99 research outputs found

    Bevezetés a strukturális egyenletek modellezésének használatába egy empirikus példán keresztül

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    Mit jelent zsidónak lenni a magyar holokauszt-túlélők első, második és harmadik generációjának? Mennyire erős és mitől függ a zsidó identitásuk? A kérdéseket a kötet a strukturális egyenletek modellezése (structural equation modeling, SEM) módszer segítségével vizsgálja. Az új megközelítésnek köszönhetően a magyarországi zsidóság identitásának eddig rejtve maradt dimenziói tárulnak föl az olvasó előtt. A kötet hiánypótló módszertani munka: közérthetően, lépésről lépésre, egy empirikus példán mutatja be a strukturális egyenletek modellezésének alkalmazását a társadalomkutatásban

    Limitations and pitfalls of 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC (Tektrotyd) scintigraphy

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    Tektrotyd kit was developed by Polatom company for 99mTc labeling to make an alternative tracer of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy available. Since 2005, 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC-Tyr3-Octreotide has been used in clinical imaging and achieved high impact in management of patients with neuroendocrine tumors. Knowing the limitations and pitfalls is essential to provide ac­curate diagnosis. Therefore, the potential pitfalls associated with the use of 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC are reviewed on the basis of own experience. Data were analyzed of 310 patients who underwent somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with 99mTc-Tektrotyd. Pitfalls during radiolabeling process or acquisition can worsen the sensitivity of SRS (somatostatin receptor scintigraphy). Recognizing physi­ological and clinical pitfalls, the diagnostic accuracy will improve

    Recent Advances Of Mucosal Capnometry And The Perspectives Of Gastrointestinal Monitoring In The Critically Ill. A Pilot Study

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    Mucosal capnometry involves the monitoring of partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in mucous membranes. Different techniques have been developed and applied for this purpose, including sublingual or buccal sensors, or special gastrointestinal tonometric devices. The primary use of these procedures is to detect compensated shock in critically ill patients or patients undergoing major surgery. Compensatory mechanisms, in the early phases of shock, lead to the redistribution of blood flow towards the vital organs, within ostensibly typical macro-haemodynamic parameters. Unfortunately, this may result in microcirculatory disturbances, which can play a pivotal role in the development of organ failure. In such circumstances mucosal capnometry monitoring, at different gastrointestinal sites, can provide a sensitive method for the early diagnosis of shock. The special PCO2 monitoring methods assess the severity of ischaemia and help to define the necessary therapeutic interventions and testing of these monitors have justified their prognostic value. Gastrointestinal mucosal capnometry monitoring also helps in determining the severity of ischaemia and is a useful adjunctive in the diagnosis of occlusive splanchnic arterial diseases. The supplementary functional information increases the diagnostic accuracy of radiological techniques, assists in creating individualized treatment plans, and helps in follow-up the results of interventions. The results of a pilot study focusing on the interrelation of splanchnic perfusion and gastrointestinal function are given and discussed concerning recent advances in mucosal capnometry