240 research outputs found

    The Trump Presidency : what consequences will this have on Europe?

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    The election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States may represent one of the greatest challenge to transatlantic relations since the end of WWII. Throughout the Cold War and since then, all US Presidents have based their foreign policy on a core set of beliefs that America’s closest partners in world affairs are democracies, that US prosperity is dependent on global free trade, and that its own security is unquestionably linked to the international context, especially its ties with Europe. Thus, American commitment to European prosperity and security has never been questioned. During his electoral campaign, however, Donald Trump made many statements that called into question every one of these core sets of beliefs that have formed the backbone of transatlantic relations for the last seventy years. From his strident criticism of free trade and his admiration of strong authoritarian leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, to his questioning of Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, Donald Trump’s rhetoric has shaken the very foundations of the Atlantic alliance. This paper aims to analyze the full extent of the challenge that Donald Trump’s presidency represents for Europe. The second objective is to offer policy recommendations on how the European Union can manage Trump’s presidency, turning adversity into opportunity in order to make the next four years a success for the Atlantic alliance. The goal of this paper is to highlight a strategy for the EU to remain visibly present on the world stage, making the most of the potential opportunities that could open-up in the next four years. While isolationism is certainly a risk that must be taken into consideration, closer inspection reveals that Donald Trump has developed a core consistency in his understanding of world politics that can be divided into three main pillars. First, Trump has been clear that he is against free trade in its current form, which he blames for impoverishing American workers and weakening the US while serving the interests of a cosmopolitan elite. Second, Trump has been consistent in his belief that the US is getting a “bad deal” from its allies, who stand accused of taking advantage of American largesse. Third, Trump appears to have a fascination for strong leadership, and seems to believe he can obtain “better deals” by negotiating bilaterally with authoritarian strong men such as Russian President Putin than by working cooperatively with democratic allies and multilateral organizations such as NATO or the EU. These views represent a potential threat to the Atlantic alliance. Thus, it is essential for the EU and its Member States to respond intelligently and assertively in order to avoid a worst-case scenario. This paper will focus on several issues where Trump’s presidency is likely to have the most impact on transatlantic relations: trade, NATO, Russia, Iran and China. In each case, the aim will be to outline possible scenarios, and then provide policy recommendations on how the EU can turn challenges into opportunities.L'Ă©lection de Donald Trump, 45e PrĂ©sident des États-Unis, peut constituer l'un des plus grands dĂ©fis pour les relations transatlantiques depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Tout au long de la Guerre froide et depuis sa fin, tous les prĂ©sidents des États-Unis ont fondĂ© leur politique Ă©trangĂšre sur un ensemble de convictions essentielles : les partenaires les plus proches sont les dĂ©mocraties, la prospĂ©ritĂ© des États-Unis dĂ©pend du libre-Ă©change mondial et leur propre sĂ©curitĂ© est incontestablement liĂ©e au contexte international, en particulier Ă  leurs liens avec l'Europe. Aussi, l'engagement amĂ©ricain pour la prospĂ©ritĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ© europĂ©enne n'a-t-il jamais Ă©tĂ© remis en question. Toutefois, au cours de sa campagne Ă©lectorale, Donald Trump a fait de nombreuses dĂ©clarations qui remettent en cause toutes les convictions fondamentales qui ont constituĂ© la colonne vertĂ©brale des relations transatlantiques pendant les soixante-dix derniĂšres annĂ©es. Depuis ses critiques sĂ©vĂšres Ă  l’égard du libre-Ă©change et son admiration pour des dirigeants autoritaires tels que le prĂ©sident russe Vladimir Poutine, jusqu’à sa remise en question de l'article 5 du TraitĂ© de l'OTAN, la rhĂ©torique de Donald Trump a Ă©branlĂ© les fondements de l'Alliance atlantique. Cet article a pour premier but d’analyser l'ampleur du dĂ©fi que la prĂ©sidence de Donald Trump reprĂ©sente pour l'Europe. Son deuxiĂšme objectif est de suggĂ©rer des recommandations politiques sur la façon dont l'Union europĂ©enne peut gĂ©rer la prĂ©sidence de M. Trump afin de transformer l'adversitĂ© en un succĂšs pour l'Alliance atlantique durant les quatre prochaines annĂ©es. Ce document se propose donc de dĂ©gager une stratĂ©gie pour que l'Union europĂ©enne reste visiblement prĂ©sente sur la scĂšne mondiale, en tirant le meilleur parti des opportunitĂ©s qui pourraient s'ouvrir dans les quatre annĂ©es qui viennent. Bien que l'isolationnisme soit sans doute un risque qui doit ĂȘtre pris en considĂ©ration, une analyse plus approfondie rĂ©vĂšle que Donald Trump a dĂ©veloppĂ© une cohĂ©rence au cƓur de sa vision de la politique mondiale qui peut ĂȘtre divisĂ©e en trois axes principaux. Tout d'abord, Trump a clairement manifestĂ© qu'il est contre le libre-Ă©change sous sa forme actuelle, accusĂ© d’appauvrir les travailleurs amĂ©ricains et d’affaiblir les États-Unis tout en servant les intĂ©rĂȘts d'une Ă©lite cosmopolite. DeuxiĂšmement, Trump n’a pas cessĂ© d’exprimer sa conviction que les États-Unis concluaient de « mauvais accords » avec leurs alliĂ©s, accusĂ©s de profiter de la gĂ©nĂ©rositĂ© amĂ©ricaine. En troisiĂšme lieu, Trump paraĂźt fascinĂ© par un leadership fort, et semble croire qu'il peut obtenir de « meilleurs accords » par des nĂ©gociations bilatĂ©rales auprĂšs des personnalitĂ©s autoritaires, comme le prĂ©sident russe Poutine, plutĂŽt que par la coopĂ©ration avec des alliĂ©s dĂ©mocratiques ou des organisations multilatĂ©rales, telles que l'OTAN ou l’Union europĂ©enne. Ces positions constituent potentiellement une menace pour l'Alliance atlantique. C'est pourquoi il est essentiel que l'Union europĂ©enne et ses États membres rĂ©agissent intelligemment et fermement afin d'Ă©viter le scĂ©nario du pire. Ce document se centrera sur plusieurs questions oĂč la prĂ©sidence de Trump serait le plus susceptible d’affecter les relations transatlantiques : le commerce, l'OTAN, la Russie, l'Iran et la Chine. Pour chacune de ces questions, nous exposerons diffĂ©rents scĂ©narios et nous proposerons ensuite des recommandations politiques sur la maniĂšre dont l'Union europĂ©enne peut transformer les dĂ©fis en succĂšs

