43 research outputs found

    Educating a New Generation of Library and Information Science Professionals: A United States Perspective

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    This article examines the U.S model of library and information science (LIS) education in light of the changes brought about by information and communication technology. The accepted model of professional preparation in the United States has emphasized graduate education on a Master’s level from LIS programs accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). The authors trace the historical development of this approach and provide an overview of the ALA accreditation process. Furthermore, they examine the strategies of LIS programs in adjusting to the changing information environment, present the debate about the iSchool movement, and discuss the evolution of the core curriculum. In addition, the article explores the relationship between LIS education and the field of practice and presents a practitioner’s perspective on educating library professionals. The authors conclude that the model of advanced professional preparation for librarianship is still relevant in the digital environment, but it requires greater flexibility and close cooperation with the field of practice

    Multilingual Metadata for Cultural Heritage Materials: The Case of the Tse-Tsung Chow Collection of Chinese Scrolls and Fan Paintings

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore multilingual access in digital libraries and to present a case study of creating bilingual metadata records for the Tse-Tsung Chow Collection of Chinese Scrolls and Fan Paintings. The project, undertaken at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries, provides access to digital copies of calligraphic and painted Chinese scrolls and fans from the collection donated by Prof Tse-Tsung Chow (Cezong Zhou). Design/methodology/approach – This paper examines the current approaches to multilingual indexing and retrieval in digital collections and presents a model of creating bilingual parallel records that combines translation with controlled vocabulary mapping. Findings – Creating multilingual metadata records for cultural heritage materials is in an early phase of development. Bilingual metadata created through human translation and controlled vocabulary mapping represents one of the approaches to multilingual access in digital libraries. Multilingual indexing of collections of international origin addresses the linguistic needs of the target audience, connects the digitized objects to their respective cultures and contributes to richer descriptive records. The approach that relies on human translation and research can be undertaken in small-scale digitization projects of rare cultural heritage materials. Language and subject expertise are required to create bilingual metadata records. Research limitations/implications – This paper presents the results of a case study. The approach to multilingual access that involves research, and it relies on human translation that can only be undertaken in small-scale projects. Practical implications – This case study of creating parallel records with a combination of translation and vocabulary mapping can be useful for designing similar bilingual digital collections. Social implications – This paper also discusses the obligations of holding institutions in undertaking digital conversion of the cultural heritage materials that originated in other countries, especially in regard to providing metadata records that reflect the language of the originating community. Originality/value – The research and practice in multilingual indexing of cultural heritage materials are very limited. There are no standardized models of how to approach building multilingual digita


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    Background: In the literature we can find examples of comorbidity of the diseases of the respiratory tract and mental disorders. Among them a particularly significant position is occupied by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, which may be accompanied by anxiety, depressive and cognitive symptoms. The present research project was aimed to establish a connection between psycho-intellectual functioning and suffering from the aforementioned diseases. Subjects and methods: The patients were divided into 3 groups. In the asthma group there were 11 people, mean age 54, who met the GINA criteria for asthma. The group of patients with COPD was formed by 12 people, mean age 67. The control group included 13 people, mean age 48. Patients from all the groups underwent spirometry, sputum induction and the following tests: Mini- Mental State Examination (MSSE), Trail Making Test (TMT A and B), Beck Depression Inventory – BDI (Beck et al. 1961) and State- Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults - STAI 1 and 2. Results: In the TMT tests results were the following: We can presume some deficiency when the time required by a patient to complete the task is longer than 78 seconds for Part A and 273 seconds for Part B. In our research the best mean time was obtained in control group (Part A - 30.04 s, Part B – 67.37 s), then in the asthma group (Part A - 35.54 s, Part B – 98.81 s) and in the COPD group (Part A - 42.80 s, Part B – 107.79 s). In our research study the lowest score for the Beck Depression Inventory was obtained in the control group (mean 6.15), then in asthma (mean 9.63) and in COPD (mean 13.61). Results for State-Train Anxiety Inventory were distributed as follows: mean score in the asthma group was 36.48 in Part 1 and 43.27 in Part 2, in the COPD group 36.41 in Part 1 and 42.66 in Part 2 and in the control group 32.61 in Part 1 and 36.75 in Part 2. Conclusions: In our research the level of anxiety and depression measured by self-assessment questionnaires was higher in the study groups than in the control group. Also cognitive functions were worse than in the healthy controls, especially among COPD patients


