55 research outputs found

    Structure in the Disk of epsilon Aurigae: Analysis of the ARCES and TripleSpec data obtained during the 2010 eclipse

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    Context: Worldwide interest in the recent eclipse of epsilon Aurigae resulted in the generation of several extensive data sets, including those related to high resolution spectroscopic monitoring. This lead to the discovery, among other things, of the existence of a mass transfer stream, seen notably during third contact. Aims: We explored spectroscopic facets of the mass transfer stream during third contact, using high resolution spectra obtained with the ARCES and TripleSpec instruments at Apache Point Observatory. Methods: One hundred and sixteen epochs of data between 2009 and 2012 were obtained, and equivalent widths and line velocities measured, selected according to reports of these being high versus low eccentricity disk lines. These datasets also enable greater detail to be measured of the mid-eclipse enhancement of the He I 10830A line, and the discovery of the P Cygni shape of the Pa beta line at third contact. Analysis: We found evidence of higher speed material, associated with the mass transfer stream, persisting between third and fourth eclipse contacts. We visualize the disk and stream interaction using SHAPE software, and use CLOUDY software to estimate that the source of the enhanced He I 10830A absorption arises from a region with log n = 10 (/cm3) and temperature of 20,000 K consistent with a mid B type central star. Results and Next Steps: Van Rensbergen binary star evolutionary models are somewhat consistent with the current binary parameters for the case of a 9 plus 8 solar mass initial binary, evolving into a 2.3 and 14.11 solar mass end product after 35 Myr. Prior to the next eclipse, it is possible to make predictions which suggest that continued monitoring will help resolve standing questions about this binary

    Magnitude to luminance conversions and visual brightness of the night sky

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    The visual brightness of the night sky is not a single-valued function of its brightness in other photometric bands, because the transformations between photometric systems depend on the spectral power distribution of the skyglow. We analyze the transformation between the night sky brightness in the Johnson-Cousins V band (mV, measured in magnitudes per square arcsecond, mpsas) and its visual luminance (L, in SI units cd m^(-2) ) for observers with photopic and scotopic adaptation, in terms of the spectral power distribution of the incident light. We calculate the zero-point luminances for a set of skyglow spectra recorded at different places in the world, including strongly light-polluted locations and sites with nearly pristine natural dark skies. The photopic skyglow luminance corresponding to m_(v)=0.00 mpsas is found to vary between 1.11-1.34 x 10^(5) cd m^(-2) if m_(v) is reported in the absolute (AB) magnitude scale, and between 1.18-1.43 x 10^(5) cd m^(-2) if a Vega scale for m_(v) is used instead. The photopic luminance for m_(v)=22.0 mpsas is correspondingly comprised between 176 and 213 ”cd m^(-2) (AB), or 187 and 227 ”cd m^(-2) (Vega). These constants tend to decrease for increasing correlated color temperatures (CCT). The photopic zero-point luminances are generally higher than the ones expected for blackbody radiation of comparable CCT. The scotopic-to-photopic luminance ratio (S/P) for our spectral dataset varies from 0.8 to 2.5. Under scotopic adaptation the dependence of the zero-point luminances with the CCT, and their values relative to blackbody radiation, are reversed with respect to photopic ones

    Aggregate Effects of Proliferating Low-Earth-Orbit Objects and Implications for Astronomical Data Lost in the Noise

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    The rising population of artificial satellites and associated debris in low-altitude orbits is increasing the overall brightness of the night sky, threatening ground-based astronomy as well as a diversity of stakeholders and ecosystems reliant on dark skies. We present calculations of the potentially large rise in global sky brightness from space objects in low Earth orbit, including qualitative and quantitative assessments of how professional astronomy may be affected. Debris proliferation is of special concern: we calculate that all log-decades in debris size contribute approximately the same amount of night sky radiance, so debris-generating events are expected to lead to a rapid rise in night sky brightness along with serious collision risks for satellites from centimetre-sized objects. This increase in low-Earth-orbit traffic will lead to loss of astronomical data and diminish opportunities for ground-based discoveries as faint astrophysical signals become increasingly lost in the noise. Lastly, we discuss the broader consequences of brighter skies for a range of sky constituencies, equity/inclusion and accessibility for Earth- and space-based science, and cultural sky traditions. Space and dark skies represent an intangible heritage that deserves intentional preservation and safeguarding for future generations

    A Catalogue of Morphologically Classified Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: North Equatorial Region

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    We present a catalogue of morphologically classified bright galaxies in the north equatorial stripe (230 deg2^2) derived from the Third Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Morphological classification is performed by visual inspection of images in the gg band. The catalogue contains 2253 galaxies complete to a magnitude limit of r=16r=16 after Galactic extinction correction, selected from 2658 objects that are judged as extended in the photometric catalogue in the same magnitude limit. 1866 galaxies in our catalogue have spectroscopic information. A brief statistical analysis is presented for the frequency of morphological types and mean colours in the catalogue. A visual inspection of the images reveals that the rate of interacting galaxies in the local Universe is approximately 1.5% in the r≀16r\le16 sample. A verification is made for the photometric catalogue generated by the SDSS, especially as to its bright end completeness.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal. Table 2 available at http://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~fukugita/MCGpaper/table2.tx