    Europe's Asia pivot : a new balancing act?

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    The year 2017 poses a number of existential dilemmas for Europe. On the regional front, several key domestic elections will likely determine the future direction of the European Union. The international situation also presents many equally significant challenges. As the Asia Pacific region spearheads the global recovery from the 2008 financial crisis, the European pivot to Asia stands poised to accelerate. A series of economic and security issues throughout the region present both opportunities and challenges for European member states; items on the agenda include persistent trade imbalances, climate change, maritime security and the law of the sea. With the rise in authoritarian governance worldwide and the push for regime neutrality within international institutions, how should the EU and its democratic member states respond to a potentially volatile realignment of geopolitics in Asia? China’s continuing economic rise, coupled with its uneven human rights record and territorial push into the South China Sea, poses a particular challenge for the European Union. This paper will examine the advantages and disadvantages of a heightened interdependence with Asian markets, as well as the security dimension of Europe’s presence in the region, including its longstanding commitment to free navigation and fair allocation of resources according to international law.Au cours de l’annĂ©e 2017, l’Europe sera confrontĂ©e Ă  des choix essentiels. Plusieurs Ă©lections nationales seront dĂ©terminantes pour l'avenir de l'Union europĂ©enne. La situation internationale suscite Ă©galement de nombreux dĂ©fis, tout aussi importants. Alors que la rĂ©gion de l’Asie-Pacifique mĂšne la reprise Ă©conomique mondiale depuis la crise financiĂšre de 2008, le pivot europĂ©en vers l’Asie est en passe de s’accĂ©lĂ©rer. Une sĂ©rie d’enjeux Ă©conomiques et sĂ©curitaires au sein de la rĂ©gion prĂ©sentent tout Ă  la fois des opportunitĂ©s et des dĂ©fis pour les États membres de l’Union europĂ©enne. Les sujets Ă  l’ordre du jour incluent les dĂ©sĂ©quilibres commerciaux persistants, le changement climatique, la sĂ©curitĂ© maritime, ainsi que le droit de la mer. Comment l’Union europĂ©enne devra-t-elle rĂ©agir face Ă  la montĂ©e d’une certaine gouvernance autoritaire dans le monde, Ă  la propagation du concept de « neutralitĂ© du rĂ©gime » dans les institutions internationales, ainsi qu’à un rĂ©alignement instable de la gĂ©opolitique en Asie ? La croissance Ă©conomique continue de la Chine, son bilan inĂ©gal en matiĂšre de droits de l’Homme, ainsi que son expansion territoriale en mer de Chine mĂ©ridionale, reprĂ©sentent un dĂ©fi particulier. Cette Ă©tude analysera les avantages et les dĂ©savantages d’une interdĂ©pendance renforcĂ©e avec les marchĂ©s asiatiques, ainsi que la dimension sĂ©curitaire du pivot europĂ©en vers l’Asie. Cela inclut l’engagement de l’Union europĂ©enne sur le long terme pour dĂ©fendre le principe de la libertĂ© de navigation et la rĂ©partition Ă©quitable des ressources selon le droit international

    How Europe can and should become the guardian of the Paris Agreement on climate change

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    Environmental issues have become one of the most salient topics on the political agenda. This is due to near-unanimous consensus amongst the scientific community that all types of environmental degradation, particularly the release of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere leading to climate change, represent a threat to life on Earth. Nonetheless, until recently, progress on finding political solutions to environmental problems has been remarkably slow. This is often linked to fears that environmental regulation may hamper economic development. Europe has always been an exception in this regard, as from the 1960s onward, it has gradually succeeded in enacting some of the most comprehensive environmental legislation in the world. All the while, Europe has maintained steady economic development, demonstrating that the two can be reconciled and are in fact mutually reinforcing. Since the 1990s, Europe has relied on this solid base to play a leading role in the emerging global climate regime. This has been critical in shaping the European Union’s identity and incipient foreign policy as a normative power engaged in multilateral diplomacy to shape the international agenda. Following decades of laborious negotiations, the international community finally reached a new accord to tackle climate change during the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP) held in Paris in 2015. The so-called ‘Paris Agreement’, signed by 195 countries, represents the most comprehensive and far-reaching climate accord ever achieved. Consequently, President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement in June 2017 sent shockwaves through the international community. How should the EU respond to this setback? This paper will provide recommendations on how Europe can and should become the guardian of the Paris Agreement. The first part of the paper will focus on the historical context of Europe’s role in climate diplomacy up to the Paris Agreement. The second section will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of EU and member state environmental policies, demonstrating how Europe is committed to lead by example, inciting further international climate action. The last section will examine how leading by example will provide Europe with the authority to position itself at the heart of the global climate regime, building a network of robust partnerships with countries around the world to compensate for US disengagement.Les questions environnementales sont devenues l'un des sujets les plus marquants de l'agenda politique. Cela est dĂ» Ă  un consensus quasi unanime parmi la communautĂ© scientifique, selon lequel les atteintes Ă  l'environnement reprĂ©sentent une menace pour la vie sur Terre, en particulier les gaz Ă  effet de serre (GES) rejetĂ©s dans l'atmosphĂšre, qui provoquent un dĂ©rĂšglement climatique. NĂ©anmoins, jusqu'Ă  rĂ©cemment, les progrĂšs vers des solutions politiques aux problĂšmes environnementaux ont Ă©tĂ© lents Ă  se mettre en place. Cela est souvent liĂ© aux craintes que la rĂ©glementation environnementale devienne un frein au dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique. L'Europe a toujours constituĂ© une exception de ce point de vue. En effet, Ă  partir des annĂ©es 1960, elle a progressivement rĂ©ussi Ă  adopter une lĂ©gislation environnementale parmi les plus ambitieuses au monde. Or, dans le mĂȘme temps, elle a connu un dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique stable, dĂ©montrant ainsi que les deux aspects sont compatibles et peuvent se renforcer mutuellement. Depuis les annĂ©es 1990, l'Europe s'est appuyĂ©e sur cette base solide pour jouer un rĂŽle de premier plan dans l’émergence du rĂ©gime climatique mondial. Cela a contribuĂ© Ă  façonner l'identitĂ© et la politique Ă©trangĂšre naissante de l'Union europĂ©enne (UE) en la positionnant comme puissance normative, utilisant une diplomatie multilatĂ©rale capable d’influer sur la politique internationale. AprĂšs des dĂ©cennies de nĂ©gociations laborieuses, la communautĂ© internationale est finalement parvenue Ă  un accord mondial pour lutter contre le changement climatique lors de la 21e ConfĂ©rence des Parties (COP) qui s'est tenue Ă  Paris en 2015. L'Accord de Paris, signĂ© par 195 pays, constitue le traitĂ© climatique le plus complet et le plus ambitieux jamais conclu. DĂšs lors, la dĂ©cision du prĂ©sident Trump d’en retirer les États-Unis en juin 2017 a provoquĂ© des ondes de choc Ă  travers la communautĂ© internationale. De quelle maniĂšre l'Union europĂ©enne devrait-elle rĂ©agir face Ă  ce recul? La premiĂšre partie de cette Ă©tude prĂ©sentera le contexte historique du rĂŽle de l’Europe dans les nĂ©gociations climatiques jusqu’à l’Accord de Paris. La seconde partie analysera les forces et les faiblesses des politiques climatiques de l’UE et de ses États membres, soulignant de quelle façon l’Europe doit montrer l’exemple dans ce domaine. La troisiĂšme partie abordera comment l’UE a le potentiel de se positionner au cƓur du rĂ©gime climatique mondial en construisant un rĂ©seau de partenariats avec des pays du monde entier pour compenser le retrait amĂ©ricain

    Awareness and knowledge about weight status and management: results from the 1 d sensitization campaign 'Obesity Day' in northern Italy.

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    AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the awareness and knowledge about weight status and its management.DesignA 1 d cross-sectional survey. Basic anthropometric assessments (weight, height, BMI and waist circumference) and a self-administered questionnaire were considered.SettingNineteen Clinical Nutrition or Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders Units or Dietetics Services in the Italian region of Lombardy.SubjectsAll adults attending the 'Obesity Day' initiative.ResultsA total of 914 participants (605 female and 309 male) were recruited. Although most of the participants (83·5 %) considered obesity to be a disease, 38·5 % were likely to misperceive their weight status. In particular, 38·8 % of normal-weight adults believed themselves to be overweight, whereas 71·1 % and 37·5 % of classes I and II/III obese adults classified themselves as being overweight and mildly obese, respectively. However, most of the overweight (90·2 %), mildly (96·8 %) and moderately/severely obese adults (99·1 %) recognized the need to lose weight. In all, 37·8 % of the sample underestimated the role of physical activity in weight management. Interestingly, only 17·2 % of dieters (previous or current) declared being advised by their doctor to lose weight. Multivariate models revealed that higher age, low education and higher BMI were important determinants of poor weight control and management. In addition, previous dieting appeared not to provide better knowledge, whereas the role of physical activity was recognized mainly by those practising it.ConclusionsThe present study suggests that in Italy knowledge about weight management should be improved not only in the general population but also among health-care professionals. To confirm this finding, there is now the rationale for a nationally representative survey. New educational programmes can be designed on the basis of the information collected

    Major nutritional issues in the management of Parkinson\u2019s disease

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    As with other neurodegenerative diseases, neurologic and nutritional elements may interact affecting each other in Parkinson's disease (PD). However, the long-term effects of such interactions on prognosis and outcome have not been given much attention and are poorly addressed by current research. Factors contributing to the clinical conditions of patients with PD are not only the basic features of PD, progression of disease, and the therapeutic approach but also fiber and nutrient intakes (in terms of both energy and protein content), fluid and micronutrient balance, and pharmaconutrient interactions (protein and levodopa). During the course of PD nutritional requirements frequently change. Accordingly, both body weight gain and loss may occur and, despite controversy, it seems that both changes in energy expenditure and food intake contribute. Nonmotor symptoms play a significant role and dysphagia may be responsible for the impairment of nutritional status and fluid balance. Constipation, gastroparesis, and gastro-oesophageal reflux significantly affect quality of life. Finally, any micronutrient deficiencies should be taken into account. Nutritional assessments should be performed routinely. Optimization of pharmacologic treatment for both motor and nonmotor symptoms is essential, but nutritional interventions and counseling could and should also be planned with regard to nutritional balance designed to prevent weight loss or gain; optimization of levodopa pharmacokinetics and avoidance of interaction with proteins; improvement in gastrointestinal dysfunction (e.g., dysphagia and constipation); prevention and treatment of nutritional deficiencies (micronutrients or vitamins). A balanced Mediterranean-like dietary regimen should be recommended before the introduction of levodopa; afterward, patients with advanced disease may benefit considerably from protein redistribution and low-protein regimens

    Serum Adiponectin Levels in Advanced-Stage Parkinson's Disease Patients

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    Patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) experience body weight loss and reductions in the most common cardiovascular risk factors. At present, the pathogenetic mechanisms involved have not been elucidated. Increased serum concentrations of adiponectin, which possesses antiatherogenic and anti-inflammatory properties, are associated with a reduction in cardiovascular risk. The objective of this study was to determine adiponectin serum concentrations in PD patients. Thirty PD patients underwent a full nutritional status assessment, including the determination of adiponectin serum concentrations. Mean ± SD adiponectin concentrations were 9.59 ± 5.9 Όg/mL (interquartile range: 5.92–12.9 Όg/mL). In PD patients, adiponectin serum levels were similar to those in normal-weight, healthy, young subjects and significantly higher than that in an aged-matched group of morbidly obese subjects. Further studies are warranted to establish the role of adiponectin in the management of PD patients

