133 research outputs found

    Performing with a Sonic Tool - An approach to designing and analysing new instruments

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    Source at https://jar-online.net/en.In recent decades, digital technology has accelerated the development of new musical instruments, not only establishing new techniques for creating sound but also enabling new performance practices. Audiences have been exposed to new ways of performing music ranging from more or less static laptop performances to expressive use of bodily gestures to control sounds. These changes are becoming even more acute since contemporary artists are increasingly using software and open-hardware platforms to create their own one-of-a-kind instruments. While much research has focused on these new creative possibilities from the perspective of composers and performers, less attention has been directed towards how audiences perceive them. In most musical performances, the audience’s comprehension of how an instrument functions is vital (Tanaka 2000: 398; Medeiros and others 2014: 645). In a traditional setting, when an artist performs with an instrument, the audience can build on their cumulative experience and knowledge to evaluate the skill of an artist, but how does this change when a performance is based around a new one-of-a-kind instrument

    Mapping Complexity. Archaeological Sites and Historic Land Use Extent in a Sámi Community in Arctic Norway

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    Artificial Intelligence and the Preservation of Historic Documents

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    In recent decades, digitization has been presented as an important strategy both for the preservation of historic documents and for giving increased access for researchers to such materials. In the Norwegian context, this has not only implied the digitization of printed matter but also the digitization of audiovisual material like photography and analog tape recordings. From a technical perspective, there are of cause difficulties in digitizing such a variety of material when considering the diversity of media formats dating back to the nineteenth century. However, from the archival community criticism has been raised not only about the quality of the work but also the concerning the selection process, the organization of the material, and the collection of metadata. The National Library of Norway, especially, has attempted to avoid the problem of selection by attempting to digitize all of visual, sonic and audio-visual culture heritage. But this has created even greater challenges for the organization and registration of metadata. This is an issue that is apparent to the National Library, so it is looking into the possibility of using artificial intelligence – learning algorithms – to organize the material. The key issue is that the preservation of historic material is also dependent on the preservation of context and on metadata enabling us to interpret and understand the material at hand

    Artificial Intelligence and the Preservation of Historic Documents

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    In recent decades, digitization has been presented as an important strategy both for the preservation of historic documents and for giving increased access for researchers to such materials. In the Norwegian context, this has not only implied the digitization of printed matter but also the digitization of audiovisual material like photography and analog tape recordings. From a technical perspective, there are of cause difficulties in digitizing such a variety of material when considering the diversity of media formats dating back to the nineteenth century. However, from the archival community criticism has been raised not only about the quality of the work but also the concerning the selection process, the organization of the material, and the collection of metadata. The National Library of Norway, especially, has attempted to avoid the problem of selection by attempting to digitize all of visual, sonic and audio-visual culture heritage. But this has created even greater challenges for the organization and registration of metadata. This is an issue that is apparent to the National Library, so it is looking into the possibility of using artificial intelligence – learning algorithms – to organize the material. The key issue is that the preservation of historic material is also dependent on the preservation of context and on metadata enabling us to interpret and understand the material at hand

    Artificial Intelligence and the Preservation of Historic Documents

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    In recent decades, digitization has been presented as an important strategy both for the preservation of historic documents and for giving increased access for researchers to such materials. In the Norwegian context, this has not only implied the digitization of printed matter but also the digitization of audiovisual material like photography and analog tape recordings. From a technical perspective, there are of cause difficulties in digitizing such a variety of material when considering the diversity of media formats dating back to the nineteenth century. However, from the archival community criticism has been raised not only about the quality of the work but also the concerning the selection process, the organization of the material, and the collection of metadata. The National Library of Norway, especially, has attempted to avoid the problem of selection by attempting to digitize all of visual, sonic and audio-visual culture heritage. But this has created even greater challenges for the organization and registration of metadata. This is an issue that is apparent to the National Library, so it is looking into the possibility of using artificial intelligence – learning algorithms – to organize the material. The key issue is that the preservation of historic material is also dependent on the preservation of context and on metadata enabling us to interpret and understand the material at hand

    The Ontological Status of Sound Recording: An Artistic Blend between Documentation and Sonic Aesthetics

