761 research outputs found

    Lunar and Asteroid Composition Using a Remote Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer

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    Laboratory experiments simulating solar wind sputtering of lunar surface materials have shown that solar wind protons sputter secondary ions in sufficient numbers to be measured from low-altitude lunar orbit. Secondary ions of Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Mn, Ti, and Fe have been observed sputtered from sample simulants of mare and highland soils. While solar wind ions are hundreds of times less efficient than those used in standard secondary ion mass spectrometry, secondary ion fluxes expected at the Moon under normal solar wind conditions range from approximately 10 to greater than 10(exp 4) ions cm(sup -2)s(sup -1), depending on species. These secondary ion fluxes depend both on concentration in the soil and on probability of ionization; yields of easily ionized elements such as K and Na are relatively much greater than those for the more electronegative elements and compounds. Once these ions leave the surface, they are subject to acceleration by local electric and magnetic fields. For typical solar wind conditions, secondary ions can be accelerated to an orbital observing location. The same is true for atmospheric atoms and molecules that are photoionized by solar EUV. The instrument to detect, identify, and map secondary ions sputtered from the lunar surface and photoions arising from the tenuous atmosphere is discussed

    A database of whole-body action videos for the study of action, emotion, and untrustworthiness

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    We present a database of high-definition (HD) videos for the study of traits inferred from whole-body actions. Twenty-nine actors (19 female) were filmed performing different actions—walking, picking up a box, putting down a box, jumping, sitting down, and standing and acting—while conveying different traits, including four emotions (anger, fear, happiness, sadness), untrustworthiness, and neutral, where no specific trait was conveyed. For the actions conveying the four emotions and untrustworthiness, the actions were filmed multiple times, with the actor conveying the traits with different levels of intensity. In total, we made 2,783 action videos (in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional format), each lasting 7 s with a frame rate of 50 fps. All videos were filmed in a green-screen studio in order to isolate the action information from all contextual detail and to provide a flexible stimulus set for future use. In order to validate the traits conveyed by each action, we asked participants to rate each of the actions corresponding to the trait that the actor portrayed in the two-dimensional videos. To provide a useful database of stimuli of multiple actions conveying multiple traits, each video name contains information on the gender of the actor, the action executed, the trait conveyed, and the rating of its perceived intensity. All videos can be downloaded free at the following address: http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~neb506/databases.html. We discuss potential uses for the database in the analysis of the perception of whole-body actions

    Spherical harmonic representation of the main geomagnetic field for world charting and investigations of some fundamental problems of physics and geophysics

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    Quiet-day data from MAGSAT were examined for effects which might test the validity of Maxwell's equations. Both external and toroidal fields which might represent a violation of the equations appear to exist, well within the associated errors. The external field might be associated with the ring current, and varies of a time-scale of one day or less. Its orientation is parallel to the geomagnetic dipole. The toriodal field can be confused with an orientation in error (in yaw). It the toroidal field really exists, its can be related to either ionospheric currents, or to toroidal fields in the Earth's core in accordance with Einstein's unified field theory, or to both

    Spherical harmonic representation of the main geomagnetic field for world charting and investigations of some fundamental problems of physics and geophysics

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    The data processing of MAGSAT investigator B test tapes and data tapes, and tapes of selected data on 15 magnetically quiet days is reported. The 1980 World Chart spherical model was compared with the MAGSAT (3/80) and MAGSAT vector data were used in the models. An article on modelling the geomagnetic field using satellite data is included

    Airway events in obese vs. non-obese elective surgical patients: a cross-sectional observational study

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    Obesity is an increasingly prevalent comorbidity within the UK population. The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of obese patients in an elective surgical population. The second aim was to determine the choice of airway equipment and incidence of airway events in obese vs. non-obese patients. We conducted a cross-sectional observational study over two 24-h periods in March 2018 across 39 hospitals in the greater London area. Data were collected regarding 1874 patients. The incidence of obesity was 32% in the study population compared with 26% in the general UK population (p < 0.0001). Minor airway events were defined as: desaturation to Sp O2 < 90%; failed mask ventilation; supraglottic airway device problem; aspiration; airway trauma and difficult intubation; or recognised oesophageal intubation. Major airway events were defined as: unrecognised oesophageal intubation; a 'cannot intubate cannot oxygenate' emergency; the need for unplanned front-of-neck airway; cardiac arrest; or unplanned intensive care unit admission due to an airway event. In total, 89 minor and two major airway events were recorded. Obese patients were more likely to experience a minor airway event (RR 2.39, 95%CI 1.60-3.57), the most common being desaturation (Sp O2 < 90%). The use of a supraglottic airway device in obese vs. non-obese patients was associated with increased airway events (RR 3.46 [1.88-6.40]). Tracheal intubation vs. supraglottic airway device use increased with obesity class but was not associated with a decrease in airway events (RR 0.90 [0.53-1.55]). Our data suggest that obesity is more common in the elective surgical vs. general population and minor airway events are more common in obese vs. non-obese elective patients

    Spherical harmonic representation of the main geomagnetic field for world charting and investigations of some fundamental problems of physics and geophysics

