sqrt{q \ln (q_0/q)} holds when quantum and finite size effects are taken into account.Comment: We have changed some figures as well as a part of the tex

    Far-infrared edge modes in quantum dots

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    We have investigated edge modes of different multipolarity sustained by quantum dots submitted to external magnetic fields. We present a microscopic description based on a variational solution of the equation of motion for any axially symmetric confining potential and multipole mode. Numerical results for dots with different number of electrons whose ground-state is described within a local Current Density Functional Theory are discussed. Two sum rules, which are exact within this theory, are derived. In the limit of a large neutral dot at B=0, we have shown that the classical hydrodynamic dispersion law for edge waves \omega(q) \sim \sqrt{q \ln (q_0/q)} holds when quantum and finite size effects are taken into account.Comment: We have changed some figures as well as a part of the tex

    Neutrino Decays over Cosmological Distances and the Implications for Neutrino Telescopes

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    We discuss decays of ultra-relativistic neutrinos over cosmological distances by solving the decay equation in terms of its redshift dependence. We demonstrate that there are significant conceptual differences compared to more simplified treatments of neutrino decay. For instance, the maximum distance the neutrinos have traveled is limited by the Hubble length, which means that the common belief that longer neutrino lifetimes can be probed by longer distances does not apply. As a consequence, the neutrino lifetime limit from supernova 1987A cannot be exceeded by high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. We discuss the implications for neutrino spectra and flavor ratios from gamma-ray bursts as one example of extragalactic sources, using up-to-date neutrino flux predictions. If the observation of SN 1987A implies that \nu_1 is stable and the other mass eigenstates decay with rates much smaller than their current bounds, the muon track rate can be substantially suppressed compared to the cascade rate in the region IceCube is most sensitive to. In this scenario, no gamma-ray burst neutrinos may be found using muon tracks even with the full scale experiment, whereas reliable information on high-energy astrophysical sources can only be obtained from cascade measurements. As another consequence, the recently observed two cascade event candidates at PeV energies will not be accompanied by corresponding muon tracks.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Matches published versio

    Self‐reported drug allergy in a general adult Portuguese population

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    Clin Exp Allergy. 2004 Oct;34(10):1597-601. Self-reported drug allergy in a general adult Portuguese population. Gomes E, Cardoso MF, Praça F, Gomes L, Mariño E, Demoly P. Serviço de Imunoalergologia, Hospital Maria Pia, Porto, Portugal. [email protected] Abstract AIM: To estimate the prevalence of self-reported drug allergy in adults. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey of a general adult population from Porto (all of whom were living with children involved in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood-phase three), during the year 2002, using a self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: The prevalence of self-reported drug allergy was 7.8% (181/2309): 4.5% to penicillins or other beta-lactams, 1.9% to aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and 1.5% to other drugs. In the group 'allergic to beta-lactams', the most frequently implicated drug was penicillin G or V (76.2%) followed by the association of amoxicillin and clavulanic acids (14.3%). In the group 'allergic to NSAIDs', acetylsalicylic acid (18.2%) and ibuprofen (18.2%) were the most frequently identified drugs, followed by nimesulide and meloxicam. Identification of the exact name of the involved drug was possible in less than one-third of the patients, more often within the NSAID group (59.5%). Women were significantly more likely to claim a drug allergy than men (10.2% vs. 5.3%). The most common manifestations were cutaneous (63.5%), followed by cardiovascular symptoms (35.9%). Most of the reactions were immediate, occurring on the first day of treatment (78.5%). Only half of the patients were submitted to drug allergy investigations. The majority (86.8%) completely avoided the suspected culprit drug thereafter. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that self-reported allergy to drugs is highly prevalent and poorly explored. Women seem to be more susceptible. beta-lactams and NSAIDs are the most frequently concerned drugs. PMID: 15479276 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE