215 research outputs found

    Cumulants from short-range correlations and baryon number conservation - next-to-leading order

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    We calculate the baryon number cumulants within acceptance with short-range correlations and global baryon number conservation in terms of cumulants in the whole system without baryon conservation. We extract leading and next-to-leading order terms of the large baryon number limit approximation. Our results extend the findings of Refs. [1,2]. These approximations are checked to be very close to the exact results.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Cumulants from fluctuating width of rapidity distribution

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    In relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the longitudinal fluctuations of the fireball density caused, e.g., by baryon stopping fluctuations result in event-by-event modifications of the shape of the proton rapidity density distribution. The multiparticle rapidity correlation functions due to the varying distribution width of the proton rapidity density in central Au+Au collisions at low energies are derived. The cumulant ratios are calculated and discussed in the context of the recent STAR Collaboration results. We find that the cumulant ratios for small width fluctuations seem to be universal.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    Численное моделирование электронно-лучевого плавления и оценка КПД электронного луча

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    В работе предложена численная модель процесса плавления порошков титановых сплавов в условиях селективного электронно-лучевого сплавления. Приводится сравнение результатов моделирования с экспериментальными данными по сплавлению порошков сплава ВТ6 методом электронно-лучевого плавления при аддитивном производстве деталей. Установлено, что тепловой КПД электронного луча составляет порядка 25%, а 75% энергии пучка теряется.A numerical model of the process of the melting of powders of a titanium alloy VT6 during selective electron-beam melting is proposed. Comparison of numerical results with experimental data on selective electron-beam melting at additive manufacturing of parts is provided. It is established that the thermal efficiency of electron beam is about 25% and 75% of the beam energy is lost

    Application of the topsis procedure for evaluation of socio-economic development of the west pomeranian voivodeship districts in years 2004-2017

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    Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienie lokalnego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Ilustracją rozważań teoretycznych jest badanie empiryczne dotyczące oceny rozwoju powiatów województwa zachodniopomorskiego od czasu wstąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej. W przeprowadzonym badaniu do oceny poziomu i tempa rozwoju powiatów zastosowano taksonomiczny miernik rozwoju. Badanie empiryczne przebiegało w czterech głównych etapach: zebranie cech, redukcja początkowego zbioru cech (dla zapewnienia ich jak największej wartości diagnostycznej), wyznaczenie mierników syntetycznych za pomocą zmodyfikowanej procedury TOPSIS i skonstruowanie na ich podstawie rankingów powiatów, utworzenie grup typologicznych powiatów charakteryzujących się podobnym poziomem i tempem rozwoju. Przeprowadzone badanie wykazało występowanie dużego zróżnicowania rozwoju ekonomicznego badanych powiatów. Najwyższy poziom rozwoju dla obu okresów odnotowano dla powiatu kamieńskiego, zaś najniższy w 2004 dla wałeckiego i w 2017 dla gryfickiego. Najwyższym tempem zmian poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego charakteryzował się powiat białogardzki, natomiast najniższym świdwińskiThe article presents the problem of local socio-economic development. An illustration of theoretical considerations is an empirical study on evaluation of the West Pomeranian Voivodship districts' development since Poland's accession to the European Union. In the research, a taxonomic measure of development was used to assess the level and rate of districts' development. The empirical study was carried out in four main stages: collection of initial characteristics, reduction of the initial set of diagnostic features (to ensure their highest diagnostic value), calculations of synthetic measures using the modified TOPSIS procedure and construction of rankings of districts on that basis, creation of typological groups of districts characterized by a similar level and the pace of development. The study showed the existence of large diversification of economic development of the surveyed districts. The highest level of socio-economic development in both: 2004 and 2017 was characteristic for the Kamieński district and the lowest level of development in 2004 was observed in the Wałecki district and in 2017 in the Gryficki district. The highest pace of changes in the level of socio-economic development between 2004 and 2017 was recorded for the Białogardzki district, while the lowest for the Świdwiński district

    Impact of information and communication technologies on the tourism sector

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    PURPOSE: The article aims to assess the impact of information and communication technologies on the operation of the tourism sector.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research methodology was based on the application of the desk research method, involving the verification of data obtained from publicly available found sources (professional literature, Internet, web research).FINDINGS: The continuous development of information and communication technologies over the past decade has radically changed tourism. ICT technologies offer a broad spectrum of solutions affecting the entire tourism industry, including travel, transportation, leisure, and hospitality, and increase the efficiency of economic processes in the tourism sector.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article contains valuable information that can serve as source material and a reference for further research related to the development of the tourism sector.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This article contributes to recent European and global academic discussions on the competitiveness of ICT and its importance in the tourism sector.peer-reviewe

    Leistungssteigerung einer Verpackungsmaschine durch anwendungsorientierte Getriebeauslegung

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    Getrieben durch einen rapid wachsenden Verbrauchermarkt für Lebensmittel und Getränke, insbesondere in Schwellenländern wie China, Brasilien und Indien, werden an den Verpackungssektor hohe Anforderungen hinsichtlich der Verpackungsqualität und -formen und nicht zuletzt der Stückzahl gestellt. Bei der Entwicklung von Verpackungssystemen stellt die Leistungssteigerung das vorrangige Ziel für die Verpackungsmaschinen- und Packstoffhersteller stellt dar. Die SIG Combibloc Systems GmbH, einer der weltweit führenden Systemanbieter von Packstoff und entsprechenden Füllmaschinen für Getränke und Lebensmittel, hat sich als Ziel gesetzt, die Leistung eines ihrer Verpackungssysteme um 50 % zu steigern