589 research outputs found

    Towards a shared method to classify contaminated territories in the case of an accidental nuclear event: the PRIME project

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    The analysis of the management of the accidentally radioactive contaminated areas such as those around Chernobyl nuclear power plant highlights the fact that the current spatial classification methods hardly help in recovering proper use of the contaminated territory. The cause is mainly to be searched for in the traditional construction of risks assessment methods; these methods rest on criteria defined by institutional experts, which are not applicable in practise because they are not shared by all the stakeholders involved in the management of the contaminated territories. Opposite such top-down tentative management, local efforts supported by Non-Governmental Organizations to restore life in the contaminated area seem to be more fruitful but very time and resources consuming and limited to the specific areas where they are experimented. The aim of the PRIME project, in progress at the French Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety, is to mix the advantages of both approaches in building a multicriteria decision tool based on the territorial specificities. The criteria of the method are chosen and weighted with representatives of the territory’s stakeholders (decision makers, local actors and experts) to warrant that all the points of view are taken into account and to enable the risk managers to choose the appropriate strategy in case of an accident involving radioactive substances. The area chosen for the pilot study is a 50 km radius territory around the nuclear sites of Tricastin-Pierrelatte in the lower valley of Rhône (France). One of the exploration questions of the PRIME project is whether a multicriteria method may be an appropriate tool to treat the data and make them visible and accessible for all the stakeholders

    Water Pollution and Quality Assessment of Lakes Gerio and Njuwa in Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    The study focuses on water pollution and quality assessments of Lakes Gerio and Njuwa and its consequent effects on the water and the live that exist in and around the lakes basins. The effects of anthropogenic activities and particulate matter on water quality of the lakes were assessed. The objective is to analyse the physical properties of the water, conduct pH and coliform test in order to assess water quality. Water samples were subjected to microbial analysis in order to test for faecal contamination as well as pH test. Both waters turned out to contain coliforms and are acidic with Lake Gerio (pH of 6.5) and Lake Njuwa (pH of 6.0). The activities taking place around the lakes include; farming in which farm inputs like fertilizers, herbicides affect the water quality, fishing, washing, bathing, as well as deposition of human and animal urine and faeces due to open defaecation. Sedimentation and siltation of River Benue as well as the lakes also introduce more challenges that need particular attention. Conclusively, both lakes were unfit for human consumption. It is therefore recommended that there should be public enlightenment of the lake users about the dangers of inappropriate usage and consumption of the contaminated waters. Farmers around the lakes should be encouraged to minimise the use of chemicals through advocacy and incentives, for the application of sustainable conservation farming practices to conserve the ecosystem so as to improve on the quality of the water of the two lakes

    Socio-economic Impact of Flooding on the Riverine Communities of River Benue in Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This paper examines the impact of floods on the socioeconomic lives of residents of the flood plain of River Benue in the Adamawa area. The specific objectives of the paper include examining people’s perception of the causes of flooding in the study area, assessing the impacts of flooding on the socioeconomic activities in the study area, analyzing the People’s Response/Adjustment to Flood in the study area. Three Riverine communities were purposively selected and data for the study was elicited through questionnaires administered to randomly selected respondents in the selected riverine communities in the area. The results obtained indicate that majority of the respondents over 80% are aware of the devastating effects of flooding but they fail to act because of their preference of occupying the location despite their experience. Thousands of hectares of farmlands and other properties have been destroyed by flood over the years. Another finding shows that the impact of flood on transportation is, perhaps, the most devastating such that agricultural productivity in the area is limited as a result of lack of effective means of mobility. Changes in modal split were also found to be associated with the flood regimes. Traditional responses to the menace of flooding have been on the increase due to the ad hoc manner of government participation in providing an enduring solution. The rescheduling of field crops planting and levee construction were among the common responses of the people. Keywords: Flood, River Benue, Transportation, Socio-economic, Environmen

