106 research outputs found

    Globalization and Environmental Policy

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    Ecology and foreign policy : theoretical lessons from the literature

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    A comprehensive understanding of international environmental politics requires attention to foreign policy. In this essay we describe many of the most prominent—and some of the less prominent—theories and approaches to foreign policy and international relations, with emphasis on how they can help us to better understand foreign policy in the environmental issue area. We organize the theories into three categories: systemic theories, which emphasize the influence of the international system, including the distribution of power within it; societal theories, which focus our attention on domestic politics and culture; and state-centric theories, which find answers to questions about foreign policy within the structure of the state and the individuals who promulgate and implement foreign policies in the name of a given country. Within this presentation of various theories, we highlight the influence of power, interests and ideas

    Microsatellites for butterfly conservation: historical challenges, current relevance, and a guide to implementation

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    We are nearing the 20-year anniversary of a groundbreaking paper which details how microsatellite marker development in Lepidoptera is “extremely difficult for no apparent reason.” How far have we come in these past 20 years? Microsatellites are still the marker of choice in many population genetics studies for their ease of use, high degrees of polymorphism, species-specificity, and low cost. The rise of next-generation sequencing technologies (e.g. 454, Illumina, PacBio, etc.) has greatly advanced our abilities to generate many microsatellite markers per species. In this paper, we summarize the improvements in marker development using next-generation technology. Using case studies, we review the use and implementation of microsatellite markers in different conservation programs. Lastly, we provide a guide to data interpretation of microsatellite data generated for butterflies, with the goal of supporting student researchers and conservation practitioners in evaluating the meaning in their data

    Ideating IDNA: Lessons and Limitations From Leeches in Legacy Collections

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    Indirect methods for conducting faunal inventories present great promise, and genomic inventories derived from environmental sources (eDNA) are improving. Invertebrate ingested DNA (iDNA) from terrestrial leeches in the family Haemadipsidae has shown potential for surveying vertebrates and biodiversity monitoring in protected areas. Here we present an initial, and critical, evaluation of the limitations and biases of current iDNA protocols for biodiversity monitoring using both standard and NGS barcoding approaches. Key findings include the need for taxon relevant multi-locus markers and reference databases. In particular, the limitations of available reference databases have profound potential to mislead and bias eDNA and iDNA results if not critically interpreted. Nevertheless, there is great potential for recovery of amplifiable DNA from gut contents of invertebrate museum specimens which may reveal both temporal patterns and cryptic diversity in protected areas with increased efficiency. Our analyses of ingested DNA (iDNA) from both freshly stored and previously collected (legacy) samples of terrestrial leeches successfully identified vertebrates from Myanmar, Australia and Madagascar and indicate the potential to characterize microbial communities, pathogen diversity and interactions at low cost

    Online Practice Course Development with Action Research: A Case Example

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    Despite the proliferation of online courses in social work, questions still exist about learning practice skills in an online instructional environment. This paper describes a case example of an action-oriented approach to the development of an online practice course. Lessons learned from students’ and instructor’s perspectives are shared as well as recommendations for future research relative to course development and evaluation of online courses. The study examined student feedback with respect to their overall learning experience. Findings indicated that involving students in the design and development of an online practice course benefited both students and faculty and can be an effective teaching and learning strategy regardless of the instructional medium used

    Transport Between Palau and the Eastern Coral Triangle: Larval Connectivity or Near Misses

