370 research outputs found

    Relativistic hydrodynamical simulations of the effects of the stellar wind and the orbit on high-mass microquasar jets

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    High-mass microquasar jets, produced in an accreting compact object in orbit around a massive star, must cross a region filled with stellar wind. The combined effects of the wind and orbital motion can strongly affect the jet properties on binary scales and beyond. The study of such effects can shed light on how high-mass microquasar jets propagate and terminate in the interstellar medium. We study for the first time, using relativistic hydrodynamical simulations, the combined impact of the stellar wind and orbital motion on the properties of high-mass microquasar jets on binary scales and beyond. We have performed 3-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamic simulations, using the PLUTO code, of a microquasar scenario in which a strong weakly relativistic wind from a star interacts with a relativistic jet under the effect of the binary orbital motion. The parameters of the orbit are chosen such that the results can provide insight on the jet-wind interaction in compact systems like for instance Cyg X-1 or Cyg X-3. The wind and jet momentum rates are set to values that may be realistic for these sources and lead to moderate jet bending, which together with the close orbit and jet instabilities could trigger significant jet precession and disruption. For high-mass microquasars with orbit size a ∼ 0.1 AU, and (relativistic) jet power Lj∼1037(M˙w/10−6M⊙yr−1) erg s−1, where M˙w is the stellar wind mass rate, the combined effects of the stellar wind and orbital motion can induce relativistic jet disruption on scales ∼1 AU

    The Major Role of Eccentricity in the Evolution of Colliding Pulsar-Stellar Winds

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    Binary systems that host a massive star and a non-accreting pulsar can be powerful non-thermal emitters. The relativistic pulsar wind and the non-relativistic stellar outflows interact along the orbit, producing ultrarelativistic particles that radiate from radio to gamma rays. To properly characterize the physics of these sources, and better understand their emission and impact on the environment, careful modeling of the outflow interactions, spanning a broad range of spatial and temporal scales, is needed. Full three-dimensional approaches are very computationally expensive, but simpler approximate approaches, while still realistic at the semi-quantitative level, are available. We present here the results of calculations done with a quasi three-dimensional scheme to compute the evolution of the interacting flows in a region spanning in size up to a thousand times the size of the binary. In particular, we analyze for the first time the role of different eccentricities in the large scale evolution of the shocked flows. We find that the higher the eccentricity, the closer the flows behave like a one-side outflow, which becomes rather collimated for eccentricity values ≳0.75. The simulations also unveil that the pulsar and the stellar winds become fully mixed within the grid for low eccentricity systems, presenting a more stochastic behavior at large scales than in the highly eccentric systems

    A hydrodynamics-informed, radiation model for HESS J0632 + 057 from radio to gamma-rays

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    Relativistic hydrodynamical simulations of the eccentric gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057 show that the energy of a putative pulsar wind should accumulate in the binary surroundings between periastron and apastron, being released by fast advection close to apastron. To assess whether this could lead to a maximum of the non-thermal emission before apastron, we derive simple prescriptions for the non-thermal energy content, the radiation efficiency, and the impact of energy losses on non-thermal particles, in the simulated hydrodynamical flow. These prescriptions are used to estimate the non-thermal emission in radio, X-rays, GeV, and TeV, from the shocked pulsar wind in a binary system simulated using a simplified 3-dimensional scheme for several orbital cycles. Lightcurves at different wavelengths are derived, together with synthetic radio images for different orbital phases. The dominant peak in the computed lightcurves is broad and appears close to, but before, apastron. This peak is followed by a quasiplateau shape, and a minor peak only in gamma rays right after periastron. The radio maps show ejection of radio blobs before apastron in the periastron-apastron direction. The results show that a scenario with a highly eccentric high-mass binary hosting a young pulsar can explain the general phenomenology of HESS J0632+057: despite its simplicity, the adopted approach yields predictions that are robust at a semi-quantitative level and consistent with multiwavelength observations

    Infrared afterglow of GRB041219 as a result of reradiation on dust in a circumstellar cloud

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    Observations of gamma ray bursts (GRB) afterglows in different spectral bands provide a most valuable information about their nature, as well as about properties of surrounding medium. Powerful infrared afterglow was observed from the strong GRB041219. Here we explain the observed IR afterglow in the model of a dust reradiation of the main GRB signal in the envelope surrounding the GRB source. In this model we do not expect appearance of the prompt optical emission which should be absorbed in the dust envelope. We estimate the collimation angle of the gamma ray emission, and obtain restrictions on the redshift (distance to GRB source), by fitting the model parameters to the observational data.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Submited to Astrofizik