    Two Pseudobulges in the "Boxy Bulge" Galaxy NGC 5746

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    Galaxy formation and growth under the {\Lambda}CDM paradigm is expected to proceed in a hierarchical, bottom-up fashion by which small galaxies grow into large galaxies; this mechanism leaves behind large "classical bulges" kinematically distinct from "pseudobulges" grown by internal, secular processes. We use archival data (Spitzer 3.6 \mum wavelength, Hubble Space Telescope H-band, Two Micron All Sky Survey Ks-band, and Sloan Digital Sky Survey gri-band) to measure composite minor- and major-axis surface brightness profiles of the almost-edgeon spiral galaxy NGC 5746. These light profiles span a large range of radii and surface brightnesses to reveal an inner, high surface brightness stellar component that is distinct from the well-known boxy bulge. It is well fitted by S\'ersic functions with indices n = 0.99 \pm 0.08 and 1.17 \pm 0.24 along the minor and major axes, respectively. Since n < 2, we conclude that this innermost component is a secularly-evolved pseudobulge that is distinct from the boxy pseudobulge. This inner pseduobulge makes up 0.136 \pm 0.019 of the total light of the galaxy. It is therefore considerably less luminous than the boxy structure, which is now understood to be a bar seen nearly end-on. The infrared imagery shows further evidence for secular evolution in the form of a bright inner ring of inner radius 9.1 kpc and width 1.6 kpc. NGC 5746 is therefore a giant, pure-disk SB(r)bc galaxy with no sign of a merger-built bulge. We do not understand how such galaxies form in a {\Lambda}CDM universe.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    Dwarf Galaxy Dark Matter Density Profiles Inferred from Stellar and Gas Kinematics

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    We present new constraints on the density profiles of dark matter (DM) halos in seven nearby dwarf galaxies from measurements of their integrated stellar light and gas kinematics. The gas kinematics of low mass galaxies frequently suggest that they contain constant density DM cores, while N-body simulations instead predict a cuspy profile. We present a data set of high resolution integral field spectroscopy on seven galaxies and measure the stellar and gas kinematics simultaneously. Using Jeans modeling on our full sample, we examine whether gas kinematics in general produce shallower density profiles than are derived from the stars. Although 2/7 galaxies show some localized differences in their rotation curves between the two tracers, estimates of the central logarithmic slope of the DM density profile, gamma, are generally robust. The mean and standard deviation of the logarithmic slope for the population are gamma=0.67+/-0.10 when measured in the stars and gamma=0.58+/-0.24 when measured in the gas. We also find that the halos are not under concentrated at the radii of half their maximum velocities. Finally, we search for correlations of the DM density profile with stellar velocity anisotropy and other baryonic properties. Two popular mechanisms to explain cored DM halos are an exotic DM component or feedback models that strongly couple the energy of supernovae into repeatedly driving out gas and dynamically heating the DM halos. We investigate correlations that may eventually be used to test models. We do not find a secondary parameter that strongly correlates with the central DM density slope, but we do find some weak correlations. Determining the importance of these correlations will require further model developments and larger observational samples. (Abridged)Comment: 29 pages, 18 figures, 10 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Comparative Astrochemical Study Of The High-Mass Protostellar Objects NGC 7538 IRS 9 and IRS 1

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    We report the results of a spectroscopic study of the high-mass protostellar object NGC 7538 IRS 9 and compare our observations to published data on the nearby object NGC 7538 IRS 1. Both objects originated in the same molecular cloud and appear to be at different points in their evolutionary histo- ries, offering an unusual opportunity to study the temporal evolution of envelope chemistry in objects sharing a presumably identical starting composition. Observations were made with the Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph (TEXES), a sensitive, high spectral resolution (R = {\lambda}/{\Delta}{\lambda} \simeq 100,000) mid-infrared grating spectrometer. Forty-six individual lines in vibrational modes of the molecules C2H2, CH4, HCN, NH3 and CO were detected, including two isotopologues (13CO, 12C18O) and one combination mode ({\nu}4 + {\nu}5 C2H2). Fitting synthetic spectra to the data yielded the Doppler shift, excitation temperature, Doppler b parameter, column density and covering factor for each molecule observed; we also computed column density upper limits for lines and species not detected, such as HNCO and OCS. We find differences among spectra of the two objects likely attributable to their differing radiation and thermal environments. Temperatures and column densities for the two objects are generally consistent, while the larger line widths toward IRS 9 result in less saturated lines than those toward IRS 1. Finally, we compute an upper limit on the size of the continuum-emitting region (\sim2000 AU) and use this constraint and our spectroscopy results to construct a schematic model of IRS 9.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables; accepted for publication in Ap