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    Background: In the literature we can find examples of comorbidity of the diseases of the respiratory tract and mental disorders. Among them a particularly significant position is occupied by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, which may be accompanied by anxiety, depressive and cognitive symptoms. The present research project was aimed to establish a connection between psycho-intellectual functioning and suffering from the aforementioned diseases. Subjects and methods: The patients were divided into 3 groups. In the asthma group there were 11 people, mean age 54, who met the GINA criteria for asthma. The group of patients with COPD was formed by 12 people, mean age 67. The control group included 13 people, mean age 48. Patients from all the groups underwent spirometry, sputum induction and the following tests: Mini- Mental State Examination (MSSE), Trail Making Test (TMT A and B), Beck Depression Inventory – BDI (Beck et al. 1961) and State- Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults - STAI 1 and 2. Results: In the TMT tests results were the following: We can presume some deficiency when the time required by a patient to complete the task is longer than 78 seconds for Part A and 273 seconds for Part B. In our research the best mean time was obtained in control group (Part A - 30.04 s, Part B – 67.37 s), then in the asthma group (Part A - 35.54 s, Part B – 98.81 s) and in the COPD group (Part A - 42.80 s, Part B – 107.79 s). In our research study the lowest score for the Beck Depression Inventory was obtained in the control group (mean 6.15), then in asthma (mean 9.63) and in COPD (mean 13.61). Results for State-Train Anxiety Inventory were distributed as follows: mean score in the asthma group was 36.48 in Part 1 and 43.27 in Part 2, in the COPD group 36.41 in Part 1 and 42.66 in Part 2 and in the control group 32.61 in Part 1 and 36.75 in Part 2. Conclusions: In our research the level of anxiety and depression measured by self-assessment questionnaires was higher in the study groups than in the control group. Also cognitive functions were worse than in the healthy controls, especially among COPD patients

    Vitamin D status of severe COPD patients with chronic respiratory failure

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to measure the concentrations of vitamin D in serum of COPD patients with chronic respiratoryfailure in comparison to healthy control group. The correlation between the levels of vitamin D in serum and the selectedclinical, spirometric and blood gas parameters was the additional aim of the study. Material and methods: The study included 61 patients with diagnosed COPD in stadium of chronic respiratory failure (45 menand 16 women) and 37 healthy controls (19 men and 18 women). The following procedure were performed in all studied subjects:detailed history (especially: daily activity, diet, tobacco and alcohol use), post-bronchodilator spirometry, assessment of 25(OH)Din serum and for COPD group only blood gas analysis. Recruitment for the study was conducted from November to April. Statisticalanalysis was performed using the following statistical methods: t-Student test, Mann-Whitney U test, Spearman correlationtest and Chi-kwadrat test. Results: There was no significant differences between COPD and control group for the levels of 25(OH)D in serum. Median andlower; upper quartile were respectively following: 24,75 nmol/l (16,9; 36,4) vs. 24,06 nmol/l (16,3; 37,2), p=0,69. Vitamin Ddeficiency was present in 60 COPD patients (98,3% of all patients) and in 36 control group subject (97,3% of all healthy volunteers).The difference was not statistically significant. The levels of vitamin D in serum did not significantly correlated with anyof studied parameters (spirometry, blood gas, age, the level of activity, BMI, tobacco smoke exposure and others). However, thelevel of activity in COPD group correlated positively with spirometry values and negatively with age and number of exacerbations. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that in autumn-winter time in Poland there are very frequent deficiency of vitaminD in serum not only in COPD patients in respiratory failure stage but also in elderly healthy persons. However, in contrary toexpectations the deficiency of vitamin D in COPD patients with respiratory failure were similar to that seen in healthy persons

    Stereotypes and prejudice against people of different cultures in the awareness of the students of nursing

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    In the 21st century, the world is more often referred to as the global village, and societies are called Internet or digital communities. Distance no longer has the same meaning as in the past. Therefore we often meet people of a different race or religious denomination not only in our virtual lives (the network), but in our daily and professional lives as well. Therefore, it seems essential in the modern world to be able to exist in multiculturalism. This is not an easy task, especially since stereotypes and prejudice are deeply ingrained in Polish culture and mentality. The aim of this study was to identify the opinions and knowledge of the students of nursing about stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination against people of different cultures. The research was conducted in a group of 100 students of nursing and used a questionnaire form and a test of knowledge designed by the authors. Statistical analysis used Statistica 9.0, the Mann-Whitney U test and Pearson’s test of correlation (χ2\chi^{2}). The level of knowledge about stereotyping, national and ethnic minorities has proven to be very low; it did not depend on the respondents' place of residence or the frequency of their trips abroad. The vast majority of students had some experience with stereotypes and prejudice. In the students' opinion, discrimination can be prevented by obtaining the information about other cultures. In their professional life, students of nursing will need to utilize much of their cultural competence. Therefore prospective healthcare professionals should be taught how to understand cultural differences and how to prevent discrimination. Nowadays not only emotional sensitivity or empathy, but also cultural sensitivity seem to be necessary in the work of nurses

    Usefulness of induced sputum in the diagnostics of selected chronic inflammatory airway diseases

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    Introduction: Based on the normal values for inflammatory cell counts in induced sputum produced by healthy individuals living in the region of Silesia, Poland, we assessed the usefulness of cytological examination of induced sputum in the diagnostic evaluation of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic bronchitis. Material and methods: We analyzed the results of examinations performed in 96 healthy individuals (controls), 42 patients with asthma, 49 with COPD and 30 with chronic bronchitis. We performed spirometry with salbutamol reversibility testing and examination of induced sputum in all the subjects. Those without contraindications underwent methacholine challenge testing. Results: We found a significantly elevated percentage of eosinophils in all the patient groups compared to the controls (p < 0.00001). Median values were 10.3% for asthma, 1.5% for COPD, 1.6% for chronic bronchitis and 0.3% for the controls. We found statistically significant differences in the mean neutrophil percentages in induced sputum between healthy individuals and asthma patients, COPD patients and chronic bronchitis patients (p < 0.05). The median values were 45.75%, 38.1%, 77.5% and 58.1%, respectively. The percentage of subjects with positive eosinophil counts (> 2.8%) in the sputum of patients with asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis and in the controls was 85%, 38%, 20% and 6%, respectively. Conclusions: 1. Cytological examination of induced sputum is a good test supporting the diagnostic evaluation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. 2. The percentage of eosinophils in induced sputum exceeding 2.8% is a very good indicator of asthma.Wstęp: Na podstawie wyznaczonych wartości prawidłowych dla składu komórek zapalnych w plwocinie indukowanej osób zdrowych zamieszkałych na Śląsku określono przydatność badania cytologicznego plwociny indukowanej w diagnostyce astmy oskrzelowej, przewlekłej obturacyjnej chorobie płuc (POChP) oraz przewlekłego zapalenia oskrzeli (PZO). Materiał i metody: Analizą objęto wyniki badań pochodzące od 96 zdrowych osób (grupa kontrolna), 42 osób chorych na astmę oskrzelową, 49 pacjentów chorych na POChP oraz od 30 osób chorych na PZO. Wszystkim badanym wykonano spirometrię z próbą odwracalności po inhalacji 200 &#956;g salbutamolu, badanie indukowanej plwociny oraz, osobom bez przeciwwskazań, badanie nadreaktywności oskrzeli z metacholiną. Wyniki: Stwierdzono znamiennie podwyższony (p < 0,00001) odsetek eozynofilów we wszystkich badanych grupach chorych w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Wartości median wynosiły: dla astmy oskrzelowej - 10,3%, dla POChP - 1,5%, dla PZO - 1,6%, dla grupy kontrolnej - 0,3%. Zauważono istotne statystycznie różnice (p < 0,05) pomiędzy średnimi odsetkami neutrofilów w plwocinie indukowanej osób zdrowych a chorymi na astmę oskrzelową, POChP i PZO. Wartości median wynosiły kolejno: 45,75%; 38,1%; 77,5% i 58,1%. Odsetek chorych z dodatnim wynikiem eozynofilów w plwocinie (> 2,8%) wynosił w grupie chorych na astmę oskrzelową 85%, chorych na POChP - 38%, chorych na PZO - 20%, w grupie kontrolnej - 6%. Wnioski: 1. Badanie cytologiczne indukowanej plwociny jest dobrym testem wspomagającym diagnostykę przewlekłych chorób zapalnych dróg oddechowych. 2. Odsetek eozynofilów w plwocinie indukowanej powyżej 2,8% z dużym prawdopodobieństwem potwierdza rozpoznanie astmy oskrzelowej

    Pierwotne guzy neuroendokrynne piersi, opis czterech przypadków

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    Breast neuroendocrine tumours are rare, accounting for up to 5% of all breasts tumours and approximately 1% of all neuroendocrine tumours. In most cases, breast neuroendocrine tumours are histologically and moderately well differentiated. Neuroendocrine breast tumours lack characteristic imaging patterns. The histopathological assessment of these tumours is difficult, and in most cases the correct diagnosis is made after proper examination of the postsurgical specimen.Guzy neuroendokrynne piersi są rzadkimi nowotworami, stanowią do 5 % guzów piersi i około 1% wszystkich guzów neuroendokrynnych. Większość zmian jest dobrze i umiarkowanie zróżnicowana, jednak  w badaniach obrazowych trudno wskazać cechy morfologiczne, które byłyby charakterystyczne dla tej grupy nowotworów. Ocena histopatologiczna również jest trudna i najczęściej właściwe rozpoznanie stawiane jest dopiero na podstawie materiału pooperacyjnego.

    Ocena niedoborów witaminy D w grupie pacjentów z ciężką przewlekłą obturacyjną chorobą płuc w stadium przewlekłej niewydolności oddechowej

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    WSTĘP: Celem pracy była ocena stężenia witaminy D w surowicy chorych z niewydolnością oddechową w przebiegu przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc POChP w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną złożoną ze zdrowych osób. Dodatkowym celem badania była analiza korelacji stężenia witaminy D w surowicy z wybranymi parametrami klinicznymi, gazometrycznymi i spirometrycznymi. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badaniem objęto 61 osób z POChP w stadium przewlekłej niewydolności oddechowej (45 mężczyzn oraz 16 kobiet) oraz 37 osób zdrowych w grupie kontrolnej (19 mężczyzn oraz 18 kobiet). W obydwu grupach wykonano następujące procedury: szczegółowy wywiad z uwzględnieniem aktywności ruchowej, diety i używek, spirometrię po leku rozszerzającym oskrzela, oznaczenie stężenia 25(OH)D w surowicy oraz w grupie badanej gazometrię krwi arterializowanej. Rekrutacja trwała od listopada do kwietnia. Analiza statystyczna została przeprowadzona za pomocą testu t-Studenta, testu U-Manna-Whitneya, korelacji porządku rang Spearmana i testu Chi-kwadrat. WYNIKI: Stężenia 25(OH)D w surowicy krwi nie różniły się istotnie statystycznie pomiędzy grupą badaną a grupą kontrolną. Mediana (dolny i górny kwartyl) wyniosły odpowiednio: 24,75 nmol/l (16,9; 36,4) v. 24,06 nmol/l (16,3; 37,2), p = 0,69. Niedobór witaminy D wystąpił u 60 chorych na POChP (98,3%) oraz 36 osób z grupy kontrolnej (97,3%), a różnica nie była znamienna statystycznie. Stężenie witaminy D nie korelowało istotnie statystycznie z żadnymi parametrami spirometrycznymi, gazometrycznymi, aktywnością, wiekiem, BMI ani paczkolatami palenia tytoniu. Natomiast oceniana aktywność korelowała dodatnio z parametrami spirometrycznymi i ujemnie z wiekiem oraz liczbą zaostrzeń. WNIOSKI: Wynik badania potwierdził, że w okresie jesienno-zimowym w Polsce niedobór witaminy D jest bardzo częsty nie tylko u chorych na POChP w stadium niewydolności oddechowej, ale także u osób zdrowych w podeszłym wieku. W przeciwieństwie do oczekiwań stężenia witaminy D w surowicy krwi u chorych na POChP z niewydolnością oddechową były podobne jak obserwowane w grupie kontrolnej złożonej z osób zdrowych.WSTĘP: Celem pracy była ocena stężenia witaminy D w surowicy chorych z niewydolnością oddechową w przebiegu przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc POChP w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną złożoną ze zdrowych osób. Dodatkowym celem badania była analiza korelacji stężenia witaminy D w surowicy z wybranymi parametrami klinicznymi, gazometrycznymi i spirometrycznymi. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badaniem objęto 61 osób z POChP w stadium przewlekłej niewydolności oddechowej (45 mężczyzn oraz 16 kobiet) oraz 37 osób zdrowych w grupie kontrolnej (19 mężczyzn oraz 18 kobiet). W obydwu grupach wykonano następujące procedury: szczegółowy wywiad z uwzględnieniem aktywności ruchowej, diety i używek, spirometrię po leku rozszerzającym oskrzela, oznaczenie stężenia 25(OH)D w surowicy oraz w grupie badanej gazometrię krwi arterializowanej. Rekrutacja trwała od listopada do kwietnia. Analiza statystyczna została przeprowadzona za pomocą testu t-Studenta, testu U-Manna-Whitneya, korelacji porządku rang Spearmana i testu Chi-kwadrat. WYNIKI: Stężenia 25(OH)D w surowicy krwi nie różniły się istotnie statystycznie pomiędzy grupą badaną a grupą kontrolną. Mediana (dolny i górny kwartyl) wyniosły odpowiednio: 24,75 nmol/l (16,9; 36,4) v. 24,06 nmol/l (16,3; 37,2), p = 0,69. Niedobór witaminy D wystąpił u 60 chorych na POChP (98,3%) oraz 36 osób z grupy kontrolnej (97,3%), a różnica nie była znamienna statystycznie. Stężenie witaminy D nie korelowało istotnie statystycznie z żadnymi parametrami spirometrycznymi, gazometrycznymi, aktywnością, wiekiem, BMI ani paczkolatami palenia tytoniu. Natomiast oceniana aktywność korelowała dodatnio z parametrami spirometrycznymi i ujemnie z wiekiem oraz liczbą zaostrzeń. WNIOSKI: Wynik badania potwierdził, że w okresie jesienno-zimowym w Polsce niedobór witaminy D jest bardzo częsty nie tylko u chorych na POChP w stadium niewydolności oddechowej, ale także u osób zdrowych w podeszłym wieku. W przeciwieństwie do oczekiwań stężenia witaminy D w surowicy krwi u chorych na POChP z niewydolnością oddechową były podobne jak obserwowane w grupie kontrolnej złożonej z osób zdrowych

