41,466 research outputs found

    The Experience of Traumatic Stress among Urban Firefighters

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    Findings provide evidence that it is possible for emergency responders to become ‘locked into’ a regular cycle of trauma exposure that includes rapid returns to operationally ready status (i.e. being made available for another turnout immediately, or soon after returning from a previous emergency situation). Without the opportunity to interrupt the emotional reaction of an earlier traumatic response, a downward spiral of inescapable stress response may be instigated and with ongoing exposure. This paper details evidence suggesting the existence of a relationship between the work tasks of the fire fighters and a propensity for certain physiological responses and stress reactions noted during on-the-job research. Sensitivity to such processes may be gradually built up among emergency responders as their career progresses. The work suggests that in addition to instances of critical incident stress, that could be expected among emergency workers, the turn-out mechanism used actually pre-disposes the fire fighters to ongoing traumatic responses

    Communicating Mobile Processes

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    This paper presents a new model for mobile processes in occam-pi. A process, embedded anywhere in a dynamically evolving network, may suspend itself mid-execution, be safely disconnected from its local environment, moved (by communication along a channel), reconnected to a new environment and reactivated. Upon reactivation, the process resumes execution from the same state (i.e. data values and code positions) it held when it suspended. Its view of its environment is unchanged, since that is abstracted by its synchronisation (e.g. channels and barriers) interface and that remains constant. The environment behind that interface will (usually) be completely different. The mobile process itself may contain any number of levels of dynamic sub-network. This model is simpler and, in some ways, more powerful than our earlier proposal, which required a process to terminate before it could be moved. Its formal semantics and implementation, however, throw up extra challenges. We present details and performance of an initial implementation

    HI 21cm observations of the PG1216+069 sub-DLy-alpha absorber field at z=0.00632

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    The Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope finds a weak 21cm line emission feature at the coordinates (RA-Dec-velocity) of the sub-Damped Lyman-alpha absorber observed at z_abs=0.00632 in the spectrum of PG1216+069. The emission feature, WSRT-J121921+0639, lies within 30" of the quasar sightline, is detected at 99.8% (3 sigma) confidence level, has M_HI between 5 and 15x10^6 M_solar, and has velocity spread between 20 and 60 km/s. Other HI emitters in the field include VCC297 at a projected distance of 86/h_75 kpc and a previously unreported HI cloud, WSRT-J121919+0624 at 112/h_75 kpc with M_HI ~ 3x10^8 M_solar. The optically identified, foreground galaxy that is closest to the quasar sightline appears to be VCC339 (~L*/25) at 29/h_75 kpc and velocity offset 292 km/s . A low surface brightness galaxy with the HI mass of the sub-DLA absorber WSRT-J121921+0639 would likely have m_B ~ 17, and its diffuse optical emission would need to compete with the light of both the background QSO and a brighter foreground star ~10" from the QSO sight line.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJLet

    Renegotiating identity and relationships: men and women's adjustments to retirement

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    Summary: Retirement is frequently a period of change, when the roles and relationships associated with individuals' previous labour market positionings are transformed. It is also a time when personal relationships, including the marital relationship and relationships with friends and family, come under increased scrutiny and may be realigned. Many studies of adjustment to retirement focus primarily on individual motivation; by contrast, this paper seeks to examine the structure of resources within which such decisions are framed. The paper examines the contribution that gender roles and identities make to the overall configuration of resources available to particular individuals. It draws upon qualitative research conducted with older people in four contrasting parts of the UK, looking at the combination of labour market and non-labour market activities they are involved in prior to reaching state retirement age, as they withdraw from paid work. It explores how older people invoke a range of gendered identities to negotiate change and continuity during this time. The paper argues that gender roles and identities are central to this process and that the reflexive deployment of gender may rank alongside financial resources and social capital in its importance to the achievement of satisfying retirement transitions. Amongst those interviewed, traditional gendered roles predominated, and these sat less comfortably with retirement for men than for women

    Project Management in NASA: The system and the men

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    An analytical description of the NASA project management system is presented with emphasis on the human element. The NASA concept of project management, program managers, and the problems and strengths of the NASA system are discussed

    Analysis of GOES imagery and digitized data for the SEV-UPS period, August 1979

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    In support of the Southeastern Virginia Urban Plume Study (SEV-UPS), GOES satellite imagery was analyzed for the month of August 1979. The analyzed GOES images provide an additional source of meteorological input useful in the evaluation of air quality data collected during the month long period of the SEV-UPS experiment. In addition to the imagery analysis, GOES digitized data were analyzed for the period of August 6 to 11, during which a regional haze pattern was detectable in the imagery. The results of the study indicate that the observed haze patterns correspond closely with areas shown in surface based measurements to have reduced visibilities and elevated pollution levels. Moreover, the results of the analysis of digitized data indicate that digital reflectance counts can be directly related to haze intensity both over land and ocean. The model results agree closely with the observed GOES digital reflectance counts, providing further indication that satellite remote sensing can be a useful tool for monitoring regional elevated pollution episodes