    Impact of red giant/AGB winds on active galactic nucleus jet propagation

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    Context. Dense stellar winds may mass-load the jets of active galactic nuclei, although it is unclear on what time and spatial scales the mixing takes place. Aims. Our aim is to study the first steps of the interaction between jets and stellar winds, and also the scales on which the stellar wind mixes with the jet and mass-loads it. Methods. We present a detailed 2D simulation - including thermal cooling - of a bubble formed by the wind of a star designed to study the initial stages of jet-star interaction. We also study the first interaction of the wind bubble with the jet using a 3D simulation in which the star enters the jet. Stability analysis is carried out for the shocked wind structure to evaluate the distances over which the jet-dragged wind, which forms a tail, can propagate without mixing with the jet flow. Results.The 2D simulations point to quick wind bubble expansion and fragmentation after about one bubble shock crossing time. Three-dimensional simulations and stability analysis point to local mixing in the case of strong perturbations and relatively low density ratios between the jet and the jet dragged-wind, and to a possibly more stable shocked wind structure at the phase of maximum tail mass flux. Analytical estimates also indicate that very early stages of the star jet-penetration time may be also relevant for mass-loading. The combination of these and previous results from the literature suggests highly unstable interaction structures and efficient wind-jet flow mixing on the scale of the jet interaction height. Conclusions. The winds of stars with strong mass loss can efficiently mix with jets from active galactic nuclei. In addition, the initial wind bubble shocked by the jet leads to a transient, large interaction surface. The interaction between jets and stars can produce strong inhomogeneities within the jet. As mixing is expected to be effective on large scales, even individual asymptotic giant branch stars can significantly contribute to the mass-load of the jet and thus affect its dynamics. Shear layer mass-entrainment could be important. The interaction structure can be a source of significant non-thermal emissio

    Modeling of class diagrams by specifications tasks in the design of information technology

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    We analyzed the problem of synthesis of information systems. We formulate the problem of the need for the automated synthesis of structural models. We offer an automated method of synthesis of structural models on the example of a UML class diagram synthesis

    A possibility for precise Weinberg angle measurement in centrosymmetric crystals with axis

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    We demonstrate that parity nonconserving interaction due to the nuclear weak charge Q_W leads to nonlinear magnetoelectric effect in centrosymmetric paramagnetic crystals. It is shown that the effect exists only in crystals with special symmetry axis k. Kinematically, the correlation (correction to energy) has the form H_PNC ~ Q_W (E,[B,k])(B,k), where B and E are the external magnetic and electric fields. This gives rise to magnetic induction M_PNC ~ Q_W {k(B,[k,E]) + [k,E](B,k)}. To be specific we consider rare-earth trifluorides and, in particular, dysprosium trifluoride which looks the most suitable for experiment. We estimate the optimal temperature for the experiment to be of a few kelvin. For the magnetic field B = 1 T and the electric field E = 10 kV/cm, the expected magnetic induction is 4 \pi M_PNC = 0.5 * 10^-11 G, six orders of magnitude larger than the best sensitivity currently under discussion. Dysprosium has several stable isotopes, and so, comparison of the effects for different isotopes provides possibility for precise measurement of the Weinberg angle.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables; version 2 - added discussion of neutron distribution uncertaint

    Radiative corrections and parity nonconservation in heavy atoms

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    The self-energy and the vertex radiative corrections to the effect of parity nonconservation in heavy atoms are calculated analytically in orders Z alpha^2 and Z^2 alpha^3 ln(lambda_C/r_0), where lambda_C and r_0 being the Compton wavelength and the nuclear radius, respectively. The value of the radiative correction is -0.85% for Cs and -1.41% for Tl. Using these results we have performed analysis of the experimental data on atomic parity nonconservation. The obtained values of the nuclear weak charge, Q_W=-72.90(28)_{exp}(35)_{theor} for Cs, and Q_W=-116.7(1.2)_{exp}(3.4)_{theor} for Tl, agree with predictions of the standard model. As an application of our approach we have also calculated analytically dependence of the Lamb shift on the finite nuclear size.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    HESS J0632+057: hydrodynamics and non-thermal emission

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    HESS J0632+057 is an eccentric gamma-ray Be binary that produces non-thermal radio, Xrays, GeV and very high-energy gamma-rays. The non-thermal emission of HESS J0632+057 is modulated with the orbital period, with a dominant maximum before apastron passage. The nature of the compact object in HESS J0632+057 is not known, although it has been proposed to be a young pulsar as in PSR B1259-63, the only gamma-ray emitting high-mass binary known to host a non-accreting pulsar. In this letter, we present hydrodynamical simulations of HESS J0632+057 in the context of a pulsar and a stellar wind interacting in an eccentric binary, and propose a scenario for the non-thermal phenomenology of the source. In this scenario, the non-thermal activity before and around apastron is linked to the accumulation of non-thermal particles in the vicinity of the binary, and the sudden drop of the emission before apastron is produced by the disruption of the two-wind interaction structure, allowing these particles to escape efficiently. In addition to providing a framework to explain the nonthermal phenomenology of the source, this scenario predicts extended, moving X-ray emitting structures similar to those observed in PSR B1259-6

    Rho primes in analyzing e+e- annihilation, MARK III, LASS and ARGUS data

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    The results of an analysis are presented of some recent data on the reactions e+eπ+ππ+πe^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-, e+eπ+ππ0π0e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\pi^0 with the subtracted ωπ0\omega\pi^0 events, e+eωπ0e^+e^-\to\omega\pi^0, e+eηπ+πe^+e^-\to\eta \pi^+\pi^-, e+eπ+πe^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-, Kpπ+πΛK^-p\to\pi^+\pi^-\Lambda, the decays J/ψπ+ππ0J/\psi\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0, tauνtauπ+πππ0tau^-\to\nu_tau\pi^+\pi^-\pi^-\pi^0 tauντωπtau^-\to\nu_\tau\omega\pi^-, upon taking into account both the strong energy dependence of the partial widths on energy and the previously neglected mixing of the ρ\rho type resonances. The above effects are shown to exert an essential influence on the specific values of masses and coupling constants of heavy resonances and hence are necessary to be accounted for in establishing their true nature.Comment: 20 pages, ReVTeX, 9 Postscript figures As compared to hep-ph/9607398, new material concerning the analysis of the ARGUS data on the tau decays into four pion hadronic states is adde