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    Progress in the harmonic analysis of MAGSAT data is reported. Single-day data sets were subdivided into information on the sunrise side of the Earth and information on the sunset side of the Earth. Data for the main and external fields each demonstrate a clear and consistent systematic difference between the sets of data which was determined to be, due to ionospheric currents which differ from the sunset to the sunrise terminator. A toroidal field was analyzed for and determined to be an apparent toroidal field resulting from electric currents concentrated in the two terminators. Progressive elimination of auroral zone data demonstrates that the information presented does not arise from complications due to Birkeland currents

    Modelling diverse root density dynamics and deep nitrogen uptake — a simple approach

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    We present a 2-D model for simulation of root density and plant nitrogen (N) uptake for crops grown in agricultural systems, based on a modification of the root density equation originally proposed by Gerwitz and Page in J Appl Ecol 11:773–781, (1974). A root system form parameter was introduced to describe the distribution of root length vertically and horizontally in the soil profile. The form parameter can vary from 0 where root density is evenly distributed through the soil profile, to 8 where practically all roots are found near the surface. The root model has other components describing root features, such as specific root length and plant N uptake kinetics. The same approach is used to distribute root length horizontally, allowing simulation of root growth and plant N uptake in row crops. The rooting depth penetration rate and depth distribution of root density were found to be the most important parameters controlling crop N uptake from deeper soil layers. The validity of the root distribution model was tested with field data for white cabbage, red beet, and leek. The model was able to simulate very different root distributions, but it was not able to simulate increasing root density with depth as seen in the experimental results for white cabbage. The model was able to simulate N depletion in different soil layers in two field studies. One included vegetable crops with very different rooting depths and the other compared effects of spring wheat and winter wheat. In both experiments variation in spring soil N availability and depth distribution was varied by the use of cover crops. This shows the model sensitivity to the form parameter value and the ability of the model to reproduce N depletion in soil layers. This work shows that the relatively simple root model developed, driven by degree days and simulated crop growth, can be used to simulate crop soil N uptake and depletion appropriately in low N input crop production systems, with a requirement of few measured parameters

    Comparison Of The Genesis Solar Wind Regime Algorithm Results With Solar Wind Composition Observed By ACE

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    Launched on 8 August 2001, the NASA Genesis mission is now collecting samples of the solar wind in various materials, and will return those samples to Earth in 2004 for analysis. A primary science goal of Genesis is the determination of the isotopic and elemental composition of the solar atmosphere from the solar wind material returned. In particular, Genesis will provide measurements of those species that are not provided by solar and in situ observations. We know from in situ measurements that the solar wind exhibits compositional variations across different types of solar wind flows. Therefore, Genesis exposes different collectors to solar wind originating from three flow types: coronal hole, coronal mass ejection (CME), and interstream flows. Flow types are identified using in situ measurements of solar wind protons, alphas, and electrons from electrostatic analyzers carried by Genesis. The flow regime selection algorithm and subsequent collector deployment on Genesis act autonomously. We present an assessment of composition variations of O, He, and Mg ions observed by ACE/SWICS concurrent with Genesis observations, and compare these to the Genesis algorithm decisions. Not only does this serve as a test of the algorithm, the compilation of composition vs. regime will be important for comparison to the abundances determined from sample analysis at the end of the mission. © 2003 American Institute of PhysicsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87657/2/632_1.pd

    Calibration of the MSL/ChemCam/LIBS Remote Sensing Composition Instrument

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    The ChemCam instrument suite on board the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Rover, Curiosity, will provide remote-sensing composition information for rock and soil samples within seven meters of the rover using a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system, and will provide context imaging with a resolution of 0.10 mradians using the remote micro-imager (RMI) camera. The high resolution is needed to image the small analysis footprint of the LIBS system, at 0.2-0.6 mm diameter. This fine scale analytical capability will enable remote probing of stratigraphic layers or other small features the size of "blueberries" or smaller. ChemCam is intended for rapid survey analyses within 7 m of the rover, with each measurement taking less than 6 minutes. Repeated laser pulses remove dust coatings and provide depth profiles through weathering layers, allowing detailed investigation of rock varnish features as well as analysis of the underlying pristine rock composition. The LIBS technique uses brief laser pulses greater than 10 MW/square mm to ablate and electrically excite material from the sample of interest. The plasma emits photons with wavelengths characteristic of the elements present in the material, permitting detection and quantification of nearly all elements, including the light elements H, Li, Be, B, C, N, O. ChemCam LIBS projects 14 mJ of 1067 nm photons on target and covers a spectral range of 240-850 nm with resolutions between 0.15 and 0.60 nm FWHM. The Nd:KGW laser is passively cooled and is tuned to provide maximum power output from -10 to 0 C, though it can operate at 20% degraded energy output at room temperature. Preliminary calibrations were carried out on the flight model (FM) in 2008. However, the detectors were replaced in 2009, and final calibrations occurred in April-June, 2010. This presentation describes the LIBS calibration and characterization procedures and results, and details plans for final analyses during rover system thermal testing, planned for early March
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