610 research outputs found

    Malemort-sur-Corrùze – Rue Alfred-de-Musset

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    La rĂ©union des parcelles impactĂ©es par le projet d’Ehpad sur la commune de Malemort-sur-CorrĂšze totalise une surface de prĂšs de 1,7 ha. L’ouverture de sondages mĂ©caniques, 29 au total, a permis d’éclairer nos connaissances sur le potentiel archĂ©ologique du versant mĂ©ridional de la vallĂ©e de la CorrĂšze, non loin et en amont du lieu-dit « Le Jassou » ayant, par le passĂ©, livrĂ© des artĂ©facts en lien avec une industrie moustĂ©rienne de tradition acheulĂ©enne. S’il est vrai que les indices archĂ©olog..

    Saint-Junien – Pignier de Bellevue

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    Le projet de construction et d’agrandissement de bĂątiments commerciaux sur la commune de Saint-Junien a motivĂ© la prescription d’un diagnostic archĂ©ologique sur la parcelle CW 100pp, au lieu-dit Pignier de Bellevue. La dite parcelle occupe la partie septentrionale du projet d’amĂ©nagement. Elle concerne une emprise d’une superficie totale de 4 895 m localisĂ©e au nord-est de la commune, sur le versant ouest de la vallĂ©e de la Glane. L’objectif scientifique Ă©tait de vĂ©rifier le potentiel archĂ©ol..

    Malemort-sur-Corrùze – Chemin de Novert

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    Le projet de lotissement dans le secteur de la MĂ©nette sur la commune de Malemort est Ă  l’origine d’une prescription de diagnostic Ă  l’emplacement de deux parcelles cadastrales contiguĂ«s correspondant Ă  une emprise totale de 10 295 m, soit un peu plus de 1 ha. Les 13 sondages rĂ©alisĂ©s au dĂ©but de l’annĂ©e 2016 n’auront malheureusement pas permis de statuer sur une rĂ©elle occupation archĂ©ologique ancienne, malgrĂ© la prĂ©sence avĂ©rĂ©e de deux structures isolĂ©es, dont un mur de terrasse maçonnĂ©. Co..

    Une autre vision de la périphérie

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    International audienceImages of the urban fringes of French cities often tend either to condemn their ugliness or to revel in a strange fascination for these geometric spaces. Here, Laurent Devisme comments upon Jean-Christophe Bardot’s photographs, and shows how they give a visible form to the imagined perceptions of these urban spaces.Les images des pĂ©riphĂ©ries urbaines oscillent souvent entre la dĂ©nonciation de la laideur et la fascination pour ces espaces gĂ©omĂ©triques. Commentant les photographies de Jean-Christophe Bardot, Laurent Devisme montre comment elles rendent visibles l’imaginaire des territoires urbains

    Conceptualizing international art therapy education standards

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    Art therapy programs developing around the world need an educational framework to ensure that graduates have a knowledge base and set of skills consistent with peers in other countries. Currently there are many independent education standards offered by art therapy associations in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, as well as two international associations. Synthesizing these requirements reveals 12 content areas that may constitute the core of art therapy education. Even within these standards, programs developing around the world need to consider local values related to health, art, therapy and education in order to establish globally relevant and locally meaningful art therapy training programs-Hong Kong and India are offered as examples of how to adapt education standards to cultural expectations. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.postprin

    Exciton lifetime in InAs/GaAs quantum dot molecules

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    The exciton lifetimes T1T_1 in arrays of InAs/GaAs vertically coupled quantum dot pairs have been measured by time-resolved photoluminescence. A considerable reduction of T1T_1 by up to a factor of ∌\sim 2 has been observed as compared to a quantum dots reference, reflecting the inter-dot coherence. Increase of the molecular coupling strength leads to a systematic decrease of T1T_1 with decreasing barrier width, as for wide barriers a fraction of structures shows reduced coupling while for narrow barriers all molecules appear to be well coupled. The coherent excitons in the molecules gain the oscillator strength of the excitons in the two separate quantum dots halving the exciton lifetime. This superradiance effect contributes to the previously observed increase of the homogeneous exciton linewidth, but is weaker than the reduction of T2T_2. This shows that as compared to the quantum dots reference pure dephasing becomes increasingly important for the molecules


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    The paper presents behaviour of gusset plate connections in compression. The finite element method is employed to examine the buckling resistance of the gusset plate connections. The FE model is validated to results of physical tests and verified by an analytical solution based on existing formulas. Finally, a parametric study is performed. The studied parameters include gusset plate thickness and size, types of connection between the gusset plate and frame members and stiffeners

    Quick-Glance and In-Depth exploration of a tabletop map for visually impaired people

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    National audienceInteractive tactile maps provide visually impaired people with accessible geographic information. However, when these maps are presented on large tabletops, tactile exploration without sight is long and tedious due to the size of the surface. In this paper we present a novel approach to speed up the process of exploring tabletop maps in the absence of vision. Our approach mimics the visual processing of a map and consists in two steps. First, the Quick-Glance step allows creating a global mental representation of the map by using mid-air gestures. Second, the In-Depth step allows users to reach Points of Interest with appropriate hand guidance onto the map. In this paper we present the design and development of a prototype combining a smartwatch and a tactile surface for Quick-Glance and In-Depth interactive exploration of a map

    Le commerce des coquillages marins en Gaule romaine : animaux « en coquille » et chair décoquillée

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    Introduction « Les uns ont pensĂ© d’abord que cette couche de coquilles marines a Ă©tĂ© formĂ©e par les eaux de la mer, et n’intĂ©resse que la gĂ©ologie ; les autres, qu’elle est l’ouvrage de la main de l’homme, et qu’elle intĂ©resse l’histoire et l’archĂ©ologie ». C’est ainsi que l’abbĂ© Croizet, curĂ© de Neschers dans le dĂ©partement du Puy-de-DĂŽme, rĂ©sume la discussion qui anima au XIXe s. les rencontres entre Ă©rudits. Une question Ă©tait rĂ©guliĂšrement portĂ©e au dĂ©bat : comment expliquer la prĂ©sence d..
