9 research outputs found

    Professional training report at Chateau Chauvin, Saint-Emilion, Bordeaux Wine Region, France: Vintage 2020

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    Vinifera Euromaster - European Master in Viticulture and Oenology Engineering / Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de Lisboa / EMaVEFor the purpose of this Master’s thesis dissertation, an introduction and summary of the Bordeaux wine region was explained. Then, a critical review of Chateau Chauvin was done during the period of the harvest. All traditions and methods of this Chateau were respected for obtaining the high quality of their “Château Chauvin Grand Cru Classé” label. During the period of harvest, many processes were evaluated, including berry sampling, grape reception, sorting, crushing, yeast and nutrient addition, fermentation, pump-overs, pressing, malolactic fermentation, and ageing. These harvest operations were done in the Bordeaux wine region, in the appellation of Saint-Emilion. By conducting this critical review, there were some things identified that should be changed and improved upon in the future, such as increasing tank capacity, investing in new laboratory equipment, and moreN/

    The complexity of the competitive repertoire and firm performance

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    Complexity of competitive repertoire is the ability of a firm to undertake a wider range of diverse competitive moves than its competitors. Firm undertaking diverse competitive moves can enhance capabilities and potentially achieve competitive advantage and superior performance, especially in environment with uncertainty and volatility characteristics. Besides, complexity of competitive repertoire gives stakeholders a series of information on the firm characteristics, its resources and/or specific know-how for intense rivalry. The goal of this paper is to provide theoretical and practical overview on the construct of complexity of competitive repertoire and the method of its computing. In addition, relationship between complexity of the competitive repertoire and the firm performance on a sample of seventeen Croatian firm dyads are analyzed. Results show that the higher level of complexity in a competitive repertoire has a positive effect on firm performance.peer-reviewe

    Magnetska rezonancija - novi pristup u istraživanju ugroženih morskih školjkaša

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is increasingly used in biology and the appearance of such imaging and structural findings devoted to endangered marine bivalves shows the recent keen interest in these research techniques. New imaging techniques are ideal for understanding the normal form of soft structures (e.g. gonad, stomach, digestive gland, muscle, gills), and identifying anatomical positions and landmarks of structures in vivo. Because of its biological importance, endangered bivalve mollusks are the subject of much research in physiology. In terms of protection of species, it seemed necessary to perform a preliminary technological evaluation of the MRI possibilities. Aim of this research was to make a preliminary exploration of the possibilities and limits of MRI for assessing anatomical structures and gonad development of the date mussel, Lithophaga lithophaga L., an endangered bivalve from Adriatic sea. This paper presents a new imaging technique used in comparative morphology, with examples of recent applications, and will present original research demonstrating a use of this technique to investigate morphological structures in endangered species. This report therefore presents the preliminary results on MR imaging of the date mussel. From the obtained images, variations in the volumes of the flesh, digestive gland, gonad and adductor muscle, and the surface of the gills could be measured during growth. Gonad measurement by MRI presents a non-destructive method and therefore makes it possible to assess live individual development as well as to compare live individuals.Magnetska rezonancija (MR) sve se više koristi u istraživanjima na području biologije. Upotreba i implementiranje ove metode u svrhu nedestruktivnog proučavanja anatomije i fiziologije ugroženih vrsta morskih školjkaša daje veliki značaj ovakvim istraživačkim tehnikama. Nove moderne tehnologije omogućavaju bolje razumijevanje građe i oblika mekih struktura (npr. gonade, želudac, probavna žlijezda, mišići, škrge), te prepoznavanje anatomskih odlika i međusobni odnos organa kod živih školjkaša. Zbog svoje biološke važnosti, ugrožene vrste školjkaša predmet su mnogih istraživanja. U okviru zaštite vrsta, potrebno je izvršiti preliminarnu procjenu tehnoloških mogućnosti MR. Cilj ovog istraživanja je napraviti prikaz mogućnosti i ograničenja primjene MR u procjeni anatomskih struktura i razvoju gonada kod prstaca, Lithophaga lithophaga L., zaštićenog školjkaša iz Jadranskog mora. Ovaj rad predstavlja primjenu moderne tehnologije u svrhu istraživanja komparativne anatomije te je, uz dosadašnja saznanja, predstavljen originalan način kako bi se istražile morfološke osobitosti ugroženih vrsta. Ovo izvješće obuhvaća preliminarne MR snimke prstaca. Na dobivenim fotografijama moguće je razlučiti i izračunati indekse mase mišića, funkciju probavne žlijezde, gonada i aduktornih mišića te škrga u različitom razdoblju razvoja školjkaša. Primjenom ove nedestruktivne metode u svrhu mjerenja rasta gonada i spolnog sazrijevanja prstaca moguće je procijeniti individualni razvoj, kao i usporediti pojedine žive jedinke

    Compensated Advanced Chronic Liver Disease and Steatosis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes as Assessed through Shear Wave Measurements and Attenuation Measurements

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    Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) are at risk of developing metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). We investigated the prevalence of compensated advanced chronic liver disease (cACLD) and steatosis in patients with T2D using the new non-invasive diagnostic methods of shear wave measurements (SWMs) and attenuation (ATT) measurements in comparison with those of vibration-controlled transient elastography (VCTE) and the controlled attenuation parameter (CAP), which served as the reference methods. Among 214 T2D patients, steatosis at any grade and cACLD were revealed in 134 (62.6%) and 19 (8.9%) patients, respectively. SWMs showed a high correlation with VCTE (Spearman’s ρ = 0.641), whereas SWMs produced lower (mean of −0.7 kPa) liver stiffness measurements (LSMs) overall. At a LSM of >11.0 kPa (Youden), SWMs had an AUROC of 0.951 that was used to diagnose cACLD (defined as a LSM of >15 kPa through VCTE) with 84.2% sensitivity and 96.4% specificity. The performance of ATT measurements in diagnosing liver steatosis at any grade (defined as the CAP of ≥274 dB/m) was suboptimal (AUROC of 0.744 at the ATT measurement cut-off of >0.63 dB/cm/MHz (Youden) with 59% sensitivity and 81.2% specificity). In conclusion, the prevalence of liver steatosis and previously unrecognized cACLD in patients with T2D is high and SWMs appear to be a reliable diagnostic method for this purpose, whereas further investigation is needed to optimize the diagnostic performance of ATT measurements