    A case report on placental chorioangioma

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    Chorioangioma is the term used to describe an abnormal proliferation of vessels arising from chorionic tissue, which is most commonly observed in the third, and less frequently in the second trimester of pregnancy as a solitary nodule or, less commonly, as multiple nodules. We here report a case of placental chorioangioma which presented as a case of preterm labour. 21 year old primigravida presented to us at 26 weeks of gestation with history of PV leak and pain in abdomen. Ultrasound showed a single live foetus corresponding to 24-26 weeks of gestation with amniotic fluid index (AFI): 5 cm (oligohydramnios) there was evidence of 58×42 mm heterogeneously hypoechoic lesion noted over placenta likely s/o chorioangioma. Patient went into spontaneous preterm labour on day 5 and delivered vaginally. Placenta weighted 700 gm. A globular mass of size 6×7 cm was attached to foetal surface of placenta with a pedicle with confirmed the finding of ultrasonography. Placental chorioangioma is associated with high rates of perinatal complications. Most complications may appear early and delivery is problematic due to prematurity. Thus better prenatal investigations and regular follow up is required for early diagnosis and treatment

    Process Optimization and Design of an Automation Controller for a Multidisciplinary Combat Engineering System

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    Design of an automation controller for a “Electro-Hydro-Mechanical Object Laying System” is presented in this paper, which is a multidisciplinary equipment consisting of Electromechanical and Hydraulic Actuators and large number of sensors for process feedback. There are complex mechanisms and processes involved in this system, which are required to be operated/executed in sequential and parallel manner in real time. The operation of spatially distributed Electromechanical & Hydraulic actuators with feedbacks from multiple type of sensors are required to be synchronized for multiple activities at a faster rate along with safely handling of the objects. All the activities are automated with minimum human intervention to avoid risk to the crew. This paper mainly focuses on electronic controller hardware design for military environment and process optimization to achieve faster object laying rate

    Therapeutic approaches to drug targets in atherosclerosis

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    AbstractNon-communicable diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetes are responsible for major social and health burden as millions of people are dying every year. Out of which, atherosclerosis is the leading cause of deaths worldwide. The lipid abnormality is one of the major modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis. Both genetic and environmental components are associated with the development of atherosclerotic plaques. Immune and inflammatory mediators have a complex role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. Understanding of all these processes will help to invent a range of new biomarkers and novel treatment modalities targeting various cellular events in acute and chronic inflammation that are accountable for atherosclerosis. Several biochemical pathways, receptors and enzymes are involved in the development of atherosclerosis that would be possible targets for improving strategies for disease diagnosis and management. Earlier anti-inflammatory or lipid-lowering treatments could be useful for alleviating morbidity and mortality of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. However, novel drug targets like endoglin receptor, PPARα, squalene synthase, thyroid hormone analogues, scavenger receptor and thyroid hormone analogues are more powerful to control the process of atherosclerosis. Therefore, the review briefly focuses on different novel targets that act at the starting stage of the plaque form to the thrombus formation in the atherosclerosis


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    Collecting data on aquatic biodiversity is very challenging because of the difficulty to access underwater ecosystems. Over the years, field surveys have become easier and cheaper with the development of low cost electronics. Commercial and recreational vessels, including sailboats, can now substantially complement expensive scientific surveys and arrays of observation buoys deployed across the world oceans (Pesant et al., 2015, Karsenti et al., 2011). Meanwhile, a large variety of marine animals such as birds, mammals, and fish have become data collection platforms for both biological and environmental parameters through the advent of archival tags. It becomes obvious that data collection in coastal and high seas will become more popular and that citizen will play a growing role in acquiring information on ocean dynamics (physical, chemical and biological parameters). However, currently, very few attempts have been made to use Human beings as observation platforms. In this paper we describe large datasets (more than 200,000 pictures) that have been recently collected along the coast of Mauritius by using popular and cheap platforms such as kite surf and Stand Up Paddle. We describe the characteristics of the data collected and showcase how they can be geolocated and used to complement remote sensing and mapping in order to drastically extend the current scope of “old school” fieldwork. We point out some of the main limitations encountered which need to be addressed to foster this citizen science approach such as data storage and transmission, deep learning to automate image recognition. The methods are all based on open source softwares

    Effect of nicotine on serotonin (5-HT) levels in brain of depressed rats

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    Background: Reduction in brain serotonin (5-HT) levels contributes to depression. Nicotine may have antidepressant properties and smokers self-medicate underlying depression. Epidemiological findings suggest that smokers more often demonstrate depressive symptoms than non-smokers and depressed patients are less likely to cease smoking. Therefore, the study was planned to evaluate the effect of nicotine on serotonin levels in brain of depressed rats.Methods: Antidepressant action of study drugs was evaluated using isolation induced hyperactivity model in rats. Rats were divided into five groups with six rats in each group. Study groups: Vehicle in normal rats 1 ml/kg (subcutaneous); vehicle after isolation 1ml/kg (subcutaneous); imipramine 10 mg/kg (intraperitoneal) for 7 consecutive days; single dose of nicotine 0.4 mg/kg (subcutaneous); single dose of nicotine 0.2 mg/kg (inhalational). Brain serotonin assay was carried out. The statistical significance was determined by ANOVA followed by Tukey test (p<0.05).Results: Serotonin levels (55.93ng/g of brain tissue) in rats after isolation were significantly less than in normal rats (335.87ng/g) (p<0.001). In imipramine treated group, serotonin levels (301.4ng/g) after isolation were highly significant as compared to serotonin levels in vehicle treated group after isolation (p<0.001). Nicotine administered by subcutaneous and inhalational route showed significantly higher brain serotonin levels, i.e. 175ng/g and 254.62ng/g respectively as compared to vehicle treated rats after isolation (p<0.001).Conclusions: Single dose nicotine (inhalational) produced significant antidepressant action comparable to that of seven days’ treatment of standard antidepressant drug imipramine in rats. In rats, nicotine by both routes i.e. subcutaneous and inhalational increased serotonergic activity

    Critical role of somatostatin receptor 2 in the vulnerability of the central noradrenergic system: new aspects on Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease and other age-related neurodegenerative disorders are associated with deterioration of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC), a probable trigger for mood and memory dysfunction. LC noradrenergic neurons exhibit particularly high levels of somatostatin binding sites. This is noteworthy since cortical and hypothalamic somatostatin content is reduced in neurodegenerative pathologies. Yet a possible role of a somatostatin signal deficit in the maintenance of noradrenergic projections remains unknown. Here, we deployed tissue microarrays, immunohistochemistry, quantitative morphometry and mRNA profiling in a cohort of Alzheimer's and age-matched control brains in combination with genetic models of somatostatin receptor deficiency to establish causality between defunct somatostatin signalling and noradrenergic neurodegeneration. In Alzheimer's disease, we found significantly reduced somatostatin protein expression in the temporal cortex, with aberrant clustering and bulging of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive afferents. As such, somatostatin receptor 2 (SSTR2) mRNA was highly expressed in the human LC, with its levels significantly decreasing from Braak stages III/IV and onwards, i.e., a process preceding advanced Alzheimer's pathology. The loss of SSTR2 transcripts in the LC neurons appeared selective, since tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine beta-hydroxylase, galanin or galanin receptor 3 mRNAs remained unchanged. We modeled these pathogenic changes in Sstr2 -/- mice and, unlike in Sstr1 -/- or Sstr4 -/- genotypes, they showed selective, global and progressive degeneration of their central noradrenergic projections. However, neuronal perikarya in the LC were found intact until late adulthood (<8 months) in Sstr2 -/- mice. In contrast, the noradrenergic neurons in the superior cervical ganglion lacked SSTR2 and, as expected, the sympathetic innervation of the head region did not show any signs of degeneration. Our results indicate that SSTR2-mediated signaling is integral to the maintenance of central noradrenergic projections at the system level, and that early loss of somatostatin receptor 2 function may be associated with the selective vulnerability of the noradrenergic system in Alzheimer's disease

    A KRAB/KAP1-miRNA Cascade Regulates Erythropoiesis Through Stage-Specific Control of Mitophagy

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    During hematopoiesis, lineage- and stage-specific transcription factors work in concert with chromatin modifiers to direct the differentiation of all blood cells. We explored the role of KRAB-containing zinc finger proteins (KRAB-ZFPs) and their cofactor KAP1 in this process. In mice, hematopoietic-restricted deletion of Kap1 resulted in severe hypoproliferative anemia. Kap1-deleted erythroblasts failed to induce mitophagy-associated genes and retained mitochondria. This was due to persistent expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) targeting mitophagy transcripts, itself secondary to a lack of repression by stage-specific KRAB-ZFPs. The KRAB/KAP1-miRNA regulatory cascade is evolutionarily conserved, as it also controls mitophagy during human erythropoiesis. Thus, a multilayered transcription regulatory system is present, in which protein- and RNA-based repressors are superimposed in combinatorial fashion to govern the timely triggering of an important differentiation event