    Anti-inflammatory, Anti-fibrotic and pro-cardiomyogenic effects of genetically engineered extracellular vesicles enriched in miR-1 and miR-199a on human cardiac fibroblasts

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    Rationale Emerging evidence indicates that stem cell (SC)- derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) carrying bioactive miRNAs are able to repair damaged or infarcted myocardium and ameliorate adverse remodeling. Fibroblasts represent a major cell population responsible for scar formation in the damaged heart. However, the effects of EVs on cardiac fibroblast (CFs) biology and function has not been investigated. Objective To analyze the biological impact of stem cell-derived EVs (SC-EVs) enriched in miR-1 and miR-199a on CFs and to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms. Methods and Results Genetically engineered human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPS) and umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) expressing miR-1 or miR-199a were used to produce miR-EVs. Cells and EVs were thoughtfully analyzed for miRNA expression using RT-qPCR method. Both hiPS-miRs-EVs and UC-MSC-miRs-EVs effectively transferred miRNAs to recipient CFs, however, hiPS-miRs-EVs triggered cardiomyogenic gene expression in CFs more efficiently than UC-MSC-miRs-EVs. Importantly, hiPS-miR-1-EVs exhibited cytoprotective effects on CFs by reducing apoptosis, decreasing levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (CCL2, IL-1β1\beta, IL-8) and downregulating the expression of a pro-fibrotic gene – α\alpha-smooth muscle actin (α\alpha-SMA). Notably, we identified a novel role of miR-199a-3p delivered by hiPS-EVs to CFs, in triggering the expression of cardiomyogenic genes (NKX2.5, TNTC, MEF2C) and ion channels involved in cardiomyocyte contractility (HCN2, SCN5A, KCNJ2, KCND3). By targeting SERPINE2, miR-199a-3p may reduce pro-fibrotic properties of CFs, whereas miR-199a-5p targeted BCAM and TSPAN6, which may be implicated in downregulation of inflammation. Conclusions hiPS-EVs carrying miR-1 and miR-199a attenuate apoptosis and pro-fibrotic and pro-inflammatory activities of CFs, and increase cardiomyogenic gene expression. These finding serve as rationale for targeting fibroblasts with novel EV-based miRNA therapies to improve heart repair after myocardial injury