11 research outputs found

    Nonergodicity in protective factors of resilience in athletes

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    Resilience is a key construct to understand when athletes continue to perform optimally, or when they break down. Although there is consensus that resilience can be conceptualized as a dynamic process, it remains an open question whether studying such a process on a group level adequately represents the individuals within a given sample. As a first step to answer this question, we designed a diary study to test whether the statistics for repeated assessments of protective factors and resilience can be generalized from group-level trajectories to the individuals. By tracking resilience and the protective factors over 21 days in athletes, we found divergent patterns of group-level and individual-level statistics for the repeated assessments. This so-called "ergodicity problem" implies that the individual, rather than the group, should be placed at the level of analysis to avoid wrong conclusions and ineffective interventions on their resilience

    Bayesian Sequential Single Case Pilot 2021

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    Study Protocol

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    Cryptococcus neoformans Escape From Dictyostelium Amoeba by Both WASH-Mediated Constitutive Exocytosis and Vomocytosis

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is an environmental yeast that can cause opportunistic infections in humans. As infecting animals does not form part of its normal life-cycle, it has been proposed that the virulence traits that allow cryptococci to resist immune cells were selected through interactions with environmental phagocytes such as amoebae. Here, we investigate the interactions between C. neoformans and the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. We show that like macrophages, D. discoideum is unable to kill C. neoformans upon phagocytosis. Despite this, we find that the yeast pass through the amoebae with an apparently normal phagocytic transit and are released alive by constitutive exocytosis after ~80 min. This is the canonical pathway in amoebae, used to dispose of indigestible material after nutrient extraction. Surprisingly however, we show that upon either genetic or pharmacological blockage of constitutive exocytosis, C. neoformans still escape from D. discoideum by a secondary mechanism. We demonstrate that constitutive exocytosis-independent egress is stochastic and actin-independent. This strongly resembles the non-lytic release of cryptococci by vomocytosis from macrophages, which do not perform constitutive exocytosis and normally retain phagocytosed material. Our data indicate that vomocytosis is functionally redundant for escape from amoebae, which thus may not be the primary driver for its evolutionary selection. Nonetheless, we show that vomocytosis of C. neoformans is mechanistically conserved in hosts ranging from amoebae to man, providing new avenues to understand this poorly-understood but important virulence mechanism

    Recommendations for assessing motor performance in individuals with dementia: suggestions of an expert panel - a qualitative approach

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    Background: Recommendations for assessing motor performance in individuals with dementia (IWD) are rare, and most existing assessment tools previously applied in IWD were initially developed for healthy older adults. However, IWD and their healthy counterparts differ in motor and cognitive capabilities, which needs to be considered when designing studies for this population. This article aims to give recommendations for motor assessments for IWD and to promote standardisation based on a structured discussion of identified assessment tools used in previous trials.Methods: Appropriateness and standardisation of previously applied motor assessments for IWD were intensively discussed using a qualitative approach during an expert panel. Furthermore, the use of external cues and walking aids, as well as psychometric properties were considered. Starting with a comprehensive overview of current research practice, the discussion was gradually specified and resulted in the elaboration of specific recommendations.Results: The superior discussion emphasised the need for tailoring motor assessments to specific characteristics of IWD and attaching importance to standardised assessment procedures. Specific recommendations include the use of sequential approaches, which incorporate a gradual increase of complexity from simple to more difficult tasks, a selection of motor assessments showing sufficient relative reliability and appropriateness for IWD, as well as allowing external cues and walking aids when restricted to repeated instructions and commonly used devices, respectively.Conclusions: These are the first recommendations for assessing motor performance in IWD based on a comprehensive qualitative approach. Due to limited evidence, it was not possible to address all existing questions. It is therefore important to evaluate these recommendations in studies with IWD. Besides tailoring and evaluating available assessments, future research should focus on developing specific tools for IWD. Moreover, further progress in standardisation is necessary to enhance comparability between different trials. This article provides initial approaches for overcoming existing limitations in trials with IWD by giving recommendations and identifying future research questions, and therefore contributes to enhancing evidence regarding efficacy and effectiveness of physical activity interventions