1,557 research outputs found

    Institutionalization and Structuration: Studying the Links between Action and Institution

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    Institutional theory and structuration theory both contend that institutions and actions are inextricably linked and that institutionalization is best understood as a dynamic, ongoing process. Institutionalists, however, have pursued an empirical agenda that has largely ignored how institutions are created, altered, and reproduced, in part, because their models of institutionalization as a process are underdeveloped. Structuration theory, on the other hand, largely remains a process theory of such abstraction that it has generated few empirical studies. This paper discusses the similarities between the two theories, develops an argument for why a fusion of the two would enable institutional theory to significantly advance, develops a model of institutionalization as a structuration process, and proposes methodological guidelines for investigating the process empirically

    Social research for a multiethnic population: do the research ethics and standards guidelines of UK Learned Societies address this challenge?

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    There is increasing recognition in the UK that social science research should generate an evidence base that reflects the ethnic diversity of the population and informs positive developments in public policy and programmes for all. However, describing and understanding ethnic diversity, and associated disadvantage, is far from straightforward. In practice, the ethical and scientific arguments around whether and how to incorporate ethnicity into policy-relevant social research are complex and contentious. In particular, untheorised or insensitive inclusion of data on ethnic 'groups' can have negative consequences. The present investigation begins to explore the extent to which social scientists have access to advice and guidance in this area of research. Specifically, the paper examines how ethnic diversity is explicitly or implicitly considered within the research ethics and scientific standard guidance provided by UK social science Learned Societies to their members. The review found little in the way of explicit attention to ethnic diversity in the guidance documents, but nevertheless identified a number of pertinent themes. The paper compiles and extrapolates these themes to present a tentative set of principles for social scientists to debate and further develop

    Introduction: At the Intersection of Organizations and Occupations

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    [Excerpt] The lack of research and, by extension, the paucity of empirically grounded theory on organizations and occupations have left unanswered questions that are critical for understanding the social organization of work in post-industrial economies. Under what conditions are organizations likely to bureaucratize professional tasks? What types of tasks are most likely to be affected by such bureaucratization and how do occupations adjust to such changes? Conversely, what forces have transformed organizations into breeding grounds for new occupations? How are organizations affected when they employ large numbers of professionals? What dynamics occur when the boundaries between occupation and organization begin to blur? Questions such these are grist for the papers in this volume. Our aim in assembling the papers has been to stimulate researchers and theoreticians to examine more closely the intersection between organizations and occupations. Like the authors of these papers, we believe that it is no longer wise for organizational and occupational sociology to develop as independent areas of theory and research. In fact, to continue to do so may mean that our understanding of the workplace will become increasingly unrealistic

    PRO: confronting resistance to rule-based medicine is essential to improving outcomes

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    The past 20 years have seen two great changes in the practice of medicine: the widespread adoption of evidence-based medicine, and the increasing challenge of managing complex multimorbid patients. Both these developments have resulted in clinical rules and protocols becoming ever more abundant and increasingly critical to delivering safe and effective patient care. These evidence-based clinical rules perform at least as well as expert opinion, and the increasing volume and quality of available clinical data suggests their performance could continue to improve. This article considers why clinicians deviate from effective rules, highlighting key issues such as the persisting culture of heroism, institutional inertia, deference to authority and personal heuristics. We argue that better rules can be created, and that clinical improvements will follow if there is a ‘common knowledge’ of these rules. Furthermore, we argue that there is a ceiling to the effectiveness of any rule, even one as simple as ensuring hand hygiene, unless individuals are held accountable for transgressions

    Accelerator Design for the CHESS-U Upgrade

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    During the summer and fall of 2018 the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) is undergoing an upgrade to increase high-energy flux for x-ray users. The upgrade requires replacing one-sixth of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR), inverting the polarity of half of the CHESS beam lines, and switching to single-beam on-axis operation. The new sextant is comprised of six double-bend achromats (DBAs) with combined-function dipole-quadrupoles. Although the DBA design is widely utilized and well understood, the constraints for the CESR modifications make the CHESS-U lattice unique. This paper describes the design objectives, constraints, and implementation for the CESR accelerator upgrade for CHESS-U

    The use of positive behaviour support plans in mental health inpatient care: a mixed methods study

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    An international drive is to minimise restrictive practices in mental healthcare. Positive behaviour support Plans (PBSPs) help staff prevent behaviour which would require restrictive intervention. Originating in learning disability services, data within mental healthcare are limited. To evaluate PBSPs within a mental health‐inpatient service; understand mental health nurses’ and relatives’ attitudes to them and understand the barriers and facilitators for their use in routine mental healthcare. Mixed methods ‐ quality‐ratings and interviews with relatives and nurses. PBSPs were poorly implemented. Relatives and nurses valued the potential of PBSPs to facilitate holistic care, though no relative had contributed to one and not every eligible patient had one. Barriers to their use included confusion around positive behaviour support, including how, when and for whom PBSPs should be used, and difficulties describing the function of a behaviour. The potential of PBSPs to improve mental healthcare is recognised. However, there are barriers to their use which should be addressed to ensure that PBSPs have been properly implemented before their impact on patient care can be assessed. Mental health professionals implementing PBSPs should engage with relatives and patients, gain organizational commitment and ensure that those involved understand fully the positive behaviour support approach

    Popular critiques of consultancy and a politics of management learning?

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    In this short article, I argue that popular business discourse on the role of management consultancy in the promotion and translation of management ideas is often critical, informed by more or less implicit ethical and political concerns with employee security, equity, openness and the transparency and legitimacy of responsibility. These concerns are, in part, ‘sayable’ because their object is seen as a scapegoat for management. Nevertheless, combined with the popular form of their expression, they can support and legitimize critical studies of management learning, a discipline which otherwise has become overly concerned with processual and situational phenomena at the expense of broader political dynamics and of the content and consequences of management and management knowledg

    True blue: Temporal and spatial stability of pelagic wildlife at a submarine canyon

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    Funding: This research was funded through the Ian Potter Foundation and the First author.In coastal systems, marine-protected areas (MPAs) have been shown to increase the diversity, abundance, and biomass of wildlife assemblages as well as their resilience to climate change. The effectiveness of pelagic MPAs is less clear, with arguments against their establishment typically based on the highly mobile nature of pelagic taxa. We used mid-water stereo-baited remote underwater video systems (stereo-BRUVS) and spatial predictive models to characterize the pelagic wildlife assemblage at the head of the Perth Canyon, one of the largest submarine canyons in Australia, over a 7-yr period (2013–2019). The total number of unique taxa and mean values of taxonomic richness, abundance, fork length, and biomass demonstrated strong interannual stability, although mean taxonomic richness and abundance were significantly lower in 2018 relative to other years. Seasonal variability was absent in 2016, but in 2018, taxonomic richness and abundance were three times greater in the Austral spring than in the autumn. Some mobile megafauna were only recorded at the Perth Canyon Marine Park (PCMP) in the autumn, suggesting a seasonal component to their occurrence. The fine-scale distribution of pelagic taxa at the canyon head was largely stable over time, with many areas of higher relative probability of presence located outside protected zones. Despite a degree of variability that may relate to the effect of the El Niño Southern Oscillation on the Leeuwin Current, the PCMP assemblage demonstrates a relatively high degree of spatiotemporal stability. Stronger protection of the PCMP (IUCN II or higher) would potentially improve conservation outcomes for many species of pelagic wildlife.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe