767 research outputs found

    La rétroaction vidéo et la construction des données

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    Cet article porte sur l'utilisation de la rétroaction vidéo comme support à l'analyse de la pensée de l'enseignant en cours d'intervention. Notre réflexion méthodologique s'engage à propos de trois dimensions interreliées lors de l'utilisation spécifique de ce dispositif de cueillette de données: l'environnement de la recherche, le déroulement de la cueillette de données et le type de données recueillies. Nous cherchons à illustrer des perspectives nouvelles que l'utilisation de la rétroaction vidéo comme technique de construction de données de recherche peut apporter à la compréhension d'un phénomène humain et à ses implications.This article describes the use of videotape feedback as a way to support the analysis of teachers' thought processes during intervention. The author examines three interrelated dimensions of this technique for data collection: the research context, the process of data collection, and the type of data collected. The aim is to illustrate new perspectives on the use of videotape feedback as a technique for research data collection in order to better understand human behavior and its implications.Este articulo examina el uso de la retroaccion como técnica de analisis del razonamiento del maestro en situacion de intervencion. Nuestra reflexion metodologica se desarrolla a partir de très dimensiones interrelacionadas, présentes en situaciones de uso del video como dispositivo de captura de datos: el entorno de la investigacion, el desarrollo de la captura de datos y el tipo de datos recabados. El objetivo es ilustrar nuevas perspectivas que el uso de la retroaccion video, como técnica de construccion de datos, puede aportar a la comprension de fenômenos humanos y sus implicaciones.Dieser Artikel befafit sich mit der Verwertung von Video-Feedback als Unterlage fur die Analyse der Gedanken des Lehrers wâhrend seines Vorgehens. Es werden methodische Uberlegungen angestellt ûber drei Dimensionen der spezifïschen Anwendung dieser Datensammlungstechnik: der Rahmen der Untersuchung, der Ablauf der Datensammlung und die Art der gesammelten Daten. Wir versuchen, darzustellen, wie die Verwertung des Video-Feedbacks als Technik der Erstellung von Forschungsdaten neue Wege offnet zu einem besseren Verstândnis eines menschlichen Phânomens und zu dessen Konsequenzen

    Increasing material and department diversity in the institutional repository: Outreach to art faculty and students

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    Institutional repositories began as and continue to be repositories designed to primarily support text-based materials. However, the importance of supporting diverse collections and of showcasing the wide range of materials, works, and outputs across an academic institution necessitates the inclusion of non-textual materials and the development of outreach techniques to researchers and faculty members who produce work that is often difficult to collect and catalog. The Art Department at Colby College, a small, private liberal arts college in Maine, only represents 2.8% of the total faculty and student materials in the repository systems at Colby College, which include Digital Commons and JSTOR Forum. However, many of the faculty members are exhibiting artists. Students who participate in the Studio Art and in the Art History program create and showcase materials during their Senior Capstone that have been so far been underrepresented in the institutional collections. In the Spring of 2021, a new position was created at Colby College for a Scholarly Communications Librarian to further develop Colby College Libraries’ digital collections and to support the research and intellectual work of Colby Students and faculty. As part of this work, the new Scholarly Communications Librarian started to work with both the studio capstone program and an art faculty member to better capture, describe, and showcase their work. This is part of a wider goal to increase both material and departmental representation in the Colby College repository spaces, assess the pressure points and growth opportunities for the current repository infrastructures, and to increase the visibility of open access initiatives on campus. This presentation will discuss the work that has been done so far, specifically highlighting copyright and digital rights management considerations when working with artists, the lessons learned, and will conclude with an open discussion of the goals for further developing this initiative

    L’état et l’état des choses : Le choc des conformismes

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    Afternoon Session Breakout

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    This is a summary of the notes taken during the afternoon breakout session. Attendees were asked to address three questions. Questions and major themes from the discussion are detailed in the document

    Morning Session Breakout

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    This is a summary of the notes taken during the afternoon breakout session. Attendees were asked to address three questions. Questions and major themes from the discussion are detailed in the document
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