101 research outputs found

    Employee stock purchase plans in representative New England companies.

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Boston University This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Reopening Agaat: Afrikaans, Encyclopedic Narrative, World Literature

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    This essay offers a meditation on Marlene van Niekerk’s 2004 novel Agaat as an encyclopedic (or, more exactly, a counter-encyclopedic) narrative, as defined–controversially–by Edward Mendelson in an influential 1976 polemic. It emphasizes Agaat’s historic specificity as a postapartheid novel par excellence: as one that does not instigate, but rather annuls an ethnic-national culture. In other words it considers the ways in which Agaat both fits and inverts Mendelson’s specifications and the ways in which these specifications have been challenged by recent critics. In doing so, the essay tests out the idea that the novel at its limits is paradoxical, not only in its simultaneously curatorial and destructive aspects, but also in the ways it both resists and invites translation. It reads Van Niekerk’s literary accomplishment in light of her understanding of the position of minority languages in a desperately unequal world and her attraction to (and recoil from) an outmoded, but also utopian notion of the shamanic possibilities of the mother tongue. It also reflects, from personal experience, on the ways in which the novel encourages, but also works against what Rebecca Walkowitz has termed “collective possessiveness” and “native reading.”

    Tomographic reconstruction of treponemal cytoplasmic filaments reveals novel bridging and anchoring components

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    An understanding of the involvement of bacterial cytoplasmic filaments in cell division requires the elucidation of the structural organization of those filamentous structures. Treponemal cytoplasmic filaments are composed of one protein, CfpA, and have been demonstrated to be involved in cell division. In this study, we used electron tomography to show that the filaments are part of a complex with a novel molecular organization that includes at least two distinct features decorating the filaments. One set of components appears to anchor the filaments to the cytoplasmic membrane. The other set of components appears to bridge the cytoplasmic filaments on the cytoplasmic side, and to be involved in the interfilament spacing within the cell. The filaments occupy between 3 and 18% of the inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane. These results reveal a novel filamentous molecular organization of independent filaments linked by bridges and continuously anchored to the membrane

    Quick, accurate, smart: 3D computer vision technology helps assessing confined animals' behaviour

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    <p>(a) Visual representation of the alignment of two sequences using the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). The DTW stretches the sequences in time by matching the same point with several points of the compared time series. (b) The Needleman Wunsh (NW) algorithm substitutes the temporal stretch with gap elements (red circles in the table) inserting blank spaces instead of forcefully matching point. The alignment is achieved by arranging the two sequences in this table, the first sequence row-wise (T) and the second column-wise (S). The figure shows a score table for two hypothetical sub-sequences (i, j) and the alignment scores (numbers in cells) for each pair of elements forming the sequence (letters in head row and head column). Arrows show the warping path between the two series and consequently the final alignment. The optimal alignment score is in the bottom-right cell of the table.</p

    Targets for the MalI repressor at the divergent Escherichia coliK-12malX-malI promoters

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    Random mutagenesis has been used to identify the target DNA sites for the MalI repressor at the divergent Escherichia coli K-12 malX-malI promoters. The malX promoter is repressed by MalI binding to a DNA site located from position -24 to position -9, upstream of the malX promoter transcript start. The malI promoter is repressed by MalI binding from position +3 to position +18, downstream of the malI transcript start. MalI binding at the malI promoter target is not required for repression of the malX promoter. Similarly, MalI binding at the malX promoter target is not required for repression of the malI. Although the malX and malI promoters are regulated by a single DNA site for cyclic AMP receptor protein, they function independently and each is repressed by MalI binding to a different independent operator site

    Tomographic reconstruction of treponemal cytoplasmic filaments reveals novel bridging and anchoring components

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    An understanding of the involvement of bacterial cytoplasmic filaments in cell division requires the elucidation of the structural organization of those filamentous structures. Treponemal cytoplasmic filaments are composed of one protein, CfpA, and have been demonstrated to be involved in cell division. In this study, we used electron tomography to show that the filaments are part of a complex with a novel molecular organization that includes at least two distinct features decorating the filaments. One set of components appears to anchor the filaments to the cytoplasmic membrane. The other set of components appears to bridge the cytoplasmic filaments on the cytoplasmic side, and to be involved in the interfilament spacing within the cell. The filaments occupy between 3 and 18% of the inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane. These results reveal a novel filamentous molecular organization of independent filaments linked by bridges and continuously anchored to the membrane

    Kinetochores Use a Novel Mechanism for Coordinating the Dynamics of Individual Microtubules

