244 research outputs found

    CĂ­geÂľ - new field of chloropal and common opal

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    In the open pits in surroudings of village Cígeľ in Prievidza district a new occurance of chloropal and common opal was found. The opal postvulkanic mineralization is related to the vulkanic komplex of the mountain range Vtáčnik. The locality is composed of vulcanic rock and their pyroklastic, represented by particularly by andesite and rhyolit brekcia. The quality of the opals is variable. The resouces of the opals were calculated on the order of hundrens ( XOO ) kg of available materials. Local opals have also another utilization mostly for the individual jewel

    Reading Recovery with guided reading supplementation

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Reading Recovery, an intervention program for first graders, and whether the skills were being transferred into their general education classroom. Specifically, the reading abilities of students in the program were analyzed. Three students participated in the study, one female and two male first grade students. All three students were not classified and came from an inclusion classroom co-taught with a general education and special education teacher. The design of this research was pre-post, post-test group design and teacher surveys were individualized for all participants. Twenty weeks of intervention was provided in thirty minute daily increments by a certified Reading Recovery specialist. In addition, students received 3-4 days of guided reading instruction in their classroom either by the general education teacher or special education teacher in a small group setting. Results show that although none of the participants officially exited out of the program, all three of the participants made academic growth in each of the subtests. Teacher surveys showed that there was consistency with student performance in both academic settings. Further research is needed to examine the long-term benefits of students receiving Reading Recovery in subsequent elementary years


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    Self esteem merupakan nilai yang tertanam dalam diri individu yang menjadi tolak ukur kepantasan sebagai manusia yang didasarkan pada pengakuan diri terhadap perilaku yang dimiliki. Self-esteem, dibentuk oleh tiga aspek, yakni: (1) perasaan dalam memahami diri sendiri (2) perasaan terhadap hidup (3) hubungan dengan orang lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) untuk mengetahui profil self-esteem remaja di LKSA Taman Harapan Muhammadiyah Bandung, (2) meningkatkan self esteem remaja dengan bimbingan kelompok menggunakan teknik group exercise. Desain penelitian menggunakan one group pre test-post test design dengan objek penelitian sebanyak 10 remaja yang berusia 15-17 tahun. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif persentase dan uji wilcoxon. Setelah dilakukan intervensidan berdasar hasil uji Wilcoxon diketahui ke-10 remaja mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan dimana terdapat perbedaan antara self esteem remaja sebelum dan setelah mendapatkan intervensi. Hal ini didasarkan pada nilai p value (Asymp. Sig 2 tailed) sebesar 0,005 di mana kurang dari batas kritis penelitian 0.05 maka hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima, bahwa bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik group exercise efektif untuk meningkatkan self-esteem remaja usia 15-17 tahun di LKSA Taman Harapan Muhammadiyah Bandung.;--- Selfesteemis a value within the individual of decencyas a human being based on self-recognition of owned the behaviors. Self esteem was formed by three aspect: 1. self of understanding, 2. feelingtoward life, 3. relationships with others. This study aimed to: 1) determine student’s self-esteem profile in LKSA Taman Harapan Muhammadiyah Bandung, 2) increasestudent’s self-esteem through group guidance exercise technique. This research used one group pretest-post test design method with one of the pre-experimental designs. Study participants were 10 adolescents aged 15-17 years in LKSA Taman Harapan Muhammadiyah Bandung who had indicated lower self esteem. Analysis data techniques used descriptive techniques percentage and Wilcoxon test. Post-test results showed that self-esteem 10 adolescents aged 15-17 years is increased significantly through group guidance program with group exercise technique.The result showed that group guidance program with group exercise technique was effective to increase student’s self-esteem, because p value 0,005< 0,05 (α).The hypothesis in this research is acceptable, that group guidance program through group exercise technique is effective to increase self-esteem in LKSA Taman Harapan Muhammadiyah Bandun

    The occurence of crystaline kalcit in the open pit in Kremnica - Lúèky

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    The occurence of crystaline located occuiring in pyroxenic andesite, is situated in the open pit for building materials near to Kremnica in iar n/ Hronom district. Calcit in a paragenesis with quartz creates different (in the form and size). Its genesis is related to the hydrotermal mineralization in the Kremnické vrchy. This locality is of mainly mineralogical - colectors importance

    The emergence of physical theatre in Hungary

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    This thesis is informed by Santana’s embodiment theory (2006) and Lívia Fuchs’ idea that all “artists have their roots and predecessors” (Fuchs in Várszegi, 1994: 61). I have explored the political, social and cultural circumstances in Hungary from the end of World War II (1945) in order to understand how the role of the performing body on stage has changed and how this led to the appearance of physical theatre as a genre during the 1990s. The aim of this research has been to understand what the roots of this practice are, what it means for a Hungarian audience and how it has evolved in contemporary Hungarian theatre. Using qualitative research methods, I have conducted in-depth interviews with four practitioners. First, I investigated Csaba Horváth’s career and his working methods in order to understand how he and his company (Forte Company) became identified with the genre of physical theatre in Hungary and what these forms meant to him. I then examined the work of three directors (Kristóf Widder, Máté Hegymegi and Attila Soós), who were Horváth’s students in the Theatre Director - Specialization in: Director and Choreographer of Physical Theatre programme at The University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest (2009-2014). My analysis of their working method has been important in order to see how they have constructed the tools and, therefore, the genre of physical theatre according to their own training, aesthetics and compositional forms. This research has enabled me to understand how physical theatre has evolved in contemporary Hungarian theatre practice in respect to its historical roots and lineage

    Pengendalian Kualitas Ketipisan Dinding Botol Kaca Berkarbonasi Pada Proses Blow and Blow Dengan Metode Six Sigma

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    Non-returnable glass bottles for carbonated drinks produced by the blow and blow process have defects on the walls of the glass bottles, so that the production process is still rejected. Machine 11 had the highest reject percentage in June 2019 reached 1.20% with an average monthly reject percentage of 0.74%, this could cause harm to the company. This research aims to determine the cause of thinness of carbonated bottle walls below specifications, and also to find an effort to reduce the cause of thinness of carbonated bottle walls under specifications. The method used is Six sigma DMAIC. At the measure stage gets 4.09 sigma from the DPMO calculation and control diagram the p-chart has a statistically uncontrolled. In analyzing stage using FTA, there were 5 factors found; blank mold was replaced in productin, final blow time was too fast, counter blow time was too fast, blank mold was often repaired, swab was not done correctly, while the effort quality control to do was manually re-inject the bottles which came out of the newly replaced mold, check panel periodically during the job change process, to check final blow timing and counter blow timing, check mold lifetime, swab the dirty/ dry mold and did regular checks

    Studi tentang pola penyebaran Muhammadiyah pada awal abad ke 20

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    Muhammadiyah merupakan organisasi Islam yang paling berpengaruh dan memiliki pendukung yang sangat kuat dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Sebagaimana dalam sejarahnya Muhammadiyah sering digolongkan sebagai Islam pembaharu, Islam pembabaru ini merupakan refleksi dari pengaruh kebangkitan di Timur Tengah terhadap umat Islam di Indonesia, begitu juga akibat dari perjalanan sejarah itu sendiri. Pada periode modern (1800 M-seterusnya) merupakan zaman kebangkitan umat Islam. Jatuhnya Mesir ke tangan Barat menginsafkan dunia Islam akan kelemahannya dan menyadarkan umat Islam bahwa di Barat telah timbul peradaban baru yang lebih tinggi dan merupakan ancaman bagi Islam. Rumusan masalahnya adalah; 1. Bagaimana sebenarnya pola penyebaran Muhammadiyah, dan apa saja yang melatar belakangi. 2. Sampai dimana pengaruh penyebaran Muhammadiyah, dan sejauh mana strategi penyebarannya. 3. Bagaimana aspek penyebaran Muhammadiyah. Metode pembahasan penelitian ini menggunakan metode deduksi, metode induksi dan metode komparasi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah; 1. Awal abad ke 20 merupakan era kebangkitan Islam di Indonesia, yang ditandai dengan lahirnya organisasi-oraganisasi Islam diantaranya Muhammadiyah. 2. Muhammadiyah dalam pola penyebarannya tidak terlepas dari pola dasarnya, yaitu bersumber dari al-Qur’an dan Hadis. Sedangkan organisasinya merupakan alat untuk memperjuangkan umat Islam Indonesia. 3. Muhammadiyah berdiri tidak lepas dari adanya proses sejarah perkembangan umat Islam, baik di dunia internasional, maupun perkembangan sejarah umat Islam di Indonesia. 4. Dalam aspek pemikiran keagamaan Muhammadiyah menggunakan tiga unsur, yakni al-Qur’an dan Hadits, serta pendapat para ulama. Dalam strategi penyebarannya melewati 4 jalur yaitu; pendidikan dan kebudayaan, dakwah, media masa dan kemasyarakatan sosia
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