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    Physical connectivity by transport of larvae between different habitats plays a fundamental role in marine population dynamics and is often assessed using circulation models assuming that computed large-scale connectivity describes the actual connectivity. This paper presents observations of drifters released into the Philippine Sea offshore of the western lagoon of Palau that were tracked as were first carried by the Mindanao Eddy toward Mindanao and other parts of the Celebes and Sulu Seas, where they were removed from the water. While following expected transport pathways for this region, our drifters remained at least several kilometers offshore of the various islands they passed by, suggesting that larvae moving similarly would have been too far offshore to recruit to nearshore reefs. Thus, estimates of connectivity made using large-scale models must be taken as upper bounds to connectivity across ocean basins. Plain Language Summary A major consideration in marine conservation is the connectivity between different habitats or regions of the ocean, that is, the degree to which populations in those places are linked to each through the movement of eggs, larvae, eggs, or adults between them. One area of particular interest is the Western Pacific and its connections with the Coral Triangle. In this study, we deployed a set of satellite-tracked surface drifters offshore of the west side of Palau that moved in the local ocean circulation toward and then past Mindanao, in some cases completing multiple circuits around the Philippine Sea. These drifter tracks demonstrate an important aspect of connectivity in the ocean: In the absence of strong and directed swimming, local flow processes on ocean shelves that can act to transport materials toward shore may control the real extent of connectivity across ocean basins. Thus, the degree of connectivity inferred from large-scale flows (either modeled or observed remotely) is an upper bound on the actual degree of connectivity. Importantly, these results demonstrate that marine conservation efforts for coral reefs based on ocean-basin scale connectivity need to include consideration of flow behavior at ocean boundaries where reefs are located

    Extensive central nervous system involvement in Merkel cell carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare malignant cutaneous neoplasm that is locally invasive and frequently metastasizes to lymph nodes, liver, lungs, bone and brain. The incidence of Merkel cell carcinoma has increased in the past three decades.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 65-year-old Caucasian man presented with a sudden onset of severe headache and a three-month history of balance disturbance. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a large meningeal metastasis. The radiologic workup showed retroperitoneal and inguinal lymph node metastases. Biopsy of the inguinal lymph nodes showed metastases of Merkel cell carcinoma. Biopsy from three different suspected skin lesions revealed no Merkel cell carcinoma, and the primary site of Merkel cell carcinoma remained unknown. Leptomeningeal metastases, new axillary lymph node metastases, and intraspinal (epidural and intradural) metastases were detected within six, seven and eight months, respectively, from the start of symptoms despite treating the intracranial metastasis with gamma knife and the abdominal metastases with surgical dissection and external radiotherapy. This indicates the aggressive nature of the disease.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report in the literature of an intracranial meningeal metastasis of Merkel cell carcinoma treated with gamma knife and of intraspinal intradural metastases of Merkel cell carcinoma. Despite good initial response to radiotherapy, recurrence and occurrence of new metastases are common in Merkel cell carcinoma.</p

    The Muslim headscarf and face perception: "they all look the same, don't they?"

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    YesThe headscarf conceals hair and other external features of a head (such as the ears). It therefore may have implications for the way in which such faces are perceived. Images of faces with hair (H) or alternatively, covered by a headscarf (HS) were used in three experiments. In Experiment 1 participants saw both H and HS faces in a yes/no recognition task in which the external features either remained the same between learning and test (Same) or switched (Switch). Performance was similar for H and HS faces in both the Same and Switch condition, but in the Switch condition it dropped substantially compared to the Same condition. This implies that the mere presence of the headscarf does not reduce performance, rather, the change between the type of external feature (hair or headscarf) causes the drop in performance. In Experiment 2, which used eye-tracking methodology, it was found that almost all fixations were to internal regions, and that there was no difference in the proportion of fixations to external features between the Same and Switch conditions, implying that the headscarf influenced processing by virtue of extrafoveal viewing. In Experiment 3, similarity ratings of the internal features of pairs of HS faces were higher than pairs of H faces, confirming that the internal and external features of a face are perceived as a whole rather than as separate components.The Educational Charity of the Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians

    Clinical emergence of neurometastatic merkel cell carcinoma: a surgical case series and literature review

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    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare cutaneous neuroendocrine neoplasm of possible viral origin and is known for its aggressive behavior. The incidence of MCC has increased in the last 15 years. Merkel cell carcinoma has the potential to metastasize, but rarely involves the central nervous system. Herein, we report three consecutive surgical cases of MCC presenting at a single institution within 1 year. We used intracavitary BCNU wafers (Gliadel®) in two cases. Pathological features, including CK20 positivity, consistent with MCC, were present in all cases. We found 33 published cases of MCC with CNS involvement. We suggest that the incidence of neurometastatic MCC may be increasing, parallel to the increasing incidence of primary MCC. We propose a role for intracavitary BCNU wafers in the treatment of intra-axial neurometastatic MCC