253 research outputs found

    Intergenerational effects: child and maternal outcomes related to exposure to intimate partner violence and trauma in a South African community

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) constitutes a major global health problem, affecting one in three women worldwide at some point during their life. IPV is particularly high in low and middle income countries (LMICs) and is associated with a wide range of adverse maternal and child health outcomes. Despite evidence that exposure to IPV affects child development and growth at birth and in infancy, there are limitations to our existing knowledge. First, few studies have considered the impact of maternal emotional IPV separately on child outcomes investigated, focusing primarily on physical and/or sexual IPV. Second, much of the existing data derives from high income countries, rather than from LMIC settings, where the majority of the world's child population lives and where many children are exposed to disproportionately high levels of poverty and violence-related risk factors. Third, there is limited information from well characterized longitudinal studies in these settings and a lack of investigation of associations in very young children, despite the fact that children under 2 years may be particularly at risk for long-term health sequelae relating to IPV exposure. Lastly, few studies have formally investigated potential mediators, inclusive of both behavioral and biological mechanisms underlying associations between IPV and food security and early-life child growth or development. In high-risk settings such as South Africa it is critical to gain improved understanding of pathways by which violence affects child health. This may be especially important given that LMIC contexts often have fewer programs in place to address IPV, and that associated mental health issues and risk factors may be different than in higher income countries. This thesis aimed to investigate IPV in a South African birth cohort, the Drakenstein Child Health Cohort, to understand better the patterns of IPV amongst pregnant and postpartum women, the impact antenatal and postnatal IPV exposure may have on their child's growth and development, and the pathways by which IPV may impact child health sequelae. Chapter 1 reviews the relevant literature, discusses key gaps and presents thesis aims and structure. Chapter 2 comprises a methods chapter which provides an overview of the study population, measures and ethical considerations. Chapter 3 (Paper 1) presents longitudinal profiles of maternal IPV exposure by sub-type from pregnancy through 24 months post-partum and associations between maternal childhood maltreatment and longitudinal frequency and severity of IPV. Chapter 4 (Paper 2) investigates the association between maternal childhood trauma as well as IPV and food insecurity among pregnant women, and examines whether maternal depression mediates these relationships. Chapter 5 (Paper 3) investigates associations between IPV sub-types and growth at birth and 12 months. Further, multiple psychosocial (substance use, depression) and clinical factors (number of hospitalizations) are tested to determine whether any of these may be mediators in the relationship between IPV and child growth. Chapter 6 (Paper 4) investigates emotional, physical and sexual IPV and their relationship with child development at 24 months of age, and whether depression or maternal alcohol dependence mediates these relationships. Chapter 7 presents a summary of findings across results chapters and includes recommendations for future policy and research. Key findings in this population show that: i) a high proportion of mothers are exposed to chronic IPV during and after pregnancy and that maternal childhood abuse or neglect is associated with higher frequency and severity of IPV exposure; ii) maternal IPV and childhood trauma are each associated with food insecurity during pregnancy and that depression partially explains these relationships; iii) emotional and physical IPV are associated with reduced fetal growth and reduced growth through infancy, and maternal substance use (alcohol or tobacco) partially explains these relationships; iv) both emotional and physical IPV are associated with poorer child development at 2 years, and neither maternal current depression nor alcohol dependence explain these relationships. Overall, the findings highlight that emotional IPV in addition to physical IPV is a key risk factor for child growth and development, and identify potential pathways underlying explored relationships. Maternal depression and substance use emerged as partial explanatory variables for nutritional outcomes, specifically food insecurity during pregnancy and growth outcomes at birth and through infancy. The high prevalence of IPV and its negative impact on child health, together comprise a major public health problem, causing significant hardship and representing a significant burden for families, economies and health systems. Findings presented in this thesis suggest that comprehensive and intersectoral programs are needed to 5 address IPV and associated adverse child health outcomes, inclusive of efforts to address maternal mental health and substance use. Further, it is also vital to ensure emotional IPV is included in training and intervention efforts. Clinical implications and areas for future research are discussed

    Treatment Failure and Adherence in Second- Line Patients

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    Results from an interview and photo-based research study looking at barriers and facilitators to adherence for second-line patients

    Maternal participant experience in a South African birth cohort study enrolling healthy pregnant women and their infants

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    Abstract Background Critical to conducting high quality research is the ability to attract and retain participants, especially for longitudinal studies. Understanding participant experiences and motivators or barriers to participating in clinical research is crucial. There are limited data on healthy participant experiences in longitudinal research, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. This study aims to investigate quantitatively participant experiences in a South African birth cohort study. Methods Maternal participant experience was evaluated by a self-administered survey in the Drakenstein Child Health Study, a longitudinal birth cohort study investigating the early life determinants of child health. Pregnant mothers, enrolled during the second trimester, were followed through childbirth and the early childhood years. Satisfaction scores were derived from the participant experience survey and quantitatively analyzed; associations between satisfaction scores and sociodemographic variables were then investigated using a linear regression model. Results Data were included from 585 pregnant mothers (median age 26.6 years), who had participated in the study for a median time of 16 months. Overall participant satisfaction was high (median score 51/60) and associated with increased attendance of study visits. Reasons for participating were a belief that involvement would improve their health, their child’s health or the health of family and friends. Potential reasons for leaving the study were inconvenience, not receiving clinical or study results, and unexpected changes in study visits or procedures. Variables associated with higher overall satisfaction scores were no prior participation in research, higher socioeconomic status, less intensive follow-up schedules and having experienced stressful life events in the past year. Conclusions Satisfaction scores were high and associated with increased visit attendance. Participants’ perceived benefits of study participation, most notably the potential for an improvement in the health of their child, were a significant motivator to enroll and remain in the study. The consistent theme of perceived health benefits as a motivator to join and remain in the study raises the question of whether participation in research results in actual improvements in health

    Implementation of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) in South Africa: outcomes from a population-based birth cohort study in Paarl, Western Cape.