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    This paper discusses how different ways of defining the ontological status of recorded sound have developed throughout the 20th century. My claim is that even within the period of analog technology, sound recording was moving away from its purposes of preserving and documenting real life musical performances. I will illustrate this by using three different examples. First, I will look at how John and Alan Lomax´s folkloristic documentation of blues music in the 1930s changed the very culture they documented by introducing a new medium that enabled the sharing and dissemination of music beyond the word of mouth. Secondly, I will look at how the producer John Culshaw redefined the recording of classical music in the 1960s by moving away from the ideal of documenting an actual performance and towards the use of technology to brake previous constraints imposed on the musicians and create an improved version of the musical work. Lastly, I will look at Brian Eno and David Byrne´s My life in the Bush of Ghosts (1981), which utilized tape splicing technology to create a blend of western funk and pop with field recordings of non-western folk music and various other sound sources

    Harry Potter and the Master Thesis

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    This thesis was made to explore the possibility of incorporating movie adaptions of novels into the English Second Language classrooms to facilitate learning. The following research question for this thesis was then formed: "How can a teacher work with movie adaptions as texts in the ESL-classroom?”. To answer this question, I chose a qualitative research approach, document analysis. I would analyze documents for research on the subject and didactical textbooks to create a lesson plan that would work for a typical 8th grade English class in Norwegian schools. The documents analyzed were peer reviewed works from other academics as well as didactical theory, and these sources were chosen to create a solid foundation to build the lesson plan on. This research resulted in a lesson plan that would take about five weeks to complete in a classroom. The lessons include tasks that allow for level differentiation, teamwork, and development of the basic skills in the current curriculum (LK20). The planning process was influenced by the backwards planning model and the didactical relationship model, which both brought order and structure to the planning process resulting in a thoroughly planned lesson plan

    Det betydelige og det ubetydelige : etnografi fra et asylmottak for enslige mindreårige asylsøkere

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    Denne oppgaven handler om enslige mindreårige asylsøkere, mellom femten og atten år, som bor i et asylmottak på Østlandet. Motivasjonen for prosjektet var nysgjerrighet. Hvem er de enslige mindreårige asylsøkerne? Hvordan opplever disse unge menneskene den situasjonen de er i? Jeg bygger oppgaven på et teoretisk fundament, som vektlegger betydningen av kategorisering for menneskers måte å forholde seg til omverdenen. På bakgrunn av dette formulerte jeg følgende problemstillinger. Hvordan blir ungdommene på asylmottaket kategorisert av omgivelsene og hvilke egenskaper blir de tilskrevet? Hvordan kategoriserer de selv sine omgivelser og hvilke egenskaper tilskriver de menneskene i sine omgivelser? Hvordan påvirker disse gjensidige kategoriseringene ungdommenes liv? I løpet av et halvt år med feltarbeid i asylmottak har jeg samlet data, som jeg analyserer i oppgaven. Jeg har kommet fram til flere konklusjoner: Konteksten, i form av det statlige regelverket og de sosiale rammene rundt mottaket, er av stor betydning for hvordan ungdommene kategoriserer sine omgivelser og for hvordan de opplever seg selv og sin rolle i det norske samfunnet. Et annet viktig poeng er at ungdommene i nesten alle sammenhenger først og fremst blir kategorisert, som enslige mindreårige asylsøkere. I andre rekke blir de kategorisert og tilskrevet egenskaper på bakgrunn av hvor i verden de kommer fra, for eksempel som kurder eller somalier. Det er stort sett bare i de aller nærmeste relasjonene, til eventuell familie eller mellom venner på mottaket, at ungdommene også tilskrives og tilskriver hverandre andre former for identitet. Omverdenens oppfattelse av ungdommene er lite nyansert, personlige egenskaper blir oversett og kategorien, enslig mindreårig asylsøker blir i veldig mange situasjoner altoverskyggende. Til denne kategorien blir det assosiert visse egenskaper, som fører til at ungdommene på mottaket blir patologisert og stigmatisert. Disse oppfattelsene, som de blir møtt med av omgivelsene, har stor betydning for hvordan ungdommene opplever seg selv og for hvordan de opplever det norske samfunnet