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    SummaryChromosome alignment during mitosis is frequently accompanied by a dynamic switching between elongation and shortening of kinetochore fibers (K-fibers) that connect kinetochores and spindle poles [1, 2]. In higher eukaryotes, mature K-fibers consist of 10–30 kinetochore microtubules (kMTs) whose plus ends are embedded in the kinetochore [1–3]. A critical and long-standing question is how the dynamics of individual kMTs within the K-fiber are coordinated [1–5]. We have addressed this question by using electron tomography to determine the polymerization/depolymerization status of individual kMTs in the K-fibers of PtK1 and Drosophila S2 cells. Surprisingly, we find that the plus ends of two-thirds of kMTs are in a depolymerizing state, even when the K-fiber exhibits net tubulin incorporation at the plus end [6–8]. Furthermore, almost all individual K-fibers examined had a mixture of kMTs in the polymerizing and depolymerizing states. Therefore, although K-fibers elongate and shrink as a unit, the dynamics of individual kMTs within a K-fiber are not coordinated at any given moment. Our results suggest a novel control mechanism through which attachment to the kinetochore outer plate prevents shrinkage of kMTs. We discuss the ramifications of this new model on the regulation of chromosome movement and the stability of K-fibers

    Data mining in HIV-AIDS surveillance system: application to portuguese data

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    The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an infectious agent that attacks the immune system cells. Without a strong immune system, the body becomes very susceptible to serious life threatening opportunistic diseases. In spite of the great progresses on medication and prevention over the last years, HIV infection continues to be a major global public health issue, having claimed more than 36 million lives over the last 35 years since the recognition of the disease. Monitoring, through registries, of HIV-AIDS cases is vital to assess general health care needs and to support long-term health-policy control planning. Surveillance systems are therefore established in almost all developed countries. Typically, this is a complex system depending on several stakeholders, such as health care providers, the general population and laboratories, which challenges an efficient and effective reporting of diagnosed cases. One issue that often arises is the administrative delay in reports of diagnosed cases. This paper aims to identify the main factors influencing reporting delays of HIV-AIDS cases within the portuguese surveillance system. The used methodologies included multilayer artificial neural networks (MLP), naive bayesian classifiers (NB), support vector machines (SVM) and the k-nearest neighbor algorithm (KNN). The highest classification accuracy, precision and recall were obtained for MLP and the results suggested homogeneous administrative and clinical practices within the reporting process. Guidelines for reductions of the delays should therefore be developed nationwise and transversally to all stakeholders.- A. Rita Gaio was partially supported by CMUP (UID/MAT/00144/2013), which is funded by FCT (Portugal) with national (MEC) and European structural funds (FEDER), under the partnership agreement PT2020. Luis Paulo Reis was partially by the European Regional Development Fund through the programme COMPETE by FCT (Portugal) in the scope of the project PEst - UID/ CEC/00027/2015 Luis Paulo Reis and Brigida Monica Faria were partially funded by QVida+: Estimacao Continua de Qualidade de Vida para Auxilio Eficaz a Decisao Clinica, NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-003446, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement

    Quick, accurate, smart: 3D computer vision technology helps assessing confined animals' behaviour

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    Mankind directly controls the environment and lifestyles of several domestic species for purposes ranging from production and research to conservation and companionship. These environments and lifestyles may not offer these animals the best quality of life. Behaviour is a direct reflection of how the animal is coping with its environment. Behavioural indicators are thus among the preferred parameters to assess welfare. However, behavioural recording (usually from video) can be very time consuming and the accuracy and reliability of the output rely on the experience and background of the observers. The outburst of new video technology and computer image processing gives the basis for promising solutions. In this pilot study, we present a new prototype software able to automatically infer the behaviour of dogs housed in kennels from 3D visual data and through structured machine learning frameworks. Depth information acquired through 3D features, body part detection and training are the key elements that allow the machine to recognise postures, trajectories inside the kennel and patterns of movement that can be later labelled at convenience. The main innovation of the software is its ability to automatically cluster frequently observed temporal patterns of movement without any pre-set ethogram. Conversely, when common patterns are defined through training, a deviation from normal behaviour in time or between individuals could be assessed. The software accuracy in correctly detecting the dogs' behaviour was checked through a validation process. An automatic behaviour recognition system, independent from human subjectivity, could add scientific knowledge on animals' quality of life in confinement as well as saving time and resources. This 3D framework was designed to be invariant to the dog's shape and size and could be extended to farm, laboratory and zoo quadrupeds in artificial housing. The computer vision technique applied to this software is innovative in non-human animal behaviour science. Further improvements and validation are needed, and future applications and limitations are discussed.</p

    Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support using a Smart Mirror

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    The home is becoming a key location for healthcare delivery, including the use of technology driven by autonomous systems (AS) to monitor and support healthcare plans. Using the example of a smart mirror, this paper describes the outcomes of focus groups with people with multiple sclerosis (MS; n=6) and people who have had a stroke (n=15) to understand their attitudes towards the use of AS for healthcare in the home. We thematic analysis to analyse the data. The results indicate that the use of such technology depends on the level of adaptability and responsiveness to the users’ specific circumstances, including their relationships with the healthcare system. A smart mirror would need to support manual entry, responsive goal setting, effective aggregation of data sources and integration with other technology, have a range of input methods, be supportive rather than prescriptive in messaging, and give the user full control of their data. Barriers to adoption include a perceived lack of portability and practicality, lack of accessibility and inclusivity, a sense of redundancy, being overwhelmed by multiple technological devices, and a lack of trust in data sharing. These results inform the development and deployment of future health technologies based on the lived experiences of people with health conditions who require ongoing care
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