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    OBJECTIVES: The coverage of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services in South Africa is variable. Identifying gaps in the implementation of these services is necessary to isolate steps needed to further reduce paediatric infections and eliminate transmission. SETTING: Two primary care clinics in Paarl, South Africa. PARTICIPANTS: 1225 pregnant women; inclusion criteria were 18 years or older, clinic attendance and remaining in area for at least 1 year. METHODS: Data were collected through the Drakenstein Child Health Study, a population-based birth cohort in a periurban area of the Western Cape, South Africa. A combination of clinic records, hospital records, national database searches and maternal self-report were collected during the study. RESULTS: Of the 1225 mothers enrolled in the cohort between 2012 and 2015, 260 (21%) were confirmed HIV infected antenatally and 1 mother tested positive in the postnatal period. Of those with documentation (n=250/260, 96%), the majority (99%) received antiretroviral prophylaxis or therapy (ART) before labour; however, there was a high rate of defaulting from ART noted during pregnancy (20%). All HIV-exposed infants with data received antiretroviral prophylaxis, 35% were exclusively breast fed until 6 weeks and 16% for 6 months. There were two cases of infant HIV infection (0.8%) who were initiated on ART but had complicated histories. CONCLUSION: Despite the low transmission rate in this cohort, reaching elimination will require further work, and this study illustrates several areas to improve implementation of PMTCT services and reduce paediatric infections including retesting at-risk HIV-negative mothers through the duration of breast feeding, infant HIV testing at any admission in addition to routine testing and improved counselling to prevent defaulting from treatment. Better data surveillance systems are essential for determining the implementation of PMTCT guidelines

    Bioinformatic approaches for the genetic and phenotypic characterization of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine yeast collection

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    The objective of the present study was to compare genetic and phenotypic variation of 103 Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from winemaking environments. We used bioinformatics approaches to identify genetically similary strains with specific phenotypes and to estimate a strain's biotechnological potential. 
A S. cerevisiae collection, comprising 440 strains that were obtained from winemaking environments in Portugal has been constituted during the last years. All strains were genetically characterized by a set of eleven highly polymorphic microsatellites and showed unique allelic combinations. Using neural networks, a subset of 103 genetically most diverse strains was chosen for phenotypic analysis, that included growth in synthetic must media at various temperatures, utilization of carbon sources (glucose, ribose, arabinose, xylose, saccharose, galactose, rafinose, maltose, glycerol, potassium acetate and pyruvic acid), growth in ethanol containing media, evaluation of osmotic and oxidative stress resistance, H2S production and utilization of different nitrogen sources. Using supervised data mining approaches we have found that genotype represented with presence/absence of eleven microsatellites relates well with geographical location (performance evaluation using leave-out-out technique resulted in high performance scores; e.g., area under ROC curve was above 0.8 for a number of standard machine learning approaches tested). To find relations between phenotypes and genotypes, we used a two-step approach which first hierarchically clusters the strains according to their phenotype, and then tests if the resulting sub-clusters are identifiable using strain’s genetic data. Several groups of strains with similar phenotype profiles and common features in genotype were identified this way, and they are subject to further investigations. 

Financially supported by the programs POCI 2010 (FEDER/FCT, POCTI/AGR/56102/2004) and AGRO (ENOSAFE, Nº 762).

    Maternal emotional and physical intimate partner violence and early child development: investigating mediators in a cross-sectional study in a South African birth cohort

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    OBJECTIVES: This study investigated associations between recent maternal intimate partner violence (IPV) (emotional, physical and sexual) and child development at 2 years as well as whether maternal depression or alcohol use mediated these relationships. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study nested in a South African birth cohort. SETTING: Two primary care clinics in Paarl, South Africa. PARTICIPANTS: 626 mother-child pairs; inclusion criteria for maternal antenatal enrolment were clinic attendance and remaining in the study area for at least 1 year; women were excluded if a minor. PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Child cognitive, language and motor development composite scores. These were assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, third edition. RESULTS: Emotional IPV was associated with lower cognitive (β=-0.32; 95% CI -0.60 to -0.04), language (β=-0.36; 95% CI -0.69 to -0.01) or motor composite scores (β=-0.58; 95% CI -0.95 to -0.20) in children at 2 years of age. Physical IPV was associated with lower motor scores (β=-0.42; 95% CI -0.75 to -0.09) at 2 years. Sexual IPV was unrelated to developmental outcomes, possibly due to low prevalence. Neither recent maternal depression nor alcohol use were shown to mediate the relationship between IPV and developmental outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions to reduce maternal physical and emotional IPV and early-life interventions for infants and toddlers are needed to promote optimal child development
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