    Nutrition and Inflammation in Older Individuals: Focus on Vitamin D, n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Whey Proteins

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    Chronic activation of the inflammatory response, defined as inflammaging, is the key physio-pathological substrate for anabolic resistance, sarcopenia and frailty in older individuals. Nutrients can theoretically modulate this phenomenon. The underlying molecular mechanisms reducing the synthesis of pro-inflammatory mediators have been elucidated, particularly for vitamin D, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and whey proteins. In this paper, we review the current evidence emerging from observational and intervention studies, performed in older individuals, either community-dwelling or hospitalized with acute disease, and evaluating the effects of intake of vitamin D, n-3 PUFA and whey proteins on inflammatory markers, such as C-Reactive Protein (CRP), interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor \u3b1 (TNF-\u3b1). After the analysis, we conclude that there is sufficient evidence for an anti-inflammatory effect in aging only for n-3 PUFA intake, while the few existing intervention studies do not support a similar activity for vitamin D and whey supplements. There is need in the future of large, high-quality studies testing the effects of combined dietary interventions including the above mentioned nutrients on inflammation and health-related outcomes

    Weight Loss Improves Cardio-Metabolic and Inflammatory State in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a condition characterized by a constellation of reversible major risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). While it has been widely demonstrated that weight reduction by 5\u201310% decreases CVD and T2DM risk factors, including atherogenic dyslipidemia, on the other hand, its effects on comprehensive serum cytokine profile and endotoxemia are less investigated. Furthermore, the impact of weight loss on these parameters was studied especially in subjects with morbid obesity, often after bariatric surgery; while the studies on the effects of a physiological weight reduction with a balanced hypocaloric diet in overweight and moderately obese subjects showed contradictory results

    Mucuna pruriens for Parkinson's disease: Low-cost preparation method, laboratory measures and pharmacokinetics profile

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    Abstract Background Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurological condition. Levodopa (LD) is the gold standard therapy for PD patients. Most PD patients in low-income areas cannot afford long-term daily Levodopa therapy. The aim of our study was to investigate if Mucuna pruriens (MP), a legume with high LD content that grows in tropical regions worldwide, might be potential alternative for poor PD patients. Methods We analyzed 25 samples of MP from Africa, Latin America and Asia. We measured the content in LD in various MP preparations (dried, roasted, boiled). LD pharmacokinetics and motor response were recorded in four PD patients, comparing MP vs. LD+Dopa-Decarboxylase Inhibitor (DDCI) formulations. Results Median LD concentration in dried MP seeds was 5.29%; similar results were obtained in roasted powder samples (5.3%), while boiling reduced LD content up to 70%. Compared to LD+DDCI, MP extract at similar LD dose provided less clinical benefit, with a 3.5-fold lower median AUC. Conclusion Considering the lack of a DDCI, MP therapy may provide clinical benefit only when content of LD is at least 3.5-fold the standard LD+DDCI. If long-term MP proves to be safe and effective in controlled clinical trials, it may be a sustainable alternative therapy for PD in low-income countries

    A cross-sectional study of the nutritional status of community-dwelling people with idiopathic Parkinson's disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Parkinson's disease (PD) patients have an increased risk of under-nutrition, but we are unaware of any population based prevalence studies of under-nutrition in PD. The main objective of this study was to identify the prevalence, and nature, of under-nutrition in a representative population of people with PD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>People diagnosed with idiopathic PD from within two PD prevalence study sites in North-East England were asked to participate in this study. Those who participated (n = 136) were assessed using a number of standard rating scales including Hoehn & Yahr stage and Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Body mass index (BMI), mid-arm circumference (MAC), triceps skin fold thickness (TSF) and grip strength were recorded together with social and demographic information.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BMI < 20 identified over 15% of the study group to have under-nutrition. The Malnutritional Universal Screening Tool (MUST) scoring system identified 23.5% of participants at medium or high risk of malnutrition. Low BMI, indicating under-nutrition, was associated with greater age and disease duration, lower MAC, TSF, mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC), reduced grip strength and a report of unintentional weight loss. Problems increased with increasing age and disease duration and were greater in females.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Under-nutrition is a problem for around 15% of community dwelling people with PD. All PD patients should be screened for under-nutrition; the MUST score is a useful early screening tool.</p
